Gender Swapped in Space

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Gender Swapped in Space Page 15

by Alyson Belle

  His hand reached up to the glass almost involuntarily, as though stretching out to touch her, and then, as his fingers brushed softly against the pane, he was her.

  At once she knew that something felt different. Mikala tried to puzzle it out. The shift into the avatar had felt unusual, but then she realized that she was thinking of herself as Mikala again, as female by default. Amy must have tied it to the avatar. Neat trick. Now that she knew what was happening, Mikala found that she didn’t mind. It was a nice little touch, an extra layer of realism that made the virtnet experience of inhabiting a different body that much better.

  She relaxed into herself, enjoying the pleasant sensations of simply being Mikala in the privacy of her own lobby. She stretched her arms and legs, bent herself over double, and rolled her shoulders. She was surprised at how flexible this avatar seemed. Curious, she slid one leg forward and one leg back until she had lowered herself all the way to the floor, resting comfortably in a perfect split. Mikala laughed with delight. She’d always wanted to do that. She popped back up and did a little pirouette on one foot, laughing again at the happy girl in the now-mirrored glass.

  Then she smiled to herself, turning this way and that in front of the mirror screen. She had such a lovely little body, with a cute, round bottom. Smallish breasts, barely B-cups, but they felt just right, filling her hand when she cupped them, and looked nice on her. Last week there hadn’t been time to appreciate Amy’s artistry, but now she really had to hand it to the girl. Mikala was beautiful, without being some kind of unrealistic pin-up centerfold, and totally unique. Looking at herself, seeing herself like this, something stirred inside of Mikala that wasn’t quite arousal; it was more like… satisfaction, maybe? But who wouldn’t be satisfied when they looked like this?

  This time she remembered that she could customize her clothes. She pulled up her personal virtscreen and started browsing through her clothing, shoes, and make-up styles. A whole color-wheel of different skirts, sweaters, and dresses flew by. Amy had certainly kitted her out well! It was almost overwhelming to have so many different options. What did she feel like wearing?

  She decided to choose something elegant, appropriate for the evening: a pretty, red strapless cocktail dress, with black kitten heels and pearls. Then she picked a shade of lipstick to match the dress. She paused at the rest of the make-up, baffled. How did girls do this? She didn’t even know where to begin with all the possible combinations of foundation, concealer, blush, tanner, a million and one eye options. If she picked at random, she’d end up looking terrible, she was sure! Then she noticed that there were some preset full-face options, and she sighed, relaxing. One of them was marked “Sultry Evening.” She picked that one.

  The results were impressive. When the virtscreen whisked away and she got the first full look at herself, she almost cried. She’d never felt so gorgeous… never looked so gorgeous. The dress clung to her curves with a custom-tailored fit accentuated by the slight lift the heels gave her ass. Her make-up was smoky-eyed and sultry, just as the name implied. Mikala wouldn’t look at all out of place in an upscale Manhattan cocktail party. She smiled, shining white teeth popping between the brilliant red of her lips. There was no way she could stay locked away in the lobby looking like this… before she knew what she doing, she’d tapped herself into chatspace.

  Once more she stood on the circular platform amidst a stunning sea of stars, and once more she was stunned by the breathtaking beauty of the vista. She spun a slow circle, taking it all in. Now she noticed that while some of the stars pulsed with color, some were fixed in place… backdrop scenery? Her eyes picked out constellations in some of those, and even further back dimly glowing bands painted milky streaks across the blue and purple shades of the chatspace sky. She wondered if it was modeled after the real sky, or if it was just an artist’s rendition. Either way it was lovely, and either way someone had put a great deal of time and effort into designing it.

  “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?”

  Mikala jumped at the sudden break in the stillness and spun around to see the speaker. It was Amy, tall and blonde and beautiful, standing behind her with their disks joined once more. She was looking over Mikala’s shoulder, admiring the quiet beauty of the stars. Mikala nodded in mute agreement.

