Her Christmas Surprise

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Her Christmas Surprise Page 2

by C. M. Steele

  She wanted to make her way into the elevator as soon as it opened, but those plans were delayed. It opened up and an entire group of wasted women exited. It was clear by the pink sashes and crowns that the group of cackling hens were a bridal party and were on their way to having more fun.

  “Let’s find some hot guys to hook up with!” shouted one of the women. “Come on Bee, you’re not married yet and look at that specimen coming toward us right now. Fucking sexy! I bet he has a big cock. Just look at the way he walks. It’s bouncing in those shorts. Boy, I want to lick the sweat off him.” The bridesmaid purred loudly.

  Danielle waited impatiently for the rest of them to stumble out when she heard the broad’s words and turned to see who they were talking about. It was her fantasy man. Her eyes were diverted to where the woman directed and sure enough, the outline of a semi was on display, dancing with each step he took, which seemed like he was coming directly towards her.

  “Sorry, ladies, but I’m taken. Ain’t that right, baby doll?” he asked, wrapping his arm around Danielle’s waist. Normally, she would have shrugged him off, but she was too lost to his touch to even breathe.

  “Seriously, you could do much better with one of us. She looks like she wouldn’t know what to do with you,” the one drunk broad, who Danielle wanted to deck, challenged.

  “Oh, you’ve got no idea what she does to me, all right. She’s got me by the balls and heart,” he informed the group of whores. If Danielle had been in her right mind, the broads would be taking their friend to the hospital after she was done with her.

  “I call bullshit, Tay. He just doesn’t want you. He wants me,” the bride-to-be claimed. What a dirty slut, Danielle thought.

  “Not at all,” he denied. Turning to Danielle to look deeply into her eyes, he bent down and took her lips with his in a kiss that woke her up from her mindless state. Sliding her hands into his hair, Danielle began to fully participate in the PDA. She even sighed, allowing him access to play with her tongue.

  This sent the harem packing, but the two were too involved in the kiss to notice. He pulled her closer until their bodies were pressed against each other. She felt his hard-on prodding against her suit and reality hit her. She pushed herself out of his arms and stepped back. In a moment of awkward silence, a million thoughts crossed her mind, but they were all interrupted by the words coming out of his mouth.

  “Sorry about that, baby doll. I didn’t like that they thought they were hotter than you because that shit would be a lie,” he admitted with blazing eyes.

  “Umm…thanks,” Danielle said with a twist of her lips. Her heart pounded in her chest. The man was too dangerous for her own good, but it didn’t stop her mind running to his bed.

  “Hi, I’m Reed.” He stuck his hand out to her. Hesitantly, she placed hers inside his and instead of shaking it, he bent down and kissed it, sending shivers up her spine. The man was a real charmer; she had no doubt about it. Despite his playboy personality, she wasn’t in the least bit turned off. Under normal circumstances, she would have gut checked his ass. Instead, she ate up his words.

  “I’m Danielle Kane,” she said with a saucy smile. She felt like flirting. Something about those women sent her off in a tailspin of jealousy that she couldn’t understand.

  “Danielle, that’s such a beautiful name. I assume you’re busy tonight, but I’m going to ask you to have dinner with me anyway. Seeing as I’ve already kissed you, I feel like I should take you out to dinner.”

  Letting her fear and inhibitions go, she had already told herself she wasn’t going to let him get away this time, so she agreed. “I’d like that, and I believe you do owe me that at least.”

  “Great. Should I meet you outside your hotel room?” There was nothing suspicious about his words but that devilish grin said so much more.

  “Actually, how about we meet in the lobby…in an hour?” she replied. She may be interested, but she wasn’t a fool. He was the type of man that could seduce a woman out of her panties with a glance. If she wasn’t a virgin, she might have considered skipping dinner.

  “Are you going to stand me up?” he asked her with a raised brow. He had no idea how bad she wanted him. If he did, he wouldn’t have asked. Instead, he would’ve scooped her up and carried her to the nearest room.

