Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

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Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Page 10

by Delta James

  Over and over his hips crashed into her punished backside, but she didn’t care. She didn’t feel the harsh contact anymore or the death grip he had on her hips as he thrust into her again and again. All of Raegan’s ability to feel or process was focused on Drake’s staff as he used her, causing her to climax repeatedly. The strength of her orgasms increased as the period of time between them decreased. Just before the barbs sank into her, she felt as though her body was free-floating in time and space, with Drake between her legs providing her with maximum pleasure. As the barbs took hold, she screamed as Drake called her name and leaned forward to bite the nape of her neck in a primal hold as he began pumping copious amounts of his cum into her waiting cunt.

  As the barbs began to release her, she felt her spirit return to her body. Drake released her neck and withdrew as gently as he could. Again, without being told, Raegan remained in position as he flopped over on his back an evil grin on his face.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I think, Chosen One, rutting you may be the end of me.”

  She looked at him and laughed. “And would that be such a terrible way to die?”

  “Not if my last breath was as I seeded you one last time to the sounds of you screaming my name as your pussy clamps down on me and milks the last of my seed from my body.”

  Chapter Ten

  Raegan remained on her knees until Drake indicated she could lower herself onto her pillow. She lay contently beside him. He had rolled up on his side and idly fondled her to soothe the remaining fire from her body.



  “For what it’s worth... I like it much better when you touch me than when I touch myself.”

  He laughed. “Then I will try to see that you are touched often so you aren’t tempted to do it again and earn an even greater punishment.”

  “So, can I blame you if I am overcome and touch myself because you aren’t here to do it for me?” she teased.

  “You touch yourself ever again, my Chosen One, and your pussy will be spanked until it is red and swollen and not just from need of my cock.”

  “But you’d still fuck me, right?”

  He laughed again and then sobered. “Unless we are in the midst of a rut, I will fuck your ass only for twenty-four hours before fucking your pussy as part of your punishment. And that goes for anything else. I will punish you once for misbehaving, but if you defy me outright or do something a second time, I will endeavor to make your punishment more memorable so you don’t do it again.”

  “When do you think I’ll come into heat?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “As short as my refractory period is becoming between hard-ons, I’d say you’re coming in fairly quickly and by this time tomorrow I should be in full rut.”

  She smiled.

  “Why do I think that my wanton Chosen One is looking forward to being rutted?” he continued.

  “Because she is,” answered Raegan simply. “Is it wrong for me to want to experience that?”

  He shook his head. “No. Although I know it is taxing on both of our bodies, I know it is the best way to get you to conceive. I must admit, I am looking forward to having you beneath me and feeling your response.”

  “The doctor said I responded well to stimuli,” she quoted with a seductive laugh.

  “Who supplied the stimuli?” he inquired angrily.

  “A woman, Dr. Millicent Denny. No man has ever touched me that way.”

  “No man should have touched you in any sexual way. Were you violated?”

  Instead of becoming defensive or fearful, Raegan went on the offense. “I was a virgin when you first fucked me. You know that.”

  “I do. And my anger is not directed at you but at those who may have touched you in a way not of your liking.”

  “You touched me in a way that was not to my liking.”

  He laughed. “I did not and you know it. I have never reached between your legs and not found you dripping with need.”

  “That doesn’t mean I wanted it,” she argued.

  “Perhaps at first, but now I think you would admit you enjoy being bred and fucked by me, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she said, nodding. “Much as I hate to admit it, I like it very much.”

  “Who touched you and how?”

  “When they have all the girls lined up, they often lift your breast, or stroke your bottom, or run a hand down the inside of your thigh.”

  “For what purpose?”

  “I don’t really know. That never bothered me much, but when Stanley said he wouldn’t mind seeing me... how did he put it? Oh, yes, being plowed by one of the warriors in full rut, I wanted to puke. He’s a sorry sonofabitch. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t actually do that... watch, I mean.”

  “You don’t like him,” Drake observed.

  “Did you miss the part of my note where I asked you to kill him? Believe me, the feeling is mutual.”

  “But he touched your breast?”

  She smiled. “Let it go, Drake. I felt nothing but revulsion when he did it.” She reached out to trail her hand down the center of his torso. “I did not close my eyes and think of him when I touched myself.”

  “And is that what you did, Chosen One, imagine it was my hands on your nipples as you prepared to use the dildo in place of my cock?”

  She laughed at him. “At the risk of inflating your already overblown ego, we both know that dildo isn’t anywhere close to the size of your cock. And it doesn’t have those barbs. They don’t hurt as much when they dig in anymore.”

  “Good. They serve a purpose in helping me to breed you.” He smiled at her lasciviously. “And as I plan to breed you often, it is good to know that I am not causing you pain.”

  “For your information, being spanked by you is painful. And leaving me tied up on the bed all fired up is not my idea of a good time.”

  He laughed again. She was beginning to truly enjoy that sound.

  “Best you remember that should you ever choose fantasy over reality where your sexual needs are concerned,” he said. “You rest where you are. I’ll get some food and water.”

