Just a Bit Wicked (Straight Guys Book 7)

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Just a Bit Wicked (Straight Guys Book 7) Page 5

by Alessandra Hazard

  “Excuse me?” Sebastian spluttered. “My ass isn’t—” He stopped and smiled sweetly. “Why, I didn’t know you noticed my ass, Vlad. Careful, or people might get the wrong idea, mate.”

  Vlad gritted his teeth. “It’s in front of me and it’s huge. Hard to miss, mate.” It really was hard to miss; those thin gray sweatpants left nothing to the imagination. Vlad scowled at it before lifting his gaze. “You sure you’re a model, with a fat ass like that?”

  Sebastian’s smile widened. “I actually have a contract with Calvin Klein. They don’t seem to mind my fat ass.”

  “Odd,” Vlad said, pushing at his plate again. “I’m hungry, hurry up.”

  “Unbelievable,” Sebastian said. “First you steal my coffee and now you demand to be fed. I understand that you were probably a stereotypical jock who bullied people into doing what you wanted, but you’re a bit too old for that. Grow up and feed yourself.”

  “You make a lot of assumptions about me,” Vlad said, casting the other man a curious look. Not that Sebastian was entirely wrong, but there was something about the way he’d said it that made Vlad wonder.

  “Do I?” Sebastian said, leaning his hip against the table right next to Vlad’s chair. His t-shirt rode up a little, flashing a glimpse of his toned pale stomach. “Are you going to deny you’re used to bossing people around? That you get angry when you don’t get your way?”

  “I was the head of security for a billionaire for a decade. It was my job to boss people around.” Vlad added irritably, “Can’t you stand somewhere else? You’re crowding me.”

  Sebastian cocked his head to the side. “Are you afraid of catching gay cooties?” he said, a mischievous glint appearing in his eyes. “I’m afraid that ship has sailed.” He licked his lips with a wink.

  That little faggot.

  “Is that supposed to be seductive?” Vlad bit off.

  “I don’t know,” Sebastian said, stepping closer, between Vlad’s thighs. “Are you seduced? Or are you about to call me a faggot and punch me?”

  Vlad gave him what he hoped was a flat look. “It won’t work. So you can quit trying to get me fired.”

  Sebastian frowned. “What?”

  “Cut the crap,” Vlad said. “You know Luke is just looking for an excuse to complain about me to Roman and get me fired. You aren’t going to provoke me into losing my temper and doing something you fa—fucktards can call homophobic.”

  “Nice catch,” Sebastian said, his lips twitching.

  “I have no idea what you mean,” Vlad said with a straight face. “Anyway, nothing you do will provoke me, so stop.” And step back. He wasn’t comfortable with this guy all over his personal space. It made him itchy in his own skin.

  Sebastian just looked at him for a long moment. “Nothing?” he said softly, a devilish glint appearing in his eyes again.

  It made Vlad wary, but he could hardly take it back. Challenge issued. “Nothing. Whitford’s brat already got me fired once. I’m not letting it happen again.” He was going to keep his opinions to himself even if it killed him. He wouldn’t give Sebastian and Luke the satisfaction of ratting him out to Roman.

  “Am I supposed to be impressed by your newfound restraint?” Sebastian said, raising his eyebrows a little. “I would have been impressed if you actually realized how close-minded and hurtful your opinions were and decided to change.”

  “Everyone is entitled to their opinion,” Vlad said. “We live in a democratic world.”

  “Sure,” Sebastian said amiably. “But sometimes your opinions can do actual damage. Have you ever stopped to think how many people you made feel shitty about themselves just for being born that way? How many people you made feel worthless?”

  Vlad rolled his eyes. “Stop over-dramatizing. They’re just words. If you can’t take a different opinion, it’s not my problem.”

  “Just words,” Sebastian repeated flatly, his expression darkening. His voice was very soft as he continued. “You know, when I was seventeen, there was a boy living down the street from us. He was my first kiss, my first boyfriend. When some dumb jocks like you found out about us, they called us faggots, disgusting poofs, freaks, told us that we were going to hell and so on—just words, you know.”

  Vlad leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “So?”

  “He killed himself,” Sebastian said hoarsely, holding his gaze. “Because of bullies like you who don’t think before opening their mouths. Words can have a lot of power and do a lot of damage.”