  “No,” she replied with a teasing smile.

  “Good, baby doll. I can’t wait.”

  They both entered the elevator when she asked, “Can you press nine for me?”

  “I will.” He did as she asked, but she noticed that he didn’t hit another number for his floor. When he saw her look, he added, “I’m on the ninth floor too.”

  Once the door opened, she exited to the left and so did he. “Are you following me?” she asked with a hint of fear.

  “Are you following me?” He returned her question mockingly.

  “No!” she said defensively, partly because it wasn’t true and partly because she wanted to follow him wherever he wanted to take her.

  “Relax, baby doll. You don’t have to get all offended by it. I would love if you felt like stalking me, but this is my room.” He grabbed his key card and slid it into the electronic slot, opening the door. “I’ll see you in an hour?” he inquired with another charming smile.

  With a blush she responded, “Yes.” She wanted to kick herself for her purely hormonal response to him.


  Reed closed the door to the hotel room and tossed his head back against it. “Damn. I’m in love with her and there’s nothing for it,” he groaned to himself. The feelings hadn’t disappeared over the last two months; they’d only grown stronger. Especially because Spencer felt the need to show him a picture of Danielle about six hours ago, which he made his screensaver.

  Pushing off the wall, he walked into his bathroom to shower. He’d been working out at the gym earlier because it eased his mind. He couldn’t believe that he’d kissed her while he smelled like sweat, but he wouldn’t take it back. Her taste was still on his tongue. Sucking his lips back into his mouth, he tried to get more of her.

  He knew what he was going to do next because there was no way he wanted to go out to dinner with a hard-on wrecking his common sense. Jumping in the shower, Reed took his cock in hand and started stroking it to thoughts of his lovely Dani. With every stroke, he pictured her watching what he was doing as she lay naked on the bed, thighs parted, eagerly touching herself. Her legs moved up and down the bed as she rubbed her clit, making his dick leak onto his fingers. Letting out a low growl, he envisioned himself jumping onto the bed and moving her hand out of his way as he lined up his cock for entry. The moment he entered her pussy he shot his load off, hitting the shower wall with a stream of hot cum.

  Feeling relief, he finished his shower and toweled off. Looking at his strong chiseled jaw covered in a light five o’clock shadow, he debated on whether or not to shave. Somehow he thought she’d like the stubble so he trimmed it up a little, making it look cleaner and made his way to the hallway to meet Danielle.

  She was leaving the room just as he was. Running up to him, nervously, she said, “I’m sorry, but I forgot I promised my clients that I’d join them for a drink tonight. They want to meet at nine. If you’d like, we can go out tomorrow.”

  “Nine o’clock,” Reed said as he looked at his watch. “That still leaves us two hours for dinner. We can eat down in the hotel restaurant, then you can still meet your clients.”

  “Thanks, I’d like that. My dad wouldn’t be happy if I lost the deal.” He was glad she divulged that bit. He’d hate to have blown it by bringing up her job with her family by accident.

  “You work for your dad?” Reed asked, knowing damn well that she had since he knew everything about the Kane family. But his real focus was on her outfit. She had on a sexy black skirt that only went to mid-thigh and a silky blue blouse that was loose, revealing her smooth shoulder. He was hard again like he hadn’t just jerked off.

��Yes. Does that make me less capable?” she countered with a crooked brow like she was challenging him to doubt her.

  “Not at all, it’s just a question. You’ve got a chip on your shoulder, don’t you?” he asked, leading her into the elevator with a hand on her waist. Spencer had told him that she was trying to prove something.

  “A bit. I’m sorry.” She ducked her head with embarrassment as the elevator descended.

  Tipping her chin to look back at him, just to have any excuse to touch her, he replied, “Don’t be. There are worse things to be than a person with something to prove. So let’s go and enjoy a dinner before you leave me for a night with the girls.”