  “I brought some in earlier. You don’t have to leave...”

  “We will need all that we can bring in here when we begin to rut. Besides I always make a perimeter check and make sure the Needle is locked down before I lock us in our room.”

  “Okay,” she said quietly.

  “I will return shortly. You will remain where you are to encourage my seed to take root.” He got up but came around and spread her legs, parting her folds to look at her. “You have spilled very little of my seed from either your cunt or your bottom. Your vulva is still engorged. Best you nap while you can. Once I begin to rut, there will be very little rest for you.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “But I’ll be well fucked, right?”

  He laughed. “Yes, Chosen One, you will be well and properly fucked repeatedly as I breed you.” He leaned over to nip her buttocks, which were still painted a vivid red from the spanking he had given her earlier.

  “Ouch, Drake. That hurts.”

  “Good. If it didn’t, I wouldn’t have done it right and would have to redo it.”

  “No, you got it right. Believe me.”

  He chuckled as he petted the entrance to her core and left her.

  * * *

  Drake went through their living quarters and made sure all was secure. Taking the elevator to the upper deck, he did the same and then prepared to take a short flight around not only the Needle but the surrounding area. He had only had mutants try to attack him once. They couldn’t breach the stairwell; the elevator only operated between the deck and living quarters and climbing the superstructure would take someone with strength, endurance, experience, and little to no fear. Nevertheless, to discourage others, he had decimated those that had tried the one time. After that, word had spread that the Protector’s home was an impenetrable fortress and that he would ext
ract a terrible revenge from anyone who tried to violate it.

  Shifting, he took off and flew into the night sky. This was the only thing he didn’t regret from having become a hybrid. To be able to fly amongst the clouds and the stars was almost worth the loss of his humanity. He wondered if Raegan might like to straddle his back and fly with him some time. As he flew, he scanned the area below. Thus far, he had never found anyone else in the sky.

  The idea of Stanley touching his mate, and he realized that was how he had begun to think of her, made him want to react violently. She was no longer tribute or concubine. Neither would have returned to fight at his side. He would see to it that Stanley was removed from any position of power at the Sanctuary. They needed him. Now that he had Raegan, he doubted he would ever need them again.

  Drake wondered if Raegan had begun to suspect his feelings for her were no longer strictly clinical or based purely in lust. Dare he hope she might be beginning to feel something for him as well? Would she have returned to fight with him if she didn’t? She did not seem easily frightened and clearly accepted her libidinous nature. Responded well to stimuli? He snorted. That wasn’t even the half of it. Even when being punished, she responded to his dominance. He had begun to think that Raegan was his last hope to create a virus that might reverse the one that had all but destroyed mankind.

  As he flew back to the Needle, he realized he had come to a decision. He would not give Raegan up. If he could impregnate her, all the better as he could try to undo some of the damage he had helped to cause. But if not, he would give up hope of finding a cure and spend the rest of Raegan’s life with her, calling her into estrous as often as he could. The very thought of rutting with Raegan was enough to make his cock hard and his balls ache to spend himself in her.

  He smiled as he landed. When he had finished the lockdown, he would feed her and see that she was properly hydrated and then breed Raegan again before allowing her to rest.

  He unlocked the door to their bedroom.

  “All secure?” she said, glancing over at him.

  “Yes, Chosen One. Do you want to come eat out here or would you prefer I bring you your food?”

  “Uhm, Drake?”

  “Yes?” he answered quizzically.

  “While you were gone, my pussy began to ache again. Could we eat with you sitting on the bed with your cock up inside me?”

  Even in the dim light he could see her blushing.

  “I can think of little I would like more as I decided that before breeding you again tonight, I should probably feed you.”

  He smiled as she squirmed, rubbing her legs together. Clearly, she was coming into estrous and was not fighting it.

  “You stay where you are. I will get us something to eat.”

  He made short work of putting together a platter of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and fruits—all of which could be eaten with their fingers. Grabbing several bottles of water, he returned to her. He arranged the platter of food next to him within easy reach. He was able to settle Raegan quickly on his lap with his cock lodged deep in her cunt.

  He held up the bottle of water for her to get a drink.

  “I do know how to drink a bottle of water without your assistance,” she said sarcastically.

  “Careful, Chosen One, lest I think you need to drink only that which spills off or out of my cock.”

  He was enchanted as she blushed again and buried her face in his neck. He began to eat and feed her with his fingers. He could feel his cock swelling as she licked and sucked his fingers.

  “I’m beginning to think I may feed you all of your meals.”

  “Will you always do it like this?” she asked teasingly.

  “Yes, with you naked on my lap and my cock up your pussy unless you’ve misbehaved. Then I could have you face the other way and shove it up your bottom hole and pinch your nipples and clit until you decide that being an obedient Chosen One is always your best choice.”

  “Drake?” she said between mouthfuls.

  “Yes, my inquisitive Chosen One?”

  “Do I ask too many questions?”

  “No, Raegan. I find your interest in things not known to you refreshing. What is it you want to know?”

