The Billionaire's Fake Marriage (A Romance Collection Boxed Set)

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The Billionaire's Fake Marriage (A Romance Collection Boxed Set) Page 18

by Amanda Horton

  Soon their bodies found a rhythm, pushing and pulling together until soon they both reached that ultimate peak. She arched her body up and into his, feeling fulfilled for the first time. Sated, he pulled her body into his, cupping her in front of him as they drifted off to sleep.

  The sun was high when she woke. She knew he was gone as she felt the spot next to her where he had been only hours before. She smiled, her body sore from the night they shared, slipping her dress over her head, and heading out into the kitchen where she knew he would be. He gave her a smile as she settled into a bar stool, accepting the hot mug of coffee he handed her.

  She let her mind wander, thinking about how he felt and where their relationship would now go. She wanted to shout her love for him from the rooftops, but her reserve was intact as she watched the way he flipped the hotcakes on the stove.

  He handed her the food and settled in across from her. “I have to say Melody, I’m glad you and I are on the same page.” He took a bite, encouraging her to try the food.

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well, last night you said you wanted me to make love to you. I know if you wanted something more serious you would have said that. I’m not ready for anything more than casual, so I am glad we are together on this.” He gave her a smile, turning around to refocus his attention on the food in front of him.

  She felt her heart breaking and her intuitions had been incorrect. She’d assumed he wanted more, wanted her. She looked down, doing her best to keep her heartache from him. She finished her coffee and smiled.

  “I am glad we are too. So much to do today, I really have to get going.” She walked quickly back into her room, praying he wouldn’t follow. Today she needed to spend time away from him, at least for now, at least until she could face him and not feel the hurting.


  The sand under her toes was exactly what she needed. She glanced over at the couple next to her, all cozy and kissing. She didn’t feel jealous. There was some part of her that knew that leaving without saying anything was wrong, but she had given him so much… too much of her the night they had shared together. She could still feel him beside her and feel the power he seemed to radiate in everything he did.

  She had been in love with him for so long now; she wasn’t sure when it had started, or when she had fallen for him so much. The girlish part of her had fallen asleep after making love and woke to a new morning and silly ideas about the type of husband Rafe could be. When he had kissed her that night it had been different somehow. His touch had given her a new kind of hope. Hope for a better future of happiness and togetherness that she had missed for a long time. Leaning back on the chair now she knew she would have to make the two-hour drive back, but not today. She would give it one more night before she went back to the reality of her heartbreak.

  The next morning came and she slid into her car to make the trip home… back to her apartment anyway. As she passed the exit on the freeway she felt her heart ache. She blinked away the tears that she felt forming, and set off for her apartment. It would be nice to be home, especially after all the time she had spent away. She sighed as she opened the front door and went inside, what she really needed now was a glass of wine and a feel-good movie.


  She was gone. He felt something deep down shift and ache when he thought about losing her in his life. The one night they shared had been wonderful, and it had changed him. Deep down he felt guilt over using his power, but she had done it so easily. He’d used his mind to push her to take whatever she wanted, and she had done just that. The result was a wonderful experience. Today he woke with a new sense of purpose, and still on a high he had gone into her room to find a note.

  Something has come up. I am afraid I can’t work for you anymore.

  Best of Luck,


  He crumpled the letter in his hands, tossing it on the table in the main room. He had no right to get upset; they had a casual arrangement after all. What she did and where she went was really none of his business. He had probably told himself that over and over throughout the day, but he still found himself worrying about her, and if she was ok.

  He set off for the day, running more than a few errands, with not nearly enough time to get it all done. He walked into his office, feeling Angel’s presence as he did. Did she know that Melody had left? Deep down, part of him wished he could give her more, give back the community more, but he was lost. She was trying to read him, though, to gauge his ability and how it affected him.

  “Let it go Angel, it won’t work.” He never once turned to look at her

  “Rafe, you don’t have to be such an ass.” She stood, her hands crossed as she leaned on the door jam. She was looking him over, searching for something. “What’s wrong Rafe?”

  “Nothing, let it go. What do you want Angel?” He went back to work, doing his best to ignore her.

  “You know what I want. I want you, Rafe.”

  “I told you I am done with this between us Angel. As for our community, I have tried, but every solution I try to find seems to be falling apart.” He ran a hand through his hair.

  “It’s because of her, isn’t it? I knew the last time I saw you…” She trailed off.

  “She is gone actually. I don’t know where she is.” He tapped his fingers on his desk.

  “Ahh, there it is.” She smiled at him. “Rafe let her go, she is fragile and scared. I know you care about her but you have to know she could never survive with us, or be a part of the community.”

  “I have no intention of making her a part of the community, in fact it’s probably for the best that she is gone. Mother was having a field day with the idea of she and I getting serious.”

  “I, for one am glad she is gone. She is a distraction you can’t afford right now. We need your help, and I think it’s time I tell you what I know.”

