Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

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Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Page 12

by Delta James

  Raegan stayed in position until he returned with a large omelet filled with fresh meat, cheese, vegetables, and potatoes. He sat up next to her and stretched his legs out. He fisted her hair and drew her up and out of position so that she was cuddled along his side and then began to feed them both, offering her shared water and juice.

  “I thought your rut had broken,” she said uncertainly.

  “It has. I’m just a horny bastard and you are far too enticing lying naked next to me.”

  She laughed. “I see. So, can I expect that every morning?”

  “Has a morning gone by yet that I haven’t fucked you? Or an afternoon or evening? I fear, my Chosen One, that your mate and Protector chooses to breed you whenever his cock is hard enough to accomplish the feat.”

  “Do I get a say in that?”

  “As I have yet to not find you wet and wanting... no. You will have to satisfy my lust until you come into heat again. And then, my Chosen One, I will rut you again.”

  She rolled over and stretched contentedly. “Can I go up on the deck today?”

  “I have work to do in my lab and would not have you up there without me in attendance.” He leaned over and kissed her, silencing her protests. “Come and help me; my work will go more quickly. Then we will both go outside to soak up some sun. Would you like to take a shower?”

  She grinned at him seductively, “Only if you’ll come wash my back. For some strange reason I seem to have some dried residue all over it.”

  He laughed. “As I recall, Chosen One, you reveled in having me spray my seed and rub it into your skin to mark you as my own.”

  “Am I?” The room grew still as she waited for him to answer.

  He lifted her chin so that she couldn’t help but look at him. “You are. You will never know the touch of another; never live a peaceful life in seclusion. I have never rutted another with the intensity and frequency I did you. While I may have sprayed my seed on them to enhance the rut, never did I rub it into their skin to ensure they carried my scent. And never did I couple with another while she lay on her back so that I could watch her face as she climaxed.”

  Showering together had been a revelation to them both. Raegan was incredibly tactile and found she not only enjoyed having Drake wash her, but she enjoyed washing him as well. When they were dried off, she grabbed one of Drake’s oversized sweaters and pulled it on.

  “A closet full of clothes and you want to wear my old baggy sweater?”

  “Why not? It covers everything.”

  He caught her hand as she started to leave their room. “My sweater and nothing else?”

  She grinned at him. “Yes, I figure it would be easier for you to get your hands on my tits and fuck me whenever you wanted. I’m practical that way.”

  He laughed. “And are you happy?” he asked.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face down for a kiss. “Incredibly. But I will be even happier when you take me up on the deck. So, let’s go work in your lab and then we can go outside.”

  He released her hand and followed her out, pulling a sweater over his head.

  They spent the next several hours in Drake’s lab. He had to show her how to use some of the equipment and record the data, but found she was a quick study and made his work easier, faster, and more enjoyable. She was right; her choice of attire did lend itself to him being able to fondle her as he wanted. Her deeply sensual nature called to him and he would find himself idly stroking or rubbing her while she preened under his hand.

  “My beast may be part saber-tooth, but yours is pure alley cat.”

  She ran his hand down between her legs to let him feel that she was wet. “And is that a bad thing?”

  He stroked and then pinched her clit. “Not usually, but not in the lab. But if you like, my Chosen One, we can finish up here and I will take you up on the deck to breed you.”

  She smiled and nodded. They finished their work, grabbed some food to take upstairs with them, and then adjourned to the deck. Raegan walked out into the sunshine and turned her face to the sky, stretching her arms wide. She then looked at the enormous vista before her.

  “Drake, it’s gorgeous up here. The view is amazing!” she said, looking so that she could see both Elliott Bay and Mount Rainier.

  “It is,” he said as he approached her from behind.

  Raegan did not miss the note of lust in his voice. She doubted very much that they were talking about the same view. She walked away from him, causing him to growl until she reached the bench, bent over, flipped the sweater up over her back, and placed her hands on the bench and spread her legs. “As I said, Protector, practical. Come and fill me with your seed.”

  Drake wasted no time in closing the distance between them as he opened the fly of his trousers, freeing his cock with the barbs activating in response to her proximity. He took her by the hips and drove into her with no preliminaries.

  Drake fucked her hard, causing her to climax twice before he succumbed to her siren’s call and thrust home, his barbs digging into her as he began to flood her pussy. Raegan climaxed around him and her cunt pulsed all along his length, imbedding the barbs more deeply into her flesh as she keened her need and satisfaction.

  The brief but frenzied coupling left them both trying to catch their breath. Raegan was unsure if she should kneel down and lower her upper body so that she was in the same position she was normally in after he’d taken her. Drake caught her around the waist.

  “You’re fine where you are, just lean on your elbows instead of your hands.”

  She nodded and sighed contentedly as he rubbed her back. He continued to caress her gently for a while. He stood up and spread her folds to examine her.

  “It’s a shame that you’re not as puffy as you were before,” he said, fingering her lightly.

