Gold Rush

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Gold Rush Page 8

by Clay Moore

  “You and Lumpkin shared the building? Did you divide the building with a wall or partition?”

  “No, Harry wanted the building left as is. He was thinking about bringing in more miners. Besides he had me in the control house holding his hand as disaster struck. The first one was the DuQueney was raided by police and a single Crown Officer. The government knew about his operations.”

  “That was me.”

  “Did you order the execution of all the people there?”

  “That’s the penalty. We’ve had a stable currency in the human colonies for thirty years. We don’t play when it comes to the currency. Mess with the gold, and we come after you.”

  “Why give me parole?”

  “Had I captured you on the battlefield you would be dead. My warning I give tomorrow will say any found inside the mines or buildings in the morning will be dead, summarily executed. You are giving value for your parole.”

  Scott relaxed even more. “Can I doss down somewhere?”

  “My House has just me. Call the corporal of the guard to have our paroled prisoner shown to the house I am currently inhabiting. A few words. My baggage is normal, but not my briefcase. If you try to force the lock on my briefcase, you will find it an explosive experience.”

  “All I want is a couple of hours sleep.”

  “There is a shower with warm water. Feel free to use my toiletries. There is a clean towel in my suitcase. Take a knit golf shirt and slacks. Keep your boots. If you can get your feet into my socks help yourself to a pair.”

  Scott rumbled in mirth. The corporal of the guard was summoned. He picked up one of the guards from yesterday to stand picket on Brian’s door.

  Brian watched Scott enter his house. Then he heard the splashing of the shower. He turned back to The miner’s camp. He pulled down the visor and scanned in infrared. He saw two guards posts, but they were all the way across the mine pit. They had given up already. A not so gentle push and they all would run. Now to give them that kick in the pants they needed.

  In the berm between compounds, Brian found broken tree limbs and some pieces of board. Then he checked for the knife that he always added to his suitcase. Brian went down into the miner’s compound. He brought the broken straight limbs and the wooden panel. When Brian got into position, Brian dug a hole. He tied a piece of rope he found on the compound ground to the top of the limb. Brian dug the hole using the his combat knife. He put the limb into the hole. Brian packed the gap with the loose dirt. Then he grabbed the slack rope attached to the top of the limb. Brian pulled down on the line bending the limb. He tied the bent limb to a stump. He was ready. He checked the time

  .The interrogation of Scott Wilson put him a bit behind. Instead of doing the belly crawl he walked quickly using as much cover as he could. That got him to the door of Barracks 1. Brian slipped the plank locking mechanism. He entered the Barracks. Brian walked to the Side of Lumpkin’s bed. He put a dart in Lumpkin’s head. Brian threw the covers off. He had a Slate on which he held his porn.

  Brian eased the body onto the ground. He stabbed his fighting knife into the chest. Pulled Lumpkin by using his fighting knife as a handle. He Got the body out and at the bent back tree limb. He tied the body to the tree limb with a noose. Then he cut the rope holding the limb. Slowly the naked body was raised dangling from the rope.

  He realized that he forgot his sign to hang on the body. He could not go back. He continued hoping that it was not too subtle for the lump heads. He was at the guard post before they knew he was there.

  “Looking in the wrong place,” said Brian.

  “God damn, you do that great! exclaimed Scott

  “Did you see the body go up,” asked Brian.

  Scott started his rumbling laugh. “soundedIf they all saw that they’d piss in their pants. Lord, I saw it and knew it was coming, and I nearly pissed in my pants. Did you attach your sign.”

  “No, I just wanted out of there. You think the miners will get the idea?”

  “Are you going to follow up with an assault shuttle or something?”

  “Assault shuttle.”

  “Use the door guns to spray darts around behind the men. That will send an unequivocal message even to the boneheads.”

  Brian touched his helmet radio to the Assault Shuttle. All shuttles were named for their assault squad.

  “Shuttle three, Penda.”

