Home for the Holidays

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Home for the Holidays Page 3

by Darling, Lucy

  “Forgot to text my brother,” I tell him, and he releases his hold. I scramble back over to my seat. I see I have a bunch of messages. I click it and see I’m in a group chat. It takes me a second to realize it’s my roommates.

  Victoria: You’re engaged to Logan Duncan!

  Barbie: I don’t believe it.

  Victoria: You are introducing me to his brother or I’ll throw all your shit out.

  Me: What are you talking about?

  How could they have found this out? Another text comes through. It’s a picture this time. It’s me walking up the stairs of Logan’s plane with his hand on my back guiding me. The name Duncan is written across the side of the plane.

  I turn my phone around. “What is this?”

  Logan takes it from my hand. “The press works fast. What can I say?” His face shows no emotion as he hands the phone back to me so that I can text my brother. But I swear when I glance up at him again it looks as though he’s fighting a smirk.



  I’m nervous. The feeling is foreign to me. I’m usually calm and collected. Especially when it comes to business. That’s one of the reasons I’m so successful. But a lot has happened over the last few hours, and I know the feelings are all linked to Angel. When I first saw her, I was sure the name fit her perfectly. Now I’m starting to think she’s a siren instead.

  She has this ability to get me to agree to whatever she wants. Not only that, I enjoy the feeling I get when her whole face lights up and she gives me one of those damn dimples when I do something that pleases her.

  “They are really nice. There is no reason to be nervous about meeting my parents. They’re normal people.”

  “I’m not nervous,” I lie. Why the hell do I even care what they’ll think of me? I’m still trying to understand why I agreed to stay with her in the first place. That damn dimple has me going out of my mind. I am also past the point of no return.

  Especially after I let Kelly leak the photo of Angel and me to the press. Since I don’t talk to my family unless I have to, I figured it would spread some of the news to them without me having to do it. I didn't think it would end up as a feature on TMZ. Sometimes I think Kelly might be too good at her job.

  “Okay.” She’s practically hopping around in her seat with excitement to see her family. A stark difference from how I feel about visiting mine. “You have to tell me more about you. What you’ve given me so far was super basic.”

  “There isn't much else to tell.”

  She stops wiggling around in her seat. “You don’t do anything for fun?”

  I have to think for a moment. “Sometimes I play poker.”

  “My brother plays poker too. Texas something.”


  “Yep. We could all play tonight if you want.” She wants to make sure I’ll have a good time. “I’m terrible at it. He says I’m the worst bluffer.” I can see worry start to take over her face as she remembers how horrible of a liar she is. Also that she doesn't want to lie either.

  “You’ll be fine.” I take her hand. She locks her fingers with mine this time. She truly is as innocent as an angel. I am interested in what kind of parents she has to make her be filled with so much sweetness. I don’t know how she’s made it in LA for so long. A city like that would normally eat her alive. I also don’t know how the hell she’s still single.

  My thumb drifts back and forth on her delicate soft hand. I turn her hand in mine, realizing that her ring finger is empty. It’s then that I remember the box in my pocket. My driver Nick handed it to me before I got into the car.

  I pull it out of my pocket. I was planning to give it to her when we got to my place, but plans have changed. Fuck, have they changed. Today was never one I saw coming. I open the box to look at the ring.

  Angel lets out a small gasp when she sees the pear cut pink diamond that is surrounded by a halo of diamonds. I pull it out from the box.

  “Give me your hand, Angel.” She slowly raises her hand and I slip the ring onto her finger. I was already hard from her being in my lap and tasting her sweetness while that vanilla smell that clings to her filled every breath I took. But seeing my ring on her finger does something to me that I’m not ready to deal with.

  “It fits.” I swear so many dirty things race through my mind at that moment. She stares at the ring. “Pink is my favorite color.”

  “I know.” She pulls her eyes away from the ring to look at me. “So you were listening to me ramble on?”

  “I have a tendency to remember everything. It’s both a curse and a blessing.” Tonight when I get a moment alone it is going to be a blessing. I was going to close my eyes and think of her mouth as I get myself off. Or maybe I can entice her past a few kisses. I sure as hell am going to try.

  I felt her heat earlier as she rubbed her pussy against my cock. Her body had taken over for a moment before she realized what she was doing. She was attracted to me. I can work with that. I have to. Angel is proving to be unlike any other woman I’ve ever known. She’s not the type to be bought. Not after the way she talked about her parents falling in love.

  “You didn't tell me about your dating history,” I point out.

  “Not much of one. I don’t fit well in LA, and that’s where I went to school and took a job right out of college. I should have come home.”

  “Why didn't you?”

  She shrugs one of her delicate shoulders. I hate how much the hoodie she has on covers her. Though you can still tell she’s full of curves.

  “I thought it was the adult thing to do. It would have been stupid to turn down the job offer. EG Images is a giant company. I knew a few years under the VP would look good on my resume. If anyone would understand that I think it would be you.”

  “I suppose.” She gets a miserable look in her eyes when she talks about her job. She has a degree in design. I have a feeling EG was nothing like she thought it was going to be when she went to school for that degree. “But I’m not miserable at my job.”

