Mean to Her

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Mean to Her Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Halloween came and went, and he insisted she accompany him to the party they were having at the high school. She went, they danced, and she got him to take her home. Now as Thanksgiving approached, she was a little unprepared for her parents to spring the news that they’d invited his family over.

  Again, all in the spirit of being grateful, she was the one to accept them into their home. She’d worn one of the cocktail dresses her mom had bought her, and upon opening the door, she found Blake was also dressed to impress in a suit.

  His parents walked past them, going toward the dining room where food and wine waited. Not the main meal, just a few canapes. Her mother had gone all out this year.

  “Hey,” she said.

  He held his hands up. “I didn’t know until tonight that we were coming here. Mom usually hosts a party and there’s a whole big thing. I didn’t beg for this, but I’ve got no problem being here.” He stepped inside the door, his hand going to her waist. She looked up, wanting his kiss.

  His lips brushed her cheek.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “So do you. I mean, you look great.”

  “I clean up nicely, huh?”

  “Yeah, and you know it.” She closed the door, leaning against it. Blake turned to look at her. “I … how have you been?”

  “Thinking about you.”

  “Blake, you need to stop this.”

  “No, I don’t.” He stepped up close to her. “I fucked up. I know that, and I’m doing everything in my power to prove to you I’m right here with you.” His hands went to her face, tilting her head back as he stared into her eyes.

  “My parents?”

  “Are distracted by mine. I’ve missed you.”

  “You saw me a couple of hours ago.” Her mom had asked her to run a quick errand and she’d bumped into Blake, who had also been running errands for his parents.

  His thumb ran across her lips and she couldn’t quite contain her gasp.

  “Have you thought about my kisses, Leah?” he asked.

  Her gaze landed on his mouth. She had. She hadn’t wanted to, but she thought about his kisses all the time.

  Slowly, his hand moved to sink into her hair.

  “You know I can see what you’re thinking about from that one look. You want me to kiss you, but you don’t want me to ask, do you?”


  He slammed his lips down on hers, setting her whole body alight with need. It was intense, consuming, and filled with lust. She moaned his name, not wanting him to stop. Gripping his shoulders, she pulled him in close, plunging her tongue inside to dance with his. He growled her name, holding her tighter against him, and as he did, she let go. She didn’t fight the kiss. Instead, she reveled in it, loving every second as he slid his tongue across her lips before meeting with hers.

  While one of his hands stayed in her hair, the other moved down her body, going toward her ass. She whimpered as he squeezed the flesh, and she felt the hardness of his cock press against her stomach.

  “Leah, are you coming?” her mother asked, calling out to her.

  They stopped kissing. Her lips felt swollen, but inside, she felt so good. So full and consumed with need.

  “I’m sorry. I needed to do that,” he said.

  “It’s fine.”

  “I’ve got my answer though.”

  “You do?” she asked.

  “Yeah. You want my kisses and you know, Leah, all you’ve got to do is ask. Or maybe kiss me first once in a while. I’ll reciprocate.”

  Shaking her head, she left him at the door as she walked to find her mother, who was already pouring wine.

  “We’re going to need to set up the guest bedrooms, sweetheart. Will you go and make sure they have clean towels? The beds are already fresh. I got that handled earlier.”

  “Of course.” She smiled at their company before making her way upstairs. Each bedroom had clean towels and fresh toothbrushes. Her parents liked to be prepared for all occasions, but now Blake was close. He’d be next door to her.

  Pressing her back against his guestroom door, she touched her lips. They were still swollen from his kisses.

  He was right. She wanted his kisses, and she’d even spent time in class thinking about him, wondering if there were ways to get him to kiss her. At the same time, memories continued to plague her of what he used to be like. His laughter when someone would call her a name or point, making her feel like crap.

  “I’m fine. I can get through this.”

  Only, she’d underestimated her attraction to Blake.

  He was her bully. She should hate him and a part of her did for everything he had done to her, but it was so hard to keep on hating a guy who appeared determined to date her. Life wasn’t fair. This wasn’t fair. It should be easy to hate him. Wanting him was wrong. He was a bully.


  He’s not anymore.

  But it sucked because the truth was, little by little, she was starting to want him in ways she never thought she would.


  Temptation was right next door.

  Leah was a few steps away.

  Blake paced his room. It was a nice room. Clean walls, a nice, big bed. None of this was a good distraction. Not all the food he’d eaten or the few games Leah’s parents wanted them to play.

  She was so close, and it wouldn’t take much to be there. To have her in his arms. That was what he wanted.

  He stepped toward his door and paused.

  Would she see this as him moving things along too fast?

  After running fingers through his hair, he gripped the back of his head to try to think of all the reasons he shouldn’t go and knock on her door. They were all pointless reasons because his need outweighed all of them.

  He stepped out of his room and moved toward her door. Lifting his hand, he was about to knock, but she opened the door. He smiled.

  “You were coming to my door.”