  “Penda Identified, go Penda.”

  “I am changing your tasking.”

  “Let me give you to squad Three-one.” The Squad member was given the number of one on a four-person action squad.

  “This is squad three-one.”

  “I am changing your tasking. Where are you?

  “We are on the ridge south of the mine.”

  “That puts you at plus one?”


  “Your door guns are weapons free. Encourage the bad guys to run back to their grav-cars. No killing.”

  “I understand. Spook the game.”

  “Get ready. Someone is moving down in the compound.”

  Brian could see a single man. He looked to be wearing a bright coat of no particular pattern. Harry stopped as soon as he saw the grizzly sight. Then Brian could hear a scream of terror.

  Such a caterwaul came out of the man. Brian wondered how that man could retain any pride in himself. Then he noticed his corpulence and the no-style suit he wore.

  “Now Shuttle three.”

  The pilot must have understood what was needed. He did not lift off on null-grav. Instead, he ran his Radamite jets which high pitched scream could be heard for miles. Then the Assault Shuttle was over the Mine grotto. The door gunners were spraying darts behind the steadily faster run of the people on the ground.

  Scott was thumping Brian’s back and cheering the assault shuttle. Finally, the shuttle hovered over the clear area. The Action squad came down on ropes and formed an interdiction ring. The shuttle waggled its wings and went back to the point he started from.

  Brian called one and told her that he and a surrendered Non-com and his guard were coming down. They looked at Brian sliding down the embankment. Scott also slid down following Brian. Number One was a light caramel-skinned beauty. She was wearing a camouflage undersuit with Body armor units. She was armed same as Brian. She also had the silencer like Brian's. Another woman was carrying a missile launcher. Number Three was wearing a rotary machine gun. The fourth women carried the same weapon as Brian

  “What’s the plot?” asked three one?

  “Illegal Gold Mining. Capital case. If they return, kill them, my authority.”

  “Good. I hate going out with the effing police. Police jump at their own shadows. Their targets shoot at us, and I can’t shoot back. Give me a special Agent every day.”

  Brian smiled as she put a kiss on his lips.

  “Hey, Janice what’s this coming looks like a school bus with cop colors on it.”

  “Brian you know what this is?”

  “Let me see.”

  Brian stood and brought down the magnification Visor. He pressed the button on the other side that controlled magnification. The converted school bus flew towards the Mine. It is evident that they were coming to take jurisdiction from the Secret Service. Apparently, this was without the authority of the Special investigation task force commander.

  “Yeah, it’s a converted School bus. They are using it for Assault shuttle purposes. It flies like a pig. Prepare for Action.”

  “C’mon three, you heard the man. Ready for action.”

  Scott watched as the women found positions of cover. Then he watched as Brian put on a nickel colored badge. It Read Eridani Secret Service Special Agent. He just learned something about the man who accepted his surrender. He was a fancy cop that had the right to kill whoever was in his way. No doubt that he could take a right to other worlds, by the simple idea that he kills without being seen.

  The school bus descended until it had three feet off the deck. A man of medium build we
aring the same underwhelming body armor got off. The other cops moved to get off and were stopped by a barked order from Brian.

  “No one else gets off the bus. I am Special Agent Brian Butler, and I have jurisdiction here.”

  “On what grounds?”

  “The illegal Mining and coinage act of three fifteen gives the Secret Service the jurisdiction of all illegal gold mine and mints for gold bullion coins. I have further authority to enforce the law with summary execution. Under the Enabling Act for the Secret Service, a special agent class was created. It says that any interference with me in the performance of my duties is punishable—” Brian fired his gun at the dirt near someone about to jump out of the school bus. “Next Idiot dies.” Brian paused to see if there was an idiot.

  “Get back in your school bus, and go back to Headquarters where you will all sign your letters of resignation. All who do not sign will be killed. Enjoy your life after the police department.”