  She looked up nervously before turning to exit the elevator and told him, “The clients aren’t girls.”


  Reed didn’t say anything for a minute and it worried her. She knew by the look on his face that he wasn’t pleased, but it was almost like he was trying to hide the fact that he wanted to take someone’s head off. Danielle felt for him because if she were in his shoes, she’d be going off the handle. They may have been just going on a first dinner date, but to leave her to hang out with some chicks would turn her into a banshee.

  “Come, let’s just go and have a nice dinner,” he said in a grumbled tone.

  “You’re angry, aren’t you?” She had to ask because she didn’t want him to be mad at her.

  “I don’t really have a right to be, do I?” His attitude was calm but clearly displeased.


  “I can’t say I think it’s a smart idea to go out with a group of men to drink and God knows what else in the city of sin, but who am I to argue?” The sting in his words was felt.

  Almost asking for his forgiveness, she admitted, “I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

  “Look, I like you. I did from the first moment I saw you, so I’d like to spend the rest of our night having a good time. Let’s go to dinner.”

  Danielle didn’t know how to respond to his dismissal of a potential argument so she replied with an, “Okay.”

  They entered the restaurant with a lot of tension, both sexual and anger. He did everything right as they sat down and Danielle mentally checked off the boxes in her head: handsome, courteous, strong, and a great kisser.

  She ordered a Manhattan and Reed ordered a martini while they decided what they wanted to eat.

  “Make sure you select a hearty meal if you’re going out drinking,” he warned her with a truly concerned tone. She could tell he was worried about her. That was something she appreciated.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Reed. I like food. I’m a glutton when it comes to steak, especially a filet minion wrapped in bacon,” she said as she licked her lips.

  “That’s hot. You lick your lips when thinking about steak. You don’t look the kind of girl who likes steak.”

  “That’s because I hit the gym every day. Weights, baby,” she remarked proudly, showing him her guns.

  “Well, it works for you, Danielle,” he said with a wicked smile.

  The waitress brought their drinks and took their order. Danielle watched how his throat moved as he took a sip from his glass. She squeezed her thighs together when she couldn’t stop the sudden urge to jump across the table and attack his neck. He was what a man should be. Tall, strong, and handsome as all hell. She’d never seen a man that made her want to strip buck naked and let him do whatever he pleased to her.

  “So, I’m here on business. What are you here for—business or pleasure?” She hated to ask and hoped he was going to say business.

  “Business, baby doll, but now that we’ve met, I think it’s a bit of both.” Throwing on the charm worked for the man. She was so turned on she wasn’t even hungry for food.

  “You think you’re going to get lucky? Well, you’re not. I’m not that kind of woman.” She said the words, and although they were normally true, she wasn’t so sure he wasn’t going to get lucky with her.

  “That’s good to know, but I was just talking about spending time with you. It’s pure pleasure. Being here with you takes away a lot of my family problems I’m dealing with right now.”

  She put Vegas and hot man together and jumped to the conclusion that he was playing hooky from his family. “Oh, God, don’t tell me you’re married!”

  He chuckled and grabbed her hand and held it in his. She shouldn’t allow his touch, but she couldn’t resist. “No, I meant my father and uncle. I just learned of a nearly twenty-year-old secret. I hoped to work until I forgot about the problem.”

  “Do you want to tell me about it? Or is it too private.” She wanted to know more about it. He was interesting. His face had so many expressions and his eyes told her that he was nice—dirty but nice.

  “It’s very private, but I’ll tell you. My father and uncle had issues and ended up cheating with each other’s wives. I accidentally found out that my cousin is actually my sister.” His face looked crestfallen. She needed to make him smile again, but she didn’t know how, so she just squeezed his hand.

  “Oh my God. That’s awful. I’m sorry.” She wouldn’t want it to be kept from her if she was in this girl’s place. “Does she know?”

