Gale, Avery - Katarina's Return [The ShadowDance Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Gale, Avery - Katarina's Return [The ShadowDance Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Avery Gale

  * * * *

  Alex was pissed, plain and simple, completely irate. His little sister had a lot of explaining to do, and when she returned to Climax later this week, they’d be waiting. Colt’s team had found Katarina’s computer in her car and had accessed her personal e-mail only to discover their darling sister had known where Katarina was and had been communicating with her best friend for years. While Jenna might not have known in the beginning where Katarina was, she had certainly known for a good long time, and it seemed she’d not seen fit to share that information with her older brothers. Zach was equally pissed, and he was usually Jenna’s biggest ally.

  Slowly drawing their fingers up and around Katarina’s sensitive breasts, they let the silence grow until she was starting to twist and pull at her restraints. “Hold still or you’ll hurt yourself, we won’t hurt you, we just want to ask you about a few things and play a bit at the same time. You see, one of the wonderful thing about you being so responsive is that your body will betray you if you try to lie to us. It will be like having you attached to a lie detector, only a lot more fun, don’t you think?” Kat knew Alex prided himself on being intimidating and always in control of a situation, but holy shit, this icy Alex was downright frightening.

  At the mention of lie detector, Kat had tensed, if she’d been covered, they might have missed it, oh but Alex loved this method of information retrieval. Smiling at his brother, he knew Zach wouldn’t have missed that small tell either. “Now, Katarina, tell me, when is the last time you had any communication with Jenna.”

  “Oh, well, gee…let me think…it’s been—” Kat’s words were cut short when Alex squeezed her nipple sharply, causing her to suck in her breath and freeze.

  “Let me remind you, love, that we have gained possession of your car and have retrieved its contents. Let me also remind you that we have a security team that is highly trained in a wide variety of different skills, including computer hacking. Now, I’ll ask you again, when is the last time you had any contact with Jenna?”

  Oh shit, this was going to be really bad, Jenna had been e-mailing and Skyping with her for several years. They had no doubt seen her last e-mail to Jenna detailing how scared she was about Cal’s increasing obsession with her. Hard to tell at this point which one of them was in the most trouble, but if she was placing bets, she’d lay money on Jenna…But truthfully, it could go either way. “Okay, we’ve been talking for a while. I asked her to not mention it to you because I knew you didn’t want me, and it just seemed like it would be less heartache for everybody if you didn’t feel like you were obligated to look out for me. I didn’t think I’d be able to listen to the ‘you’re just like a sister to us’ speech again. And she reluctantly, very reluctantly, agreed to keep my confidence.”

  “I promise you, we’ll deal with Mata Hari Jenna when she returns home later this week. I’m tempted to let Colt deal with her; he’s been itching to paddle her ass for years.” When Kat would have spoken, he placed his finger over her lips and continued. “No, you know that lying by omission is still lying and so does she. We’ll deal with her later. Now, let’s talk about all the points of your story that didn’t seem to make it in to the Reader’s Digest version you gave us earlier this evening, including Cal Robertson’s obsession with you.”

  Zach’s hand had found its way to her pussy, there wasn’t much chance he would miss how wet this whole interrogation and bondage scene was making her, damn and double damn, how did she seem to always find herself in the worst positions with men? And, as always, lots of sexual tension and foreplay, but never any of the good stuff. Shit, at this rate she was going to be the only virgin in the local nursing home.

  “Well, I maybe glossed over how interested Cal is in me. Obsession really is a very strong word, but he—” Kat’s words were cut off again when Zach pulled the hood back from her clit and leaned down to blow on it, sending what felt like electric shocks out from her core. “Holy shit! How am I supposed to think when you do that?”

  “You might want to think about just telling the truth. Give us the facts we need, and we’ll give you what you need in return. Remember, good behavior is rewarded, and bad behavior is punished; it really is just that simple, Katarina.” Alex’s words were softly spoken, but the edge of steel was obvious, Kat knew he was tired of her dancing around the subject.