  Without looking at Mikala, Amy glided across to her disk, closing in on her. She brushed past, shoulder gently touching Mikala’s, and slid behind her. She wore a long, flowing blue dress tonight, draped satin whose hem reached all the way to the floor, and her hair was bound up with sapphire pins like an 18th-century noblewoman. Mikala held perfectly still while Amy gently pressed their backs together, both of them watching the stars. She was held as though under a spell… by the beauty of the simulated cosmos, by the beauty of Amy, by the chill air that seemed to suspend her and slow each breath. She could feel Amy’s breathing slowing to match her own, the gentle rise and fall of her back.

  Then she felt Amy turn around and slide her strong arms under Mikala’s to encircle her and rest on her stomach. It gave her a warm, fluttery feeling that she felt spread to her cheeks once more. Amy rested her chin on Mikala’s shoulder, pinned curls gently tickling against her neck, and whispered, “I knew you’d be back. What took you so long?”

  Mikala shuddered at the breath of Amy’s whisper. “I… don’t know. This is all so strange.”

  “Not so strange to me,” came the silky reply. “You look beautiful tonight. Was this for me?”

  “I…” began Mikala, but then she didn’t know what to say. Was it for Amy? Or was it for herself? And then she did blush. How did Amy manage to fluster her so much? It was hard to remember that for Amy, this was all just a game… she didn’t realize how it made Mikala’s heart hammer to hear someone call her beautiful. Did she?

  “No need to say, little slave,” Amy continued, nuzzling at Mikala’s neck. “Let’s go play, shall we?”

  Mikala bit her lip and nodded, and the cosmos around them melted once more into the scarlet and crimson shades of Amy’s private room. Her hands quested up and down Mikala’s dress, one caressing her breasts and one gently grazing over her sex. Even through two layers of fabric, Mikala’s back arched at the feel of those fingertips strumming over the tiny spot that sent jolts of pleasure coursing through her spine, the sweet groping of a warm hand pressing into the curve of her breast.

  She moaned, and Amy laughed. “So eager tonight, hmm?”

  Amy released her and gave her a little push toward the bed. Mikala hopped over without complaint, and turned around to sit on the edge, crossing her legs and leaning back with a slight smile. What would Amy have in store for her now? That blue dress was too long and too heavy to easily hike up over a penis, not that Amy couldn’t change at a whim… She knew that Amy was just getting a kick out of making a boy be a horny little girl, but Mikala didn’t care. As long as Mikala got to be that horny little girl, Amy could think and do whatever she wanted to.

  “I thought we might try something a little different this time,” said Amy. She was already tapping at her virtscreen.

  Mikala quivered in anticipation. “What were you thinking?”

  Amy raised an eyebrow at the question, and Mikala hastily added, “...mistress?” Amy nodded, satisfied.

  “You had such a nice little performance last week, Mikala,” Amy said. “It didn’t seem at all fair to keep it to myself, don’t you think?”

  “Excuse me?” asked Mikala. She wasn’t sure if she liked where this was heading.

  “I’m calling a few friends to come and play with us.”

  Mikala half-stood up but then tripped on her heels. Luckily, the floor was plush enough that it barely hurt. She caught herself on hands and knees and thrust an imploring hand out to Amy. “Amy, you promised not to tell anyone…”

  “And I haven’t. Don’t worry, little slave. My friends won’t know who you are. Behave well, enjoy yourself, and they won’t have to.”

  Before Mikala could protest, two more avatars had
joined them in the room. Both were men, every bit as muscled and impressive as Jungle Jim, but they had a more polished look about them than the war hero avatar. Clean-cut faces, with khakis and polo shirts. Almost preppy, thought Mikala, suddenly mesmerized. She hastily picked herself up off the floor and stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do. She was pretty sure Amy had locked the room again… she wouldn’t let Mikala escape so easily.

  The one in the green polo had a light complexion that matched Amy’s, and the other was dark and mysterious looking with shaggy black hair that fell just above his eyes. Latin, maybe. She found herself studying him, and Mikala flashed an automatic smile as her body reacted to the tight curve of his bicep and the arcing sweep of his shoulders. Then she shook her head. What was she doing? She wasn’t interested in men!

  They were both looking around at the surroundings, seemingly impressed, but the latin boy hadn’t missed Mikala’s smile. His eyes swept over her, came back up to her face and fixed on her with a dopey smile of his own. She burned under that gaze and tried to look anywhere else, ignoring the fact that her nipples had hardened to tight points. Damn it, Amy! Why was she making Mikala feel these things?

