Vet's Desire

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Vet's Desire Page 7

by Angela Verdenius

  “Nothing to tell.” Scowling at the Coke that Rick placed before him, Tim picked it up and walked to the kitchen table. Dropping down into a chair, he took a deep swallow.

  “Sure there is.” Popping the tab of another can of Coke, Rick took the opposite chair and sat on it facing backwards, leaning his forearms on the top of the back rest and dangling the Coke can from the fingers of one hand. “Tell me what’s troubling you sweetheart.”

  That was usually his sarcastic line, damn it. “I don’t know why the hell Cherry married you.”

  “Don’t change the subject.”

  Tim shook his head. “Nothing to tell.”

  “Oh, come on. I shared the problems of my love life with you.”

  “That’s the difference. I don’t have a love life.”

  “Says you.”

  “Says me, because I know.” Tim placed the can squarely on the table. “You and Mike are regular old gossips, you know that? I can just see you both in your twilight years, sitting on the porch, sharing cake and coffee and chatting about your wrinkles and what you can do to fix your sagging arses.”

  “Men don’t get saggy arses. We get saggy bellies.”

  “Is that the official medical verdict?”

  “You’re right. Can you imagine Mike with a saggy belly?”

  “He’ll be pumping iron all the way to the grave. Probably bench press his coffin.”

  They both snickered.

  “Rick?” A sleepy voice came from the doorway and Tim turned around to see Cherry standing there, rubbing her eyes and looking all soft and sleep-mussed, her hair half out of a ponytail and her dressing gown skimming her knees.

  A plus-sized armful of sweetness that Rick just adored. In fact, his friend was already walking towards her with a sappy look on his face. Bending down, he kissed her tenderly on her lips, one hand brushing her hair back over her shoulders before slipping behind to gently tug the elastic band from her hair.

  Brushing the flour off his nose, Cherry smiled up at him. “You’ve been baking. You should have woken me and I’d have made it.”

  “Honey, you were so tired that I didn’t have the heart to.” Sliding his arm around her waist, Rick walked her to the kitchen table.

  “Hey, Tim.” She smiled easily, but he didn’t miss the blush on her round cheeks nor the way she brushed her hand down the front of her dressing gown to ensure that every button was neatly in its slot.

  Yeah, Cherry might be at ease in her husband’s presence, but she’d never gotten over her self-consciousness when around other men. But under Rick’s care she was improving, for she didn’t immediately go and get dressed, instead staying at the table and accepting the glass of iced chocolate her husband handed to her before he sat down, tugging his chair up beside hers and looping his arm around the back of her chair.

  “Tim was just telling me how Cindy has him tongue-tied,” Rick said cheerfully.

  “Cindy?” Cherry looked curiously at him.

  “Your husband is so starved for gossip he’ll make up anything,” Tim said. “Don’t you have any juicy gossip at the hospital to tell him? Hot nurses, randy patients, handy doctors for that matter? Anything at all?”

  “Our hospital isn’t exactly a cess pool of rampant, torrid affairs.”

  “Then it needs to be.”

  Smiling, she took a sip of the iced chocolate.

  “So, what do you think caused the tongue-tie?” Interest shone in Rick’s eyes.

  “I don’t think it’s polite to ask,” Cherry said.

  “Hey, he came here to chat.” Rick twirled a lock of her hair around one finger, his gaze steadily - and laughingly - fixed on Tim. But there was also a touch of curiosity.

  Uh-oh, that never boded well. Once his friend had the bit between his teeth, he wouldn’t let go easily.

  “I called around to say g’day,” Tim informed Cherry. “I happened to mention being tongue-tied and Cindy in the same conversation and Rick started obsessing. Me.” He placed a hand on his chest. “I’m fine as ever. In fact, I’m heading to the Bevan Club to see if I can score tonight.”

  “Yeah, you looked dressed for it.” Rick grinned. “Don’t lie to me, old son.”

  “Look, Dad, I was just on my way home to change, all right? Seriously, you need to get out more.”

  “Nah. I have everything I need right here.” Rick squeezed Cherry, making her blush as he kissed her ear.

  His friend had never spoken a truer word and it showed in his manner. He was the very picture of a contented, married man, more than happy with the path his life had taken.

