Free Pass (Free Will Book 1)

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Free Pass (Free Will Book 1) Page 11

by Kincheloe, Allie

  I glanced in the mirror and had to do a double-take. She was right. It wasn't too tight after all. It looked like it was made for me, not straight off the rack. Those torturous crunches I'd subjected myself to had paid off. Running my hands over the silky material, I contemplated wearing it tonight.

  "But what if he just wants to go get a burger or something? I'll be way overdressed."

  "We want to make him hungry. What kinda food y'all get ain't important! You just let me handle this. Kelsey's gonna make you mouth-watering. Jake Davidson'll be smacking his own mama to get a taste of you tonight."

  Diving back in my closet, she tossed out a pair of heels. "These are perfect. Add a little height to make him dream about them legs of yours wrapped around his waist."

  "Maybe these? He's got a thing for garters." I pulled some hose and such out of my drawer.

  "Don't all men, honey?" she laughed.

  Well, she might be right. But, he loved when I wore the garters before. To show him what he would be losing, I needed to be the most desirable me I could be. That meant a sexy dress, heels to make my legs look awesome, and undergarments that screamed 'fuck me'.

  "You gonna text him back and say yes?" Kelsey prompted.

  Oh shit, I never answered him! Tripping over my laundry, I flailed trying to keep myself upright. I stumbled into the nightstand. Searing pain stabbed through me and I just knew I had broken my hip. Holy crap that hurt. Tears of pain, physical pain, filled my eyes this time.

  "You okay, girl?"

  I nodded, but tears crept down my cheeks. Snatching up my stupid phone, I text him back.

  Me: Pick me up at 6. Better make it nice.

  Once I could open my mouth without releasing a scream, I whimpered, "That's gonna leave a mark."

  Kelsey and I left for class, but not before I debated grabbing an ice pack to put on my aching hip. We made plans to meet after our last class, so she could help me with my hair and makeup. Kelsey was the best friend a girl could ask for. I told her that and she laughed, telling me I'd do the same for her. She's right. I had done the same for her.

  Class today was just review for finals. This semester couldn't be over fast enough. Except my summer plans were still up in the air. Kelsey was going back to Georgia for the summer so I'd have to pay for our apartment alone. How on earth I'd be able to afford that, I didn't know.

  "Lost in your own world today, hmmm?" a soft voice interrupted my thoughts. Startled, I glanced around to see my entire class had left and I sat there alone, just me and my professor. My face heated, and I stuttered out an apology.

  "A lot on your mind, I suppose?" Professor Anderson actually looked interested. But there was no way I'd blab all this out on her. Nope, not happening.

  "Yes, ma'am," I answered, gathering up my things. "I'm sorry again for being so distracted."

  She let me walk out without saying anything else. I counted my blessings on that one. She's known to be a nosy one. I'd spent two hours daydreaming about Jake and summer plans. Not a good sign.

  I had to get my life straight—Jake or no Jake. This had to end.

  Kelsey'd beat me back to our apartment. Her makeup case all laid out on the table, she was ready for me. "Hey girl, you wanna go ahead and shower? We will get your hair done, then do your makeup."

  I turned the water on and waited for it to get hot. My reflection caught my attention. The puffiness around my eyes was going down, thank God. Maybe with makeup, I wouldn't look too bad.

  The heat and steam eased some of the tension from my shoulders. I stood under the stinging spray and prayed tonight went well. Austin was my past, and I wanted Jake to be my future. But he couldn't stay jealous. Austin and I wanted to keep something of a friendship. Jake needed to be understanding of that. But if it came down to a choice between which of them would be in my life, Jake had to know I would pick him. Surely he could see that?

  The last droplets of warmth disappeared into the ether and left me with an outpouring of near ice water. Wet, slipping feet fought me as I attempted to climb the glass to get away from the frigid water. I'd allowed my daydreams to force me into a cold shower. Awesomeness.

  Wrapped in my fuzzy robe, I turned myself over to Kelsey's talented hands. With a little coaxing, she wrangled my hair into a complicated, sophisticated look. Why could I never make my hair do that?

  Then, for makeup. Kelsey dabbed and blended, rubbing and smoothing. She painted my face with the modern-day equivalent of war paint. For war, I fought. A battle of love, for Jake's love. And this battle I fully intended to win. My future happiness depended on it.