  Knowing she’d better come clean, she told them about how Cal had taken her phone and provided her with a “better model.” Now, she might be young, but she’d made a living working with computer technology long enough to know she’d been given a phone that enabled Cal and his merry band of crazies to track her every move. Before she’d left Las Vegas, she’d disabled the tracking, hoping that she’d have at least a few days’ head start. The more she explained, the more intimate their touches became until she was all but panting with desire. “Please, I can’t take any more. Either fuck me or leave me alone, you’re torturing me, and you both know it.” At this point, Kat didn’t care if they got mad and left the bed, she had taken matters in to her own hands for years, and she’d take care of the need slamming into her now, if they didn’t want to.

  “Now, let’s discuss your sexual experience, kitten.” Zach had moved down so that his face was right between her legs, she could feel his breath on her spread pussy lips, and she knew there was no hiding her arousal. “When had you planned to tell us you are still a virgin? Hmmm? That is really a pretty important piece of information seeing as how you are asking us to fuck you. Don’t you think?”

  Oh God, every time she thought she couldn’t be more embarrassed, she was proven wrong. Knowing her face was glowing a nice bright red, Kat closed her eyes, trying to block out her humiliation.

  * * * *

  “Open your eyes. Now, kitten. You’ll not hide from us. We won’t allow it, ever.” Zach knew she’d be embarrassed, but they weren’t going to let her get by with hiding anything from them. He and Alex both believed the old adage that you should always begin as you intend to go, so they might as well convince her now that there wasn’t anything about her they didn’t intend to know. There was no room in any Ds relationship for deception. Without a solid foundation, no relationship could survive, and one involving not only their lifestyle but adding in the fact it would be a ménage, was going to require an even greater level of communication and trust. Kat was about to get her first lesson in all the ways they could bring her pleasure, the likes of which she’d never experienced, as well as the creative ways they could punish her.

  “The fact that you are a virgin means you’ll be giving us the greatest of gifts, Kat. But it also means that we need to take particular care that you are really ready to take our cocks. Enough talking for now; we want to play with you for a while. But know this, you don’t need to be thinking about leaving us. We won’t lose you again, kitten. You belong to us, both of us, and the sooner you figure that out, the better we’ll all get along. There are rules you’ll need to follow, but since it’s obvious you have been doing your homework on our lifestyle, we’ll assume you are well versed in at least the basics of Dom-sub activities. We are neither one interested in a owning a slave. We will expect you to submit fully to us both in all things sexual, whether they are taking place in the bedroom or any other place of our choosing. But outside of that, we’ll respect you as the strong, independent, capable woman we know you are, and we’ll demand your respect in return. The only time our instructions outside of the bedroom will be nonnegotiable is when they relate to your safety.”

  Zach had been running his fingers from her clit all the way back to her puckered rosette the entire time he’d been speaking to her. He wanted her to associate the rules with her pleasure, hoping to temper her reaction to the restrictions he knew they’d be imposing on her.

  Kat’s eyes had glazed over in a lust-filled haze, and Alex knew Zach was keeping her as close to the edge as he dared. Until they had a chance to learn every nuance of her responses, they’d have to be careful to not bring her to c
ompletion until they intended to. Judging by the personal massager they’d found in her small overnight case, she hadn’t been shy about providing for her own pleasure. They planned to explain, very clearly, that her pleasure now belonged exclusively to them.

  Chapter 9

  As Zach moved to release her leg restraints, Alex freed her hands and massaged her shoulders. Kissing each of her finger tips, he said, “It will always be our greatest pleasure to provide you with everything you need, Katarina, don’t ever forget that, even when we may not agree on what is best for you. Keep in mind that what you need may not always be what you want; you’ll learn to trust us to know the difference. Now, we aren’t going to fuck you tonight.” Kat struggled to sit up only to be held firmly in place by both men. “Now, see, this is where trust is so very important. I said we weren’t going to fuck you; we don’t want your first time to be like that. We are both going to make love to you, but not until you are truly ready for us. Now let’s see what we can do about helping with this virginity issue that seems be weighing so heavily on your mind.”

