Vet's Desire

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Vet's Desire Page 25

by Angela Verdenius

  Unlocking the door, he ushered a silent Cindy inside the car, shut the door and went around to the driver’s side.

  “Timothy!” Dr Clarke shrieked. “If you leave now, you’ll never see a penny, not a penny!”

  Getting into the car, he started the engine.

  “If you leave now,” she screamed, “You are never to come back, do you hear me? I disinherit you!”

  Putting the car into gear, he drove away from the mansion, leaving his mother ranting on the staircase.

  The silence in the car was soothing. The wind whipped past the open window and every bit of tension left Tim.

  Right now everything in the world felt right. Safe. Just as it should be, with Cindy by his side and his past behind him. The future was spread out, clear and inviting.

  “Wow.” Cindy cleared her throat. “Okay…”

  He flicked a glance sideways to find her biting her lip.

  A flick of the indicator and he was pulling them over under the shelter of a tree next to a service station, turning the engine off as they came to a halt. Silently he watched the cars pulling in to fill up on petrol, people going about their lives.

  Every word his mother screamed at him, her conniving ways, it was all in the past. No more going to her wretched parties, no more having to listen to her phone calls. That’d take some getting used to, but he felt so free.

  So very free.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Pardon?” He looked across to where Cindy sat in the passenger seat, her troubled gaze on him.

  “I’m sorry. About the row…” She tried again. “With your mother.”

  “Yeah. That was something.” Leaning back against the seat, he drew in a deep breath. “And unbelievably liberating.”

  She stared at him for several seconds before shifting closer. “Tim?”


  “Are you all right?”

  His smile was slow but sure. “Never better.”

  She glanced away.

  Looking at her, he saw the troubled way she continued to chew her lip, the tension in her shoulders. “Cindy, how much did you hear?”


  “Shit.” Straightening, he reached out to rest a hand on her thigh. “My mother can be such a cruel, thoughtless bitch. Her words were just that, cruel and thoughtless.”

  “Um, yeah.” Still she didn’t look at him.

  “Cindy, you’re worth more than her, more than any of those high society women.”

  Her gaze dropped to her lap.

  “I know her comments about your figure must have hurt, but trust me, it’s her opinion only.”

  Her gaze flashed up. “You think I’m worried about me?”


  “You idiot!”

  Tim blinked.

  Unclipping the seat belt, Cindy turned in the seat to face him, the light from the service station revealing the concern on her face. “I’m worried about you!” She smacked his arm smartly.


  “Your mother disinherited you because of me!”

  “So?” Rubbing his arm, he eyed her warily. “It was no contest.”

  “No contest? Your mother and you fell out because of me!”

  “My mother and I were never together as a true son and mother,” he pointed out.


  “No.” Grabbing her upper arms, he pulled her towards him, leaning across the brake so that they could be closer. “No, you listen to me, Cindy Lawson. A choice between her worthless, soulless riches, and the real, warm, alive you, is no contest. Never has been, never will be.”


  “No buts. I’ve lived surrounded by cold objects, and they’re no substitute for love. I’d rather be a pauper with you by my side than a miserable rich bastard alone in my ivory tower. That’s my past now. You’re my now, and my future.”

  Her lips parted. “Really?”

  “Really.” Leaning forward, he kissed her gently on the lips and immediately her scent filled him. “Only you. Always you.”

  He drew his head back slightly so that he could look at her.

  “Tim,” she whispered, “What if one day you regret this? What if you realise you might have made a mistake, the wrong decision?”

  “This is the right decision.” He needed her to understand, to know how he felt. “I love you, Cindy. I really love you, and it’s not the ‘maybe’ kind, or the ‘for now’ kind.”

  Her blue eyes started to sparkle with a sheen of tears.

  “This is the ‘forever’ kind,” he said.

  “How can you be so sure? Your emotions are shot to pieces, so much has happened in such a short time tonight. You need time to think, to-”

  “Seriously?” He gazed intently into her eyes. “You really believe this is a spur of the moment thing?”