  She peeked out of the door and grabbed his shirt, which was either one of her father’s or one purchased for unexpected guests to stay. Within seconds, he was inside her room, the door closed, with her pressed up against it.

  “I wasn’t coming to you.”

  He smirked. “You can lie to yourself all you want.”

  “I’m not lying.”

  He sat down on the edge of her bed, smiling at her.

  “Fine, if I was coming to you, you’d already beaten me to it.”

  “The real question is what are you hoping for?” He glanced around the room, taking in every part of it. The soft walls with a pink tinge to it. The dresser, which held very little makeup but did have a bottle of deodorant and some perfume. There was a stacked bookcase with novels, and on the other side of the room, textbooks lined another bookcase.

  There wasn’t a television, but he caught sight of her laptop near the bed.

  “Have you finished looking around at all my stuff?” she asked.

  “Not really. I’ve got a lot to look at.” He returned his attention to her.

  “What are you hoping for?” she asked, folding her arms beneath her breasts, which pushed them up, enhancing how curvy and perfect they were.

  He wanted a taste, but instead, he held himself back.

  “To hold you. To kiss you.”

  “I keep expecting you to play some cruel joke on me. Like this is one big laugh to you.”

  He got down on his knees, taking her hand. “It isn’t a joke. I swear to you, Leah. I fucked up. You can ask John. He knows how I feel about you. He knows how much I want you, and that’s not going to go away. I don’t want it to.” He got to his feet. “My feelings for you are real. Very, very real. I will sing and dance all about it, if you’d like. If that’s what will make you happy.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Do you want to take pictures of me naked?”

  “What? No. Of course not.”

  He got to his feet and put his finger beneath her chin, tilting her
head back. “I get it. I fucked up. I did, especially when it came to you. I didn’t mean to, not a little bit. You make me feel so many different things and the truth is, it scares me, like a lot. I want you. I think about you all the time. Tonight, I want to hold you. Maybe make out a little. Perhaps some touching.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “This is me being open and honest. I … look, all of those times I was saying nasty shit, I didn’t mean it. When I shoved your books to the floor, I checked out your ass. That’s all I did, honestly. I’m going for it all.”

  “You can’t stay here,” she said, pulling away from him.

  He moved to the bed, jumping on it. “Then how about we just hang out? I’ll leave when you’re fed up with me, or I can kiss you some more. Come on, Leah, you know you like it. You love it when I kiss you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I officially think you’re the craziest person I’ve ever met.”

  “And that’s a bad thing, why? You haven’t met a whole lot of people.” He patted the bed. “Come, my sweet, lie with me.”

  “Again, it still makes you sound crazy.”

  He winked at her, but she didn’t fight. She climbed onto the bed, turning toward him, head resting on her palm.

  “Go out with me,” he said.


  “So I can prove it to you. I want the whole school to know you’re my woman.”

  “Blake!” She groaned his name.

  “Come on. How am I supposed to prove to you this isn’t a joke? I’ve got to be given the chance to redeem myself. Come on, please? Help a guy out.” He held his hands wide and she sighed. Was he wearing her down?

  “Okay, fine. I will go out with you.”

  “You’re my girlfriend, Leah. You know that means I get to kiss you whenever I want.”

  “I haven’t read that in the rulebook.”

  “There are no rules when it comes to dating me. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  She tried to hide it, but he caught sight of the smile on her lips. She liked it as much as he did. He tried his look, kissed her again, and this time, he was greeted with a moan.


  As he kissed her once more, she cupped his cheek and started to respond. He took a chance and grabbed her hip, finally touching her freely. It felt fucking great. This had to be the best Thanksgiving ever.

  “I need to sleep,” she said.

  “Then sleep, just do it curled up against me.” He’d give anything to hold her. This was his dream come true, or at least, part of it, and he intended to cherish it for a long time, if not, forever.

  Chapter Five

  Christmas came and went.

  Blake visited her during the festive season, and on the day itself, they chatted on video for hours.

  There was plenty of time for him to play the practical joke on her, only, he never did. It would seem he was being truthful. The entire school was full of gossip the day they walked into the four walls, holding hands.

  She’d seen the points, the whispers, and the occasional glare. Some of the girls weren’t happy that she was in Blake’s arm. Her life had changed a lot since she’d put a strike through the no on the letter he’d left for her.

  In one of the classes she didn’t share with Blake, his friend John, the guy in question, took the seat right beside her. She glanced toward him with a frown. Even though she and Blake had been dating for a couple of months now, John hadn’t pressed to become friends with her. She was more than okay with that.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “So, are you just keeping my boy on a leash? Or is this thing you’ve got going real?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t give me that shit. I see the way Blake is with you. I get why you’d be hesitant at first. The guy was a giant dick to you. I do get it, but come on. He’s proven to you time and time again that this isn’t a joke and yet, all I see is him constantly bowing down to you. He makes sure you’re okay. I think it’s wrong.”

  “This is none of your business,” she said.