  “If I’m able to conceive and we have a child, will whatever you need to do to continue your research harm him or her? Does it matter what sex the child is?” she asked with trepidation.

  He smiled and for the first time he kissed her. It wasn’t a passionate or demanding kiss, but one meant to reassure and coax the concern from her.

  He shook his head. “No, Raegan. All that will be needed can be extracted from blood samples. I’m so close to a breakthrough, but have been unable to sire a child to finish my life’s work.”

  “Thus, why you have always demanded tribute. You needed an unending supply of women capable of bearing a child. But why a virgin? Why only one at a time?”

  “A virgin? Partly ego and partly believing that a woman untouched would not have formed as strong a bond with those of the Sanctuary. One at a time? Because my hope was always that if I could sire a child, the Chosen One might choose to stay with me and our child. I would have a mate and my mate and our children would remain safe with me here in the Needle.”

  “If I conceive, will you no longer breed me?”

  He laughed. “When I put a baby in your belly, I will have no need to breed you...” he laughed again at the disappointed look on her face, “save the fact that I grow hard at the very thought of you. So pregnant or not, you can expect to be bred often. During your pregnancy I will still be able to rut and will do so until it is dangerous to you or the baby in your womb. So do not fret, Chosen One, you will remain my concubine and the vessel for my lust.”

  She sighed contentedly as she rubbed her beaded nipples against his chest and nuzzled his neck.

  “Have you had your fill?” he asked.

  “Of food. But the Chosen One’s vessel is empty of the Protector’s seed and needs to be filled again.”

  He laughed as he lifted her off of his cock, which ached at her loss.

  “Present yourself to me,” he said seductively.

  Raegan crawled up onto the bed, stretched out her upper torso and spread her legs.

  “I will have to remember that my concubine learns the lessons she wants to very quickly.”

  He reached between her legs and tweaked her clit, causing her to wail in need. He knelt behind her once more and breached her core with his cock, driving it forward as far as it would go. Raegan cried out as she climaxed and Drake began to fuck her fast and furiously. He brought her to two more quick orgasms before ramming into her as he prepared to spend himself within her depths. Again, he leaned forward, biting the nape of her neck in a primal response to his need to ensure she remained in place while he bred her. She yowled her acceptance and then sighed as the barbs became rigid and hooked into her flesh as he began to fill her again with his essence.

  Drake remained coupled with her until the barbs released and then he withdrew slowly. Despite the fact that he had filled her pussy to overflowing, all that escaped her was that which clung to his cock. The rest remained inside her. He rubbed her back to encourage her to stay in position without his having to verbalize it. She responded by purring at him in the sheer pleasure of his touch.

  “I do not believe it will be twenty-four hours before I am in rut. I have one more thing to accomplish tomorrow so if I am not here when you wake, I want you to remain here in our living quarters.”

  “Drake, I want to go outside.”

  “Once the rut is through, I will allow you up on the deck.”

  “I’m not going to try and escape again,” she said angrily.

  “I know,” he said, leaning over to kiss her shoulder. “I need to finish this and then will lock down the Needle so that we can give ourselves fully to the rut. And you will give yourself fully to me, won’t you, Raegan?”

  She nodded. “Did I ever really have a choice?”

e shook his head. “Not with your libido,” he teased.

  “But why can’t I just go sit and enjoy the sunshine while you’re gone?”

  “Because I told you not to. Do not make me spank you right before we begin to rut. Your bottom is going to be sore enough as it is from the spanking you earned yourself tonight. Will you obey or must I shackle you to our bed whenever I need to leave you?”

  “No, I’ll behave.”

  “Good. Make yourself comfortable. I have a large library and you are welcome to use it.”

  “Okay, but I’d rather go outside.”

  “Raegan. Enough.” He turned the covers back. “Get in bed, Raegan. You will need to be well rested when we begin to rut.”

  “I’m not going to be cooped up,” she mumbled as he got into bed beside her.

  “You will stay inside or your bottom will pay the price... inside and out.”

  Raegan said nothing more but huffed as she settled in beside him as he pulled her close.

  “Who are you, Raegan?” he whispered, nipping the nape of her neck.

  She sighed, realizing there was no good to be gained from arguing with him. “I am the Chosen One given to the Protector as tribute and concubine. Drake?”

  “Yes, Raegan?”

  “I may be the Chosen One and you may be the Protector, but you’re also a sonofabitch.”

  He laughed, wrapping his arm around her middle and pulling her snug up against him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Raegan had been awakened as Drake knelt behind her and drew her up onto her knees before parting her folds and mounting her. It wasn’t a hard or fast entrance, but Raegan could feel him continuing to swell as he entered her.

  She sighed. “God, that feels good,” she said, stretching herself out before him.

  Drake said nothing but began to thrust in and out of her at an almost leisurely pace.

  “Up in front, Raegan,” he said.

  She complied and was immediately rewarded as one strong arm wrapped around her lower pelvis to hold her in place and the other came up to play with her nipples. He cupped her breast and then rolled her hardened nipples between his thumb and forefinger as Raegan moaned appreciatively.


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