  Alex captured her mouth with his and began to kiss her in a way that could only be described as pure oral seduction. His tongue slowly traced the seam of her lips until she opened to him with a soft moan that he felt in the deepest levels of his very soul. She was his, she belonged between him and his brother, if it took him the rest of his life, he would gladly spend it showing her all the ways they could prove their devotion to her. He’d lost his heart to her when he’d returned from college one Christmas. And Alex knew Zach had loved her as long if not longer, but he knew Zach was right when he’d said it hadn’t been the right time. But now? Now the time was perfect, and they’d use every skill, both physical and emotional they’d ever learned as Doms to make sure she never called another place home. She was theirs, it was just that simple.

  Zach watched his brother kiss Kat and was awed by how right it felt. There was no jealousy; just pure pleasure at seeing Alex and Kat begin what he knew was going to be a life-changing evening for all three of them. Zach moved his fingers back and forth along Kat’s pussy, causing a fresh rush of her sweet nectar to coat his fingers, slowly he slid his middle finger inside her. “Kitten, you are so tight, we’ll have to stretch you a bit first. We don’t want to hurt you any more that necessary. There will be a bit of pain, but you know that, don’t you? But we don’t want it to be any more uncomfortable than is absolutely necessary.” Zach curved his finger forward to place just a few strokes over the spongy area he knew would increase her arousal exponentially and marveled at the way she canted her hips forward in reaction. She was so wonderfully responsive. Her skin had begun to flush a beautiful pink, and he wondered how pink her ass would turn the first time she was turned over his knee for a spanking. Her injuries were healing nicely, and it was going to be a pleasure to show her the joys of erotic spankings when her body was fully recovered. But for now, he’d concentrate on making her first experience of sexual intercourse as pleasurable as possible.

  * * * *

  When Zach added a second finger inside her, Kat thought she was going to come right then. If his fingers felt this amazing, how was she ever going to survive their cocks? And from the looks of the bulges she’d noticed earlier this evening, they might not even fit inside her. As if sensing her question, Alex whispered, “Don’t worry, baby, we’ll make sure you are ready for us. You may not think we’ll fit, but I assure you, we will, and it’s going to be amazing, you’ll see. Just lay back and feel. Let your mind float in the pleasure, just lose yourself in the experience.” Alex knew Katarina’s mind was racing, he could practically hear her tortured thoughts. He and Zach had talked about every detail and knew they’d have to both work together to make this moment magical for her; they wanted it to be a moment she would still remember fondly when they were old and gray rocking on the front porch watching their grandchildren play in the yard.

  “Baby, are you on birth control?” Alex wanted to make sure she knew they would protect her in all ways. “We both have current doctor’s reports we can show you, we’re clean. We have never had sex without a condom. But you are ours and we’d both like to feel you without anything between us if possible.”

  Kat was almost panting with desire. “I’m on the pill. I have been for years.” Kat felt them both freeze, so she added, “The doctor said it would regulate my monthly cycle and ease cramping. I have continued taking them for that reason.” She could practically feel their relief, it had always amazed her that men thought if a single woman was taking birth control pills it was because she wanted to be fucking like a bunny, it didn’t seem to occur to them that there might be a legitimate medical reason involved.

  Zach had moved up so that his knees moved her legs farther apart as he slowly lowered himself over her and captured her mouth with his in a kiss that had ramped up her desire until she was almost unconsciously spreading her legs even farther apart and lifting her hips up in need; she felt him place the head of his cock at her opening and move inside just enough for her to begin to feel her swollen tissues stretching around his width.