  “Yes.” She nodded, a tear spilling out to slip down her cheek. “I think.”

  Gently he wiped away the tear with his thumb, tenderness spilling through him, though admittedly tinged with frustration. “You want me to think about this, don’t you?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded.

  “I know I don’t have to.”

  She sniffed, lifting her hand to wipe away another tear.

  It was too sudden for her, he knew. Cindy wasn’t a woman who acted immediately when it came to something important. She analysed it, studied it, and right now she wasn’t sure that he was thinking straight.

  And that led to another thought.

  Slipping his finger beneath her chin, he titled her head up slightly. “What are you feeling right now, Cindy?”

  “I know what I feel.”

  “Tell me.”

  “No. I want you to think tonight through before I say anything.”

  This was an unexpected happening and he released her slowly, studying her. Part of him was a little hurt that she didn’t trust him enough to share her feelings, but part of him understood.

  Her family was warm and loving, and what had occurred between him and his mother tonight had disturbed her. She wasn’t so certain that he knew what he’d been doing when he’d chosen her, when he’d said what he did, when he’d proclaimed his love.

  Not quite the happy moment he’d contemplated.

  “Give me something,” he said quietly, needing it to have hope.

  Reaching out, she cupped his cheek and leaned in to kiss him, soft and sweet but too brief. Pulling back, she looked up at him before saying softly, “Take me home.”

  Without another word he started the engine and pulled out of the service station. He dropped her off at the front door, watching until she was safely inside before he went home.

  It was only when he pulled into his driveway that he realised he had her car.

  No biggie, he had every intention of returning it real soon.


  He hadn’t called. Cindy stared at the phone, her heart heavy one minute, lifting the next. But the time dragged on, seconds to minutes and minutes to hours. Two days and she’d heard nothing, but that meant he had to be thinking, right? Which was a good thing…right?

  Echoing in her ears was every word Tim had said, every word she’d heard as she stood in the corridor on her way back from the bathroom. She hadn’t been able to help herself, standing there and listening. Her heart falling when it had seemed as though he’d actually choose the inheritance over her, and then the joy when he’d proclaimed his love for her.

  But had it been for the benefit of his mother, a knee-jerk reaction to her outrageous demands?

  Alex and Marty were sitting in her lounge, eating popcorn and watching a dubious movie that seemed to be more bare breasts than actual story. They cast her a few curious glances but said nothing.

  Normally Marty would pry but Alex’s presence seemed to help deter him. Or, more likely, Alex had simply told him to shut up and mind his business.

  Al raced around, hanging off Alex’s jeans and pulling himself up onto the sofa, climbing the
back of it with agile precision before scooting along the back of it, his eyes bright and his tail up like a little antennae.

  She smiled, reaching out to ruffle his fur. He pawed at her hands before shooting over to plunk himself on Marty's shoulder and sniff at the popcorn he was putting into his mouth.

  “Ohhh, baby.” Marty made sounds of appreciation as even bigger breasts appeared on the screen. “Let’s hear it for corny, B-grade, seventies movies!”

  “Sure it’s not porn?” Cindy asked.

  “No, it’s the seventies movies. Bare breasts and -”

  “Smut, as Mum would say.” Alex happily munched on popcorn.

  Cindy returned to staring out of the window. She knew what she felt, she had to admit she’d known since the moment Tim had said ‘How about forever?’ in the vet’s office. She’d laughed before looking at him as the meaning had hit her. But then he’d sort of panicked, his eyes widening as he realised what he’d said, and his hurried ‘I didn’t mean-’ let her know that he hadn’t thought about it. Not the forever part, anyway.

  Seeing how much her heart had lifted and dropped and basically pinged around in her chest that day, it was a wonder she hadn’t had a heart attack.

  If he decided he didn’t love her, she sure as hell knew she was going to have a broken heart.

