The Night Wolf

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The Night Wolf Page 13

by Parker Williams

  “I’m… I’m sorry, Alpha. My tests are… I can’t even….”

  “Spit it out, Frank. What’s wrong with Sean?”

  Frank swallowed hard and wiped a hand over his brow. “The skin on his stomach isn’t as thin as it was when you brought him in. In fact, it’s become like a layer of fat between his epidermis and the, for lack of a better word, pouch. His body is undergoing some incredible metamorphosis as it prepares for….” He blew out a breath. “As it prepares for Sean to give birth.”

  You could have heard a pin drop.

  After several long seconds, Gareth stood, walked across the room, and came to a stop in front of Franklin. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  “I’ve run every test I can think of. I looked for illnesses that might hit a human or wolf that would cause this kind of reaction. I did blood work, checked heart, lungs, and anything else that might be even remotely similar. In a last-ditch effort, I did a urine test. When all the results came back negative, I decided to check for anything else, no matter how outlandish. When the first test for pregnancy came back positive, I ran it six more times. Every one was the same result. Somehow, Sean is pregnant.”

  THE SCENE his wolf showed him, of Sean and Gareth in front of the fireplace, Sean’s belly swollen with the child he was carrying, flashed into Gareth’s head. He’d dismissed it as the fantasy of an animal who couldn’t possibly know any better. Now? God, now he wanted it with all his heart and soul. He swept across the room to where Sean sat, nibbling on his lower lip.

  “I-I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  He knelt down in front of Sean. “I did.”

  Sean blinked several times. “You did?”

  “My wolf…. No, I have always been protective of you. Since the day I found you in the forest, you were important to me. I admit, I couldn’t understand why for a long time, but when I asked my wolf what it wanted, it showed me the two of us lying in front of a roaring fireplace. You were pregnant, and our wolves were snuggled together, perfectly content and happy.”

  “And this doesn’t scare you?”

  Gareth grinned. “I never said that. I’m terrified, but not of having a family with you. Never that. What I’m afraid of is how this will affect you. I mean, where does the baby come out of? The thought that you might have to have it through your… you know….” He pointed down.

  Dr. Franklin laughed. “No, no butt babies here, Alpha. My best guess is that the skin on Sean’s stomach will be where the egg grows. As it’s thickened, it’s become like a protective layer. In fact, other than looking a little pudgy, I’m not sure Sean will display outward symptoms of his condition. The pouch will nourish the baby, and as it comes closer to the due date, it will recede and, eventually, fall away. This is just a guess, mind you. I’ve never met a pregnant man before, so this is a whole new level of oddity that Sean brings to our fair community.”

  Sean looked stricken by Frank’s comment, and Gareth stood, doing his best to pull himself back from biting the doctor’s head off. Frank must have realized, because he turned to Sean and gave him a placating smile.

  “Please, forgive me my idiocy. My wife is forever telling me I need a muzzle in human and wolf form. I’m not saying you are odd. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you bring something new and refreshing to the town, where most of my job consists of sitting in my office and reading magazines. Who needs a doctor when you heal fast?”

  “It’s okay.” Sean’s voice was soft, and the hurt was obvious. He turned to Gareth. “I’m sorry if I’m—”

  “You aren’t going to finish that sentence.” He put his hands on Sean’s shoulders. “We’re having a baby, Sean. You and me. We’re going to be fathers. My whole life, I’ve wanted a pup, or even a litter. With me being gay, I thought that would never happen. I don’t know how or why it happened, but it’s a gift from Mother Moon, and I’m grateful for it.”

  Sean batted his violet eyes. “Really?” He ran a hand over his belly. “It’s weird, but I’m not scared at all. I mean, shouldn’t I be freaking out?”

  “Why? You know that I’m going to keep you and our baby safe. There’s nothing to fear.” Gareth leaned in and planted a kiss on Sean’s soft lips. A baby. How fucking awesome was that? “We should get you home. You need rest.”

  Sean waved Gareth off. “I’m not an invalid. I still have class with Caleb, and Dani promised to teach me to cook a few of your favorites.”

