This Love

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This Love Page 3

by Kelly Elliott

  “Or…” I jumped over the bar and stood in front of her. “You let me kiss you.”

  Her eyes widened, and she took a step away from me.

  “Y-you? You’re so hot. Hotter even than your brother. I’m not…I don’t know. The shit kickers seem like a more appropriate choice.”

  I shook my head. “You’re a beautiful young lady, so stop putting yourself down. And for the love of God, stop letting your friends tell you what to do. Be yourself and don’t be pressured to do anything you don’t want to do. Do you want me to kiss you?”

  She nodded and I took a step closer. I cupped her face and leaned down. I brushed my lips over hers, causing her to shake a little. Then I kissed her softly. She kept her mouth closed, so I didn’t press her for more.

  “Do that again,” she whispered. “The shock faded, and now I really want a proper kiss.”

  I laughed and deepened the second kiss. Her free hand came up and landed on my chest and she groaned into my mouth.

  Time to stop.

  Stepping back, I smiled and she swayed a little.

  “Holy crap. Best kiss of my life. You must have kissed a lot of women to get that damn good.”

  I winked. “You could say that, darlin’. Glad to hear you liked it.”

  Turning on her heels, she rushed back to the table where all her friends were laughing and whistling. I turned to see Amelia, Wade, and…fuck my life…Maebh. They stood at the opposite end of the bar, looking at me. At first, I couldn’t pull my eyes off of Maebh. She looked beautiful, and my cock agreed. But she was also acting like she’d seen a ghost. When I flicked my eyes over to Amelia, she looked like she wanted to kick me in the balls. Wade shook his head and looked down at the floor. What was wrong with this sad group?

  The music started up so I shouted, “Hey, y’all. What’s going on? Want something to drink?”

  Amelia huffed, and Maebh’s eyes turned sad, like they had earlier when she thought I was making fun of her.

  Talking over the music, Maebh said, “Amelia, I think I’m going to head on home.”

  My heart dropped; I didn’t want Maebh to leave.

  Before I had a chance to say anything, my sister whispered to Maebh. Maebh shook her head and seemed to be telling Amelia that it was a mistake to come here.

  “Did y’all go out to eat or something?” I asked, moving closer to them. Wade nodded.

  “Yeah, we had dinner and drinks and decided to come here.”

  I nodded and looked behind Maebh, making both her and Amelia glance over their shoulders.

  “Looking for another slut to kiss?” Amelia hissed. I jerked back like I’d been slapped in the face.

  “What?” My sisters had never had a problem with my flirting habits before, so why was my baby sister giving me a hard time?

  She rolled her eyes. “Come on, Maebh. Let’s go find a seat.”

  When the two of them walked off, I asked Wade, “What in the hell is wrong with Meli?”

  He lifted his hands and laughed. “Dude, you’re going to have to take it up with your sister.”

  “Is Jackson with y’all?”

  His brows pulled together tight. “No, why would he be?”

  “I figured y’all went on a double date.”

  Wade shook his head. “They’re not dating. Maebh mentioned something about him going out on a date tonight with a different girl. I think they’re just friends.”

  I couldn’t hide my smile. “Is that so?”

  Slapping me on the back, Wade said, “Yeah, dude, but as much as I love standing here talking to you, I want to dance with my wife. She’s been feeling out of sorts lately. I think it’s this book she’s writing.”

  “Thanks, bud. Yeah, go dance with her. I’ll bring y’all some drinks.”

  “Amelia’s only drinking water,” Wade said before he headed toward a small round table the girls had managed to snag.

  I grabbed both Wade and Maebh a beer, as well as a bottle of water for my sister, and headed over to their table. I stopped and asked a few people if they were having a good time and smiled when they all said yes.

  It made my fucking heart soar to be here. I’d dreamed of making this bar a success and worked my ass off. To see people enjoying themselves meant the world to me.

  By the time I got to the table, though, some dickhead was trying to get Maebh to dance with him.