  She laughed. “Not exactly the most complimentary thing to say to a woman.”

  He chuckled. “Then how about, you are the most exquisite creature I have ever encountered and I will never let you go.”

  Raegan felt the sting of tears. She saw his eyes cloud with anger and brought his hand to her lips and kissed it. “No one has ever said anything like that to me,” she whispered.

  “Then they are fools. I am the Protector and you are the Chosen One and will be so for the rest of your days.”

  After a while, he pulled her to a standing position, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. Raegan found that she was happier and more relaxed than she’d ever been in her life. Leaning against him felt as natural to her as breathing. When Drake started to drop his arms, she held them in place.

  “I don’t want to go back in yet.”

  “Nor do I,” he responded as he kissed her neck. “Would you like to fly with me?”

  “I don’t know. The only two times you’ve ever flown me anywhere, I’ve ended up getting spanked.”

  “That had nothing to do with flying and everything to do with putting yourself in danger. I thought I could shift and you could climb up on my back and hold on.”

  “Could we?” she said excitedly.

  “Yes, but you will need to hang on to me to keep from falling.”

  “Do I need to worry about operating the door?”

  “No, there is an open and close button here,” he said, showing her where it was. “There is an electronic device on one of the struts. It scans for DNA. It will only operate the door if it recognizes mine.”

  He stepped away from her and she watched as the man who had spent the past week breeding her in hopes of conceiving a child he thought might help restore the world, shifted. His beast was fearsome, but she could see the man who lay within when she looked into his eyes. She reached out to stroke his face and he rubbed his head against her hand. He bowed, extending his foreleg so that she could climb up onto his back.

  She leaned forward. “I’ve always felt your power when you were between my legs, but this is on a whole other level.”

  * * *

  The great beast snorted as Raegan grasped the thick fur. He leapt off the deck, impressed that she didn’t seem frightened in the least. He let the wind catch his wings as he soared upward. He could hear Raegan laughing with delight. Even in his beast form he responded to her joy.

  He banked easily and flew over the city, gliding over the building tops and then heading out over Elliott Bay, circling down low to the water so she could see their mirrored reflection while still keeping them out of danger from the creatures that lay below the surface.

  Drake could feel her fatigue left over from the rut setting in. Her grip was loosening. He banked back toward their home and hovered as the door reopened and he landed back on the deck. Raegan jumped off his back and ran to the button operating the door, closing it tight.

  He shifted back and was just pulling his pants back on and stuffing his erection into them when she hit him full force, wrapping her arms around him.

  “That was amazing. Can we do it again some time? Was I too heavy? Are you all right? Do you always get a hard-on when you shift?”

  Drake laughed. “In order, yes, no, yes, and no.” He pulled her close. “But my cock does get hard every time you are near.”

  “Funny, you have the same effect on my nipples.” She nuzzled his neck as she rubbed up against him. “But the place between my legs gets soft and very wet.”

  “Does it? Would you like me to make it wetter?”

  She grinned, hopping up and wrapping her legs around his waist. “Very much.”

  Suddenly she let go of him and raced to the elevator. She managed to get the door closed in his face before he could get to her. He roared in aggravation, punching the elevator button to recall it. When it opened, he entered the empty car and went down to their living quarters.

  “Raegan,” he called angrily.

  He knew his reaction was disproportionate to her behavior and was fueled partially by the fact that as hard as he was, he desperately needed to breed her. She might no longer be in high estrous, but he had found breeding Raegan wasn’t always about impregnating her. He took great pleasure in feeling her beneath him, submitting to his dominance and shuddering with multiple climaxes as he pounded into her before his barbs imbedded themselves and he was able to spend himself in her. There was no response.

  “Raegan! Damn it! Answer me! I have no interest in playing whatever game you are up to!”

  When she still did not answer, the beast began to push forward and he roared. He stormed into their room and found her in position on the bed, her legs spread wide, showing her pussy was in fact ready to be fucked. He didn’t intend to disappoint her.

  He swatted her rump hard, making her yelp before opening his fly, freeing his fully erect cock and mounting her roughly. She squealed as he began to thrusting into her deeply and quickly, making her orgasm before seeking his own release and climaxing as she came a second time. As soon as his barbs released, he fell away from her, landing on his back next to her.

  “You answer me when I call you.”

  She looked at him and smiled, clearly not concerned with his anger.

  “I mean it, Raegan. Do it again and before I fuck your pussy, I’ll spank it. I’d stop grinning at me if I were you. I’m not sure I shouldn’t spank that bottom of yours.”

  She continued to smile at him and then stuck out her tongue. He tried to maintain his anger but between the well-being he always felt after breeding her and her absolute impudence and refusal to be impressed with his anger, it was beyond his ability; he began to laugh at her.


  “What?” he growled.

  “Have you ever encountered other flying beasts?”

  “No. At first, I searched wondering if there were others like me, but never found any.”

  “I think you may have been even lonelier than I was.”