  The Lieutenant looked at death pointed at him. He started to move his jaw, but nothing came out. Brian pushed the Lieutenant back. The Lieutenant stumbled backward. The other police officers wanted to get out of the bus except the clear thinking officer prevented them, saving all their lives. Brian pushed with his silencer until the lieutenant stepped back aboard the converted School bus. Once the Lieutenant was far enough in, Brian climbed aboard. Suddenly all of the Action squad showed themselves.

  Brian pointed to the badge he was wearing. “My name is Brian Butler. I am a Special Agent for the Secret Service. Ignorance of the law is not a defense, but some judges do give a little latitude, but for the cops, no judge gives them freedom. You made me waste time. You obstructed me from pursuing the scofflaws. These are things that cannot be forgiven in a cop. Go back to your headquarters and sign you resignations that is all the punishment I require.

  “Pilot, head straight back to the headquarters. Don’t forget to sign your resignation as well To make sure I am sending an Armed Assault shuttle with you. Vary your course by as little as a degree, and you all become an accident. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” He began the startup sequence.

  Brian signaled outside. The four women stood up holding their weapons on the bus. “In case you think you can jump off this crate and shoot at me. They,” Brian pointed at the action squad,” like me a whole lot more than you. Brian stepped off the bus as the bus lifted off. One ran to Brian.

  “Headquarters wants to know how to handle it.”

  “Obstruction: Permanent removal from the Police force or death.”

  She turned and spoke into her comm gear. She turns back. “Headquarters state that they concur. Marines are arranging an intense show of force for the bus.”

  “A few starfighters will shake their confidence.”

  “Oh, shit,” said One. “Director is out ten minutes from this location. AND The Emir is also ten minutes out.”

  “Crap. What a time for this to happen. The director can’t handle the journey. Why’s he coming here?”

  One grabbed Brian by the shoulders. “Get a grip, sir.”

  “The one visitor I would like to see is the Emir,” said Scott.

  Brian remembered that he had the surrendered Mercenary to deal with. Suddenly it seemed as if all of the decisions he had to make exploded exponentially. Brian was starting to smell a rat. He turned to one who looked at him with her dreamy eyes. Then he knew that he was being set up.

  “What’s the number?”

  “About what.”

  “This whole post mission game.”

  “The cops were not part of it. This part of the operation they had nothing to do with. Neither does Mister Clean here. The director IS coming. The Emir IS NOT.”

  “”I’d still like to meet him,” said Scott.

  “I’d think he would like to meet you,” said Brian.

  “What gave us away,” asked One.

  “The director and Emir here without a battalion of Marines landing? That will never happen. What was it all about?”

  “How do we test for the most important part of being a Special Agent, integrity, and application of the law. I can see two men hung by poles, and that is an application of the law. You took that podunk settlement and made them a small militia. You only lost one man to the gallows.”

  The Yowl from four Radamite jet engines announced the arrival of the Director’s Assault Shuttle. Brian jogged over to the Opening entrance. The director sat in a blue-gray suit in a very uncomfortable jump seat. Assault shuttles were designed to transport Marines in their Battlesuits. No room for any of them to sit down.

  Brian reached across into the Assault shuttle and took the director’s hand. The director slapped Brian’s shoulder. The Director looked around the Grotto.

  “Tell me the next thing you would do,” asked the Director.

  “I would scrape the computer of all data. I would take the gold and send it to the bank.”

  “Where is your gold?”

  Brian knew about the gold that Todd had, but he wanted them financial solvent quickly. There had to be Gold in his hand to justify his actions. Scott saw the Special Agent’s problem he had to solve. He needed Gold to show the probable cause of his actions.

  “I was going to show you this bag when I surrendered.” Scott pulled out a leather bag from his pants. Scott opened his left hand and poured a combination of gold dust and Nuggets. “One of your lackey’s asked me to hold it for you when you needed it.” He poured the nuggets and dust back into the pouch. Then he winked at Brian who laid a finger alongside his nose in response.