  She tilts her head to the side. “Your job is all you have. It’s all you do.” She throws her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong.”

  I pretend to brush it off, but her words linger. “According to TMZ I’m in a whirlwind romance.”

  She drops her hand from her mouth. “Right.” She gives me that dimple in her cheek.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  “For what?” she asks. I don’t answer her. I see her brother heading straight for the car. So I kiss her and hit the unlock button on the doors. We need this to look real, after all.

  I really am a bastard.



  I moan into Logan’s mouth. My fingers dig into his shirt, and I find myself moving to crawl into his lap again. I could get lost in his kisses for hours. He’s doing something to my body.

  “Hands off, Logan.” I jump back at the deep rumble of my brother's voice. He’s standing in the open door on my side.

  “She’s mine to have my hands on,” Logan states. I smack his chest. He gives a lazy shrug. It should piss me off, but the way he claimed me actually sounded hot. I feel my face start to heat more. Is he being serious or was this part of the acting we’re supposed to be doing?

  “Listen here, mother—"

  “Beau.” My mom cuts him off with only one word. My mom is one of the sweetest people in the whole world. That is until she thinks you stepped out of line, then she’s a force to be reckoned with. Even I sit up a bit straighter. “Be nice and let my baby girl out of that car.”

  Beau doesn’t want to move, but he knows he has no choice. Not when it comes to listening to her. Mom hardly ever asks for anything, so when she does we all jump to.

  After a beat, my brother steps back. I start to climb out, but I’m surprised to see Logan’s outstretched hand. How the heck did he get out so fast and around the car? For a big man he moves rather quickly.

  I take his hand and let him g
uide me out. It feels natural to have my hand in his. I know I shouldn’t be thinking these things, but something about the way he kisses me doesn’t feel as if it’s only to put on an act.

  My thoughts are interrupted when my mom engulfs me in a giant hug. “I missed you so much, sweetheart,” she says into my ear, making my eyes fill with tears. “Don’t you cry on me. We’re happy.” She kisses each of my cheeks. “Now introduce me to this Logan man that your brother has been cursing about.”

  I let go of my mom. As soon as I do, Logan is pulling me back into his hold. He tucks me into his side. I fit perfectly.

  “Mom, this is Logan. Logan this is my mom, Elizabeth.”

  Logan holds his hand out for Mom to take. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “I’m a hugger, honey,” she tells him. I duck out of his hold, and Mom wraps him in a hug. For a moment he stands there stiff, but he quickly gets it together and hugs her back. “You’ll get better at hugging.” She pats him on the chest. “I’m going to take my daughter in. You two do whatever it is you need to. But you will not bring your differences into my home. Leave your drama at the door, boys.” She points between my brother and Logan.

  “No, they should come in.”

  Mom moves faster than me, snagging my arm to pull me toward the front of the house. I look back at Logan, but he doesn't look worried to be left alone with my brother. Seeing them next to each other, I notice they are about the same size. My brother might be an inch shorter, but he's built a touch broader.

  “Let them do their man thing. Your dad will be home in a moment.” I try to turn back, but Mom’s hold is unbreakable. When we get inside, she finally releases her hold on me. I barely get my coat off and she’s grabbing my hand to look at the ring on my finger. Crap. I’d forgotten about that. Heck, I forget everything when Logan puts his mouth on me.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurt out. Mom’s face softens. “It was really fast.” It’s the truth.

  “I would say so.” She turns my hand back and forth, letting the light bounce off the ring. “It might be fast, but the man must have quickly learned your taste.” Yes, he has. The ring is better than anything I could have dreamed up. “Does this mean you’ll be moving home now? Your brother told me Logan doesn't live far from here.”

  “We haven't talked about it really.” Again, not a lie. This is going to be hard. When I see the lights flick past the front door, I know Dad just pulled up. I try and go back out, but Mom stops me.

  “Are you staying here tonight?” I can see the hope in her eyes that I am.


  “Good. It’ll give everyone time to get to know each other.” I follow her into the kitchen, sitting down at the island. My hand hits the mouse of the laptop that is sitting on one of the chairs. The picture of me and Logan going up the stairs of his plane fills the screen. “We were stalking you,” Mom admits, shutting the laptop with a smirk.

  “Find out anything good?” She opens her mouth and then closes it. There is something she wants to say, and she’s trying to figure out how to do it without hurting my feelings. “Just say it.”

  “I don’t want you to be this man’s rebound.” Right. If they checked into Logan they would know about Kelly. I don’t think my brother had to check into Logan. He seemed to know who he was all on his own.

  My family might not have money like the Duncan’s did, but my dad did well, and over the years with my brother at his side they have really started to take off. They renovate and build warehouses for the most part, but they have done other projects too.

  “She’s nice.” I shrug, not wanting my mom to worry over something that isn't there.

  “They still work together,” she pushes. I get it. If they were really a thing at one time and this engagement was real, it might bother me too. Kelly is not only beautiful, but it’s clear she’s brilliant.

  “They aren't in love, Mom.” At least I don’t think they are. When I first saw them together I did think they were a couple. Then watching them together, they fit more like brother and sister. My stomach turns at the idea that he has some hidden feeling for her.

