Reclaiming Love

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Reclaiming Love Page 11

by Shirleen Davies

  “If what you’re saying is true, he’s been stalking her since high school, or at least obsessed with her. It’s a dangerous emotion. Do you want me with you?” Timmons asked.

  “No. Olander and I will handle this, although you might be prepared for backlash. I’m sure there will be a lot of people who’ll defend Walters. We’ll take him to the station for questions. I’ll get in touch with you as soon as I know more.”


  “Looks like we have the event ready to go. Thanks to all of you for the hard work.” The committee chair ended the meeting, picking up her files as people left the room.

  Julia continued to sit, waiting until Mark left the room, although he seemed to be in no hurry. She wanted to see his reaction when Adam explained why he was waiting. Sensing Mark staring at her from across the table, Julia looked up.

  “Do you need help cleaning up your house?” he asked.

  “No. I’ve hired someone to handle it.” She rose, slinging her purse on her shoulder, taking slow steps and hoping Mark would precede her out. Instead, he waited for her, opening the door to the hallway.

  “Well, Chief Monroe. Have you come to meet Julia?” Mark smirked.

  “No. I’ve come to speak with you. I’d like you to accompany Officer Olander and me to the station. We have quite a few questions for you.”

  Mark glanced at his watch. “Unfortunately, I’m already late for a meeting. Another time.”

  “No, today, Mr. Walters.”

  Mark’s gaze shifted between Adam, Olander, Julia, and the other people who’d congregated in the hall. His hands began to shake as beads of sweat formed on his brow.

  Adam hoped he wouldn’t run. He wanted Mark all in one piece for the questioning, but he’d take him in any way he could get him.

  Without warning, Mark dropped his notebook and darted toward the stairs behind him.

  “Walters, stop!” Adam ran after him. “Go out the front,” he called over his shoulder to Olander as he followed Mark down the stairs. At least he’d had the good sense to post additional officers outside each exit. Walters would never be able to get by all of them.

  Adam pushed through the back exit to see Mark swinging at an officer before being shoved up against a wall, hands behind him as the officer frisked him.

  “He’s clean, Chief.”

  “Cuff him, transport him to the station, and book him on charges of resisting arrest.”


  Adam drove the dark winding road to Selena’s house, where she and Calypso sat with Julia, keeping her occupied until he arrived. It had been a long interrogation, Mark not giving up anything, talking in circles, then breaking down, but not confessing.

  A search warrant of his home yielded a desktop computer, laptop, additional cell phone, and several notebooks. Vic had decided to take some extra time in Peregrine Bay as a vacation. Now he’d make some extra cash.

  Mark would be arraigned in a few days, probably post bail—assuming the judge allowed it—then they’d go from there. He’d given up enough information for them to know they had the right person. Adam felt certain they’d get a conviction.

  “Hey, Adam. Come on in. Julia’s in the kitchen with Caly.”

  He strode straight to Julia, taking her into his arms, and stroking her back.

  “Is it over?”

  “Yes. He lawyered up and didn’t confess, but we have all we need to get him convicted. You ready to go?”

  She nodded, taking his hand, looking toward her sisters. “I’ll be staying with Adam.”

  Selena and Caly watched them leave.

  “Care to bet on how long it is before the wedding?” Caly asked.

  Selena chuckled. “Six months, tops.”

  “Darn. That’s what I would’ve guessed. I’ll go with five.”

  They shook hands as Adam’s taillights disappeared into the distance.



  They were both wrong. Three months later, half the town celebrated in Joshua Kerrigan’s large back yard.

  It hadn’t taken Adam long to ask her to marry him and about two seconds for Julia to agree. They’d thought of going to Vegas, until her stepmother, Joannie, and father, rejected the idea before it had a chance to bloom. Joannie swore she, Selena, and Calypso could pull it off in time for an August wedding. Now, over three hundred guests enjoyed music, food, and the spectacular lake view after witnessing the beautiful ceremony.

  Adam and Julia also accomplished much in the three months. The contractor finished Julia’s house two weeks before the wedding, then finished Adam’s hours before his bachelor party. They’d made the decision to rent her house and move into his as soon as returning from their honeymoon, moving her furniture into his place.

  “I didn’t think the weeks would ever pass.” Adam wrapped an arm around Julia’s waist, drawing her close.

  She laughed. “Between Joannie and the contractor, it seemed we never had a free minute when we didn’t have to make a decision. It amazes me how we juggled so much with all of us focused on this.” She nodded toward the yard, overflowing with guests.

  “At least we’ll get some time alone on our honeymoon.”