  Which was all very well for him, but Tim wasn’t a marrying man and women were for flings, not ever afters.

  Well, some women, not all, and he made sure he only hung around with the fling chicks, not the ever afters. Okay, he amended silently, he hung around a little with Cherry and Maddy, because they were both a part of his best friends’ lives, but that was it. Well, apart from his vet nurses but that was work only, and Nancy, his sixty year old neighbour whom he took on dates to his mother’s parties to annoy the shit out of her, but that was it. Oh, and clients were off limits, too.

  Geez, he was getting a headache just thinking about it.

  Shaking his head, he drained the last of the Coke and stood up. “Well, gotta get going.”

  “Do you want to stay for tea?” Cherry asked.

  “Thanks, but no. I’m off for some fun.” He looked at Rick. “Any final words of advice, Dad?”

  “Pack your condoms.”

  Cherry took refuge in her drink.

  “Be safe,” Rick continued, straight-faced. “Don’t drink too much. Take a taxi home. Call me when you get in.”

  “The first four I’ll do, the last is in your dreams.”

  Bidding them farewell, Tim got in his car and drove home. The house was quiet as normal and Janet’s usual note was ready. His dinner was in the ‘fridge to warm up.

  Tim looked around. His bachelor home was neat as a pin and as quiet as the grave. The only sounds were the soft hum of the ‘fridge. It was around this time the night before when Cindy had phoned and he’d gone to her rescue.

  What a romantic, absolutely stupid thought. He’d gone and done his job.

  The phone rang and he picked it up, glancing at the caller ID and losing heart almost immediately. Clicking the phone on, he put it to his ear and said politely, “Mother.”

  “I’m just checking to ensure that you’re still coming to my party on Saturday night.”

  “I’m actually thinking of skipping it.”

  “You’re going to skip your own Aunt’s birthday? The woman who took a chance on you?”

  Jesus. “I’ll send her a birthday card.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she’ll be touched. She’s been telling everyone that her favourite nephew is coming. Now she can tell them he sent her a card instead.” The frosty disapproval was overlaid with tart expectance.

  “Shit. Fine. Yes, I’m still going.”

  “You’ve got a date, I trust.”

  “Well, the demand was torched with the words ‘Tim and Date.’ I rather thought the summons from Hell was pretty straight forward.”

  “Don’t be dramatic, Timothy.”

  Goddamn it, his mother had the knack of making him feel like a naughty ten year old. As usual.

  “I’m sorry, Mother. I’m standing here with a hard-on while my current chick is waiting half dressed for me. In the lounge.” He waited a heartbeat. “On the floor.”

  “I don’t expect any better.”

  “Then you won’t be disappointed. Glad I made you proud yet again.” Tim hung up the phone.

  Shit. Moodily, he contemplated his kitchen. Now he had to find a date. Time to visit Nancy.

  Striding out of the kitchen and down the hallway, he went out the front door. Standing on the stoop, he looked over at his neighbour’s house. Yep, her light was on. She was probably in there watching porn while smoking her cigars.

  Walking up to
her door, he rapped smartly and waited.

  It didn’t take long before it swung wide open and Nancy stood there in all her glory and looking older than her sixty years. The mini-skirt she wore showed wrinkly legs and her high heels made her totter even as she stood on one spot. Tonight her short, curly hair was dyed white with a wide black streak running down the middle of it. A lipsticked mouth so red it almost burned his eyeballs out just looking at her turned up into a wide smile, revealing her dentures. The fake front right tooth had a minute gold rose stuck to it.

  Nancy was one classy chick. He grinned.

  “Timmo!” Nancy grabbed his hand.

  “Are you watching porn?”

  “Oh honey, am I ever.” She giggled.

  Her giggle wasn’t anything like Cindy’s. Actually, Tim had the brief thought that maybe this would be Cindy in about forty years time, in tight clothes, high heels and outrageous - everything.

  That made him wonder if she watched porn. He’d have to ask her.

  No, he wouldn’t! Jesus!

  Shaking the thought away, as tantalizing as it was, Tim shook his head. “And you didn’t invite me over to watch it with you? I’m so disappointed.”