  “Speaking of Dani…. Do you want to tell her about the baby? She would be over the moon about it, but I don’t want you being uncomfortable.”

  A softness Gareth hadn’t seen before touched Sean’s eyes. “Dani is what my mother should have been. She’s strong but gentle. She’s patient, kind, and supportive. I don’t think I have a problem with her knowing. Caleb too. He’s kind of like my brother, and I don’t want to keep secrets from him.” Sean sighed. “But I don’t think I want anyone else to know. At least not right away. Does that make me a bad pack member?”

  A stroke of his hand over Sean’s hair settled Gareth in ways nothing else could. He didn’t want to stop touching Sean ever. “No, it doesn’t. This is a private affair until you say otherwise. Though I would like to ask that we talk to Lyram. He’s my Beta, and I wouldn’t feel right if he didn’t know.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Gareth’s cheeks heated. “You know we have guards in the town, right?”

  “What? Why?”

  “To protect you. No way do we want Ryker getting to you, and now? I’ll be honest. I don’t want to let you out of my sight.”

  Sean stiffened, and Gareth recalled Ryker saying that Sean was going to be his pet. No fucking way. “But I know you have a life to lead, and I would never stand in the way of you achieving what you want.”

  It must have been the right thing to say, because Sean relaxed. “I guess it’s a good idea. Especially after what happened to Ethan.”

  “He’ll be sorely missed. He died an honorable death against a dishonorable person.”

  “But he shouldn’t have died.” Tears welled up in Sean’s eyes. “He never should have gotten hurt.”

  “Hey, we talked about this. What’s wrong?”

  Sean scrubbed a hand over his cheeks. “I just… I don’t know!” he wailed.

  Dr. Franklin came over. “What you’re seeing, Alpha, are some seriously out-of-whack hormones. Sean’s body is changing so fast, it’s messing him up.”

  That made no sense to Gareth. Sean had only gotten pregnant—God, that still sounded so strange, yet wonderful—last night. Gareth wrapped his arms around Sean, who relaxed against him.

  “Alpha, do you know the gestation period for a wolf?”

  Gareth quirked an eyebrow. “No, but I’m sure you do.”

  “This is me ignoring your sarcasm. It’s sixty-two days. Like all of us, Sean has two bodies—a human and a wolf. The changes that are happening are coming fast and furious, so I think the baby is going to be about two months away.”

  Two months? Damn. Gareth needed to get the house babyproofed and have a crib ordered, and what did babies eat? Shit, he needed Dani’s help.

  “When Dani had Caleb, it was a full-term pregnancy.”

  “Sean’s not Dani. He’s a man. Like I said, this is totally unknown territory, so I’m making a lot of leaps here. My best guess is that Sean’s body wouldn’t be able to stand the strain of a nine-month pregnancy, so it’s adapted to do it in less time. Women generally have to deal with hormone imbalances during pregnancy, and I think Sean’s going to have a lot of ups and downs before he gives birth.” He clapped Gareth on the shoulder. “You’re going to be a father pretty damn soon.”

  “Why aren’t you more surprised?”

  Frank shrugged. “I told you, there are more things out there that we don’t know than what we do. And, despite my age, I’m pretty good on my feet.” He tilted his head in Sean’s direction. “Besides, my patient needs me.”

  Gareth lifted Sean off the chair and cradle
d him. Sean turned his head and buried his face in Gareth’s neck, crying his heart out.

  “What can we do for him?”

  Frank shrugged. “Don’t let him become too tired. Make sure he gets plenty of protein and liquids. Have him come by at least once a week so I can check on him. The more changes that occur, the better off we’ll all be when it’s time for the baby to be born.”

  “Wait. Can you deliver a baby?”

  Frank looked positively disgusted. “Who do you think was there when you were born?” He reached out and patted Sean’s shoulder. “Sean, I want you to take it easy, okay? Under no circumstances should you stress. You’re in good hands with Gareth, and I know Dani will be delighted to have you to take care of. I might not be the foremost expert in male pregnancy, but I’m going to be sure to be there for you every step of the way.”

