The Billionaire's Fake Marriage (A Romance Collection Boxed Set)

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The Billionaire's Fake Marriage (A Romance Collection Boxed Set) Page 5

by Amanda Horton

  He waited for the exact moment. “Stand!” In a flash, they were both balancing on the surfboard. Their bodies were tightly pressed together, their hips firmly locked. He kept his hands on her hips, keeping her in place as they leaned over in perfect sync. The board flew over the water, feeling no resistance as they approached a large pipe. “Hold on!” He said, pulling her even tighter against him.

  They entered the tunnel of water and time seemed to almost slow down. A million shades of blue surrounded Dawn, coloring her whole world in a new light. She grinned ear to ear. It was like nothing she had ever seen before.


  The man noticed her bright smile as they leaned together, their hands locked as he brought them down to the water’s edge, letting her fingertips graze the surface. “This is amazing…” She muttered to herself, her eyes trying to commit everything she saw to memory.

  The man leaned over just a bit, urging them forward, forcing them through the pipe’s end before it collapsed in a tumble of foamy seawater. “How was that?” He asked, pinning back a strand of her hair. He could smell her coconut shampoo. The scent was intoxicating, his heart speeding up at her proximity.

  Dawn didn’t say a word. She was still in awe, her mouth agape. “Let’s do it again.” She finally said, squeezing his hand, locking her fingers with his. He chuckled at her eagerness, leaning down and kissing her neck ever so slightly. She shivered, electricity flying from his lips, down to her very soul. She froze up, her heart still beating wildly in her chest. Had he just kissed her? Her mind raced, wondering what it meant. She couldn’t understand how this man could change so much from one day to the next.

  “As you wish.” He murmured, leaning their bodies to the right, guiding them toward the next large wave. They were in complete sync at this point. Dawn felt like she had been surfing with this man her entire life. It felt so natural to stand on the board with him, to feel his heart pounding against her chest. She was wondering what was going through his mind as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer. Was he as excited as she was?

  “Get ready–” He was suddenly cut off, however, when a wave caught him off guard, breaking right in front of them. They were thrown off the surfboard, getting tumbled in the rough water. Dawn gasped, going under. She held her breath and forced her way to the surface, taking a big gulp of air. She looked around quickly to see the man already hugging his board. “Are you alright?” He asked when Dawn started to cough. A bit of salt water had somehow managed to trickle down her throat.

  When she didn’t calm down, he swam over to her, tugging his board behind him. He rubbed her back gently. “Breathe.” He ordered her. She continued to cough, her whole body shaking with the effort. He sighed and picked her up, sitting her on his surfboard, keeping it steady for her. This position seemed to help because she finally managed to catch her breath.

  “Wipeout.” She laughed, smiling ear to ear. “That was awesome.” Her whole face was glowing with excitement. “It felt like we were flying.”

  “Yeah. It’s pretty epic. But let’s get back to shore, the water’s getting a little too rough.”

  “Aww, are you scared?” Dawn challenged, looking determined to ride another wave.

  “I’m scared of you getting hurt.” He answered, pulling them back toward the shore. Dawn sighed, seeing he wouldn’t budge and jumped into the water. She grabbed the board and began to kick as they swam parallel to the shore, in order to avoid the rip tide. The man was slightly amazed at how fast they were suddenly going with her help. “You’re a pretty good swimmer.” He commented.

  “There’s a reason why I’m a lifeguard, you know.”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry about yesterday, by the way. I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just that I can’t really handle people helping me all too well and I can get nasty about it.” He sighed and looked like he wanted to say more. Dawn bit her lip, peering into his dark eyes. She could tell that he had a rocky past, just like she did, but he wasn’t quite ready to reveal it yet.

  She nodded. “We all have our bad days. You just have to admit that I did save your life and you would’ve been screwed without me.” She chuckled, a grin on her face as she saw him narrow his eyes in her direction.

  “Over my dead body.” He answered stubbornly.

  “You’re never going to admit it, are you?”

  “Nope.” He puffed out his chest and laughed. “I can’t let you take away my man card like that. What would everyone say if they found out I was saved by a girl?”