  He frowned at her, his brows furrowed. “I don’t understand Angel, what are you talking about?”

  “They sent me here to tell you about the loss of the powers everyone is feeling. It’s much bigger than just you and me. Apparently, they sent me to find you and create an heir.” She held up a hand. “I know that sounds absurd, so don’t go to any great lengths to insult me. I just wanted to give you all the facts. They seem to think your father had some unique powers, or something that could help anyway.” She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “He was different. I will look into his stuff again,” said Rafe.

  “Thanks, Rafe. I know we have had a rocky past, but I just want the community to survive.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I do to Angel. Listen, I am not much of a liar, and I have a confession. Melody was not my fiancé. I had hired her to pose as one, so I would have an excuse for you. I am sorry”

  “Wait, she was just posing? God how could I not guess that. The hue of her aura was peachy like a girl madly in love. I could have never guessed,” Angel said, nodding her head and drifting in thought.

  “Angel what are you talking about now?”

  “Did she tell you, I mean before she left?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Come on Rafe, you had to know she was in love with you. Even a fool could see it in the way she looked at you.”

  He stared at her hard, a slight twitch in his left cheek. “No, she didn’t. We had an arrangement.”

  “I’m going to tell you something Rafe, despite your best efforts to act as if what I am saying is out of this world.”

  He waited, watching her eyes hard.

  “She is special Rafe. I didn’t see it the last time, not really. My entire focus then was about my part in helping find a solution for the community. She has a peach hue Rafe, you know that’s unusual, and more importantly it’s rare.”

  He swore under his breath, his movements slow at first, and then he looked up at her, his face ashen.

  “She is in love with me.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  Angel smi
led at him. “I am pretty sure you’re in love with her too, Rafe, even if you don’t want to admit it.” She smiled at him, this time full of friendship. She stood once more, wiping the dust off her pants. “I still stick to what I said, I don’t think she will make it, especially if you tell her the truth.” She started to walk out but turned at the last minute. “Just don’t forget about us Rafe.”

  He moved then, propelling his body into action. Standing, he grabbed his jacket and keys, brushing past Angel as he went. He paused, coming back to her to drop a kiss on her forehead. “You’re not a bad one Angel, not really.” He reached down into his pocket and handed her something in a small box. “My father gave me this, I don’t know if it can help or if it’s useless. All he said was to keep it safe for the community. Give it to one of the higher ups and see what it is. After this conversation with you tonight, I think it may actually be the key to something bigger that can save us.”

  Angel jumped up, flashing him a smile before she moved to head out from the house.

  “Be careful Rafe, if you love her find her and be careful.” She gave him a half-smile and she was gone. He could only hope he could find a way to see her again one day.

  He slid into the cool seats of his car and set off for the smaller outskirts of town. He knew where she lived and he had to hope he would get there in time to catch her. He pulled into her parking area, making his way up her stairs quickly. He started to knock on the door when it opened and she stood there.

  “Rafe what are you doing here?” She waited expectantly.

  “I can’t let you do this Melody. I mean, I don’t want you to go. I guess I am saying…”

  “Wait, what are you talking about Rafe. I have to get going, I have an interview.” She did her best to walk past him, but he stopped her, the contact of his hand on her skin making him feel as though time was slowing down.

  She never looked at him. “Rafe, please don’t do this.” She whispered it.

  “I need to talk to you Melody, please just give me five minutes.”

  She paused, and then moved back into her apartment, allowing him to follow.

  “Five minutes Rafe.”

  “Ok, so I misunderstood something you said the other day. You said you wanted me to love you, and I thought you meant make love to you.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I thought that’s what you wanted, casual, but then when I walked into your room and you were gone, I felt like the world had been ripped away from me. I haven’t been the same since you’ve been gone and then I realized that it has everything to do with the fact that I am in love with you. I don’t know how it happened or when but here I am, telling you everything I have ever tried to avoid is real and it's happening with you.”

  “But you said…” She trailed off.

  “Everything I said before right now means nothing. Melody, I was a fool and I am sorry if I hurt you. The night we shared was the best night of my life. I want nights like that for the rest of my days… with you.”

  He knelt then and he watched her face shift, her eyes lighting up as he opened the small black box. It was his mother’s; she had given it to him years before.

  “Marry me Melody, let me love you, in every way I possibly can.”

  She nodded her head. Her eyes filled with tears. “Oh Rafe, yes, yes, I will.” She had thought about this way too many times and her response was almost instant.

  He picked her up, spinning her and holding her close, once more breathing in her love. He pulled back and looked at her. He reached down, slipping the fake ring off her hand, smiling as she tucked it in her pocket and allowed him to put the real one on her finger.

  “Well, that was certainly a better proposal than the first time.” She giggled.

  “True, very true my love. Now that you’ve said yes, I think there is much more about me, you should know.” He paused.

  “Oh no, is it bad?” She gulped.