  Vlad pursed his lips. He averted his gaze before looking back at Sebastian. “Then he was weak,” he said gruffly. “You clearly didn’t kill yourself over that.”

  “No, I didn’t,” Sebastian said. “Because unlike him, I wasn’t from a religious family. I was also out, and I was used to that kind of bullshit. He wasn’t. So next time, before you go off about freaks and faggots, please stop and think twice.”

  Vlad hated being lectured. He hated feeling wrong-footed even more.

  “You done?” Vlad got to his feet swiftly. He wasn’t prepared for how close they would end up. He was practically looming over the other man. Although Sebastian was almost as tall as him, he was nowhere near as big, and Vlad couldn’t deny he got a perverse pleasure from the knowledge that he could easily manhandle and subdue the mouthy little shit.

  Sebastian licked his lips nervously, no doubt aware of it as well, but he held his ground, a mere few inches separating their faces.

  “Yeah, you’ve got nothing to say so you’re resorting to physical intimidation,” Sebastian murmured. “How predictable.”

  “I’ve got plenty to say,” Vlad said. “I just don’t want to hurt your sensitive gay feelings.”

  Sebastian’s eyes flashed. “For the record, while I don’t particularly care about labels, some bisexual people might find it offensive to be constantly mislabeled as gay—or straight. Bisexuality is a valid sexuality. All sexualities must be respected.”

  Vlad shrugged nonchalantly, well aware that it would make Sebastian mad. “Gays take it up the ass. You take it up the ass. Same difference.”

  A tick started in Sebastian’s cheek. “You ignorant—urgh!” He lifted his hands in frustration, looking positively murderous.

  Vlad smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. “What?”

  “I’m gonna—” Sebastian shoved at him. “Urgh, you’re doing it on purpose, aren’t you?!”

  “What’s going on here?” Luke’s concerned voice cut in.

  Vlad didn’t turn to him, still smiling at Sebastian’s red, furious face.

  “Is Vlad bothering you, Sebastian?” Luke said. “Just say the word and I’ll have him fired. No one insults my guests.”

  Sebastian looked from Vlad to Luke, hesitation on his face.

  Vlad raised an eyebrow, daring him.

  Sebastian glared at him, his lips pursing briefly. “No. He’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  Looking in Sebastian’s eyes, Vlad wasn’t sure which of them had issued a challenge to the other.

  Chapter 7

  Sebastian had never been so utterly, totally mad. Generally, he was kind of shit at being mad and staying mad. His sister always made fun of him when he got angry, saying that he looked like a puppy trying to look menacing before forgetting about it and wanting to play.

  The strength of his own anger took him by surprise. Not that it was difficult to stay angry when the reason for his anger was around pretty much all the time.

  Stroking his cat, Sebastian glared at Vlad, who was lounging on the couch in front of the TV. Luke had confided in him that the murders weren’t the only reason Vlad was appointed as Luke’s bodyguard, but he didn’t clarify. Although Sebastian was curious, he hadn’t asked. It was none of his business. Either way, Luke was forced to work from home for the time being. Sebastian had overheard Luke and Vlad arguing about it as he was leaving to get his things and his cat—Luke did say it was okay to bring Hermione. It hadn’t taken Sebastian lon
g to pack his stuff and return to Luke’s flat. He had considered staying out for a while to avoid Vlad, but if he was honest, he felt a little uneasy being alone outside after what had happened.

  When some lunatics had started targeting prominent LGBT figures a few months ago, Sebastian had been dismayed and concerned, of course, but he hadn’t really been afraid for himself. The other night’s events had finally made him realize that the danger was very much real.

  That was how Sebastian found himself hanging out at Luke’s place pretty much all day with only Vlad for company. Well, Luke was there too, but, as the CEO of Whitford Industries, Luke had a crazy amount of paperwork and spent most of the time in his study on the phone with his employees. Sebastian wished he could go to work too and take his mind off the unpleasant things, but, as luck would have it, he was between gigs. He’d fulfilled most of his contractual obligations during New York Fashion Week, and normally he would be delighted by the reprieve, but there was nothing normal about this situation.

  “Is there a reason you’re here?” Vlad said suddenly.