  “I’m up next on her dance card, dude. You might want to move along,” I said, loud enough that Maebh heard me while I handed her the beer. She politely smiled and thanked me.

  The prick shot me a dirty look and walked off.

  “Thank you. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  I held out my hand. “I wasn’t only trying to get him to leave you alone. Will you dance with me?”

  Her eyes lit up, and my damn knees knocked together. Fucking hell. What did this woman do to me?

  Then she shrugged and took a drink of her beer. “I think I’ll sit and enjoy me beer. Thanks, though.”

  My eyes widened, and I let out a laugh. “You don’t want to dance with me?”

  Her gaze shot over to the table where the young girls sat. “I’m sure…happy to dance with you. May want…her first.”

  Her accent was so fucking thick, and I couldn’t hear over the music and got every other word.

  “What did you say?” I asked, leaning in closer.

  “The girl you were kissing…I’m sure she’ll dance with you.”

  My eyes darted from Maebh to the table. None of them were even looking this way.

  “It wasn’t what it looked like, Maebh.”

  She shrugged. “I’m not your girlfriend. You don’t owe me an explanation.”

  The waitress came up to the table. “Can I get y’all something?”

  I was about to tell her Maebh’s, Amelia, and Wade’s drinks were on the house when Maebh pushed her beer away. “What minerals do you have?”

  “Minerals?” we both asked.

  “Uh, Maebh, you do realize where you are, right? We don’t sell vitamins, it’s a bar.”

  Her face turned red, and I knew in an instant I had embarrassed her.

  She wrung her hands in her lap. “I meant soft drinks. Do you have a Diet Coke?”

  “Yep! I’ll bring you one.”

  Maebh nodded, and stared at the table.

  I reached my hand out again. “Dance with me. Now.”

  Her head shot up and anger rushed over her face. It was about fucking time I saw something other than a polite smile on her pretty face.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, her mouth gaping open.

  “Get up, and get into my fucking arms, Maebh. Now.”

  She stood, and put her hands on her hips.

  “No one tells me what to do. Especially you, stupid fecker.”

  “You just called me a stupid fecker. What the fuck is that?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t like taking the piss.”

  My eyes widened in shock. “Christ almighty, what are you even saying?”

  “I’m saying I don’t like being made fun of.”

  “I wasn’t making fun of you!” I yelled back, over the music. My heart was pounding harder than the bass.

  “I’m not an eejit!”

  My brows pulled in tight. “Huh?”

  “An eejit!”

  My head was spinning and I rubbed my hands over my face. “What does that even mean, Maebh?”

  She sighed. “Never mind. Me head is pounding.”

  “Yours? My head is throbbing,” I mumbled. “All I wanted was a fucking dance.”

  Her eye filled with sadness. “What have I ever done to you? Why don’t you like me, Cord?”

  The wind was nearly knocked out of my lungs, and I took a few steps back. My stomach felt like a ten-pound weight was sitting in it.

  “I need to, uh, get back to my bar.”

  I rushed from Maebh as fast as I could. Why did those six words nearly knock me on my ass?

  She thought I di
dn’t like her? Why the hell did she think that? I had just asked her to dance with me, for fuck’s sake.

  By the time I made it to my office, I was sure I was having a damn panic attack. I pulled out my phone and called Steed.

  “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “Can’t. Breathe. Panic. Attack.”

  He laughed. The fucker actually laughed.

  “Seriously? You’re having a panic attack. And you called my ass? Why?”

  I dragged in a deep breath and heard Paxton saying something. Then her calm voice came on the line.


  “My chest hurts. I think…I’m dying. Heart attack.”

  I could practically hear Paxton rolling her eyes. “You’re not dying. Take a deep breath through your nose and slowly let it out. Sit down if you’re not already seated.”

  Walking over to the love seat in my office, I did what she said.

  “Clear your mind of everything.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t.”

  “Yes. You can. Do it.”

  My eyes were squeezed shut, and I tried to do what she said.

