Taming- The MILF

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Taming- The MILF Page 1

by Wes Havoc


  The alarm announcing the end of classes blared, and as a single individual, the whole of the students packed their things to leave. The teacher turned from the white-board and tried to give some last advice about the report she had asked, but it was to no use.

  For it was Friday, and no one would think about that report until it was almost too late to finish it.

  Slower than my colleagues, I closed my notebook, threw it inside my backpack along with my pen, and leaned back. I side-glanced at my friend Edward, who had one of his backpack’s strap over a shoulder as he checked his phone.

  “Deciding who you’re going to fuck this weekend?” I smirked, following his lead as he got up.

  He cocked a brow but a smile played on his lips. “The fuck, Ben. Sometimes I wonder who do you think I am.”

  “Oh,” I turned to trod to the front of the classroom. “So that’s not what you’re doing?” I paused a hand on my chest, mockingly. “My apologies for the calumny.”

  Edward chortled, “Apologies not accepted, because you were right this time.” We laughed as he stretched me his phone. “Check this girl out. She’s a sophomore, has been asking me to take her out for a week.”

  I took the phone and eyed the picture of a blond girl dressed in a low-cut mini dress. She mimicked a kissing gesture to the camera, also known as duck-facing.

  Though I had seen her in different attire, I was sure she was one of the girls sitting in the cafeteria the other day. Monday, I believed. She was the girl who brushed a finger over her hard nipple until her friend took control of the situation.

  I held laughter back, pressing my lips together as I gave Edward his phone back. “She’s hot. Where are you taking her? I mean before you take her to your place.”

  He elbowed me as we approached the doorway. There stood hotter-than-ever, deep-cleavaged teacher Elizabeth Weiss. She also organized her stuff to leave but turned to me as I came nearer. Her cheeks acquired a subtle shade of pink and she tilted her lip up in a small smile. In her pupils, I recognized a sort of flame.

  Interestingly, though I hadn’t used the pills since Monday, the day I fucked her, she still seemed somewhat interested. At least the memory of me fucking her sweet cunt hadn’t become disgusting to her.

  As I lied down to sleep at night, I imagined she still had the hots for me and, even without taking the pills and making her horny with how I smelled, I could still make her come her brains out.

  I smiled back and nodded once in greeting before following my colleagues out of the classroom and into the weekend.

  Edward bumped his shoulder against me after some minutes in silence. I eyed him with a raised brow but he was just stared back in questioning.

  “What?” I asked, trying to change the subject. “Sorry, are you upset I didn’t ask you to, please, tell me where you’re going to take the sophomore girl to eat before you fuck her?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Of course not. I don’t even know where I’m taking her yet. What was that?” He jutted his thumb behind us to where we had left miss Weiss in her tight pencil skirt and garter belt.

  I tried my best to feign confusion. “What, the class? You’ve got good grades, man, and yet you need some help?” I couldn’t help a smile at the end of the sentence. “I don’t think I can help you with that.”

  Edward laughed before he punched my shoulder. He opened his mouth to answer me when two girls passed us, probably juniors, dressed in pink sweaters and sporting the same wavy blond hair. They smiled and waved their fingers to my friend.

  “Hey, Ed,” one of them squealed as the other giggled.

  “Hey, girls,” he smiled back and the two of us turned to watch them go, swaying their hips extra-nicely.

  I turned back to him with a barely-contained smile. “Ed.”

  He groaned, “I know. Makes me feel like I’m twelve again. But hey, hot chicks. They can call me whatever they want if they let me in. If you get my meaning.”

  I smiled, shaking my head. I’ve known Edward since the very first days in college. Besides our dedication to our bachelor degrees, we were as different as two people could be.

  Which was clear as we walked down the hallway. Edward was almost a head taller than me, he had an athletic build even though he didn’t exercise and the combo paired with blue eyes made every girl we passed turned to ogle him.

  I was just the average friend.