  “Hmm…” Dawn rubbed her chin in mock contemplation. “That I’m a hell of a girl, obviously.” They continued to joke around all the way to the shore. Dawn wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but she was quickly getting comfortable around this man. “By the way, I never got your name.”

  “Curtis.” He said, flashing her a pearly white smile that pierced right through her heart. She felt it kick-start, threatening to break out of her chest and dive deep into the ocean.

  “I’m Dawn.” The man nodded, a slight smile on his lips as if her name somehow pleased him.

  Finally, they made it to the shore and sat down on the water’s edge. Max quickly joined and nestled between them, trying to snap at the water as if he could eat it. “So are you a San Diego local?” Dawn suddenly asked before she plopped onto the ground, looking up at the sky, which was now painted in riveting colors. Rose pinks, mandarin oranges, and ember reds. A few seagulls soared overhead, honking loudly, announcing the day’s end.

  “Born and raised,” Curtis answered, lying down next to her. Their fingertips gently brushed together, making her blush ever so slightly. “What about you?” He asked, taking her hand in his and giving it a firm squeeze.

  “Yeah, I’ve lived on these beaches all my life. Whenever I had a rough day, the water was always my comfort. Especially as a kid.” Dawn closed her eyes, remembering all the times she had run away from her foster homes, just to sit down by herself at the beach. During those years, her life had been so bleak, like the ocean cloaked in darkness, looking like a monster she could never escape. And yet, she had learned to call that monster a friend, learning to control her demons as she grew up and became a young woman. “How come I’ve never seen you around before?”

  “I’ve been off studying on the East Coast, but I came back home for the Oceanside Tournament.”

  At the mention of the Oceanside Tournament, Dawn’s eyes widened just a bit before narrowing in Curtis’ direction. She smiled subtly, suddenly getting an idea. Curtis would be the perfect man to step in as her “husband.” He was a surfer, and a good one at that. He was breathtakingly handsome, with his godlike body, sun-kissed skin, and luxurious black hair. What girl wouldn’t swoon over him? She shifted toward him, a glint in her eyes. Throughout the day, her body had been rigid with mistrust, thinking this guy would continue to be a huge misogynist. However, he had managed to change her mind. It seemed he had just had a bad day yesterday. She now felt more comfortable around him, her body relaxing, edging a little bit closer to his as if attracted to him like a magnet. Her whole demeanor about him had suddenly changed.

  “So you’re a really good surfer then?” Dawn asked, her eyes taking in his broad shoulders and toned arms.

  “Yes, I’d like to think so.” He smirked proudly. “I was raised on these waters. My father had a yacht and I used to go behind, riding his wake.”

  “Wait, your father had a yacht? What, are you rich or something? I know a lot of people in San Diego have boats, but a yacht?” Dawn was seemingly impressed, edging even closer to him, slowly destroying the space between them.

  “Yeah… It’s really not a big deal.” He scratched the back of his neck, but there was an obvious grin on his face. “I’m sort of the heir to Shawnee Motors…”

  “So you’re telling me you’re James Shawn’s son, the James Shawn?” Dawn couldn’t believe her ears. “He’s the richest guy in San Diego!”

  Curtis just shrugged. “There’s a lot of ric
h people around here. It’s not that rare.” Despite his words, there was a slight glow to his face like he was enjoying all of the added attention he was suddenly getting.

  “Yeah, but you’re rich and attractive. You must have a girlfriend, right?” Dawn wondered what it would be like to date someone as rich as him and blushed a little. Someone like Curtis would never want to go out with someone like her, right? An orphan who has never been much more than a lifeguard…

  Curtis looked down at her curiously, realizing just how close she had gotten. He grinned, his eyes softening in her direction. He moved a little closer himself, his muscles relaxing in her presence. “Actually… no.” He admitted, letting out a soft chuckle.

  Dawn eagerly nodded. “I’m about to ask you something really crazy, but bear with me, okay?”

  Curtis gave her an odd look, wondering what her question could be. “Go on.” He was somewhat intrigued by her sudden request.