  “I told you, you need to take a yoga classes with me. It calms you down.”

  Her voice wasn’t harsh, more soft and caring. I kicked off my boots and crossed my legs the best I could on the sofa and tried to calm my racing heart. I was pretty sure they sat like this in those damn yoga classes.

  “She’s going to kill me, Paxton.”


  “The Irish vixen who is trying to steal my customers.”

  Paxton giggled. “Ahhh, so that’s the reason for the panic attack. Maebh is as harmless as they come.”

  “She’s not. She’s trying to confuse me with her Irish words, and she talks so goddamn fast I can’t understand anything she’s saying.”

  “Did something happen with Maebh that started this panic attack?”

  I huffed.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  After a few seconds my breathing was back under control.

  “It felt like someone was sitting on my damn chest.”

  “You need some time off, Cord. Time to relax and not think about work.”

  Dropping back against the cushions, I laughed. “Right. A new bar is opening in a week right down from me and you want me to take a vacation. Are you in on it with her, Paxton?”

  “In on it?” she asked.

  “Trying to take me down?”

  She laughed. “Cord, listen to yourself. It’s a totally different clientele at Aisling. It’s more of a restaurant with a fancy bar upstairs.”

  “Whatever. It’s still a bar.”

  Paxton sighed. “Your mom just had a great idea.”

  I jerked upright. “Mom’s there?”

  “Yep. She said you should go to the cabin up on LBJ Lake.”

  That sounded like heaven. I could do some fishing and get away for a bit.

  “Are they not renting it out?”

  Paxton covered the phone, and I heard muffled voices before she got back on.

  “She said she’ll look at the calendar and let you know what is open.”

  I stood, and a brown-haired beauty wearing a green dress caught my attention on the security screens.

  “Cord? You still there?”

  Walking closer to the TV screen, I watched as Maebh danced with one of the guys who had been standing in the shit kicker group.

  “Cord? Are you…growling?”

  “Everything’s fine. Tell Mom to make it sooner rather than later.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll pass it along. Are you feeling better?”

  My panic attack quickly morphed into full-on rage.

  “I’m feeling something. Not sure it’s better though. I gotta let you go, Pax. Got a situation to deal with on the dance floor that requires immediate attention.”

  The young lad dancing with me was sweet, but touchy.

  “Where you from, baby?”


  He wiggled his brows and pulled me closer. His body pressed against mine, and I wanted to gag.

  “I think I’m ready to sit down. Thank you for the dance.” Me hands went to his chest and I pushed him back with all me might. He didn’t budge.

  “Let me go,” I said, anger building up inside of me.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s find a dark corner and I’ll show you how good you can feel.”

  Me eyes widened, and I felt sick to me stomach.

  “Get your fecking hands off of me now, you arse!” I shouted.

  He laughed, but didn’t let go.

  I pushed him away with all me might and when he backed up, I kneed him in the bollocks. He doubled over and shouted a string of curses in me direction.

  “Maebh!” Wade shouted, running over and looking between me and the guy on the floor.

  “What happened?” Cord asked, appearing out of nowhere.

  “He wouldn’t let me go, so I kicked him in the bollocks.”

  Wade and Cord smiled as the bouncers grabbed the lad who was now moaning in pain. They practically threw him out the door.

  “Are you okay?” Amelia asked.

  I nodded. “It’s not the first time I’ve had to teach a man for pawing me up.”

  My eyes darted over to Cord, and he looked pissed.

  “In here?” he asked.

  I shook me head. “Nah, back in Ireland. The lad’s like to drink, especially during a lock-in. They get a little touchy feely.”

  “A lock-in?” Amelia asked.

  All of a sudden I was wrecked and wanted to go home.

  “I’ll explain some other time. I’m knackered. Think I’m going to head on home.”

  “Wade and I will walk you back to your place.”

  Cord stepped between meself and Amelia. “No, it’s okay, Meli. I can walk her down to her place. Y’all stay if you want.”

