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Gale, Avery - Katarina's Return [The ShadowDance Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by Avery Gale

  “Actually, my instruction was to wear a sundress and nothing else. I knew you left the house with your shoes on. Ordinarily, I’d have taken your shoes and you’d have been punished before we left the house. Instructions are to be followed to the letter, kitten. Now, what else is wrong with this picture? Hmmmm?”

  “I wasn’t supposed to wear panties? Oh my God, Zach, I can’t run around without underwear! I’m outside the house for heaven’s sake. You can’t possible expect me—” Kat was cut off by a stinging swat to her ass that caused her to quiet immediately, holy shit, she hadn’t even heard him move.

  “My instruction was quite clear, kitten. And yes, we will indeed expect you to, as you so indelicately put it, ‘run around without any underwear.’ We’ll expect to have unfettered access to what is ours, we’ll want to be able to slide our fingers, tongues, or cocks into your sweet pussy whenever the urge strikes us. Panties will only be a barrier, and it will make us happy to know you are ready for our touch. Remember that your priority, as our sub, is to do what pleases us, just as our priority is to provide you with everything you need.” Okay, this was a side of Zach she hadn’t seen before, she knew he was a Dom, but he’d always seemed like the easier of the two brothers.

  “Oh, kitten, you are so very easy to read, that is going to be very helpful in your training for sure.” Chuckling, he continued, “You’ve always thought I’d be easier on you than Alex, am I close? Well, that isn’t quite right. We are both going to be more than happy to push all your boundaries. We’ll listen to your questions and concerns, but ultimately, the decision about what happens during scenes and while you are in The Club or the bedroom, will be ours. Now, remove your panties and hand them to me. I’ll add this punishment to the others you’ve accumulated over the past ten days.” When she handed the tiny triangle of material she thought was providing modesty, he lifted them to his nose and inhaled slowly. He enjoyed watching her eyes dilate and her cheeks flush. “I love the way you smell, sweetness.” And turning the little scrap of fabric inside out, he showed her the shine of her arousal. “I’d say someone is wet for me already. I think I’d like to check that up close.” Kneeling in front of her, he said, “Spread your legs farther apart, kitten, I want to see just how aroused you have become from our discussion.”

  Kat’s knees had nearly buckled when Zack ran his fingers through her slick folds. His long fingers moved slowly from her clit all the way back to her most private opening and back again, over and over, his movements so slow she was ready to scream in frustration. While his touch was arousing, it was just shy of enough to give her any real satisfaction. Just as she thought she couldn’t stand it any longer, he withdrew his fingers altogether. At her sound of frustration, he chuckled. “Patience, kitten. You’ll have what you need, but all according to our schedule, not yours. I’m not done playing yet, and I think Alex would like to have a chance, too.”

  Kat’s eyes flew open, and she looked over to see Alex leaning against a tree. Oh Lord, how long had he been standing there watching? And it suddenly occurred to her that if Alex could approach and watch without her hearing him, who else was out there? And that didn’t even count the men monitoring the security system. Oh God, there are people looking at me naked. I can’t do this.

  * * * *

  Alex watched the play of emotions move across Katarina’s face at lightning speed. He was sure she was thinking about how she was being watched by people she couldn’t even see. He found it very interesting that her reaction hadn’t actually been fear, but more unease, then arousal, and she didn’t seem quite sure how she should feel about it. Hmm. It seemed their little sub might be a bit of an exhibitionist, now that was going to be a fun to explore. He gave her a bit longer to worry about exactly what he was going to do before slowly moving toward her. “So, brother, catch me up. How has our beautiful woman done so far?”

  “Well, she didn’t follow the instructions she’d been given on how to dress. She was told to wear a sundress only. And look what else I found.” Holding up her panties, Zach watched Alex look at Kat and raise one eyebrow in question.

  “And the shoes?” Alex inquired.

  “Well, I’d say she must not have trusted me to know she would be able to walk safely through the gardens barefooted, because she chose to wear those also. I’m sure we need to add punishments for both the panties and the shoes. How else will she learn to trust that we would never put her in harm’s way?”