  The director saw the byplay. One of the things he wanted his Special Agents to do was make friends among the population of the other worlds. Friends can be handy to any special agent who needed to get out or make it back to his ship to escape or fix the damage he took in combat. From what he could see the Director figured that Brian had made friends of the Children of the Wind, which the Emir wanted. Then there was the grim evidence on the two poles.

  One of the condemned was put on the gibbet for a failure of fellowship with his group. That failure had cost the life of the sole hunter in his group. The other man was hung because he participated in the attempt to mine gold from Eridani. That simple charge bought him his dance on the gibbet.

  He expected this when he proposed the Special Agents to the Emir and the Intelligence Committee of Parliament. The first Special Agent was a reserved man who killed mostly with poison. He was a whisper, a rumor. Brian could kill with everything. If he marked you for death, you were going to die; no application for leniency would be accepted.

  “Director I was about to go into the main building. Would you like to observe scooping of the main computer.”

  “What does it do for us?”

  “It lets men collect data for the People on floor 13.”

  The director suddenly had to sit down. Scott caught the Director and put him on the floor. He touched the director on the neck. Brian recovered first. He called in the life flight he asked for. One went down and laid a smoke grenade to tell the converted Assault shuttle Where to land Scott monitored the life signs.


  “I’m barely a military medic,” said Scott. “Time is of the essence.”

  Brian asked the Director’s Guards unit: “Who informs Headquarters?”

  “In a way, I do sir. I have an open comm link, and my telemetry is fed to headquarters.” A young man wearing the black suit of the guard’s unit and carrying a weapon had one more thing he had a private type tactical helmet. “The Acting Director knows. Complete the data scrape. Scott, she asks if you will move the Director to the life flight.”

  “Will do.”

  He was happy that one of the DSOs had written the contents of the Data Sleazing data sticks. He stuck the one that scraped the computer of data. He activated his Slate which would act as a storehouse and sorter until the network at headquarters could receive it.

  Brian walked over to the to t
he large windows that looked out on the entryway into the mine. Scott carried the Director cradled in his arms. The two men acting as the Director's guard followed Scott as he moved the recumbent man. Scott stepped on the cargo space. He slipped the director into an Autodoc machine. Scott stepped off the Assault shuttle He walked back to the shack. The Life flight took off with the director.

  Brian’s slate signaled that it was done scraping the computer. It began the upload into the enormous computer vaults that belonged to the Eridani Secret Service. As the data was uploaded a computer algorithm assigned where the data should go. It’s final location designated by a human after reading the complete data. Once the data was where it needed to be, now begin the process of analysis.

  During Agent training, he was shown the analysis section. He felt proud like he was ten feet tall He was allowed to wear the business Gray suit with a sidearm.

  His Slate was busy with uploading the data from the Mine’s computers. There was no further need to be in the office He walked out of the Office. A grav-car landed next to the Director’s assault shuttle. No one fired at it because it bore the bright orange letters “MBA” emblazoned on it. A man wearing a shirt and pants and a vest with MBA on it. Brian walked toward the MBA Man. Brian took the man’s handshake.

  “Denn Sengel Mercenary Bonding Agency. You have Scott Wilson?”

  “Yes, but Scott surrendered to Todd Meyer Leader of the settlement up there. C’mon, I’ll take you up. You can interview him about his treatment on the way up. Scott! Get over here. You’re about to be a free man.”

  Scott indeed increased his pace to match the two men walking to the community. When he reached them the MBA man began his interview which even included how his use of the MBA helped his business. The MBA man finished with his last question as they stepped on the rise that was the settlement.

  Something new was added. Four airdrop crates were on the ground. Written on the side of the nine hundred square foot crate were the words”Care of the Secret Service.” The containers were used to give settlements a leg up. Todd came up with concern written on his face.

  “Brian these things just dropped out of the sky.”


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