  “No, she doesn’t know yet.” He tucked his head down, then looked up at her with shame and pain in his eyes. “My uncle is blackmailing my father about it. It’s a twisted way to make my father pay.”

  “That’s terrible.” She felt for him and his family. She never condoned cheating, but she had a feeling there was more to the story.

  “Tell me about it. I want to let her know, but I can’t yet. Soon, I will be able to do it.” His resignation hurt her heart, but she wanted to change the subject.

  They spent the rest of their time talking and laughing. Danielle was quickly falling for this stranger. She was ready to drop her panties for this man, but then she realized she didn’t even know his last name. Feeling like a fool but needing to know who he was, she sheepishly asked, “Um…this is a ridiculous thing to ask since we’ve shared an amazing dinner, had drinks…but…”

  “Don’t forget we shared a hot as hell kiss,” Reed boasted with a grin.

  “Yes, that too. Which makes this awkward, so I’ll just ask. What’s your last name?”


  She had to ask me that, didn’t she? He thought. Reed looked at her and hoped their insane connection would overrule her anger over the Landry name.

  “Landry. My last name is Landry,” he admitted.

  “Reed Landry?” she said with a question. “Wait... as in Reed Landry, my brother Spencer’s friend and the reason my family is sinking financially?” Her outrage was clear as day, and he understood that this may be the last time he saw her.

  “Yes and no.” He had nothing to do with their situation other than being related to the crook.

  “I’ve heard enough. I can’t believe how naïve and stupid I could be.” She jumped up from her seat, tossing her napkin on the table and storming out before Reed could go after her. He told the nearest waiter to bill his room and ran after Danielle. She was fast as hell and almost at the lobby entrance.

  “Danielle! Wait! Please, stop!” It barely worked, but she halted in her tracks. He turned her around and when he looked at her face, she was on the verge of tears. It broke his heart instantly. After what felt like a lifetime of loving this woman, hurting her was the furthest thing from his mind.

  “Damn it, Danielle. It’s not what you think. I’m not my uncle, and I had no part in anything he did with your family. Hell, I told them to stay away from business dealings with him, but they didn’t listen.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell me your name before?” Because he was afraid of this very same thing. For her to walk away from him was like a punch in the gut.

  “I wanted you to get to know me before you learned who I was bcause you would’ve done the same damn thing you did right now and without the benefit of spending time and getting to know each
other. Doesn’t what we share hold any value to you?” He was letting his emotions get away with him.

  “I don’t really know you. All I know is you’re a liar.”

  Pulling her into his arms with little resistance, he whispered, “That’s not fair, Danielle.”

  Her body and mind weren’t working as a team because the words coming out of her mouth didn’t match the way she leaned into him. “Listen, I can’t do this right now. I have to meet my clients for drinks, so excuse me.”

  “Will you at least talk to me tomorrow?” He knew she had to go spend time with them, but he didn’t want her to leave without thinking about him.

  “I’ll consider it.”

  “Fine, but be careful. You’re a beautiful woman. They’re probably going to want more than just to talk shop,” Reed warned as he caressed her cheek. The look in his eyes was sincere but stern.

  Danielle didn’t want to hear anything he had to say so she bit back. “I don’t need you to tell me what to do.”

  She pushed away from a very hurt Reed, who let her stomp away while he walked back up to Karen at the desk in a rush.

  “I need you to see which cab she goes in,” he said in a low demand.

  “Okay. By the way, she just turned back around, giving the back of your head a deadly glare.” Karen was an astute and attractive woman and in another time or life he may have been interested in her.

  He played off the concern that she wouldn’t want to ever see him again by minimizing the issue. “She’s mad at me.”

  “She looked more than mad; she looked jealous.” Karen smiled with a shrug.

  “Good, but that’s because she doesn’t know your boyfriend is the doorman.” He loved that she seemed jealous. It meant she wasn’t unaffected.


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