  “You aren’t worried about leaving the department so soon after you started as the chief?” She snuggled next to him, waving to friends standing near the water’s edge.

  “It’s been almost six months, and no, I’m not concerned. They’re professionals, plus they know how to reach me. It’s not like we’ll be out of communication.”

  “I wish we were.” She leaned up for a kiss, seeing her father come up behind Adam, and turned to give him a hug.

  “You all did a splendid job. Now that it’s over, I might be able to spend some time with my wife.” Joshua chuckled, thinking of the chaos a wedding created, and his wife had been in the center of it.

  “If you two will excuse me, I’m going to visit with my sisters.” Julia accepted another flute of champagne on her way down the steps to the yard, joining Selena, Calypso, Danielle, and Lily at a table under a large pine.

  “Quite a family you have, Mr. Kerrigan.” Adam nodded toward the women, a look of affection spreading across his face.

  “I think it’s time you call me Joshua, don’t you?”

  Adam tilted his glass toward his father-in-law. “Guess you’re right.”

  “Did your parents ever mention Joannie and I have had dinner with them a few times over the past year?” Joshua asked.

  “No. They never said a word.”

  “How do you think I learned about your desire to return to Peregrine Bay?”

  Adam’s eyes widened in surprise. “It was you who threw my name in the hat?”

  Joshua’s face remained impassive, although his mouth tilted up slightly at the corners.

  “Even after what happened with Julia?”

  “Especially after that. The two of you were always meant for each other. It didn’t take a genius to see what needed to happen.” Joshua brought the glass to his mouth, taking a sip of the twenty-five-year old single malt scotch. “Ah, that is good.”

  Adam watched Julia laughing with her sisters as he listened. “Thank you. I’d been looking for a way to get back here for a long time.”

  “I knew the previous chief would be retiring and the timing seemed right. Your skills would’ve been wasted as an officer, but as the chief, well…that made sense.”

  “I owe you one, Joshua.”

  “You owe me nothing except to make my daughter happy. And give me grandchildren.”


  “So, who’s next?” Danielle took a sip of wine while glancing between Selena and Caly.

  “It’s not going to be me, so Selena, the task it up to you.” Calypso had no plans to marry, at least for many years and maybe never. She just didn’t seem to have the genes needed to give up her carefree life for one man and children.

  The others looked at Selena, waiting for her reaction. Of the five, she was the most reserved, shy b
y nature, rarely drank, and dated maybe three or four times a year. She’d never had a serious relationship as far as they knew.

  “Well, guess it’s time I go for another soft drink.” She started to rise.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Caly cut in. “When was the last time you went on a date, or even to a party?”

  “I’m here today, aren’t I?” Selena shot back, becoming somewhat agitated.

  “Julia’s wedding reception doesn’t count. When was the last time you went to a party that didn’t include family?” Caly raised her hand to the server, grabbing another glass of wine.

  Selena couldn’t remember when she last attended a party not affiliated with family or work. It just wasn’t her thing, but maybe it should be. Unlike Caly, Selena knew she wanted to meet someone, fall in love and marry, but she sure hadn’t met anyone going about it her way.

  “I don’t recall the last time.” She glanced at the crowd, noting a circle of men standing near the bar, wondering if she should just go up and introduce herself, knowing she never would.

  “Here’s the deal.” Caly leaned forward, setting her glass on the table. “There’s a party at the north end of the lake next weekend. It’s an open party held by a prominent businessman, celebrating the end of summer. You’re coming with me.”

  Danielle and Lily watched the interplay, eyes wide. The twins had never witnessed this type of interaction between their older sisters and were fascinated by it.

  “Oh no I’m not. There isn’t a chance I’ll go to a party without an invitation.”

  “Caly may be right, Selena. Perhaps going to a party with people outside our hometown might be good for you. You might feel more relaxed and you’ll certainly meet men you wouldn’t find here.” Julia tipped back her head, finishing the last drop of champagne and setting the glass on the table.

  “You’re siding with her?” Selena couldn’t believe Julia’s words of encouragement.

  “I’m siding with you. You work, go to the gym, work some more, then go to bed. The next day the routine starts all over again.”

  “You make me sound dull, without a life.”

  “Exactly!” Caly chimed in. “It’s settled. We’ll go to the party next weekend. Unless you’re too much of a coward.”

  Selena gritted her teeth at being called both boring and a coward in the span of less than a minute.

  “Fine. I’ll go and before I leave I’ll have a great time with a gorgeous guy. Satisfied?” Selena’s voice rang with determination.

  “Oh yeah. Quite satisfied.” Caly held her glass in the air. “Here’s to Selena’s big adventure,” she said, laughing as the others joined the toast.

