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Gale, Avery - Katarina's Return [The ShadowDance Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Avery Gale

  “Whoa, kitten, slow down and take a breath. Christ, you are going to pull out all the stitches Doc worked so hard on. You know nobody’s going to be able to pry information out of that old fart, hell, he didn’t want to even talk to us about your condition.” Zach had both his large hands on either side of her face and was nearly nose to nose with her. “Breathe with me, kitten.” Zach’s entire focus was centered on her eyes. “That’s it, in slowly, now out. In, now out. No, stop…Focus…That’s it. In, now out. Stay with me, it’ll be okay. You know you’ll always be safe here.”

  She tried, she really did; she didn’t want to cry, but once the first tears broke over the rim of her eyes and rolled down her face, she broke into gut-wrenching sobs and just let herself fall in to the arms of the man who had always been her safety net. Zach pulled Kat close and just held her, letting her release all that pent-up anxiety. He knew that they wouldn’t be able to get any information or begin mending their relationship until she was able to purge all the fear she was obviously guarding so closely.

  Chapter 4

  Alex leaned against the doorframe, trying to look much more casual than he felt. Just give me a name, Katarina, and I’ll destroy the bastard that has done this to you. There won’t be a hole deep enough for him to hide in, I promise you that. He didn’t speak, he didn’t blink, he just watched. Everything about her drew him to her. There was something almost mystical about the way she looked at him, as if she could see right to the depths of his soul. It should have been unnerving, hell, it had been damned unnerving when he was younger. But the years have a way of making people more comfortable in their own skin, and he and his twin were very comfortable in theirs. It always came down to one simple word, trust. They had to gain Katarina’s trust before they could help her recognize the fact that they didn’t plan to let her slip away again. But her immediate safety was going to have to be a priority for now. They needed to get her healthy and out of danger, then begin the long process of rebuilding what he’d so carelessly destroyed years ago.

  As her sobs slowed, finally becoming little hiccups, Alex pushed away from the doorway and moved toward the bed saying, “Let’s get you up and into a nice warm shower. We’ll get you cleaned up and fed, and then we’ll sit down and talk.”

  “Okay, if you could just point me to the bathroom and leave me something to wear, I’ll join you when I’m finished,” Kat said as she began trying to back away from Zach, attempting to cover her breasts with the sheet that had slipped to her waist during her meltdown. Zach gently moved her hand to the side, slowly shaking his head at her efforts.

  “Don’t ever hide your body from us, kitten. We love seeing how beautiful you are, we’ll always want to enjoy what belongs to us.” Putting a finger to her lips when she would have protested, Zach continued. “No, whether you want to recognize it now or not, you are ours. We’ll work it all out, don’t worry. Now, let’s get you up and into the shower.”

  Alex was already starting to unbutton his shirt and kicking off his shoes on the other side of the room, capturing Kat’s attention. She could feel her breathing speed up, her breaths becoming much shallower, and she also knew the sheet under her pussy was most certainly becoming damp. Damn, her body was going to betray her if she didn’t get them out of here quickly.

  “I can take my own shower; you two surely have other things to do besides play nursemaid to me.” Kat knew the squeak in her voice betrayed her nervousness at thinking about being in the shower with Alex and Zach. Holy shit, she had to focus on figuring out how to keep the two of them from stealing her heart. But being naked with them, watching bubbles trail down broad, bronze, toned chests was deliciously distracting. Oh yeah, Kat, those thoughts are going to be real helpful. Geez, what had she been thinking coming back to Climax? They were just too much for her to deal with, hell, they always had been. What had ever made her think she’d be able to resist the sin on a stick times two that was the Lamont twins was a mystery for sure. “Is Jenna around? She could help me.” Kat knew her words sounded lame, they sounded thin even to her own ears.

  Alex smiled down at her. “I don’t think so, Katarina. You know the way it will be with us, don’t even think that anyone else is going to be taking care of you. Now be a good girl and let’s get on your feet and see how you do standing up.” Alex stood at the edge of the bed, his bare chest mesmerizing her. God, he was even hotter now than he’d been when she was just a teenager who hadn’t really seen any boy besides Alex and Zach. They’d always been so gorgeous it should have almost been illegal. “Give me your hand, baby, let me help you stand.”