  Nancy winked brazenly at him. “I was afraid you’d get carried away and have your dirty, dirty way with me.”

  “Exactly. And you’d ruin me for all the other women out there wanting a piece of me.”

  “Probably a good thing I didn’t invite you.” Nancy jerked her thumb over her shoulder. “My friend Bert is visiting.”

  Tim’s brows rose, though he wasn’t really that surprised. “Your friend? You’re watching porn with your friend?”

  “We class it as educational.” She winked, her hand fluttering to land on her large bosom. “Let’s just say, we’re getting some pointers.” Her laugh this time was downright bawdy. “Or, should I say, Bert’s getting a pointer!”

  “Seriously, I don’t think I should be hearing this.” He could barely maintain his stern façade.

  “Says the stud of the neighbourhood - oh hell, the stud of the city!” She nudged him with her elbow.

  “Hey! Nancy!” The rough-hewn voice bellowed from the depths of the house. “This film is on hold, but I’m old! I can’t be on hold for much longer! I forgot my Viagra, you know!”

  “Oops!” Nancy waved to Tim. “Catch you later, sugar.”

  “Wait.” Tim held up one hand. “I need a date Saturday night.”

  “Your Mum’s party?”

  “Yeah. You in?”

  “Will she have those dishy waiters again?”

  “Probably new ones. She wasn’t impressed when you hit on that young bloke who turned out to be gay.” Tim grinned. “Now he’s bi, thanks to you.”

  “My lucky day. Who knew he was into older women? That surprised us both.” She cackled. “Honey, I am so there.”

  “Nancy!” Bert bellowed. “We gotta hurry, woman, I’m starting to deflate!”

  Just the image was enough to make Tim inwardly shudder.

  “Ta-ta, Timmo!” Nancy shut the door in his face.

  Shaking his head, Tim returned to his house. He really needed to get laid and forget about Cindy, Nancy, Bert, his mother and everyone else.

  A half hour later he was dancing in the club, watching the slim nymphette shimmying in front of him, her sparkling dress low cut to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of her breasts.

  They weren’t very big, which shouldn’t have mattered because he rather preferred a moderate handful, which was exactly what this nymphette had - a nice, moderate handful. Certainly not an ample bosom that threatened to explode out of a tight top.

  Seriously, he really needed to get laid.

  Grabbing her hand, he towed her back to the bar and sat her down, swinging easily up onto the stool beside her. “So, Sharon, how about we ditch this club and go somewhere private?” He smoothed his hand down her trim thigh.

  “Sure.” Grabbing her glass, she tipped back her head and swallowed the last of the vodka, her elegant throat working as the liquid slid down. Replacing the glass on the bar, she smiled sultrily. “Your place?”

  “How about yours?” He smoothed his hand a little higher up her thigh, working his fingertips under the hem of her skirt. “Mine is being repainted.” No way did he take women back to his home. That was his sanctuary, not for his flings.

  “Okay.” Smiling, she took his hand and started to lead him from the club.

  Not a good sign. He led the women, they didn’t lead him. In a firm move, he turned their hands so that his was above hers, holding her in an undeniable dominant gesture, and he stepped ahead of her so that she followed him.

  Outside, he hailed a taxi and opened the door to let her in first.

  “Wow, a true gentleman.” Sliding in, she gave him a good eyeful of thigh as she moved across the seat to allow him to get in beside her.

  “Where to?” The taxi driver glanced at them in the mirror.

  Sharon gave her address and the taxi moved out into the traffic.

  “So, Tim.” She smiled at him. “You’re having your home painted?”

  “That’s right.” Settling back in the seat, he gazed out at the passing lights.

  “New house, is it?”

  And there it was, the snooping. “Not really.”

  “You’ve had it awhile, then?”

  “It’s old.” Turning to her, he gave her his full attention, secretly amused when she blushed just a little. Had to be a bloody good actress to blush like that. “So, Sharon.” He almost purred her name.


  And just like that he fell easily into his smooth line of talk, asking her general things while appearing to be deeply interested. Actually, he was studying her. Out of the noisy club and spinning lights, he could get a good idea of her looks and attitude. Or some of it. The main thing was that she was female, beautiful, slim and, most of all, mercenary. Just the kind of woman with whom he could have sex and walk away from without a backward look or thought. Gratification, that was the plan, and he knew it would be gratification for them both.