  “You know you can tell me anything, sweetheart. It will stay between us.” I swallow. I should have known my mom would pick up on the fact that something is bothering me. She knows me too well. Only a few minutes with her and she’s busted me. “Are you pregnant?” she whispers. No wonder she wanted to get me alone.

  “No!” I rush to say. My whole face flushes with heat. That was not what I was expecting her to ask me.

  “Oh.” Her face drops.

  “You want me to be?!” I thought everyone was going to be mad that I showed up with a surprise fiancé. One that I have never brought up before. Hell, they saw me a month ago, and there was no talk of there being anyone significant in my life.

  “Your Logan lives here.” My stomach flutters when she calls him mine. What is happening to me? I don’t know this man! We’ve known each other for mere hours. “So you’d be moving back home once you're married.” Ahh. That’s what this is about. A pang of guilt hits me at the thought that I’m getting her hopes up.

  “We haven't really talked about that either.”

  “Oh,” she says again. Then she spins around, giving me her back to pull things out of the fridge.


  “Yes?” She pastes a giant smile on her face.

  “LA isn't permanent for me. I’m getting experience out there. Might help me get a job back here one day.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I want you to do whatever makes you happy.” I know she does. “Don’t mind me. I just miss having everyone in one place.” She comes over to me, kissing my cheek. I can understand that. Beau went into the Navy, quickly becoming a SEAL. There were times he’d drop off the map. He retired because of an injury about the same time I was taking off for college. She wants everyone back here with her.

  “I want you to do whatever makes you happy.”

  “I was sure you were going to be on me about how fast this Logan thing is happening.”

  “I married your father after two weeks.” A real smile forms on her lips now. My parents have a forever love that I’ve always admired.

  “Only because it took me two weeks to wear her down.” I turn around to see my dad standing there. I jump up from my seat to rush over and give him a hug. He engulfs me in his arms, my feet leaving the ground as he spins me around. The same way he has since I was a little girl.

  I open my eyes to see Logan and my brother standing a few feet back. Everyone looks to be in one piece. He puts me back down.

  “You’re engaged, pumpkin.” He kisses the top of my head. I glance at Logan, who doesn't say anything. His arms are folded over his chest as he watches me. I can’t really determine the expression on his face.

  “Leave them be, William” Mom says to him. He makes a grab for her, stealing a kiss.

  “Why don’t you show Logan to your room so you can get your bags put away and freshen up? Dinner is in a few hours.” My dad starts to protest, but my mom puts her hand over his mouth. “She’s an adult.” She gives him a look. My brother looks like he wants to say something too, but everyone is going to be on good behavior for Mom.

  “Okay.” I rush past everyone, grabbing Logan by the hand to make our escape. This isn't going so badly after all. It might actually work. Still, I hate lying to everyone. At least we get to be together for Christmas. That’s why I am doing all of this. Why I agreed to this crazy plan in the first place. So that I could be with my loved ones. There isn’t much I wouldn’t sacrifice for them. I think it’s a fair price to pay.

  Unless I lose my heart. I have no idea what a broken heart feels like. What I do know is I don’t want to find out.



  What the hell have I gotten myself into? I’m not lying when I say I’ve thought those words hundreds of times since I’ve arrived at the Meyer house. Their family dynamic is one that I’m not accustomed to. It’s warm an
d inviting. When they look at one another it’s with love.

  “Sorry.” Angel laughs as she closes the door to her bedroom. I set our bags down in the corner, looking around. The walls are painted a soft pink. The furniture is all white with a bed in the center with a canopy.

  My eyes linger on the pictures she has taped to a mirror. They are all of her and another girl. That must be her best friend Carey. She told me a lot about her when she filled me in on the most important parts of her life.

  “Why are you sorry?” I ask, picking up a framed picture. It’s her in a blue dress. It molds to her, showing off all the curves of her body. She’s laughing in the picture. Her date holds her close, looking down at her while she laughs. He looks enthralled with her. I get it.

  There is something about Angel that has all my attention. Hell, it has me doing things I’d never do. Things that are outside of my comfort zone. Such as staying in her childhood home. There was no reason for it at all. We could be at my home in a matter of fifteen minutes, but yet I couldn’t deny her request.

  “I know they can be a lot. You and my brother okay?” She tilts her head to the side. “You guys know each other?”

  “We’ve met a few times,” I admit. I’m a few years older than Beau. He and my brother, however, are about the same age. If memory serves me right, they got into a fist fight at a football game in high school. It took me a minute to put it all together.

  “You two okay?” She asks again before she takes the frame from out of my hand, putting it back down. I reach out and place it face down. I don’t want to stare at some fucker holding her all night.

  “He wanted to make sure I’m not like my brother. Not that I can blame him. My brother’s an asshole.” I swear her eyebrows raise so high they almost hit her hairline.

  “You’re not?” she teases me, but she’s right, I am somewhat of an asshole to her too. I pushed her into this. Then I went and used the fact that she would want to honor her deal with me to get closer to her. She could have told me to fuck off at any minute and there was nothing I could do about it. Yet, she is here, honoring the word she gave to me.


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