  While Alex helped Kat slowly stand up from the edge of the bed, Zach moved to the side of the large room and began undressing. Sighing, Kat closed her eyes trying to block out the fantasy that was playing through her mind. Her imagination was working overtime, flashing pictures of the two of them sandwiching her between them, naked, wet, touching her everywhere…Damn it, Kat, get a fucking grip and focus. Trying not to wince as she straightened, she had to take a couple of deep breaths to ward off the dizziness and pain, finally she was able to get her shaky legs to cooperate and her lead feet to start moving.

  Alex watched the expressions chase across Katarina’s face; resignation, fear, lust, it was all there and gone in the blink of an eye. He watched her pulse speed up at the base of her neck and watched as, yet again her breathing became faster and shallower. Her eyes had dilated until they showed but a small ring of the clear blue that had always reminded him of the crystalline waters of the Caribbean Sea.

  Wrapping his arm around her waist and keeping ahold of her arm, Alex watched her try to fight back the pain that was showing itself in the strain around her eyes and the thinning of her lush lips. God, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, even with all the marks another man had left marring her perfect skin, he couldn’t see anything but a glow that had always shone from within her. It didn’t burn as bright as it once had, but it would be his life’s mission to bring it back and make sure it was never dimmed again.

  Zach moved around them into the en suite bathroom that had been specially built for the woman they planned to share their lives with. Both he and Alex had always dreamed it would be Kat, but as the years had gone by without them being able to find even a trace of her whereabouts, they’d simply kept the door closed at this end of the hall and tried to block out that tattered dream. Selita, their housekeep and cook, always kept fresh linens and flowers in the suite, ever the romantic optimist, she had always sworn to them that “Miss Kat would come home.” Groaning inwardly at that thought, Zach knew there would be simply no living with Selita now; she was never going to let them forget that she’d been right.

  * * * *

  They’d given Kat a few minutes of privacy, but didn’t stay out long, fearing she wasn’t as stable as she wanted to believe. “Geez, can’t you give a girl a chance to at least use the bathroom alone? This is embarrassing,” Kat said as she reached over to flush the toilet.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Katarina. We don’t want you to lose your balance and fall. It would be easy to become light-headed after lying down for so long. You already have plenty of injuries; let’s not add a concussion to that list, shall we?” Alex’s voice was a mixture of mellow caretaker and bossy Dom that had Kat grinning inwardly despite her annoyance with their intrusion; sure hadn’t taken Master Alex long to reappear.

  The shower was huge; it was basically a room with warm brown tile covering the floor and a small bench. The walls were covered with natural stone, and there was water pouring out of showerheads disguised to look like miniwaterfalls everywhere. The entire front of the shower was glass, ensuring anyone in the bathroom had a front-row seat to any “water sports” taking place in the shower, oh yeah, this shower had definitely been designed for group activities.

  Stepping under the spray, Kat leaned her head back and sighed, just enjoying the feel of the warm water caressing her breasts and stomach. Yes, the
Lamonts had always known how to live right; their parents had been wealthy beyond her imagination, and from all accounts, Alex and Zach had managed to increase that fortune many times over. Even though she and her mom had always lived on her mom’s meager earnings as a waitress at the local diner, Kat had never felt she’d truly suffered because of being poor. And even though her mom had always had very poor taste in men, Kat had grown up knowing her mother loved her unconditionally. Kat had never felt money was all that important, and her mom had always emphasized the importance of a good education, the value in helping others, and she’d always managed to fill their time together with laughter. Those were the lessons Kat had considered her mother’s legacy, and those gifts had left little time for Kat to notice what they didn’t have.

  * * * *

  Kat had met Jenna Lamont the very first day of first grade. Jenna had boldly walked up to the new girl in class despite Kat’s attempts to disappear when she saw how much bigger all the other kids were and how nice they were all dressed. Jenna had walked straight up to her and said, “I’m Jenna Lamont, you and I are going to be best friends.” Jenna had put her arm around Kat’s shoulders and proceeded to walk her around the room and introduce her to each of their classmates, and they had been inseparable from that day forward. It had never mattered to Jenna that Kat’s clothes came from the secondhand store, she had told Kat thousands of times, it’s what’s inside a person that matters, the wrapping it comes in doesn’t matter. Yes, Jenna Lamont had been a blessing in more ways than Kat could even begin to count.