  “You aren’t watching the movie,” Vlad said, his eyes still on the TV. “Why don’t you go to your room, do yoga, paint your nails or something?”

  God, Sebastian fucking hated this man. “What happened to your dedication not to be a homophobic ass?”

  Vlad turned his head. Their couches were about five feet apart, but suddenly all Sebastian could see were the other man’s startlingly blue eyes. They threw him off every time. A bully like Vlad wasn’t supposed to have such nice eyes. It was weird and ill fitting—and just unfair.

  “I didn’t know painting nails was something homophobic,” Vlad said.

  “Don’t play dumb,” Sebastian said.

  Vlad smiled. “But I’m a dumb Russian you need to lecture and educate,” he said, his accent far heavier than usual.

  “Urgh!” Sebastian grabbed a decorative pillow and threw it at his head. Hermione meowed, sinking her claws into his chest. Sebastian hissed in pain. “Fuck!”

  Vlad laughed.

  Sebastian threw another pillow at him, which the asshole caught. Fuck his reflexes.

  “I hate stereotypes,” Sebastian said. “Telling a gay—or bi—man to go paint his nails is very ignorant, to say the least. Yes, there are gay men who like painting their nails, but newsflash: there are straight men who like it, too!”

  Vlad groaned and closed his eyes. “I didn’t fucking sign up for this,” he said. “You’re such a self-righteous bore. Aren’t you supposed to be a constantly stoned model with two brain cells and—”

  “Urgh, just shut up!” The next thing he knew Sebastian was on top of Vlad, trying to claw his eyes out. “Shut up, shut up, shut up! You’re so dumb it’s—Urgh! I can’t fucking stand you—”

  In one swift move, Vlad grabbed his flailing arms and rolled them over, pinning Sebastian down with his heavy body.

  “Let go,” Sebastian gritted out, panting and trying to throw the tosser off.

  Vlad snorted. “You can’t even throw a punch like a man and then you tell me not to believe in stereotypes.”

  “I don’t know how to throw a punch because I don’t believe in violence, not because of some macho bullshit!”

  “Sure,” Vlad said, and was he looking at his lips?

  “Are you looking at my lips?”

  Vlad’s gaze snapped back to his eyes. He scowled. “Actually, yes. I was thinking how unnaturally red your lips look. You look like a painted whore.”

  Sebastian took a deep breath and counted to ten.

  “I’ve never despised anyone as much as I despise you,” he said, very calmly. He scrunched up his nose. “I can’t believe I had your cock in my mouth. I want to throw up just thinking about it.”

  Vlad opened his mouth and closed it. “The sentiment is mutual, trust me.”

  “Good,” he spit out.


  Sebastian lifted his chin. “Perfect.”


  Sebastian glared.

  Vlad smiled smugly.


  Their lips collided in a wet, messy, awful kiss. It was truly awful, because Sebastian hated, hated, hated this man, absolutely despised him, but he wanted his mouth, his tongue in his own mouth, couldn’t help but suck on it and make inhuman noises, yanking Vlad closer, on top of him, blunt nails raking over Vlad’s back, digging and tugging.

  Vlad pulled back, swore in Russian before diving back in, biting and sucking on his lips. Sebastian moaned, sucking on Vlad’s tongue and raking his fingers over Vlad’s short hair. God, he wanted a fuck. He wanted a hard, dirty fuck so badly he was shaking with it.

  Something crashed.

  “Oh,” Luke’s voice said faintly.

  Panting, they jerked apart.

  Luke was staring at them with wide eyes, his coffee mug on the floor.

  Vlad rolled off him and sprang to his feet.

  Slowly, as if in a daze, Sebastian sat up. His face was so hot he probably looked like a tomato. Fuck, he’d never been so embarrassed in his life. What must Luke be thinking of him…Luke knew what a homophobic asshole Vlad was.

  “It’s not what it looks like,” Sebastian said lamely, brushing his fringe off his eyes. He needed a haircut and possibly a therapist. What the hell had he been thinking, snogging that awful man?

  “That’s none of my business,” Luke said, looking almost as embarrassed and uncomfortable as Sebastian felt. “I’ll go—”

  “Wait!” Sebastian said, springing to his feet. “You don’t have to go—you aren’t interrupting anything important.”