  “Wow, Amy,” said the fair-haired man. “I’m impressed. And a little jealous. This is where you play with your girlfriends?”

  “And boyfriends, too, sometimes,” Amy replied with a teasing grin.

  “I should hope so,” said the latin boy. “Who’s your friend, here?” Mikala’s legs tensed against her will at the low rumble of his words, and she felt herself starting to get a little wet. She cursed the fact that her body seemed to have very specific tastes. Her earlier blushes paled in comparison to how red she was now. The boys seemed to be enjoying her averted eyes and rosy cheeks, judging by the smirks they both wore when she finally looked up.

  “This is my friend I told you about. Mikala. Kyla’s cousin.”

  Kyla’s cousin? Great. Now she had no choice but to play along. She forced a tight smile.

  “Hi, Mikala,” said the latin boy, flashing a brilliant row of dimple-framed teeth back at her. Yep, she was definitely wet.

  She slid over to Amy and grabbed her arm, whispering, “What the hell, Amy? I’m not gay!”

  “Just a sec, boys,” Amy said, pulling Mikala into the corner. She spun to face her. “You’re also not a boy right now, silly. It’s hardly gay to be attracted to men when your body’s just doing what comes naturally.”

  “But I am a girl!” Mikala protested. Then she blinked, confused at her own words. She tried again. “I am a girl. What the hell? Oh, fuck your stupid programming.” Amy smirked at Mikala’s distress at being unable to refer to herself as male. “I mean, outside of virtnet, the person wearing this avatar is a boy.”

  Amy ignored her protest. “Mmm… I bet you’re dripping wet, aren’t you? I gave that avatar a special taste for hot, latin guys. I bet the chemistry between you two is out of control.”

  Mikala fumed. Amy knew exactly how right she was. “That’s not the point!” she squeaked.

  “Why are you so hung up on labels?” asked Amy. “Just do what feels good and stop feeling guilty about it. Who cares?”

  Mikala glanced over Amy’s shoulder. The boys were watching them whisper, both still smiling at them. A familiar ache started to grow between her legs. She couldn’t deny what her body wanted, right now. But at the same time, this was so humiliating! “Are you really going to make me have sex with them?” she asked.

  “Oh, sweetie,” Amy feigned shock. “Of course not! For one thing, you can only have one of them… I’m taking the other. And I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to. Why don’t we just relax and have a good time with these guys?”

  Mikala didn’t quite believe her, but Amy held all the cards. What else could she do? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe it could even be fun. It was all virtual, right? She put on a brave face and stepped forward. “Hi guys,” she said, trying to conceal her nervousness.

  “Problems?” asked the fair-haired guy.

  “None at all,” said Amy. “My friend is just a little shy… she’d not used to being with men.” Mikala didn’t miss the stiffening bulge in both of the boys’ pants at the comment.

  “Well, when you called us and mentioned you were both looking for a good time…” he replied. “We couldn’t resist. What better way to spend a Friday than with a few beautiful ladies in the virtnet? Are you sure Kyla won’t mind?”

  “Nope. We have a free-play arrangement here,” Amy said.

  “Lucky us,” said the latin boy. He drew close to Mikala and bent down to kiss her hand, holding her eyes the whole time. Her knees felt shaky. The smell of his cologne hit her then, wafting up with a sharp, clean smell that seemed to grab her and tighten all her muscles at once. Her lips parted with a sudden intake of breath, and her eyelashes fluttered. He smiled like he knew exactly what he was doing to her.

  Mikala stood frozen, afraid to move, afraid he’d take his hand away. She didn’t know what to do, or say. Every bit of her wanted him. It was a primal, sensual feeling. She had to fight to maintain composure.

  “Silly me,” said Amy. “I forgot to introduce you guys. Mikala, meet Peter and Chuck. Chuck and Pete, meet Mikala. They go to school with me.” Mikala snatched her hand back like it had been burned, eyes wide and staring at Amy. Was she fucking kidding? There was only one Chuck at their school, and the idea that it was Chuck Higgins holding her hand, making her legs shake, and seducing her with his cologne was too much for her.