  Wade and Amelia smiled at each other, and you could see how much they were in love. I was happy for me new friend, but in some way, I also felt sad. Jealous of what they had.

  “Are you sure?” Wade asked, taking Amelia’s hand. “We’re probably going to head on home.”

  “I’m sure,” Cord announced.

  “I don’t mean to be a bother,” I said. “It’s just down the block.”

  Cord placed his hand on me back. “It’s not a bother. Do you have a purse?”

  Shaking me head, I replied, “No.”

  When his hand moved from me lower back to me hand, I nearly stumbled over me own damn feet. Butterflies had a fly off in the middle of me stomach.

  Cord was holding me hand. Granted, his fingers weren’t laced with mine, but it still felt good.

  Of course, he was dragging me behind him, and I had a hard time keeping up, but he was still touching me. And he wanted to walk me home. That had to be a good sign.

  “Christ, Cord!” I shouted over the music. “You’re gonna pull me arm out if you keep tugging so!”

  Once we cleared the crowd and got closer to the door, Cord whispered in one of the bouncer’s ears. The guy nodded and looked at his watch.

  I wonder what Cord had said. When I walked past him, he grinned, like he knew something I didn’t.

  The moment we stepped outside, I took a deep breath. The fresh air felt amazing, and I wanted to take a few moments to enjoy it. But his hand was back on me lower back, guiding us to the sidewalk that lead to the Aisling.

  “What did you say to the bouncer?” I asked.

  “That I’d be back in five minutes.”

  My heart sank. I was hoping he would want to walk me all the way to me place…and maybe stay for a few minutes, but that wasn’t the case.

  I don’t know why that left me chest pained, but it did.

  “You really gave it to that guy,” Cord said, letting out a chuckle.

  I shook my head. “Fecking shyster.”

  He laughed again, this time harder and louder.

  “I’m going to have to carry a recorder with me so
I can look up these words and phrases you’re always using.”

  We rounded the corner, into the small breezeway that led to the stairs to me apartment.

  I frowned and looked down at me hands.

  Cord placed his finger on my chin and lifted me eyes to meet his.

  “Hey, I already told you, I love your accent. I don’t understand you most of the time, but I think it’s sexy as hell.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “You think me accent is sexy?”

  He nodded. I wasn’t sure where my bravery was coming from, but the next words out of me mouth stunned me more than they did Cord.

  “What about me…do you think I’m sexy, too?”

  His mouth parted and his eyes swept quickly over me body. I felt the heat hit my cheeks and cursed internally for being so forward. That wasn’t really me at all.

  “I’m sorry. That was not like me. You bring out the worst in me, Cord Parker.” I moved to unlock my door and Cord put his hands on me arms.

  The next thing I knew, Cord had me against the door, his body pressed into mine.

  He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Me chest heaved as I fought to find breath. I loved feeling him against me. It was a scene from me dreams, and I didn’t want to wake up and have it end, so I kept me mouth shut and stared into his eyes.

  Cord pressed his hips into me, and I gasped as I felt his hard length pressing into me stomach.

  Holy shite. He felt huge.

  “Do you feel that?” he whispered, moving his mouth to within inches of mine.

  I nodded. If I tried to speak, nothing would come out.

  “That’s how fucking sexy I think you are.”

  Swallowing hard, I searched his face. Did he do this with other women in the bar? Press himself against them and declare they were sexy? The question nagged, especially after seeing him kiss that girl when we walked in.

  “Do you do this often?”

  My question was like a slap to his face. He stepped back quickly, his hand pushing through his dark hair.

  “I saw you kissing that girl, and I’ve seen you before bringing girls to a back room in your bar. I’m not like those women, Cord. I’m not going to spread me legs so you can shag me and then walk away. You don’t even act like you like me half the time.”

  His face pained. “You keep saying that. Why do you think I don’t like you?”

  Shrugging, I replied, “You hardly talk to me, and when you do you’re demanding, and often rude. Like you telling me to dance with you.”


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