  Sean turned his head, and his eyes were red. “Thank you. I’m sorry I’m such a bother.” With those words, he teared up again.

  “I’ve got some work to get done, but for now, get him home, Gareth. He needs sleep and food and maybe some love and understanding.”

  “I’ve got all of those things in spades,” he said as Frank left the room. Gareth turned and kissed Sean’s forehead. “Are you ready to go home, sweetheart?”

  Sean leaned back, his nose all snotty and his eyes red-rimmed. He’d never looked more beautiful to Gareth.

  “I’m sorry. I know you must hate me.”

  “Oh, my sweet Omega. I could never hate you. I love you now, and I’ll love you when we’re both old and wrinkled. You are more than just part of my pack—you are my world.”

  A watery smile from Sean made Gareth’s aching heart better. He would do anything for a smile from his… mate? It was a foreign word. Only in human stories did wolves have mates, but Gareth’s wolf chuffed at the silliness of people. Sean was his mate, and Gareth had better damn well get used to it.

  In the last few days, Gareth had learned many truths, and the one that rose above all others was that he and his wolf were one, and what Gareth thought were the desires of the animal were actually the ones they shared.

  He reached up and stroked Sean’s cheek. “You’re my mate.”

  With those words, the dam broke and Sean’s sobs turned into full-out blubbering. He snaked his arms around Gareth’s neck and squeezed for all he was worth, which, in Gareth’s eyes, was beyond measure.

  He carried Sean to the SUV and helped him into the seat. When he got into the vehicle, he tapped the Bluetooth and called Dani.

  “What’s going on? You scared the crap out of me.” She paused. “What’s wrong with Sean? What did you do, Gareth?”

  Beside him, Sean sniffled. “He-he-he…. He got me pregnant!”

  Gareth couldn’t help the chuckle that bubbled out of him when Dani gasped and dropped the phone.

  Chapter Fourteen

  THE DOOR opened a crack, and Dani peeked around it. “Sean?”

  “Come in, Dani.”

  She stepped into the room, a tray in her hand. Sean could smell her delicious soup and a cheeseburger, and his mouth watered.

  “You brought me soup and a burger!” He sighed. “I love you.”

  Behind her, Caleb appeared, his face a mask of concern. “How are you feeling?”

  He’d been asked that every hour on the hour by Gareth, and at random intervals from Dani, Caleb, and Lyram. It was exhausting.

  “Tired.” He gestured, and both his visitors entered the room. Dani put the tray over his lap, and Sean dug in. “God, this is good.”

  As soon as Sean took his first spoonful, redolent with chicken and vegetables, he turned toward Dani. She stared at his belly, which had swollen slightly in the last few days. Defensively, he put a hand over the pouch.

  She turned her head up slowly, stopping when their eyes met. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to stare.”

  Sean’s lip trembled. “You think I’m a freak.”

  Dani reared back. “What? Oh no, sweetheart, that’s not it at all!” She came and sat on the side of the bed. “I miss the sound of children laughing, their first steps, when they’re learning to speak. I even miss the incessant questions they ask. Looking at you, I see the chance to have that again. You’re not a freak, Sean. You’re a miracle. Gareth says Mother Moon sent you to us, and we’re happy she did.”

  Warm tears slid down Sean’s cheeks. Damned hormones. They’d been all over the map the last two days. From giggles to hysterical laughter one minute, then anger and crying the next. Gareth had Dr. Frank visiting daily to check on Sean, and he appreciated and resented it at the same time.

  Sean sighed. He had a much better appreciation of what women had to deal with when they were pregnant. And he was going to have his baby in six weeks or so. How the hell did women deal with it for nine whole months?

  “Hey, sweetheart, don’t cry. I promise, we’re all going to be here for you whenever you need us.”

  “Mom’s right.” Caleb sat on the opposite side of the bed and took Sean’s hand. “You make us feel good just having you around. You make Gareth smile. The whole pack is better for having you here, and I know when the time comes, your baby will be every bit as welcome as you are.” He grinned. “I can’t wait to teach him. Working with you has shown me how much I like helping people. I mean, I’ve always done what I could for the pack, but you being pregnant has given me other things to think about. Now I’m thinking maybe I want to work with the pups, and was considering schools that could show me how to meet their needs. It’ll be nice to have a… a nephew to practice on.”