  “Well, I broke up with a long-term boyfriend of mine last year. No doubt he’s going to be here for the tournament.” She sighed, taking a deep breath. “In the heat of the moment, I kind of said something stupid.” She ground her teeth, remembering the incident.

  “What did you say?”

  “I told him that the next time he showed his face around here, I’d be happily married.” Dawn refused to look at Curtis. She could tell, just by the oppressive silence that settled between them, that he was looking at her as if she had three heads.

  “What does that have to do with me?” Curtis asked.

  “Well, what would you say to staging a marriage with me? You could pretend to be my husband for the duration of the tournament. I promise to come to all of your events and cheer really loud. I might even save you if you find yourself in a pinch.” She added in, just to tease him.

  Curtis just laid there, stunned. His mouth was agape with surprise. His muscles were tense and it felt like he couldn’t move an inch. Had this woman somehow proposed to him? He could hardly believe his ears. “Did you say you wanted me to stage a marriage with you?” He moved away slightly, shaking his head. It was such a strange request. He didn’t even know what to do about it.

  “I mean… yeah. But only for a little bit. I’m trying to get back at my ex-boyfriend, Todd Jackson. He just posted on Facebook that he’s coming back for the tournament so I need to find a “husband” like right now. Otherwise, I’m risking making a fool of myself. You’d be doing me a huge favor.” Dawn pleaded with him, her blue eyes wide, imploring him to just go along with her crazy idea.

  Curtis was once again floored. “Wait, you mean the Todd Jackson? That Australian guy who’s quickly becoming the surf star of the world? How on Earth did you end up dating him? I hear he’s a complete douchebag.” He shook his head, unable to believe it. He hoisted himself up and leaned on his elbow.

  Dawn burst out laughing. “You can say that again.”

  “No, I’m serious.” He paused and sat up. He couldn’t lay down any longer. “I’ve seen a few of his interviews after he won some major competitions. What he did was impressive, but he didn’t need to be so stuck-up about it, you know? I came here, half-wanting to put him to shame. He keeps bragging that he’s guaranteed to win and I want to prove him wrong.” There was suddenly a fire burning in Curtis’ eyes as he grinned ear to ear. “And if I marry his ex-girlfriend that might just be the thing I need to get inside his head.” Suddenly, he took her hand, pretending to slip a ring on her finger, staring her in the eye. “I do.”

  Dawn was in a state of disbelief. Even though she had proposed the idea, she hadn’t expected that Curtis would go along with it at all. Her cheeks turned a bright pink color. “Really?”

  “Of course. I want to see the look on Todd’s face when I come into the qualifiers, holding your hand.” He winked in Dawn’s direction before getting up and offering her his hand. “Maybe he’ll be so mad, he won’t even make it to the first round.” Curtis chuckled at the thought, picturing the Australian wiping out on his first try. “Can you imagine?”

  But all Dawn could think about was her, walking hand in hand with Curtis. Her heart skipped a beat and she bit her lip, trying not to stare at him, but it was hard. He was so incredibly attractive that it was impossible to keep her eyes off him.

  “But…in all seriousness…” He grinned at her, his eyes shining as if he wasn’t serious at all. “Shouldn’t we establish some rules for this little game of yours? I don’t have to hear you nag, do I?” Curtis chuckled, thinking himself cute.

  “Rules?” Dawn asked, tilting her head to the side.

  “Yeah, I’m marrying you, aren’t I? I want to know what I’m getting myself into. What are the terms and conditions? Am I like, signing my life away or something?” He started to write his name in the wet sand dramatically.

  Dawn couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “No, no, nothing like that. I…um…don’t know. Just be my husband, do what a husband would do.”

  “So just ignore you and watch TV all day?” Dawn rolled her eyes and punched his arm playfully. “No…then I guess I should obsess over cars and go to bars?” He said in a sing-song manner, enjoying his use of rhyme.

  “God, no. More like kiss me, hold my hand, and call me wife, or baby, or something.”