  Could I be happy without him? Maybe so, but I didn't want to be. Each time Jake crossed my mind, my heart leapt, crying out that he's the one. My soul pled for me to keep him around, for his love filled my missing piece.

  Tonight, I'd show him what he had to lose. Tonight, he'd see what's at stake. And maybe, just maybe, he'd be willing to fight for me.

  Kelsey helped me finish getting ready. "You gonna knock that man's socks off, girl. He won't know what hit him."

  "Thanks, Kels," I whispered. And I had to admit, I looked damn good. I almost looked as good as that drawing Jake made of me.

  I gave her a big hug and tried not to cry. If I blubbered all over the beautiful makeup after she'd just spent all that time on making me perfect, Kelsey'd probably kick my ass.

  When you stood waiting and ready, the knock seemed to take ages to come. I opened the door and his mouth dropped. That's the response I'd hoped for. Rendering a gorgeous man speechless was quite a confidence booster.

  Jake advanced, his physical presence pushing me into the apartment. I gasped when he backed me into the wall. His intensity took my breath away, like a gust of wind ushering in a storm.

  His body pinned me to the wall and his forehead rested against mine. Wordless, ragged breaths fanned over my face silently screaming his desire. My hand came up to finger his tie, the silken fabric a textural tease. His fingers brushed against my cheek, and I shuddered at his first gentle touch. Why could we say so much more when neither of us spoke a single word?

  His movement sent the musky scent of his cologne wafting up to my nose. It was intoxicating, and I wanted to press myself to him. To be so close to him that the orange blossoms and woodsy vanillas of my perfume clung to his heated skin. No, I couldn't give in to him. He owed me an apology first.

  His lips crushed against mine. Releasing the tie, I pushed against his chest, while my other hand came up to tangle in his hair. His kiss kindled a spark deep within me, which soon became a raging blaze of desire. The fire between us melted my resistance and I clung to him.

  The open back of my dress tempted his roaming hands. His tender caress brought out goose bumps, and I moaned. Kelsey's cough broke through the smoky haze in my mind, and I remembered I should be upset. That he needed to earn back the right to curl my toes with his scorching kisses. Every ounce of self-control within me I wrangled into pushing him away. The burn of an unfinished kiss hung between us.

  Jake groaned, trying to recapture my lips with his own. But I didn't allow it. "No, we need to talk. I can't do this right now."

  Eyes heavy with desire, he stepped back. Holding my hands in his, he agreed, "You're right, we do. You look amazing. I'm gonna have a hard time keeping my hands off you."

  He gave a little tug, trying to pull me back to him. When I resisted, he grinned at me. "Are you ready to go then?" he finally asked.

  Kelsey shoved my purse between us, and nudged us out the door. He tucked me into the Jeep, but didn't try to kiss me again. When he turned into his drive, I wondered if he had lost his ever-loving mind.

  "I thought we were going out? If you think I'm just going to sleep with you and that makes it all better, you're wrong."

  A hurt look flashed briefly across his face. "I just wanted to have a little privacy, considering everything. Trust me?"


  His eyes brightened at my agreement, and he rewarded me with a soft
smile. I'd give him a chance, anything, for that smile. When he tugged me closer, and my body craved his very touch, that's when it hit me.

  I was in trouble.

  My willpower didn't have the best track record with resisting him. He didn't try to kiss me again and I was thankful. We needed to talk.

  Walking backward into the house, he pulled me along into the dining room. We stepped through the doorway and I gasped. A beautiful bouquet of red tulips graced the center of the table. The lights were dim, soft music played, and candlelight flickered softly. My heart fluttered at the romantic scene before me. Jake had really made an effort.

  Bringing my hand up, he brushed a kiss over my wrist. The soft sweep of his lips set my pulse racing.

  He grunted when he noticed the effect he had on me. "I'm sorry, Laney. I shouldn't have flipped out about you and Austin hanging out."

  Damn right, he should be sorry. I did nothing wrong. With a lifted eyebrow, I waited for him to continue. Two sentences was not enough apology for his little hissy fit.