  “I disagree. I was alone but not lonely. You were surrounded by those of your kind and yet experienced loneliness for most of your life. I am sorry for any part I had in that. I swear you will never be lonely again.”

  “Do you think our children will be like you... that they will be able to shift?”

  “I don’t think so. That mutation is just that... a mutation. Your virus-resistant, pure human DNA combined with what’s left over of my uncorrupted DNA should ensure that the mutation is overwritten. So, you are planning to provide me with more than one offspring?”

  “As much as we both like to rut, I think that’s a given,” she laughed.

  He joined her. “Point taken.”

  “You do think we’ll have children, don’t you?” she said, suddenly serious.

  “Yes, Raegan, I do. Your estrous was intense and God knows I got you bred more than enough times to accomplish the goal. While my need to breed you continuously is no longer all consuming, it is powerful and I will have you at my beck and call.”

  “But what if...”

  He rolled toward her. “There is no what if... If we are not blessed with children, it was never meant to be. But I will continue to call you into heat as often as possible so that I can rut you more than any female has ever been.”

  She laughed before she sobered. “But won’t you be terribly disappointed and want someone else?”

  Drake leaned up and before she knew what he planned, he swatted her bottom hard. “Fuck the Chosen One the Sanctuary gave to me. Fuck the tribute. Fuck the concubine. I choose to fuck Raegan Yesler.” He ran his hand down her body possessively. “And I choose to fuck her often to keep her quarrelsome nature in check.”

  “My quarrelsome nature?”

  “Yes, before the rut you were disobedient and defiant. You are much better behaved now.”

  “Don’t kid yourself. I’m not better behaved. I’m just too exhausted to act out.”

  He laughed. “And you’re honest. Combined with your intelligence, courage, and raging libido, you are a very choose-able concubine.”

  “Have I mentioned that in addition to being a fearsome beast you are also an arrogant sonofabitch?”

  “On several occasions,” he laughed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Drake was as good as his word. While he no longer kept her confined to their bedchamber and specifically to their bed, he bred her repeatedly throughout any given day. While most times he wanted her in a submissive position to do so, he now took her face to face at least daily. Raegan had to admit that she didn’t care how he fucked her, so long as he did so. Like his, her need to feel him deep within her pumping himself into her no longer clawed at her body and mind, but she found she still welcomed his sexual advances.

  Raegan could feel the shift in their dynamic. No longer did Drake see her solely as an outlet for his lust and as a way to provide him with a child, but he saw her as his mate. Not his equal, she laughed to herself, but as something or someone who had importance in her own right. She found working alongside of him in his lab was intellectually stimulating and provided them with a common focus and goal. More and more their relationship evolved into a working partnership where each took on the responsibility of certain tasks that needed to be done to ensure the safety of their home. Raegan smiled; the Needle had become home.

  Drake often took her with him when he would take to the skies to patrol the area around them. And she gloried in taking flight on his broad back. She felt no concern whatsoever as he would swoop down to glide among the ruins of the once great city or climb to great heights to soar over the tops of the trees.

  Raegan was cleaning up the breakfast dishes when Drake came out from the lab, embraced her and held her close for a moment.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked, concerned.

  He smiled. “It is, but I’m going to have to make a trip to one of my trading partners as we are out of foxglove.”

  “I can be ready to go in a few minutes...”

  “You are not going,” he said with finality.


  He shook his head. “One, because I said so and... well,
one should suffice.”

  “It doesn’t.”

  “It does. I trust this group less than I do those at the Sanctuary. You will stay here where I know you will be safe.”

  “Why do you have to trade with them if you don’t trust them?”

  “They are the only ones who are able to grow the plant successfully.”

  “Why trade when you could harvest your own?”

  “I’ve tried growing it up on the deck several times and each time has failed.”

  “But,” she said, “it grows wild, or at least used to, on the Olympic Peninsula. That’s only about an hour from here.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Remember me? I’m the reader. I read it once a long time ago in the books that are at the Sanctuary and just a few days ago in one of yours. It’s a fairly distinctive plant and easy to spot. We...” She hesitated as he arched his eyebrow at her. “We,” she repeated before carrying on, “could take one of your big canvas duffels and harvest enough to fill them. Then I could set up a drying rack someplace out of the way down here in our living quarters and dry it to preserve it.”

  “I,” he stressed the word, “could do just that without your help.”

  “It would be hard for you to carry that bundle without me.” She rushed on before he could interrupt her. “You admitted last week when you took me with you to fish that the task was much easier with me along to help you carry it back.”

  “It was easier to have you keep the duffle up on my back with you,” he said, slowly nodding. “I don’t like the idea of you out in the wilderness.”

  She ran her finger down his muscular torso. “And what could possibly happen to me with the Protector at my side?”

  He pulled her close, cupping her bottom before striking it with his hand. Raegan yelped.

  “If I allow you to come with me, you will have to be on your best behavior and stay at my side or wherever I tell you to be regardless of what you want. I will not have a repeat of your behavior at the beach.”


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