  Only he intended to end it right after he walked out her door, whereas she was no doubt planning to get her hooks into him. Not gonna happen, baby.

  Her home was a typical up-and-coming career woman with some money. Neat, feminine, with a touch of class. The air was fragrant with artificial scent that was expelled from a spray can high up on a shelf in the hallway and on her bookcase as well, he saw as he started to enter her lounge.

  Walking ahead to a well-stocked bar in the corner, Sharon dropped her lacy, black, barely-there cardigan on a bar stool and reached for a bottle of wine. “Drink?”

  “Sure.” Crossing to the bookshelf, Tim studied the tomes. Law books, almost every one. The few novels there were autobiographies.

  Turning slowly, hands in his pockets, Tim’s gaze dropped to the low coffee table. Several magazines, big and glossy, were spread artfully on the top. Class practically screamed at him.

  Crossing the room, Sharon handed him a glass of wine. “Like what you see?” She took a slow slip from the glass she held.

  “Nice.” He couldn’t help but add, “Classy.”

  “Thank you.” Taking another sip, she reached out and splayed her hand on the front of his shirt. “So, Tim…”

  Reaching out, Tim took her glass and placed it with his glass on the bookshelf before resting his hands on her waist. “So, Sharon…”

  One sway forwards and she was in his arms.

  The woman practically attacked him. Her mouth slanted beneath his, her hands were beneath his shirt, and long nails scratched lightly across his abdomen. She tugged at the waist of his pants and pulled him towards her, taking a step back as she did so.

  This woman wanted to be in charge and Tim was having none of it. He took a step back, pulling her with him, taking over the kiss.

  After a surprised gasp, Sharon practically wilted in his arms. A practiced woman in the arts of seduction she might be, but h
e was a master, and damned if it was going to change.

  The phone rang and when she would have reached blindly for it, he caught her fingers and entwined them with his own. “Leave it,” he breathed into her mouth before taking possession of it once again.

  He had cause to regret it when Cindy’s voice said clearly, “Sharon, you randy hag. Bet you’ve got some poor sucker trapped against your book shelf while you pretend to be all submissive!”

  Lifting his head, Tim looked down into Sharon’s eyes, shocked to hear Cindy’s voice, shocked that she knew exactly what they were up against, and even more stunned to see the guilt in Sharon’s eyes.

  “Just calling to tell you that I’ve a new baby here if you want to pop around tomorrow and see him on your way home. Now I’ll let you get back to your shagging. Bye!”

  Every bit of desire fled as Cindy spoke and by the time she’d rung off, Tim felt…well, Jesus, he felt dirty. As though he’d been sprung cheating. Bloody hell!

  Grabbing Sharon, he yanked her back into his arms and started kissing her again.

  More than willing to take up where they’d left off, she pressed herself to him while tugging the shirt tails from his pants and sliding her hands right down the back of his trousers.

  Taking control again.

  Not going to happen.

  Grabbing her hands, he tried to continue kissing, but damn if the moment wasn’t gone. His lust had vanished. He tried to get it back, tried to arise, as it were, to the occasion, but it was a no go. His desire for a beautiful woman, for some hot sex, was gone.

  Before he knew what was happening, he’d pulled her hands completely off him and was pushing her back.

  “Tim?” Puzzled, Sharon looked at him.

  “Uh - sorry.” Shoving a hand through his hair, he started to move towards the doorway. “Look, this isn’t working out-”


  “I’m sorry. I don’t feel-”

  “You were as hard as jack hammer a second ago.” Sharon’s eyes flashed angrily.

  He sure as hell wasn’t now. “Look, let’s take a rain check on this, okay?” Giving her a winning smile over his shoulder, he added blithely, as he’d done countless times before, “It’s not you, sugar, it’s me.”

  “It for sure is!” Striding furiously past him, she whipped open the door. “You men who blow hot and cold make me sick! Think you can string us along and have all the power, and then leave us standing while bleating that it’s not us, but you! Out, you jerk!” The door slammed behind him.


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