  “Ah, so you’re looking for the honeymoon phase, where I can’t keep my hands off you, eh?” He grinned, his lips impishly curling upwards. “I like that…” He whispered and got closer, making Dawn shiver.

  “Yeah…” She murmured, unable to control the feeling of lust and desire that was suddenly surging within her at his proximity.

  “So, when do you want to meet up next, my dear wifey?” He rubbed his chin in mock contemplation. “How about the qualifiers? They start at six and we’re bound to see Todd there. If he ends up coming and doesn’t chicken out, that is.” His grin deepened at the thought.

  “Yeah… That should be fine.” Dawn muttered and leaned in closer, her lips getting dangerously close to Curtis’.

  “Anyway, I should get going.” Just before Dawn could kiss him, he got up in a blur, leaving her disappointed and dazed. He looked down at his waterproof watch. Dawn observed it slightly, unable to do anything else.

  “Oceanus 600 series.” Curtis said when he noticed her staring, a subtle look of pride on his face. “I got it for my birthday last year. Completely waterproof.”

  “Must’ve cost you a pretty penny.” She noted, trying to figure out how much something like that must have cost. At least a couple hundred dollars. To think, she had never owned a watch worth more than a twenty-dollar bill.

  He just shrugged his shoulders, like it was no big deal. “I’m not sure.” He adjusted it slightly. “But like I said, I should be going. My father wants me at some sort of function at nine.”

  “What time is it now?” Dawn asked curiously.

  “Eight.” Her eyes grew big at his response. It was only then that she noticed the sun approaching the horizon. It got closer and closer to the water, painting it in brilliant hues. She watched it go down for a minute, slightly mesmerized. Having Curtis by her side just made the moment even more precious. All she wanted to do was reach out and take his hand in hers, but refrained, thinking it would be too brass.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” She asked, watching her surroundings being colored in pinks and purples, making the scene look like some sort of fairy tale.

  “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He whispered, his eyes locked on her.


  The following week, Dawn saw Curtis out on the water, practicing for the tournament together with some of the other contestants. He never made the effort to go back to the shore and talk to her and that bothered her a little, but she never pressed the issue. Surely, he was just too focused on practicing, that’s all. Luckily, she had seen neither hide nor hair of Todd and was glad for it.

  But today was the qualifying round. The sun was blindingly bright as there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Ocean Side beach was filled
to the brim with people, holding surfboards against their sides, waiting for the qualifiers to begin. Beach goers lined the shore, laying down on their towels or playing Frisbee. A few heads bobbed in and out of the ocean, enjoying the rough tide. It was the perfect day for a surf competition. With the seven to ten foot waves, surfers would have no problem finding the perfect one and the roughness would certainly prune out some of the weaker competitors.

  Dawn stood there in an airy summer dress, which hugged her narrow waist with the help of a purple-colored sash. She squinted her eyes, trying to find Curtis among the crowd. She had taken the day off work in order to support him, but more importantly to rub her new found marriage in Todd Jackson’s face.

  “Well, well, well, look at what the tide dragged in.” A deep, gravelly voice sounded behind her, sending a shiver down her spine. With her jaw locked, she slowly turned around, her eyes burning daggers into the man that now stood before her.

  “Todd.” She spat, addressing him. He grinned down at her, obviously feeling superior. His slicked surfboard was under his arm, depicting the Australian flag. He rubbed his fingers against his rough facial hair, his beady, light brown eyes washing over her.

  “Here alone, are you? What happened to that promise you made a year ago? I knew you were all bark and no bite, much like that mangy mutt of yours.”

  Dawn’s cheeks turned bright red as he insulted her dog. “Max is not a mutt!” She snapped, getting closer to him and puffing out her chest. He simply peered down her sweetheart neckline, smirking as he caught a glimpse of her lovely rack.

  “Eyes off buddy.” Curtis shoved Todd away quickly, standing protectively in front of Dawn. He had appeared out of nowhere, surprising Dawn. “That’s my wife you’re ogling.” He got up close and personal to Dawn’s ex, his nostrils flaring as if he were genuinely angry. Dawn couldn’t believe how good of an actor he was. It was as if he really were her husband.


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