  Even though Zach was trying to be stern, Kat could hear a note of teasing in his voice, and she let out the breath she didn’t even realize she’d been holding. At least they weren’t really angry with her, she knew they’d never actually hurt her, but she was still apprehensive about the whole punishment aspect of Ds relationships, the last time a Dom had said he was going to punish her, it had involved a single-tail whip and more pain than she’d ever experienced in her entire life, hell, that had even hurt worse that being shot!

  “Tell me what just went through your head, baby.” Alex spoke over her shoulder, geez, how did he move so silently? “And don’t even think of editing it or lying to me.”

  Kat stilled, she didn’t even breathe for a few seconds. Alex could tell she was warring with herself on exactly how much she should reveal. “Well, I–I was…”

  Alex swatted her other ass cheek. “Stop thinking, Katarina. You are trying to figure out how to filter your answer. You are overthinking something that is really very simple. Just tell us exactly what you were thinking.”

  “Um, I was thinking how worried I am about punishments. I mean, I really don’t know what you mean by that, and the last time a Dom said he was going to punish me, well, it didn’t turn out so good for me.” Kat really didn’t want to mention the gunshot, she knew they both felt terribly guilty because in both of their minds they’d failed to protect her, but Alex seemed to have taken it particularly hard.

  “Go on. And remember, Katarina, I have already cautioned you against editing your response. Don’t think I don’t know you are holding back.” Alex was not going to allow Kat to just reveal pieces of herself to them. They wanted it all. She’d learn just what all that entailed soon enough.

  “Okay, well, damn…I was thinking that the whip Cal used to punish me had hurt so much more that getting shot, and that makes me fear punishments even more.”

  Kat’s answer was so softly spoken they had both barely heard her. Neither of them responded for several seconds, Kat saw the pain flash through Alex’s eyes before he quickly masked it again. She knew in that instant she had been right to try to hold back, and she felt awful for having to reveal those thoughts.

  “Thank you for telling us the truth, Katarina, I know it wasn’t easy for you, and I’m sure I know why.” Alex paused for several seconds before continuing. “The only way any Dominant and submissive relationship, let alone one that is a ménage, can work is if we are all completely open and honest with each other, even when we don’t think the other person wants to hear what we have to say. You will never be punished for being honest, baby. You will, however, be punished for lying. Lying is the one thing that will absolutely not be tolerated, and keep in mind that includes lying by omission.”

  Alex was sure Kat didn’t realize that speaking with her while she was naked served more than one purpose, first, she’d become focused on the conversation and forgotten how ill at ease she had initially felt without the artificial shield of her clothing. Also, it allowed both he and his brother to observe her body’s responses. Body language was such a great way to measure the honesty of her responses, it was nature’s built-in lie detector. Additionally, being naked with them was something she really needed to become accustomed to because they planned to keep her in various forms of undress when they were in The Club and in their home, and the sooner she became comfortable with that, the sooner they could move on to deeper aspects of the Ds scene they planned to pursue. But those thoughts didn’t have any place in this afternoon’s play. Alex and Zach had always felt any D
om worth his leathers knew that even though you had to always plan ahead in a sub’s training, when in a scene, it was critical to keep your mind in the here and now, and they had both always been able to totally focus on the sub in their care.

  Chapter 21

  “Let us explain about punishments, kitten.” Zach was standing behind her and had reached around and was cupping her breasts, he rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, keeping a firm pressure on them as he gently pulled them into ever sharper peaks. “There are many forms of punishment, but always remember, we’ll never physically harm you. That being said, punishment is not supposed to be fun, it is supposed to help you remember the lesson. When you forget a rule or ignore an order or are disrespectful, you can expect a punishment that is intended to help you remember a more appropriate response the next time.”