  And there went the waterworks again. Sean moved the tray off his lap, grabbed a pillow, and covered his face. No way could he hold back the tears after Dani and Caleb had shown him so much love.

  “Hey….” Dani’s voice was soft and gentle as she pulled the pillow down. “It’s okay. No need to hide. When I was pregnant, I went through the same thing. I admit, it wasn’t as volatile as yours, but I was weepy too often. I couldn’t understand how Micah would want me, because I was a screaming harpy one minute, and then the next I needed him to love and comfort me.” Then she smiled. “Oh, but the cravings. Wait until you get those.”

  “I already have been,” Sean muttered under his breath. Of course, a wolf’s hearing was good, and Caleb would have to hear him.

  “What do you want?”

  “Oh no. It’s okay. You don’t need to put yourself out.”

  He huffed. “Sean, what is it you’re hungry for? That’s my nephew or niece you’re carrying, and I want him or her to be happy.”

  A snicker bubbled up out of Sean at the earnest expression on Caleb’s face. He sighed. “I want pizza. Thick crust, with a ton of cheese and meat.”

  Dani stood. “I can help with that.” She started for the door, but Sean called out to her. “What can I do for you, Sean?”

  “I want a specific kind of meat.” God, he felt so freaking needy. “I’m craving the Wagyu ribeye steak that Wolfgang had at his restaurant.” He winced. “I want a hundred-dollar cut of steak on my pizza.”

  “Then we’ll get it for you.”

  Sean’s jaw dropped open. “That’s an expensive pizza.”

  “Nothing is too good for my mate and our pup.” Gareth stepped into the room. “If that’s what you want, then I’ll make sure you get it.”

  He pulled out his phone and dialed. A few moments later, he held up a finger.

  “Wolfgang? Good evening. It’s Gareth. How much of that Wagyu ribeye do you still have?” A pause. “Okay, I want you to send it all to my house. Then order another couple of cases. I don’t care what you have to pay for it.” He chuckled. “Sean has a taste for steak, and only yours will do. Yes, we’re celebrating.”

  For a moment, Sean feared Gareth would tell Wolfgang about the baby, but he winked.

  “I asked Sean to marry me, and he agreed.”

  Marriage? Sean’s gaze snapped to Dani and Caleb, who shrugged at him.

  “Excellent. I’ll be l
ooking forward to him arriving. Thank you, Wolfgang.” He hung up. “The steak should be here shortly.”

  “Then I’d best get started on the crust.”

  “Can you wait one second, Dani? I’d like you and Caleb here for this.”

  She came back to Sean’s side.

  “Sean…. As you know, my wolf has claimed you as his mate, a decision I wholeheartedly agree with. But in the world out there, they won’t recognize the bond we share, and that bothers me.” Gareth reached into his pocket and took out a gold band. “This was my father’s and his father’s. It’s been passed down in our family for generations. It’s meant for the one we intend to spend our lives with, and no one is more deserving of it than you.” He moved closer to the bed. “I ask if you will be mine. Will you take my heart and keep it safe, just as I want to do with yours?”

  Sean opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He bobbed his head up and down.

  “He’s speechless. That’s adorable.”

  Sean scowled at Caleb, who just laughed. He turned back to Gareth, who stood there, a bemused smile on his face. “Yes, please. I want nothing more than to be yours.”

  Gareth bent and took Sean’s hand, then slid the band over his finger. “I asked Lyram if he’d be willing to perform the ceremony. He’s done it for other wolves who took humans as their spouses, but we’ll be the first mated couple. I’d like… I’d like it before our baby is born. I know it’s old-fashioned, but I want him to have two parents who are married.”

  Dani held up a hand. “When are you thinking of having it, Alpha?”

  “This weekend.”

  She gawped. “But I have to make food and get the house decorated and—”


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