  Why didn’t he call? The only thing she’d heard was from Maddy to say that Tim had delivered an unwanted, elderly, yowling cat to one of her patients, who was utterly delighted with him. The cat, not Tim. Apparently the owner had died and the daughter hadn’t wanted anything to do with it, but now, thanks to Tim, it had a new loving home and a doting new owner.

  When the phone rang, she jumped.

  “Hey.” Marty eyed the phone and then her. “Want me to answer it?”

  “No.” She picked it up, her hands trembling a little. “Tim?”

  “No, it’s Maddy.”

  Her heart fell in disappointment. “Oh, hello.”

  “Turn on the TV.”

  “It is on.”

  “What channel?”

  “I don’t know. Alex and Marty are watching some smutty show.”

  “Turn it on to channel 3.”


  “Just do it. And don’t turn it off straight away, okay?”

  “Well, okay, but-” She stared at the phone as Maddy hung up. “Okay.”

  “What’s wrong?” Alex asked.

  “Maddy said to change the TV to channel three.”

  “What?” Marty practically whined. “But it’s boobs, sis, boobs!”

  Alex simply grabbed the control and flipped the channel.

  Curious, Cindy came up behind the sofa and leaned on the back of it.

  “An ad for chocolate.” Marty huffed in disgust and folded his arms. “Big freakin’ deal.”

  Tossing the remote back onto the table, Alex resumed munching on popcorn.

  Cindy watched as Al stuck his nose in the packet of popcorn and proceeded to pull one out, tossing it through the air to land on Alex’s socks.

  Laughing, Alex grabbed the kitten just as he was launching himself after the popcorn and picking up one of the toys from the basket beside the sofa, he tossed a tinkling ball across the floor. Diverted, Al took off after it.

  “Hey!” Marty reached back to tap Cindy’s arm. “Isn’t that Tim?”

  She glanced at the TV. “No, it can’t be. It-“ She stopped, her eyes widening in surprise.

  Yes, it was Tim. He was standing before a blue screen with little hearts and kittens all over the back of it. In his hand he held a small box. His normally happy face was serious, his brown eyes seeming to stare directly at her. Instead of his usual t-shirt with the racy sayings on it, he wore a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

  The man looked sexy as sin. Her heart bumped in her chest and she actually pressed a hand to her chest.

  “Hi, I’m Tim Clarke,” Tim said, his voice steady, even, not a tremble of uncertainty evident. “And I’m here to tell the world that I love Cindy Lawson. I love every luscious bit of her, her kindness, her gentleness-”

  “Is he talking about our Cindy?” Marty gaped.

  Alex elbowed him in the side. “Shut up.”

  “Her sexiness and her total hotness,” Tim was saying.

  Cindy’s mouth dropped open in disbelief, her heart thundering. He was on national television, telling everyone he loved her! Oh God!

  “My life wasn’t complete until Cindy came along,” Tim continued, his gaze seeming to look right at her as though he could actually see her. “I made a choice, Cindy, and it was the best - the only - choice I could ever have made. I chose you then, and I choose you now. I love you, Cindy. Marry me.” He opened the little box and there was a glint of a ring.

  A huge heart swelled to fill the screen along with romantic music, and he disappeared from sight.

  “So we sit and wonder what the answer will be!” came the voice over. “Will Cindy Lawson, our local Party Girl, accept the proposal of the local Playboy Vet, or will she break his heart forever? We can only wonder! Now back to our regular scheduled viewing.”

  Just like that it was over, a movie reappearing.

  Cindy stared at the TV, her mouth open.

  Alex and Marty stared at her, their mouths open.

  “Holy shit,” said Marty.

  “Got that right,” Alex agreed.

  The door bell rang, and when it rang for a second time while the siblings remained staring at each other, Alex started to get to his feet.

  “No.” Numbly, Cindy placed her hand on his shoulder. “I’ll get it.”