  * * * *

  Zach was fighting the urge to plunge as deep as he could get into Kat’s wet silk; he was already digging deep for every bit of self-control he had, and he’d only just begun to make love to her. The combination of knowing there was nothing between his cock and her pussy, along with his knowledge that he was finally getting to make love to the woman he’d loved for so long, was almost more than he could comprehend. She looked up at him with her hair spread across her pillow in soft, blonde waves of silk. Her eyes were filled with wonder and lust, her breathing was becoming increasingly shallower, and he knew her pulse was racing. He began to slowly move in and out of her, gaining entrance in fractions of an inch with each stroke, trying to make sure her body had plenty of time to adjust. Both he and his brother were large men, and she was a very small woman, extra care was more important than his own need to plunder and stake his claim.

  Zach felt the head of his cock come up against the membrane barrier of her innocence. He stilled and spoke against her ear. “This is it, kitten, I’m going to push through, it’s going to sting, don’t feel like you need to hide your discomfort from us, we want all of you, remember that always. Hang on to my shoulders.” And before she had a chance to process everything he said and tense up, he was through.

  Zach had heard her gasp and knew before he ever lifted his face back up to hers that there would be tears running past her temples. He kissed them away saying, “I’m sorry for your pain, but I will be forever grateful for the gift you have just given us both. Your innocence is the most precious gift either of us has ever received, we’ll treasure it always. You are truly ours, your body has not known another man, you are ours alone, and that is something we’ll honor for the rest of our lives.”

  “You feel so amazing. I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful it is to feel you wrapping my cock in your wet heat. You feel like wet velvet. And my sweet kitten, the muscles of your pussy are already beginning to flutter around me. Ahh, Alex, you aren’t going to believe how wonderful she feels. Her pussy started rippling around me from the first moment I made it inside her.” Zach knew that even though Alex had moved aside to allow the moment to be as intimate between them as possible, it was important that Kat always thought of them as equal partners to her.

  * * * *

  Kat was surprised at how her body seemed to be making room for Zach. She’d been momentarily stunned by the sharp pain that had come when he pushed through her virginity and she was so grateful that he hadn’t seem to mind her tears. She’d never forget how special he’d made her feel and how he’d taken so much time to make sure she was really ready to take this step with them. As he began to move back and forth inside her, she felt as if a spring was being wound up tight inside of her, and she wondered how it was going to feel when he finally pushed her over the edge of pleasure. True to his word, he really was making love to her. Even though
she hadn’t experienced it before, she was certain this was much different from the “fucking” she’d asked for, and she was also certain it was not at all how they usually dealt with their past submissives. As if knowing her thoughts were straying, Zach began to move faster, and he changed the angle ever so slightly, bringing her attention sharply back to the moment.

  “Stay right here, kitten. I want you with me. I don’t know where you went, but you need to be right here. Let me see what I can do to make sure I keep your undivided attention, hmmm?” And with that he began long, fast strokes that brought her higher each time the tip of his cock pressed against her womb. Kat was blindsided by the orgasm that washed over her, it swept every conscious thought out of her mind as it sent her spinning into an abyss of brilliant lights and color. She barely registered Zach’s shout of completion as she felt his cock jerk and pulse, his seed filling her. Her arms fell to the side, and she was sure her muscles had all turned to mush. Zach held her tight against his chest as his breathing began to slowly return to normal.

  When Kat was finally able to speak, her voice was filled with excitement and awe. “Oh my God. That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. I can’t believe how wonderful that feels. No wonder everybody is always raving about sex. Who knew? Damn!”

  Kat was rambling, she knew it, but try as she might, she just couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out. “I really want to do that again, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to move for a while. Is it always like that? Why didn’t I know about this?” Again with the rambling, geez, she really needed to get a grip on her mouth.

  * * * *

  Alex had watched his brother make sweet love to Katarina, and it was without a doubt the single most moving experience of his life, not to mention the hottest thing he’d ever seen, and considering the fact they owned a successful BDSM club, that was saying a lot. But her reaction, her giddy babbling, was a complete, but joyful surprise. She was completely overwhelmed with happiness, and the utter bliss in her expression was truly something to behold. He found himself chuckling, something he’d have never thought he’d do in the bedroom. Life with Katarina would never be dull, that was for certain.


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