  “Damn right it’s my business. He’s my best friend and for three years I had to watch him pine all over you. Believe me, that wasn’t pretty to watch. I get that he was mean to you, but he hasn’t been with anyone, Leah. Three years ago, I don’t know what you did, but he wants you. All the rumors you hear about him with the chicks, those are all lies. He only wants you, and I’m looking out for my boy. Now are you going to continue to be a bitch to him, or are you going to act like a real girlfriend?”

  She stared at him. “Three years?”

  “Yep. He told me everything, and he told me to stay out of his plan to win you over. He fucked up and he knows it. You’ve got to stop hanging the fact he hurt you over his head. I know he hates it. Give him a real chance. One where you see yourself with him because that’s all Blake sees. Speaking of futures, he’s undecided about what college to go to. He’s had multiple offers, but he wants to go wherever you go.”

  She licked her lips, feeling her cheeks heat.

  “You can thank me at another time.” John got to his feet. “Just stop treating him like he’s going to hurt you any second. He’s not. He loves you, but he’s afraid to freak you out.”

  He moved away, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Class went by way too fast. She copied everything that was on the board, making notes on the homework. By the time the bell went, she looked up to see Blake already waiting for her.

  He loved her.

  It was crazy.

  Holding on to her books, she left the classroom. John slapped him on the back. “See you in the cafeteria.”

  “Will do. Save us a seat.” He turned toward her. “Let me take those for you, baby.” He grabbed her books.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear, she stepped beside him. He wrapped his other arm around her shoulders, drawing her close and kissing her head.

  “How was studying?” he asked.

  “Fine. It was good.” She walked with him, replaying John’s words inside her head. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Where would … er … the best place be, I mean, for you to go to college? With your sports stuff?”

  “Wow, you really want to know?” he asked.

  “Yes. We’ve talked about so much and I figured it should only be fair that I know a little more about you. You know a lot more about me.”

  “I’m undecided where I want to go.”

  “I know. Me too. But we both have options, right? I’m curious what the best one is for you, that’s all.” They walked to her locker and she went through the combination, listening as Blake told her the school that would benefit him the most.

  “You know, I was thinking of going there as well,” she said.

  “You were?”

  “Yeah, they have several great departments. English and business.” She nibbled on her lip, looking at him.

  “John talked to you, didn’t he?”


  “You heard me. Fuck, I don’t want you to pity me, Leah.”

  “This isn’t pity.”

  “I don’t want you to pick a college for me,” he said.

  “Why not? You’re going to pick a college for me. It seems only right that I … think about your decision as well.” She took the books from him and put them in her locker. “When were you going to tell me that you’re in love with me?”

  She closed the door to her locker, leaning against him, watching him.

  He glanced over her shoulder and laughed. “I tell you every single day in my head. When I leave you at a class, pick you up, it’s what I say to myself whenever I see you.”

  She smiled. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? I know it’s not much, but I think … I like you.” She held her fingers together. “A little bit.”

  “I’m not just your bully?”

  “You’re totally still the guy who bullied me, but maybe not as bad as I originally though
t.” This time, she took his hand and then went on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Let’s go to lunch.”


  “You have bad taste in music,” Blake said, glancing at Leah, who lay across her bed. She was typing on an English essay due.

  Her parents were out of town again. They were making the arrangements to move closer to her as she embarked on college. The same college he’d picked. They were both going to the same college. He didn’t know how it happened, but slowly, his life was falling into place, and he didn’t want to do anything to screw it up.

  “What? Because I don’t have a bunch of noise blasting, my music is awful?” She turned to her side.

  The dress she wore gaped at the chest, revealing an expanse of cleavage. Hanging out with her hadn’t exactly made his life easy. Touching her, feeling her against him, sleeping with her in his arms, it drove his need and arousal for her to the next level. All he wanted to do was be with her.

  His life, his future, was all about her.

  “And classical music has the answers to everything?” he asked, brows raised.

  She closed her laptop and he put her music down, moving toward the bed. He lay down beside her, cupping her hip and taking possession of her lips.

  His cock immediately got hard at feeling her soft curves against him. Leah shocked him as she pressed him to his back and moved to straddle his waist. Her pussy so close to his cock.

  She was a virgin. He had to keep reminding himself that she wasn’t ready for sex. He had no intention of pushing.

  He put his hands on her thighs. The skirt of her dress had ridden up so he touched flesh.

  She nibbled on her lip. Her hands covered his and slowly, she raised them up her body to cup her tits. They were more than a generous handful. She shook a little as she leaned down to kiss him. He kneaded her tits, feeling the hardness of her nipples pressing against her palms.

  Blake let go of her, grabbing her arms. He spun them so this time, she was on her back with him between her spread thighs. Staring down at her, he smiled.

  She was the only woman he wanted to be with. Leah began to unbutton her dress, revealing her creamy skin. The bra she wore was lace, giving a hint of the red nipples he wanted to taste.


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