  Chapter 5

  Stepping into the shower behind Kat, Zach had to fight the urge to pull her in to his arms, pin her against the wall and plunge his cock in to her sweet pussy and stay there for a week. Damn, but she was gorgeous and even more petite than he’d remembered. She couldn’t be over five foot one, and if she weighed over a hundred pounds he’d be shocked. Even though she was slender, she was curvy in all the right places, and he couldn’t wait to run his tongue over every inch of her. He planned to spend a lot of time finding each and every spot that would make her shiver and moan his name. Shaking his head, trying to bring his wayward thoughts back to the present, Zach stepped up in front of Kat just as Alex wrapped his arms around her from behind. Alex started softly running his hands up her arms to her shoulders, where he began kneading her stiff muscles, gently trying to coax them into releasing the tension they’d both noticed as soon as she’d known they would be joining her in the shower. Zach saw Alex’s smile and knew they were both thinking the same thing…Oh, Katarina, love, you are going to be naked and wet every chance we get.

  Kat’s head fell back as she groaned under his touch; Alex could almost feel her go lax as she leaned back into his chest. Sliding his hands over her shoulders to cup her breasts, just skimming the very surface of her skin and never touching her nipples, Zach dribbled scented body wash on to her chest and watched as Alex began washing her with slow, smooth circular motions. Watching the bubbles slide down past her belly button and over her mound was enough to bring any man to his knees, and Zach was no exception. Squatting down in front of Kat, he used a soft soaped cloth to gently wash her legs and then massaged each foot, eliciting soft moans from Kat when he drew his thumbs the length of her arches.

  “You like that, love?” Alex asked close to her ear. “Do you like having your feet rubbed? We’ll have to remember that, Zach, it seems Katarina enjoys a foot massage. I wonder what else she might enjoy to have rubbed.” As he spoke, he pinched her nipples between his thumb and first finger and pulled gently, causing Kat to arch her back, pushing her breasts forward in invitation.

  “Please…” was all Kat managed to say before reaching one hand back to wrap it around Alex’s neck, pulling him tighter against her chest. Alex felt her tense and knew the injuries to her back were more uncomfortable than she was letting them know.

  “Let’s get your hair washed, and then we’ll see what we can do you make you enjoy the rest of your shower, baby girl. Hold on to Zach while I work on your hair.” Zach stood up, and Alex leaned Kat into his chest. Zach held her while Alex washed and conditioned her hair; it turned the color of sun-ripened wheat and hung clear to her narrow waist when wet. Keeping her hair off her back as much as possible, Alex gently rinsed her abused back with the handheld water massager rather than allowing her to step under the shower jets.

  Alex pulled her back against his chest carefully and at the same time placed his feet on the insides of hers and widened his stance, forcing her legs apart. When she tried to shift, he stilled her, whispering, “Let Zach make you feel good, love. Let him taste you, just relax against me, and let us give you pleasure. We want to see what you look like when you come, sweetness.” If he hadn’t been holding her so close, he might have missed the subtle tightening of her muscles. “What’s wrong? Talk to us, sweetheart.”

  Kat sighed and tried again to close her legs, but Zach had a hold of the inside of her thighs and his hands held her legs firmly apart. “Well, um, you see, well, I haven’t, well, I haven’t ever, damn, this is so embarrassing. It’s like this, I’m frigid. There it is, the sad truth that is Katarina McKay’s life. I appreciate what you are trying to do, but I’ve never had an orgasm, and I know I’ll just end up disappointing you.” Closing her eyes, trying to block what she knew would certainly be looks of disgust or even worse, pity, Kat just wanted to get out of the shower and find a hole to crawl into.

  Zach squeezed her legs again a bit more forcefully, and in a sharp voice said, “Kat, look at me…Now! If you have never had an orgasm, that is on your lover’s shoulders, not yours. You are a passionate, very responsive woman; let me show you how wonderful it can be when you let go of all that control and just feel.”