  “It can be bad or good, but there is an entire other side of me I want to share with you.”

  “Whatever it is I don’t care, we can handle anything, just you and me.

  He smiled, kissing her lightly on the mouth once more. He put her hand in his, and started to share the story of his life with her, and she had more than a few questions as they escaped into the night.



  Smitten by a Bad Boy

  The function hall bubbled with highly trained personnel, each of them with their own area of expertise. Ronny Goldberg was a grade A shooter. It was rumored that he could shoot any target with any firearm. As long as he had a gun in his hand and a trigger behind his finger, he was a force to be reckoned with.

  This skill had served him well in the Special Operations. He was often called upon to fulfill dangerous missions, which often included goals that some might consider impossible. Nevertheless, he always came back successful, one way or another. This track record lent itself to his cocky, playboy attitude. As he walked around the banquet, celebrating the feats of the squad, he made sure to visit any and all females to give them a little Goldberg charm.

  Most women found it endearing, especially since Ronny was a fine piece of eye candy. No one could really complain when he flashed a pearly white smile. Women often found themselves staring at him, getting lost in his pale blue eyes that knew exactly how to captivate an audience. Girls would be trapped under his gaze as he pulled his muscular body closer and closer until they were up against the wall and his warm breath caressed their necks.

  His roguish charm was good enough to work on just about anyone. Or so he thought. As he looked around the banquet, looking for his next catch, his eyes fell on a beautiful African American woman, sitting alone at one of the far end tables.

  She wore a stunning, midnight-blue gown. She sipped her drink as she looked wholly uninterested in the entire affair. While everyone else was socializing and having their fill of free booze, she just sat there with a serious look on her face. Ronny studied her for a moment, trying to decipher her from afar. If she was at this event, then she must be working with the Special Ops, but he couldn’t tell for sure.

  Intrigued, he made his way over to her, enjoying her good looks. Her skin was a perfect shade of chocolate. Her lips were pouty, jutting out just enough to make him want to kiss them. They reminded him of a delicate pink rose and he wondered if they would ever dance against his, like a flower in the wind. Her eyes, although gleaned over with a bored look, bore an untold amount of intelligence and mystery inside their depths that made Ronny yearn for her even more.

  Finally, he reached her table, sitting down on the empty seat beside her. Reaching out a hand, he introduced himself with a dazzling smile, a dimple appearing on his left cheek. “I’m Ronny. You must be an angel, right?” He asked, a smirk replacing his smile as he paid her the compliment, however cheesy.

  “I think you are mistaken,” she said seriously, straightening herself out and placing her hands on her knees, before leaning forward. Her long, straight hair fell over her chest, nearly reaching her waist as her face got closer and closer to his. Ronny couldn’t help but look down ever so slightly, at the revealing cut of her dress. She had the best pair of breasts he had seen all day.

  Confidently, she placed a well-manicured finger under his chin before pulling his face up, prying his gaze away from her cleavage. There was a serious look on her face as she looked at the man, something of disdain painted on her expression as she scanned his flawless skin. She had seen men like this before. People who thought they owned the world and believed they could charm anyone with a smile.

  “Hmm?” Ronny finally answered as he looked into her eyes.

  “I don’t think your name is Ronny at all. I think it is Arrogant, or Ego, or maybe even Conceited, Pompous, Presumptuous, Proud, Immodest… Shall I continue playboy?” The spew of insults flowed from her lips with ease as she got up and walked away from the man. Ronny sat there thunderstruck. Had she just rejected him?

  Never had a woman walked a
way from him. He felt betrayed by his own self-estimation. No, this couldn’t be happening. There had to be some sort of a misunderstanding. He quickly got up and rushed after her, grabbing her arm. She acted quickly, turning around and pushing him away with one well-aimed kick. He fell back into a nearby dessert table, crushing it with the weight of his body.

  He gawked up at her, getting a quick view up her skirt, before she moved forward, her high heels on either side of him. They were impossibly tall, at least five inches, keeping her calves constantly tense. “Don’t you ever touch me,” she growled as she squatted down, hovering over his body. Everyone in the room was staring at them by this point, but Savanna did not care.

  “What the hell did I do to you?” Ronny asked quickly. He couldn’t understand why this woman was acting this way. Had he done something to offend her?

  “I don’t need men like you in my life who think they can woo me with a smile. When you get serious and start respecting women enough not to drool all over them, give me a call.” Savanna’s voice was harsh as she whispered into Ronny’s ear. With that, she got up and walked away, her heels clicking against the floor.

  Ronny watched her go in a daze. What had just happened? Had he just gotten his butt kicked by a girl? Despite the humiliation he felt as he got up and brushed himself off, he was enraptured by the mysterious woman. She was a challenge and he liked that.

  “You alright?” Someone asked. Ronny nodded, dismissing them with a wave of his hand as he made his way outside, hoping to catch her before she left. But of course, when he stepped out, she was already gone.


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