  "Austin is still your boyfriend. And that kills me. I saw you with him and lost it. This isn't much of an excuse, but I was jealous. Plain and simple."

  "I figured that much out on my own." He wanted forgiveness, he'd have to work for it. It was too soon for him to think he can yell at me over nothing and us be all good.

  He pulled a chair out for me and nudged me toward it. Sinking down into it, I expected him to sit across from me. He didn't. No, he dropped to his knees beside me. "Laney, I'm an ass. I had no right to yell at you like that. I won't apologize for what I said. Every word I said, I believe to be the truth, and I stand behind that. But the delivery was inappropriate."

  His intense stare pinned me back in the chair. In that moment, I couldn't decide if I wanted to kiss him or shake him. My eyes filled with tears again. Rapid blinks shoved them back. Damn it, I would not cry again. I refused.

  He laid his head in my lap. Was he waiting for me to say something? But what? My mouth opened a couple times, but I bit back my words.

  "You make me crazy," is what finally escaped my lips.

  His hands slid up my hips. Arms now encasing me within their sphere, he raised himself up. The roughness of his hands on the bare skin of my back warmed me. "And what do you think you do to me? Damn, woman, you got me daydreaming about stabbing my own brother over you."

  A peal of giggles escaped then. The look of confusion on his face added to it. I shook with laughter and only his arms kept me upright. "I did stab Austin once," I finally choked out between laughs.

  "What? When?"

  "When I confronted him about Destin. Before he mentioned this fling. I didn't mean to really, I just had a pencil in my hand. I hit him, and forgot the pencil was there. He acted like I really hurt him, but he didn't even bleed. Much."

  "I'd have paid money to see that."

  He kissed me then, a light, testing sort of kiss. Gentle and teasing. Desire rumbled just below the surface, but Jake didn't push. His lips grazed mine a few times and his lips turned up in a smile.

  "So, are we okay then?" Dark, questioning eyes searched mine.

  Holding a grudge had never been my thing, plus, he really didn't do anything horrendous. Well, other than make me bawl my eyes out.

  "Yeah, I guess we are." I tried to play it cool, like I didn't cry myself to sleep over him. Like losing him wouldn't crush me.

  Chapter Thirty

  His lips were on mine. He kissed me like he may never have another chance. Emotion poured out of him through his kiss. I could have drowned from the force.

  He nudged my legs apart, moving between them like he belonged there. His lips never left mine. Hot hands floated across the smooth surface of my skin and stirred up waves of desire. Leaning forward into his kiss, my hands worked his tie free. He released me long enough to yank it over his head before ensnaring me once more in his net. I tugged at his shirt, desperate for access to his skin. Lust pummeled the last dredges of resistance. Like a hurricane ravages a beach, Jake's kisses wrecked my defenses. I relented, and knew from that moment on, I was his.

  Dragging his lips from mine, he nibbled his way down my jaw. The leisurely movement of his lips on my throat overwhelmed me. I catapulted out of the chair trying to get closer to him. My movements knocked him back on his ass. He stared up at me, and I couldn't help but moan. Even sprawled on the floor, hair mussed, clothing wrinkled, he was mouth-watering.

  I moved to straddle him, but the look in his eyes stopped me. The tension in his frame screamed predator. With slow, deliberate movements, he rose to his feet. A single finger, that's all he touched me with. He trailed it up my arm, and circled around behind me. I moved to turn.

  "Do not move."

  That commanding note in his voice when he ordered me to be still? Hell of a turn on. He closed in behind me, and his breath blew hot on the nape of my neck. I shivered. His hands grasped mine. His movements were slow, taunting. Up, down, up, down. Rough hands traced up over my arms. Fingertips brushed against my sensitive skin and I realized that he wrote on my skin with his fingers. J-A-K-E he sketched out, his teasing touch filling me with need. His invisible tattoo branded me his forever.

  Crisp cotton and buttons grazed my back when he shifted forward. I quivered at the contact. Jake's deep, rich chuckle was my reward, the vibration tormenting me. The friction of his movements caused my sensitive nipples to stand at attention and beg for his notice.

  "Sit back down. I'm going to get dinner." What? He could not be serious! All that temptation and he wanted to have dinner? A huff of disbelief escaped me. "You will need the energy for later." He stepped from behind me and moved toward the kitchen.

