Mark (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 2)

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Mark (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 2) Page 106

by Becca Fanning

  “Good morning, this is Harold.”

  “Hi Harold, it’s Nesha. I came in this morning and I can’t find the fatigue mat I normally stand on.” Nesha looked around her station again.

  “We had to remove that, Nesha. New policy at the bank.”

  Nesha frowned. “Why?”

  “They’re a tripping hazard. Our district manager sent a memo last night.”

  “I understand the whole safety first thing, Harold, but this mat really helped my feet and back.” Nesha hoped he heard the pleading in her voice. Maybe he would make an exception. The balls of her feet throbbed in protest.

  “Be that as it may, they’re no longer allowed at this bank.”

  “I understand. Bye, Harold.” Nesha hung up the phone in defeat. Her hand dipped to her lower back and she winced at the dull ache. Her eyes went back to the flowers and she decided that today would be a test of mind over matter. She turned the flowers around. A small envelope poked out of the bouquet which she hadn’t noticed before.

  Her heart skipped a beat. A note! Flowers were enough to get a gal excited, but she hadn’t been given a romantic note in a long time. Way too long, she decided. She took the lace fringed envelope in her hand. Her fingers played over the small waves embossed on the front.

  “Ahem,” a rail thin hipster girl coughed from the customer line. The eyes behind her thick black rimmed glasses were dull with boredom. In one hand she had a cellphone, in the other an opened envelope. She gestured with the phone in a way that told Nesha that it never left that hand. “I need to pay a bill.”

  “I’d be happy to help you. Did you need to draft a money order?” Smiling, Nesha put the small envelope back in the bouquet and gave the girl her full attention.

  “I don’t know what that is, but I need to pay this bill. See?” The girl unfolded her bill and pointed at it.

  “Did you need to withdraw money from an account to pay it?”

  “No, I just want to pay it. God!” The girl stabbed at the bill with her finger.

  “There are a few different ways to pay that bill, but you have to tell me which you’d like to do,” Nesha said quietly, maintaining her composure.

  “But I don’t know what those things mean. My dad has always paid this for me,” the girl whined.

  Nesha could tell this girl was close to losing it. Poor thing had no real world experience. Raised by the Internet and a never-ending line of credit from Daddy. Until now, that is. “Ok, how about we just pay it directly from your account? If you give me your account number we can wire the money to the company and pay the bill quickly.”

  “Fine, whatever!” the girl said, handing the bill she’d been holding to Nesha.

  Nesha politely looked it over before saying, “This is the bill, but we’ll need your bank account number.”

  The girl stood there, puzzled.

  “Your account number at this bank. Where your money is.”

  The hipster’s mouth slowly dropped.

  “You do have an account at this bank, right?” Nesha asked painfully.

  “This is so stupid!” The hipster girl snatched the bill from Nesha's hand and stormed out of the bank.

  Sighing, Nesha just shook her head and picked up the small embossed envelope. I bet it’s some kind of scam or something. I don’t know anyone who would do something this nice for me. She shoved the envelope back into the bouquet and tried to put it out of her mind.

  After coming back from her lunch break, Nesha noticed a blinking light on her phone. It was a voicemail from Harold, asking her to call him back ASAP. Perplexed she picked up the phone and dialed his extension.

  “This is Harold,” the voice said curtly.

  “Hey Harold, Nesha. Just returning your call. What can I do for you?”

  “Nesha, I just got off the phone with a customer, a Mr. Fullerton. He wanted to lodge a complaint against you.”

  “But Harold, I don’t…” Nesha started, but stopped as she recalled the name on the hipster girl’s bill. Damnit. “I’m guessing this is about his daughter?”

  “Yes, Nesha. Mr. Fullerton said his daughter was sobbing on the phone to him and very upset at the poor service she got from you.”

  “Now hold on Harold, I did my best with her-“

  “Your best is wantonly lacking, Nesha! He is going to withdraw seven figures worth of deposit accounts and investments he has at our bank. This is unacceptable. I’m dismissing you for the day.”

  Nesha's mouth quivered and her eyes welled up. Keep it together. Just keep your voice steady. Don’t give him the satisfaction! “Fine, Harold. I will see you tomorrow.” She hung up the phone and wiped her eyes. She picked up her purse and made for the employee exit. Halfway there, she stopped and walked back to her counter. She picked up the bouquet and walked out.

  Once she was in her car, she let the emotions roll over her. She didn’t have much, but she was good at her job. She teared up at being shamed by her boss. There was nothing I could do for her. Nesha was struck by the absurdity of the thought. It wasn’t like her old job as a trauma nurse. Back then those words meant someone had died. Now it meant some spoiled brat didn’t understand how basic banking worked. Laughing with tears in her eyes, she started up the car and pulled out of the driveway.

  At a stoplight, she realized she didn’t know what she’d do. She hadn’t had time off in a very long time. Her life had become her son and her work. There isn’t really any other way it could be. I’m too old for adventures. Or was she? She reached down into the bouquet and took out the small envelope.