  Selena slumped back in her chair, wondering what in the world she’d gotten herself into.

  Join me in the continuation of the Kerrigans of Peregrine Bay series with the story of

  Selena and Linc in book two, Our Kind of Love, due to release in 2015

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  About the Author

  Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical, contemporary, and romantic suspense. She grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. During the day she provides consulting services to small and mid-sized businesses. But her real passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance. She now lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona.

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  Other Books by Shirleen Davies

  Tougher than the Rest – Book One

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “A passionate, fast-paced story set in the untamed western frontier by an exciting new voice in historical romance.”

  Niall MacLaren is the oldest of four brothers, and the undisputed leader of the family. A widower, and single father, his focus is on building the MacLaren ranch into the largest and most successful in northern Arizona. He is serious about two things—his responsibility to the family and his future marriage to the wealthy, well-connected widow who will secure his place in the territory’s destiny.

  Katherine is determined to live the life she’s dreamed about. With a job waiting for her in the growing town of Los Angeles, California, the young teacher from Philadelphia begins a journey across the United States with only a couple of trunks and her spinster companion. Life is perfect for this adventurous, beautiful young woman, until an accident throws her into the arms of the one man who can destroy it all.

  Fighting his growing attraction and strong desire for the beautiful stranger, Niall is more determined than ever to push emotions aside to focus on his goals of wealth and political gain. But looking into the clear, blue eyes of the woman who could ruin everything, Niall discovers he will have to harden his heart and be tougher than he’s ever been in his life…Tougher than the Rest.

  Faster than the Rest – Book Two

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “Headstrong, brash, confident, and complex, the MacLarens of Fire Mountain will captivate you with strong characters set in the wild and rugged western frontier.”

  Handsome, ruthless, young U.S. Marshal Jamie MacLaren had lost everything—his parents, his family connections, and his childhood sweetheart—but now he’s back in Fire Mountain and ready for another chance. Just as he successfully reconnects with his family and starts to rebuild his life, he gets the unexpected and unwanted assignment of rescuing the woman who broke his heart.

  Beautiful, wealthy Victoria Wicklin chose money and power over love, but is now fighting for her life—or is she? Who has she become in the seven years since she left Fire Mountain to take up her life in San Francisco? Is she really as innocent as she says?

  Marshal MacLaren struggles to learn the truth and do his job, but the past and present lead him in different directions as his heart and brain wage battle. Is Victoria a victim or a villain? Is life offering him another chance, or just another heartbreak?

  As Jamie and Victoria struggle to uncover past secrets and come to grips with their shared passion, another danger arises. A life-altering danger that is out of their control and threatens to destroy any chance for a shared future.

  Harder than the Rest – Book Three

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “They are men you want on your side. Hard, confident, and loyal, the MacLarens of Fire Mountain will seize your attention from the first page.”

  Will MacLaren is a hardened, plain-speaking bounty hunter. His life centers on finding men guilty of horrendous crimes and making sure justice is done. There is no place in his world for the carefree attitude he carried years before when a tragic event destroyed his dreams.

  Amanda is the daughter of a
successful Colorado rancher. Determined and proud, she works hard to prove she is as capable as any man and worthy to be her father’s heir. When a stranger arrives, her independent nature collides with the strong pull toward the handsome ranch hand. But is he what he seems and could his secrets endanger her as well as her family?

  The last thing Will needs is to feel passion for another woman. But Amanda elicits feelings he thought were long buried. Can Will’s desire for her change him? Or will the vengeance he seeks against the one man he wants to destroy—a dangerous opponent without a conscious—continue to control his life?

  Stronger than the Rest – Book Four

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “Smart, tough, and capable, the MacLarens protect their own no matter the odds. Set against America’s rugged frontier, the stories of the men from Fire Mountain are complex, fast-paced, and a must read for anyone who enjoys non-stop action and romance.”

  Drew MacLaren is focused and strong. He has achieved all of his goals except one—to return to the MacLaren ranch and build the best horse breeding program in the west. His successful career as an attorney is about to give way to his ranching roots when a bullet changes everything.

  Tess Taylor is the quiet, serious daughter of a Colorado ranch family with dreams of her own. Her shy nature keeps her from developing friendships outside of her close-knit family until Drew enters her life. Their relationship grows. Then a bullet, meant for another, leaves him paralyzed and determined to distance himself from the one woman he’s come to love.

  Convinced he is no longer the man Tess needs, Drew focuses on regaining the use of his legs and recapturing a life he thought lost. But danger of another kind threatens those he cares about—including Tess—forcing him to rethink his future.


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