  Even so, and thanks to the pills I took as a side-job, our smoking hot teacher had smiled at me, and not him. It was a strange advantage to have.

  Edward cleared his throat. “So, you were about to tell me what the hell was that naughty smile miss Weiss sent you.”

  I scoffed, “You’re seeing things.”

  “No, I am not,” he said every word slowly as if to give emphasis. “What I am seeing happened in real life, I’m pretty sure of it. She freaking smiled at you. You, of all people! I thought she hated you!” He gripped my shoulder as we crossed the exit and walked down the main steps. “Something happened, Ben. I mean, you know I never understood this fixation she had with giving you low grades when your work was better than mine. But then, out of nowhere, she’s giving you bedroom eyes? What the hell happened and how do I do it too?”

  I laughed, shrugging to dislodge his hand from my shoulder. “I just went to her office and confronted her.”

  “So the only thing that happened was that you grew a pair?” He cocked a brow, cupping his own chin with a hand. “I have a good pair of balls, why the hell isn’t she over me then?”

  I laughed and dodged the subject. It was not a lie, so I had no reason to feel bad about not telling him the whole truth. I knew that, if I ever told him, he’d ask for a couple of pills, just to ‘give it a try’, and soon enough it would grow out of control. I could imagine him asking for more, or telling some of his other friends and this whole shit would blow.

  To keep this secret safe, I’d have to keep it to myself.

  Edward accepted my change of subject and we walked side-by-side for some fifteen minutes. We were passing the cafeteria I had breakfast on, five minutes from my place, and stopped there. Edward used to hang out after college with his other friends in there as I headed home.

  Sarah stretched her back to clean the glass pane, her red hair hanging low down her back. Her short skirt rode up her thighs with every stretch of an arm she made. I took the view in, the memory of her ass bouncing on my lap making my cock swell.

  As we approached the front of the cafeteria, she turned to enter the place. She directed us her usual bored expression, but as soon as she saw me, it brightened up. She smiled and waved a hand, the same lustful glint in her eye.

  Edward stopped and turned his face slowly to me, his brows rising to his hairline.

  “What?” I laughed. He jerked his chin to Sarah. “She’s just being nice.”

  “She’s being nice to you, specifically. I thought you had a crush on her and she always treated you like trash?” He shook his head. “Did you also grow a pair and asked her out?”

  “I grew a pair and treated her with more confidence than I usually own. I guess she likes a man confronting her bitchy face.” I shrugged. Again, not a total lie.

  Edward put his hands inside the pockets of his jacket, leaning back as he eyed Sarah through the glass pane. “Really? That’s all it took you?” He turned to stare at me intently. “Confidence?”

  “Precisely.” I gave him my best innocent smile.

  He scoffed before turning to enter the cafeteria. “If you say so. I’m happy for you.” He reached the door and stopped to smile over his shoulder at me. “Now, use those newly-acquired pair of balls and confront your step-mother. Let’s hope she stops bitching around too.”

  I smiled back and turned
to walk the rest of the way by myself. Edward was right - I was just missing my step-mother to fix. She was the last piece of the puzzle, the last one I had to bring to my side so I could have complete control.

  And as I climbed up the steps to our apartment, I knew I had to do it quick. Her voice boomed through the door and suddenly all I could think of was how much she needed someone to stick a cock in her to shut her loud mouth up.


  Saturday started earlier than I expected.

  While I usually slept until nine, got up and had breakfast in the cafeteria down the street, my phone told me it was not yet seven when my step-mother’s yells woke me.

  The previous night had ended in quite a similar note. Between periods where I believed her voice failed her and Rebecca, my step-sister, screamed at her to shut the fuck up, I spent the whole evening with headphones, focusing hard on my Literature report and trying to ignore the scandal going on in the living room.

  Tessa was especially feisty that morning.

  As I groaned, picking my pillow to cover my face with it, someone knocked on my door. I peeked from under the pillow to find my father entering my room.