  "Oh no, you aren't leaving me!" I threw myself at him.

  Grabbing my wrist, he placed my hand on his pants, on the hard length that strained against his zipper. "This what you want? This what you crave?"

  I squeezed and his sharp exhale rushed past my cheek. His lips capture mine. He throbbed beneath my hand, hips moving as he thrust into my palm. "Yes," I begged. I ached for him. The pulsing at my core appealed for fulfillment. I pressed myself against him, my breasts crushed to his chest. He held me close, his touch gentle.

  "Come on then." He led me through the kitchen, stopping to flip the oven to 'Warm'. We got to the bedroom and he stopped. "Are you sure?"

  Why wouldn't I be sure? He'd never asked me that before. Nodding enthusiastically, I unhooked the halter on my dress and allowed it to fall at my feet. Standing before him in nothing but garters, hose, and sandals, I was vulnerable. He had the power to crush me with only a few words. Watching his tongue dart out to moisten his lips, his eyes darkened with lust, and I felt wanted. When his hot and eager hands slid over my bare skin, his possessive touch filled me with desire.

  "God, you are gorgeous," he whispered, his mouth nibbling my ear.

  I arched up into his touch. My hands slid between us, fingers frantic. His buttons refused to be undone and I cursed in frustration.

  "Easy, we have all night, love." He laid his hand over mine, his voice soothing. He drug his palm over the top of my hand and down my wrist.

  We may have had all night. But damn it, I wanted to touch skin. He pulled away from me chuckling, and it dawned on me I voiced that thought aloud. Well, it's true. He stepped over to his dresser, taking cuff links out of his sleeves. Emptied his pockets. Took off his belt. Tortured me with his every slow movement.

  I moved to him, and he took me gently into his arms. His lips drug across mine, slow, sensual. I tried to increase the tempo, and Jake eased back.

  "No," I begged, following him as he retreated.

  "My way or no way. I plan to make love to you tonight, not fuck you. So, we'll do this at my speed, or I end it and take you home. Understand?"

  His no-nonsense tone brought me to a halt and I whimpered in acquiescence. I didn't want him to stop. So I relaxed and allowed my body to dance to his rhythm. When his lips skimmed down my neck, my pulse quickened. His
touch evoked a song from me, memorized by his hands, the wordless tune humming from me with every breath.

  I tugged his shirt free from his pants, but made no move to unbutton it yet. I didn't want him to stop the exquisite massage he was giving me. I slipped one hand beneath his shirt to get the sweet contact I craved. He allowed the touch, and I almost sagged in relief. I forced myself to find some self-control, to keep from ripping the buttons right off his shirt.

  He kneeled before me. When his mouth closed over me, my breathing stopped. His beard scraped my thighs, but his tongue coaxed me toward heaven. I held his head tight. His way better not include a detour.

  My knees weakened and his arms held me up. "Like that, did you?" He chuckled. Like he couldn't tell. If I hadn't been so utterly happy, I'd have slapped that self-satisfied smirk right off his smug face.

  Rising to his feet, he nudged me back until I bumped into the bed. I laid down and he slipped the shoes from my feet. Running his hand over my hose-covered calf, he looked down at me. I moved to cover my chest, feeling exposed. "Don't. Please. I want to see you."

  My movements stopped, my eyes watching his face. His hungry eyes roamed over me. Almost black with his desire, they glittered in the dim light. When he reached for me once more, his look was worshipful. And worship me he did. His lips covered mine and his delicious weight pushed me into the mattress. When I worked the buttons free on his shirt, this time he allowed it. Shoving the smooth cotton off his shoulders, I sighed. Finally, free access to his bare skin. I arched up into him, desperate for skin on skin contact. His chest hair drug across my already hardened nipples and I moaned. He shed his pants and rejoined me on the bed.

  "Whether you choose me or not, I hope you've enjoyed this. I sure as fuck have," he muttered before kissing me again. Without taking his lips from mine, he fumbled for a condom on the nightstand. Like the rest of this evening, he kept things slow. Inch by glorious inch, he slid into me. His movements leisurely, deliberate. He nibbled at my throat as he moved slowly, in and out, over and over.


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