  Without hesitating, she opened it and pulled out the little card inside. It was a business card for the Soft Touch Spa. She flipped it over and the simple handwritten message said:

  All you desire.

  It took Nesha a few seconds before she registered the blaring of horns behind her. She went through the intersection and made a hasty turn towards the Soft Touch Spa. She needed to know what this was about.

  The Spa was a handsome brick one story building on a quiet residential street. A very small sign over the door was the only indicator this was a business at all. Nesha sat nervously in her car, not sure what to do. I should just go home and watch TV for five hours until the sitter brings Jesse home. I’m always wishing I had more time to catch up on my shows. No matter how much she watched, the DVR only seemed to get fuller. She turned the key in the ignition and put the car in drive.

  Looking down at the flowers, she put the car back into park and took the key out of the ignition. The universe had put these events in place, and it was time to trust it. Spa card in hand, she walked up to the front door.

  She went to open the large wooden door but it didn’t budge. She checked the front door for hours or any sign it might be closed. There was nothing there, nor was there a doorbell or intercom. Flustered, she knocked on the door, embarrassment creeping over her. This was beginning to look more and more like a practical joke at her expense.

  Feeling dejected, she turned around and started to walk back to her car. Behind her, she heard the large door open. A deep male voice called out to her, “Hello?”

  She turned around and saw a tall guy leaning out of the open door. His blonde hair had that careless look that betrayed careful styling. His blue eyes quickly took her in from the shoes up until he locked eyes with her. His big smile touched his eyes and Nesha realized she was content to just stare at him.

  “Can I do something for you?” He was wearing a pristine white terrycloth cotton robe, the top showing a broad defined chest. He opened the door a bit more and Nesha caught a glimpse of leg as the robe was brushed to the side.

  “Umm, I…this is going to sound really stupid. I got a bouquet of flowers and inside it was a card from this spa. But this isn’t me. I don’t really do things like this,” Rambling, Nesha turned away. “I should just go.”

  “Could I see the card?” he asked humbly.

  Nesha walked back to the door and handed him the card. He quickly turned it over
and his eyebrows rose. “Very well Ms. Miller. Please come right in.”

  “How did you know my name?” Nesha asked, confused.

  “You’re our honored guest. Please come in,” he gestured towards the door.

  Nesha walked into the spa and the man closed the door behind them. Dark hardwood floors and beams overhead gave the place a cozy relaxing atmosphere. Jasmine and sandalwood floated around the cool room. Several hallways and rooms branched off this central entrance. Nesha could hear a fountain trickling water somewhere. An elegant table was positioned in front of the door, with a pen and ledger.

  The man walked past Nesha and sat at the table. He opened the ledger to the first page, and Nesha could see that it was completely blank. He wrote the initials “D M” on the first line of the ledger and closed it. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready for what?” Nesha asked, looking around for some kind of brochure or price board.

  “Nesha, the card was very explicit.”


  “Are you ready?”

  Biting her lip, Nesha felt her head nod. What am I doing? This isn’t me! She felt a rush of excitement go through her, a feeling she’d long forgotten. A feeling from a former life, it seemed. A feeling from back when she was alive, eager for new experiences and challenges.

  The man smiled and stood, extending his hand towards her. “My name is Christopher. Let me welcome you to the Soft Touch Spa. I’ll be your guide through our facilities today, and later we’ll be joined by Michael.”

  She took his hand and lingered there, enjoying his gentle strength, like a statue that could bend iron but wouldn’t. She felt like the southern belles in the stories she’d read late at night, the ones who swoon and “get the vapors.” She hadn’t been around a man who made her feel like this in a very long time. The way her small dark hand lay in his strong white hand made things stir between her legs. She’d always had a thing for the swirl, and not enough opportunities to indulge.

  “If you go down this hallway, you’ll find the changing room on your left. Please change into one of the robes you’ll find and use any locker you wish to stow your property. You’ll be our only guest today.” Christopher pointed down the hallway. “Come back here when you’re ready.”

  Nesha looked down at the white robe that adorned her body. It was actually quite flattering, generously accentuating her bust. She found a full length mirror along one wall of the changing room and did a fun little spin. Twirling, the bottom of the robe floated up scandalously high, and she pushed it down in feigned modesty. Her ass could put a stripper to shame and she was happy to see the robe stretch to contain it.

  Leaving her clothes and things in a locker, she walked out into the hallway to experience “all she desired”. She had quite a few desires she’d love to fulfill with Christopher, but that will have to wait until tonight with her dildo. Maybe on the way home I’ll stop and get some jasmine and sandalwood scented candles!

  Christopher waited for her down the hall, his back to a door. She sauntered up to him, a lightness in her step. The faint water fountain sound was louder now. She looked up at him, eyes as sultry as she could muster. “Which of my desires are we addressing first?”