  “Just a moment, Tessa!” He said as he shut the door on her face. She stopped screaming and stomped down the corridor as he turned to me, sighing.

  I pulled the pillow away. “You alright, dad?”

  He jerked his head up, raising his brows. “Oh. I’m sorry we woke you, son.”

  “Tessa did, not you.” I sat up, waiting for my dad to pull a chair and sit down. “You guys alright?”

  I knew that was the most I could ask. Every single time I suggested she was a freak, he started his own tantrum and went a couple of days frowning down at me. I did not pity my father - he was a grown man and she was his wife. He had to take control of his shit, as I was taking control of mine.

  My father shrugged. “Yeah, she’s pissed because I have to leave on a business trip. I was going to leave a note telling you. I’m coming back tomorrow night.”

  “Hm,” I brushed sleep from my face. “And?”

  He quirked his brows up, “That’s all. I just wanted to let you know you’ll probably have to deal with… That.” He jutted a thumb in the door’s direction.

  “She’s in that mood because of that?” I curled my nose in disgust but said nothing more.

  My father sighed, covering his face with his hands. “Yeah. Women, you know. She’s been complaining about not getting enough attention, this sort of thing.” He shrugged and stood up, a regretful smile on his face. “I’m sorry I’ll have to leave you with the two of them. I know you’re not very fond of these two.”

  That was my main problem with my father. He thought the whole problem was because I didn’t like them. He thought it was alright his wife screamed at him because of women.

  I held back a scoff.

  “I’ll handle it, dad. Don’t worry.” I brushed my hair away from my face and waved him goodbye as he left the room.

  The screams were immediately back. I put my headphones back on and covered my head with the pillow, hoping for another hour of sleep.

  * * *

  I did get another hour and a half of sleep. As soon as my father left the house, silence covered the place.

  After showering, I decided to skip breakfast in the cafeteria. All because I knew today was the day.

  This was the day I would make sure Tessa knew her place. With me, with my father and in the house.

  I went to the kitchen and made myself some scrambled eggs, then popped the pill of the day in my mouth. Neither Tessa nor Rebecca were around, so I sat down and scrolled on my phone as I waited for the effects to come.

  Before my breakfast was over, a key rattled at the door and in walked Tessa. She wore her exercise clothes, and now I understood the silence which covered the place and let me sleep. She probably had gone to the gym to sweat her anger off.

  Curiosity nagged at me. I wondered why the hell was she angry at my dad all the freaking time.

  She saw me but said nothing as she walked to the kitchen and drank a glass of water. Unsure about when the effects would come up, I did not tease her. I didn’t ask her about her behavior. I let her sway her round hips, covered in black yoga pants, to her bedroom, where she shut herself to shower.

  I did my dishes and sat back down on the couch to wait. By the time she left her room, I was pretty sure the effects were well underway. She walked into the living room and halted, taking a deep breath.

  I bit back a smile. I watched her from the corner of my eye, pretending to be interested in my phone.

  Tessa walked slowly across the living room to peek out of the window. I heard her sniffing the outside, searching for the source of such alluring smell. I focused hard on not grinning, eying her.

  She leaned against the window and, in that position, I could totally understand what my father saw in her. Though she was some fifteen years my senior, she was incredibly hot. Her long, blond hair fell in curls down her back. Her white skin still glimmered from the warm bath, pink with heat. Tiny shorts barely hid her bubble butt and I let my eyes slide down her toned thighs.

  “Are you looking for something, Tessa?” I started and she snapped her head at me.

  She turned her body slowly in my direction. The white tank top she wore delineated the curve of her hips and her small waist. The cloth stretched over her big tits, becoming thin enough for me to see the red cups of her bra. She licked her plump lips as she frowned down at me.

  “I don’t know,” her big, green eyes sparkled with something I didn’t immediately recognize. “I’m smelling something.”