  When Alex stepped up directly in front of her, he could feel the warmth of her body even though he was still fully dressed. When she started to raise her hands to touch him, he wrapped his fingers around her wrists, and moving her hands back to her sides, held with a firm grip. Alex watched her eyes widen and her breathing speed up. Oh yes, little sub, so many tells. We are going to spend the rest of our lives learning each and every response. “Many Doms don’t allow their subs to touch them without permission, but Zach and I love your touch and will rarely institute that protocol. We enjoy the feel of your hands on us as much as we love touching you. We will always make sure you know when you are not allowed to touch without specific permission, you won’t ever have to wonder. It’s important that you keep in mind not all Doms demand the same level of discipline, but we want you to be aware of all the things you may encounter when you are at The Club so you won’t be surprised or frightened by any of things you see or hear. As you get to know other members of The Club and talk to the other subs, we don’t want you to think you’ve been doing something wrong when they speak of things you haven’t done. We are the only Doms you will ever scene with, but you will always be required to remain respectful and honest with any Dom you deal with, is that clear?” Alex knew they were giving her a lot of information to absorb, even under the best of circumstances, it might be overwhelming.

  Alex also knew that while he had been slowly drawing his fingers in slow circles over her lower abdomen, his brother was still gently pinching her beautiful rose-colored nipples. Alex knew she would be having trouble tracking the words when her body was being overwhelmed with sensation, and that was exactly as they’d intended. Beginning to program her body to crave their touch and to associate following their instructions with mind-numbing pleasure was a large part of what they had wanted to do today, and judging by her soft sighs and low moans, she was finding quite a lot of pleasure in their touch. She was absolutely stunning in her perfection. How on earth he’d ever thought he could live without her was beyond his comprehension.

  Alex picked up the conversation. “There are many types of punishments, from orgasm delay or denial to spankings, not to mention many ‘specialty items,’ as we like to think of them. Neither my brother nor I are fans of whips as punishment. We’re both well trained with whips and have found them helpful with subs who need a sharper edge of pain in order to find their release, so we are comfortable with using them for pleasure enhancement, but that is not something we would either be comfortable using with you now or perhaps ever.”

  Pausing briefly, Alex wanted to make sure she had a moment to process what he had told her. He wanted to be sure she could put her fear of a single-tale out of her thoughts. “We want you to use ‘red’ as your safe word. That is The Club safe word, it will be best if you only have to remember one. Subs sometimes forget their safe word or fail to use it when they should. We want you to always use yours if something is too much for you to take, either physically or emotionally. When you say ‘red,’ everything stops immediately. We’ll discuss what went wrong, and decisions about how to proceed will be made by the three together. If you are frightened and just need things to slow down, you’ll use the word ‘yellow.’ That will tell us that you are nearing your limit and we need to reevaluate how things are going. We may or may not continue, but those decisions will be my brother’s and mine.”

  Zach had not changed his touch at all while Alex was speaking to Kat but knew their touch was arousing her, he could smell her essence from over her shoulder. As they had planned, even combined, their intimate touches were not quite enough to give her the orgasm her body was craving. Zach was also fully aware that their little sub was getting mighty frustrated.

  * * * *

  Alex had moved her wrists together and held them easily with one hand at the small of her back while his other had moved into the curls at the apex of her thighs, his soft stokes were just missing the spot she most craved his touch. She was starting to fidget and was trying to move enough so his fingers would hit her clit, God, she was sure they were going to slowly drive her insane. Neither one of them spoke for several seconds and she was really getting annoyed with their teasing.

  Finally, Alex broke the silence. “Be still, Katarina, we’ll give you what you need when we are ready. Now, we had made you an appointment with Clarissa, she is The Club’s esthetician, we provide her with a small studio inside The Club and pay her membership fees. Many of members appreciate not having to deal with everyone in our small town knowing about their woman’s bare pussy. You’ll hear her area referred to as The Club’s ‘Spa’ by the other Doms and subs. I believe you will enjoy your time there and Rissa, as she is known to her friends, is well liked by her clientele.”

  Swallowing the sudden lump in her throat, Kat squeaked. “You’re going to let someone wax me? Down there? I don’t know if I want to do that, it doesn’t seem, well, I don’t know, it just seems…wrong somehow.” Alex had moved his fingers to her wet center, and even though he’d felt Kat stiffen, she had flooded his fingers despite her protests. Her words and her responses weren’t saying the same thing. Ahh, love, but your lovely body betrays you yet again.