  “No, you don’t understand, I know I can’t compete with the other women you have made love to, and I’m not sure I’d survive knowing how I’d let you down. Please, I just want to get out of the shower and get dressed.” Kat was sure she’d turned about every shade of red ever known to exist. God, I should have never come back to Climax, I am never going to be able to show my face here again after this.

  “I swear, if you weren’t already injured, I’d paddle your ass for spouting that nonsense. We’re going to show you just how frigid you aren’t, kitten.” Zach spoke just before his mouth descended upon her pussy, and he proceeded to bring her to the very edge of her sanity twice before he’d even put a finger inside her.

  Kat was sure she was losing her mind; never had she felt like this, it was if every nerve ending in her entire body had decided to vibrate and tingle at the same instant. Holy hell, what Zach could do with his mouth. Alex had captured both of her wrists and was pinning them loosely behind her back, and while Zach was making love to her pussy with his mouth, Alex kept talking to her, and his words alone could probably trigger orgasms in most women. “Do you like the way Zach’s tongue is circling your clit, Katarina? Can you imagine how good he is going to make you feel when he sucks it into his mouth? Do you like it when he slides his fingers through your sweet juices and then presses inside you in a way that brings pressure to magic spot inside? That sends lightning through your entire body, doesn’t it, love? How many orgasms will it take for you to let go of your fear? Zach can keep you right on the edge for hours, you know, and then he’ll send you over into oblivion whenever he chooses to. How much pleasure can you take, Katarina? How much will be just enough? Or do you need a little bite of pain to send you soaring, shall we see?”

  Alex pinched her nipples just as Zach pressed on her G-spot, and Kat’s world exploded in showers of brilliant light and electric shocks that had her screaming their names as her knees buckled. Her pussy flooded, and she was sure the sensations racing over her skin were never going to end. They brought her down slowly; her body shuddered as she felt the tide within her ebb slowly away. Zach leaned back on his heels, smiling. “She is so beautiful when she comes, and she tastes like the sweetest peaches I’ve ever eaten.” He couldn’t wait for
Alex to see the rapture on Kat’s face when her orgasm overtook her, she was everything he’d always known she’d be, beautiful in her responsiveness and a natural submissive.

  Zach knew Alex had used his hold on her wrists as a simple way to test her response to bondage and control, and she had tumbled into a submissive mind-set almost instinctively. Both he and his brother knew that often just something as simple as restraining a sub’s hands in your own was enough to trigger a response in a true submissive, and Kat had responded perfectly. He planned to spend the rest of his life learning every nuance that made Kat who she was, and he was going to enjoy every second of the exploration.

  Chapter 6

  Kat couldn’t believe the way her body still seemed to vibrate with residual pleasure. Holy hell, no wonder people were always talking about the “Big O.” If she’d known it would be like that, she wouldn’t still be a virgin, that’s for sure. Damn and double damn, that was a whole other problem, she didn’t even want to think about how they might respond to that little news flash. Maybe if she managed to get out of here really soon, they’d never have to know. Yeah right. They won’t even let you pee in peace, and you think you are going to get away from them long enough to get clear out of the building? Not fracking likely!

  After they’d dried her with gentle pats with a towel big enough to wrap them all in, they’d left her in the bedroom while they went to their rooms to get dressed, saying they’d bring her something to wear when they returned. So here she sat on the window seat looking out over the paradise that had been created behind the mansion. She enjoyed watching as the tiny lights swayed in the breeze, making it look like the whole garden was alive with a million dancing fireflies. She’d just gotten a glimpse of her surroundings earlier and couldn’t wait to explore things more fully. Of course her lack of clothing was going to be a serious problem and one she couldn’t see either Alex or Zach being too anxious to help her solve. If she could just get in touch with Jenna, she was sure she could get her to help her go into town for a bit of shopping. She’d need to get to her computer or her cell phone soon; maybe they’d take her to her car or, better yet, have it moved up by the house for her, then she’d be able to leave as soon as she got the stitches out and figured out a safe place to go. Jenna would help her find a new location, she just needed to be able to contact her without spilling the beans.


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