  Playing the innocent, I tried a small smile. “I’ve made some eggs earlier. Perhaps…”

  “No, not eggs,” she muttered, looking around and to the street once more. As she turned back, her thighs were pressed together. She walked to the couch and sat beside me without a word.

  Tessa crossed her long legs, keeping her thighs glued. I still pretended not to be watching.

  She crossed her arms under her chest. In a moment, her breathing grew labored.

  “Aren’t you smelling this?” She called suddenly. I turned to catch her making a sulky face.

  I laughed so hard internally. I’ve never seen anyone this bothered with getting horny.

  “Nope,” I shrugged, then turned to her on the couch. She took a deep breath and her eyes glinted in understanding. She gave me a quick once over. “Are you alright?”

  She turned to, her hands dropping to her lap. The sulking mask she wore dropped as she turned to me.

  “Hm,” she made a sound deep in her throat as if considering. It made my skin prickle with anticipation. “Yeah. To be honest,” she put a leg over the couch, turning her body to face me, “I’m having problems with your father. As you’ve probably noticed.”

  “I did,” I cocked a brow, my eyes hovering down her lithe neck to the smooth swell of her breasts. “I was wondering what was that about.”

  She sighed, propping her head up with a hand on her jaw. “I’m just dealing with the consequences of marrying an older man, I believe.” She laughed, an oblique gaze shooting in my direction. “I’m sure he must have complained about the exact opposite, no? I bet he says I’m too needy.”

  I wasn’t in the mood for intrigue and gossip, so I shrugged. “He might have mentioned you require some attention.”

  Groaning, Tessa leaned back. “He calls me needy. But it’s not unnatural to want what I want. I still have my needs, you know?”

  “Of course.”

  “He was so full of fire when we met. Now,” she sighed, “I’m lucky if I get laid once a month.”

  My brows slowly rose. “Really? My father’s calling you ‘needy’ because you want to fuck him more often than he wants to?”

  She bobbed her head in agreement and sat an inch closer. “It’s been… so long, Ben.” Her voice grew huskier as her eyes grew starker. “If only I could get some release here and there.” Her eyes
were wide as she approached further, her knee touching mine. She breathed in deep, her chest rising.

  My heart pumped, sending hot blood running through my veins to swell my cock. Tessa needed this. She needed me.

  My mouth was parched as I licked my lips. “I could… help you out with this. And you help me out with something else.”

  She nodded feverishly, “Yes, anything.” She dropped her hands to her thighs and closed her fingers over the mound of her cunt. Her eyes dropped shut. “I really, really need it.”

  I gulped, reason leaving me. “So I’ll fuck you until you have your release, and you’ll stop picking on me, yelling at me for nothing, and telling me to fix things Rebecca screwed up.”

  She nodded again, breathing out. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry for all of that, I’m usually so frustrated with your father…” She brought one of her hands up to curl her fingers around my thigh. “Oh, Ben, you’ll be doing me such a favor. To me and your dad, I’m sure!” She smiled, “I’m sure he’ll be glad if I don’t bother him about this any longer.”

  “Of course,” I added automatically. Her fingers ran up my thigh, burning my skin all the way to my crotch. She used a thumb to press against my hard member and gasped. That heated, desperate gasp shot through me like electricity.

  I stood up. She stood with me. Tessa’s breathing came out in gasps, her eyes large with expectation. I pulled my shirt out and opened my jeans.

  In a second, Tessa was on her knees, closing her fingers around the hem of my boxers. She stared up at me with need on her face. “It’s been so long I don’t suck cock, Ben. Please, let me suck yours. Please.” She pressed her brows together, dropping her gaze to the hard length of my dick.

  “Sure, go on.” I mouthed, shaky as I watched her pulling my boxers down. My cock sprang out, the tip already dripping pre-cum. Tessa gazed at it in awe.

  She licked her lips and gulped as if she had been salivating to taste me. Tessa stuck her tongue out and licked me, from the base to the very tip, pressing against the shaft. She repeated the action on each side, licking the pre-cum out of me.


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