  Without speaking, he took her hand and opened the door behind him. He led her into the room. Along the far wall a sheet of water flowed continuously down, giving the room a refreshing mistiness. A large driftwood sculpture was in the center of the room, low and wide. A small stool was the only other furnishing in the room. Christopher gestured toward the sculpture. “Please sit.”

  “Ohhh…” Nesha said, a little embarrassed. She saw now that it was a chair, though only because she was invited to sit on it. She sat down, making sure to cinch her robe to prevent any further embarrassment. Her arms rested against driftwood branches arcing out from the main body.

  Christopher went to a wall and pressed a panel, which popped open. He took a belt with several small pouches and wrapped it around his waist. He opened clay pots in the alcove and put various things into the belt pouches. Once that was done, he closed the alcove and came back to Nesha.

  Nesha tensed as he approached. It’s been so long since a man has touched me beyond a simple handshake or friendly hug. She had to remind herself that she wasn’t a bad person, she was allowed to experience pleasure in the touch of another. These circumstances still confused her but she was resolved to look at the unknown as an opportunity, not a danger.

  Christopher sat down on the stool next to her and dipped a hand into one of the pouches at his hip. His other hand he placed in Nesha's and held it. His skin was warm and smooth, which she expected from someone whose profession was to touch others. But the way he held her hand, pressed palm to palm, was…intimate. She felt foolish, and normally she’d chide herself. Of course this tall handsome Adonis didn’t have feelings for her. But that was the old Nesha. The new Nesha would go along for the ride. And so she did. All the tension she’d been holding disappeared.

  “Wow, you’re totally relaxed,” Christopher said, his other hand closing on top of Nesha's. He slowly massaged the pink sea salt from the pouch all over Nesha's hand. “This is a light abrasive and exfoliant. Our hands can become insensitive over time, so this helps to wake them up.”

  Nesha felt a certain awakening coming from between her legs. Back when they were together, Lawrence would delight in how quickly she got wet for him. Of course he did…it got him out of foreplay! Nesha could feel her pussy getting slick as Christopher massaged her hand.

  “Now for some shea butter so I can really work you.” Christopher added a small mound of the butter to her hand and massaged it in. He pressed his hands together, squeezing her hand in between his. The pressure was a little unnerving, but she was more impressed with his strength. God, he could hold me down and do anything he wanted to me. She felt his hands begin to work each finger, testing and kneading each joint. If her fingers could sigh in release, they would have.

  “Christopher, what else is in store for me today?” Nesha asked, watching him do his work.

  “Well, Nesha, we have a few things in mind.” He dipped a hand into the last pouch and a strong lemon scent filled her nose. He worked the lemon oil into her skin. “This lemon oil is strong, but most of that will come off in the shower later. After that you’ll just have a hint of lemon for the rest of the day.”

  “That didn’t really answer my question.”

  Christopher stopped his massage. “Would you like me to spoil the surprise?”

  Nesha thought on it a moment, then leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “I didn’t say you could stop.” Peaking down at Christopher, she saw him smile and go back to working her hand.

  Once that hand was done, Christopher picked up his stool and moved to the other side. Christopher repeated the process, sea salt then shea butter, finished with lemon oil. Christopher picked up the stool and positioned himself at her feet. “Now we get to the good stuff.”

  Nesha suspected a foot massage might be in her future, but this was incredible. Working with a different oil, Christopher massaged her foot until his hands slid over it effortlessly. As his hand slid over the top of her foot, his fingers dived between her toes, splaying them out. “This is probably where it hurts,” he said, his thumbs pressing into the ball of her foot. As he kneaded the bottom of her foot, a moan escaped Nesha.

  “Sorry…it’s just…this has been long overdue,” Nesha said, blushing and hoping Christopher didn’t see. She hoped he also wouldn’t notice her nipples stiffening against the thin cotton of her robe. For too long her feet had been her enemies, and now she was finally getting some relief. The knotted muscles in her heel loosened as Christopher moved his focus to the back of her foot. His fingertips softly brushed the arch of her foot.

  Nesha giggled.

  “Sorry about that,” Christopher said, smiling impishly.

  Seeing that smile, Nesha realized that there was something else going on here. This wasn’t a normal day of business for this
spa. This is something personal, but I really don’t know this guy. He’s flirting with me, though. Nesha quickly dismissed these thoughts as Christopher worked on her other foot, showing it the same attention and care he did the first.

  “I would be remiss if I left you unsatisfied in any way, Nesha.” Christopher leaned in very close to Nesha. “What else can I do for you?” he asked, his breath hot against her neck and ear.

  Nesha grabbed the back of Christopher's neck and pulled him down to kiss him. Her lips pressed against his and he kissed her back. Her heart hammered in her chest. She closed her eyes and smelled the clean scent of his aftershave. Every alarm bell in her head was going off, and she ignored every one of them. She opened her lips and teased her tongue into his mouth. Christopher accepted it hungrily.


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