  “J-j-just one sec,” she stammered, dragging Amy back to the corner. The boys shared a glance and shrugged.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Chuck Higgins and Pete Wills? Jesus, Amy!” she hissed. “I have to hang out in the locker room with these guys.”

  “Mmmhmm,” said Amy, an evil smile plastered on her face. “I figured you would. The idea makes me pretty hot. I love the idea of my little slut having a dirty little secret while she watches the boys she’s fucked undress, without them knowing.”

  “Look,” Mikala said, starting to panic. “I get that this is a cutesy little game for you, but this is my life! What if they find out? They’ll kill me!”

  “Mikala, sweetie, relax. It’s just virtnet. They’re not going to find out. And Chuck over there looks like he wants to give you the ride of your life.” She smiled and gave a little apologetic wave over her shoulder at the waiting boys.

  “I told you I’m not gay!” insisted Mikala.

  “And I told you not to get so hung up on labels,” Amy said, brows drawing down. “Stop being so uptight. If it’s fun and sexy, it’s fun and sexy. Jeez, how did you end up being so repressed when your sister is so wild?”

  “It’s easy to be wild when you’re a hot girl,” muttered Mikala.

  “Well, you’re a hot girl right now. Go get a little wild, sexy.”

  “Is everything okay?” asked Chuck, looking concerned. “Because if she’s not okay with this…” Pete elbowed him in the ribs and coughed.

  “I’m sure the girls just need a minute, man,” he said.

  “Yeah, yeah, sorry… just hang on. We’re fine,” said Amy. She turned back to Mikala with a look of compassion.

  “Here,” said Amy. “They’re getting antsy, and I can see you’re conflicted, despite how horny you are. Why don’t I relax you a little? Once you see how much fun you can have, you won’t think twice about this. What do you say? I promise it’ll be great...”

  “I don’t think there’s anything you can do that would relax me enough for this…” said Mikala. This was all so confusing. Amy was mixing her messages; first her mistress, then her friend. Was Mikala a hot little slut being forced into this, or were they just girlfriends having a good time with some guys? She got a little thrill at the idea of just being girlfriends with Amy, which Amy seemed to notice and enjoy. And then there was Chuck. Her body ached for Chuck’s avatar, and the idea of letting him take her felt so right, but in the back of her head she could
n’t stop feeling afraid and ashamed of just how badly she wanted those things. And what if he did find out?

  “I think there is something I can do about that,” said Amy. She smiled slyly. “I won’t make you do this, as much as it turns me on, because the idea of you wanting to do this turns me on even more. And I know, oh I know, that somewhere in that hot little head of yours you do want this, Mikala.” She leaned in even closer, breathed on her ear. “I can make you forget your fears and have the hottest, wildest night of your life. As good as anything Kyla’s ever felt, I promise. Just say the word. Tell me you want it.”

  As good as anything Kyla’s ever felt… she promised.

  There it was. I won’t make you do this. Tell me you want it. Mikala could just walk away, tell Amy no, jack out, and be done with it. All she had to do was say she didn’t want it. She didn’t, right? Being in a girl’s body, getting fucked by Chuck, of all people… it was gross, it was humiliating, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it?

  Then why are you hesitating? Amy’s eyes seemed to say. She was waiting for an answer. The boys were waiting for an answer. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath.

  “I want it,” Mikala whispered, dropping her eyes on the floor.

  “Good girl,” whispered Amy, tapping at her virtscreen. “This is an easy fix, actually. Let’s just fuzz your memory a bit, and ratchet up your avatar’s sex drive…”

  “Wait, what?” asked Mikala.

  But then suddenly she couldn’t remember what she’d been asking about. Amy smiled at her. Mikala smiled back. Gosh, Amy was pretty. Such blue eyes, such golden hair… her hands wandered down the length of her dress and clutched the hem tightly to keep them still. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d ached so much with need. In fact, she couldn’t remember much of anything right now, but it didn’t seem to matter… all she wanted was for Amy to lean in and kiss her. Amy must have seen it on her face, because she did. It was long and sweet and passionate. Mikala swooned when Amy’s hand glided up to stroke her jaw. Her knuckles were white on the hem of the dress. She was dying to pull it off.


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