  Luke cast him a dubious look.

  “I can’t stand him!” Sebastian said and hey, he didn’t sound all that defensive.

  “The feeling’s mutual,” Vlad grunted without looking his way.

  “See!” Sebastian said, nodding and grinning like a madman. “It was a mistake and it was disgusting. Worst kiss of my life, honestly.” He pretended the situation in his pants didn’t exist.

  Vlad snorted. “Same here. I’m not a fa—gay man.”

  Sebastian rolled his eyes.

  “Sure, Vlad,” Luke said with a crooked smile. He ran his hand through his golden curls, still looking a little uncomfortable. “Actually, can I talk to you, Seb? Alone?”

  Sebastian cringed inwardly. Talking about it was the last thing he wanted. But Luke was his host and a friend—sort of. It would be impolite to say no.

  Sebastian nodded reluctantly. “Sure.”

  Vlad stalked out of the room without another word. Ass.

  “Look,” Sebastian said once they were alone. He gave an awkward smile. “We really don’t need to have this talk. I know he’s a homophobic jackass. It was a mistake, really. Never going to happen again.”

  Luke seemed to be hesitating. “His homophobia actually isn’t the biggest issue. The thing is…” He sighed. “I’m not sure I should be talking about it with you—Roman will be pissed off—but I can’t say nothing. Vlad…he’s bad news.” He let out a laugh. “Yeah, it’s probably hypocritical of me—my boyfriend isn’t exactly a saint—but Vlad always made me uncomfortable in a different way.”

  Sebastian frowned, confused. “What do you mean?”

  Luke looked at his phone before lifting his gaze again. “Vlad’s done some really ugly things in the past.” He smiled crookedly. “Don’t get me wrong—Roman is hardly a saint, either, but he’s cool-tempered and calculating. He doesn’t lose his cool easily, and he’s actually capable of love. Roman can be cruel with his enemies, but he loves his family and me, and he’s ridiculously protective of the people he loves. Vlad is different. He doesn’t have a family to mellow him out. He has a foul temper, and he loses it pretty easily. Obviously I can’t know whether it translates into his relationships—”

  “What?” Sebastian said, chuckling. “There’s no relationship between us!”

  Luke gave him an odd look. “I didn’t say the
re was.”

  Right. Talk about embarrassing.

  Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest. “Is that all you wanted to talk about?” he said uncomfortably.

  “One more thing,” Luke said, his brows furrowed. “Roman has told me something about Vlad…He said Vlad was raised by a very old-fashioned family in a very old-fashioned village, and he’s Russian, so…I mean, it’s a stereotype that all Russians are homophobic—I’ve met some really lovely, supportive people while I was in Moscow, and Roman’s family is pretty open-minded, too—but there’s some truth to it, unfortunately. And apparently, Vlad’s family was as homophobic as they get. So be careful with him, okay? I think he’s actually gay, but I doubt he’ll ever admit it. The more he wants you, the more he’ll hate you and blame you for that.”

  Sebastian shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Anyway, I warned you now,” Luke said with a shrug. “Just so you know. What you do with that information is your choice.”

  “You didn’t need to warn me off him,” Sebastian said after clearing his throat. “Really, what you saw was a mistake.” He forced out a chuckle. “I know what an asshole he is. I’d be crazy to get involved with him.”

  Luke smiled. “Yeah, you would be. You can do so much better.”

  Sebastian smiled back before grabbing Hermione and retreating to his room. Once inside, he put Hermione down and looked at her.

  “I can do so much better,” he told her.

  Hermione meowed. He chose to take it as an agreement.

  “Yeah,” Sebastian said. “No more snogging homophobic bullies.”

  Hermione meowed.

  He sighed before banging his head against the door behind him.

  Chapter 8

  Vlad woke up with his mouth full of fur. Coughing, he pushed the offending thing off and glowered at it.

  It was a cat. A fat, ugly ginger cat.

  By the looks of it, it had pissed on his bed.

  Grabbing the cat and causing it to yowl in protest, Vlad stalked toward the room opposite his.

  The door was cracked open, which explained how the cat had gotten out, but after the last few days, Vlad wasn’t in the mood to be understanding. He pushed the door open and strode to the bed.


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