  Leaving the lounge, her mind whirling in disbelief, she could only shake her head. He’d actually asked he to marry him in front of the nation. Everyone would know - his mother, her parents, their friends, everyone who watched the television at that time. And those who didn’t know soon would, for this kind of thing jumped into the gossip circles like lightening.

  Every magazine and newspaper would be ringing her.

  Still in a daze, she opened the door.

  “So,” said Tim. “I’ve thought about it.”

  She could only stare at him. He looked so good in jeans and sneakers and one of his ridiculous t-shirts. The cartoon horse on it had buck teeth and crossed eyes, and it was down on its knees with its front hooves crossed. Printed underneath was Please Say Yes.

  “I thought a lot, actually.” He moved up the steps until he was standing directly in front of her.

  “You went on TV,” she finally managed to whisper.

  “And I thought, how can I convince my luscious babe that I really want her?” He took another step forward and she took one back.

  His brown eyes held an intensity she’d never seen before, but there was also a light, tenderness. Determination. A heady mix.

  Reaching out, he cupped her nape and drew her to him, while taking another step forward and making her retreat in time with his progress.

  “And I thought,” he said softly, “Let’s make it known for once and for all, to everyone in the city, the state, hell, the whole country, just who it is I love. Who it is. So I asked myself, how could I do that?”

  They were now in the hallway and he moved further in, guiding her backwards.

  “You went on TV.” Heart thundering, her blood racing through her veins, Cindy could only look incredulously up at him.

  At the man who meant so much to her, the man with whom she’d fallen in love.

  “So I went on TV,” he agreed. “I went on there and I bared my soul. I told everyone that I love Cindy Lawson, and I asked her to marry me.” He kicked the door shut behind him, the dimness of the hallway surrounding them in cool quietness. “I didn’t want there to be any hesitation, any doubt, as to whom I love. So now I’m waiting…”

  Her hands actually shook, her breathing uneven as emotions swirled through her. Love, warmth, so much she wanted to say.

  His eyes softened, his hand sliding down from her n
ape to her shoulder and further down to capture her hand. “Will you marry me, Cindy Lawson?”

  “Yes.” It was a small whisper in the air, but he heard it.

  With a smile so big it practically lit up the hallway, Tim lifted her hand and slid a ring onto her finger.

  And then he kissed her.

  She clung to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing close, kissing him back almost desperately.

  “I love you,” she whispered against his lips. “I love you so much.”

  “Ditto,” he whispered back, and then he grinned.

  She giggled.

  “Whoa,” said a voice.

  She looked around to see Marty and Alex standing in the hallway, Al bouncing around their feet.

  “Welcome to the family, I’m guessing?” Marty had his eyebrows raised.

  Cindy leaned her head against Tim’s chest, snuggling up to him as his arms cradled her close. “You’re guessing right.”

  “Okay then.” He strode past her. “That’s our cue to go, I’m also guessing.”

  “Yeah,” said Tim. “You guessed right again.”

  Alex picked up Al, winked at Cindy and followed his brother. “We’ll take the nephew with us to Mum’s.”

  The door closed behind them, leaving Cindy and Tim alone in the hallway.

  He seemed more than content to stand there with her cradled in his arms, his cheek on top of her head.


  “Yeah, luscious babe?”

  “You really told everyone, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, I did.” The supreme satisfaction in his voice had her giggling.

  “You do know you’ll have to face everyone at work?”


  “And your Mum will know.”



  “Don’t care. I’ve got you.”

  “Mike and Rick will know.”

  “Shit.” He shrugged. “Okay, not panicking. Nope, still don’t care.”

  Leaning back in his arms, she looked up at him, her love feeling as though it was going to overwhelm her. “I love you, Tim.”

  “I love you.” He rubbed the tip of his nose against hers.

  She wanted him so much, his love, his scent, his body, his soul. “Come on.” Stepping back, she tugged on his t-shirt. “I’m hungry.”


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