  Pulling his now-soaked fingers through her wetness, Alex raised his fingers up in front of her, showing her just how aroused she’d become. “Hmm, I think your body likes the idea, even when your mind is protesting. There will be many times we’ll be giving you what you need even when it is in conflict with what you think you want.” When he’d finished speaking, Alex sucked the juices from his fingers, savoring the sweetness that was Katarina. “Oh, love, you taste so very good.”

  Kat wasn’t sure her legs were going to continue to hold her upright. “Oh please…please, I need you to touch me.” Kat didn’t care that it sounded like she was begging, she was just tired of all the talking, she needed more action…Good Lord, they’d reduced her thinking to some old country western song. If they didn’t do something about this soon, she was going to take matters into her own hands. She’d been taking care of her own pleasure for years, she was sure it would only take her a few strokes to get herself off.

  But her musing was cut short by Alex. “No, Katarina, having your pussy bare will please both Zach and me, we’ll be able to see everything, and that will help us enhance your experiences. Also, you will be pleasantly surprised by how much more sensitive you will be. We are looking forward to feeling those smooth pussy lips against our mouths and sliding our cock heads over those swollen tissues as you become more and more aroused. Baby, your pussy just soaked my fingers, so don’t tell me you aren’t looking forward to that as well.

  “Now, let’s get your punishments out of the way so we can get to the pleasure we have all been looking forward to for this past week.”

  Chapter 22

  Alex kept speaking to her as he took her hand and moved to a large, armless chair fashioned out of native rock that she hadn’t even noticed just a few feet to the side of where they’d been standing. He sat down, but left her standing next to him. “Katarina, Zach and I will always both be responsible for providing your punishments as well as your pleasure, and we’ll begin that today.
Do you know why you are being punished, Katarina?” Alex’s tone was blandly conversational, and that alarmed Kat for some reason.

  Kat knew her breathing as getting faster by the minute, and she could almost feel her heart trying to beat itself right out of her chest. Damn, if she didn’t slow herself down, she knew she was going to start getting light-headed. Oh yeah, that’ll go over great, pass out right here in from of them, naked no less. Sure, Kat, that’ll really prove how ready you are for whatever they can dish out. Just because his voice is all evened out doesn’t mean you can lose your focus, keep your head in the game. Cal’s was just like this, too. Kat’s little self-talk had provided just enough hesitation that, from his position behind her, Zach gave her a stinging swat to the ass. Alex continued to watch her, saying, “Katarina, I asked you a question. Hesitation will not be tolerated. Answer me now.” His voice now held an edge, and she found comfort in the thought that at least he didn’t seem so disinterested, but she didn’t trust disinterest anymore.

  “Um…yeah, okay, well, I wore panties under my dress, oh and shoes, too.” Kat knew her voice sounded small and airy, but she was actually just grateful she hadn’t sounded like Minnie Mouse.

  Alex raised one eyebrow at her. “And?”

  “Well, I guess my spacing out when you asked me a question, but since Zach already swatted me for that, I’m thinking I’ve already been punished for that, so I don’t really know, and I’m really scared, and I don’t know what else I’ve done wrong, I mean, I know I’ve made some really bad decisions, and that you didn’t seem very happy about me talking to Jenna when you didn’t know we had reconnected and all, but that would probably be something you’d be more pissed at her about, so that must not be it, but then maybe because I was hiding up at the lake without your permission, I don’t know if that is something I should really be punished for since it was before we, well, before we sorta got together, not that I think we’re like a ‘couple’ or anything, shit, that’s not really right either, um, I really, shit, I don’t know, maybe because Jenna and I had those margaritas, but that can’t be it, because you knew we were planning to do that, geez…” Kat knew she was babbling, damn her runaway mouth. Thinking out loud, as she preferred to view it, had gotten her into trouble more than a few times, but did she ever learn? Hell no. But it looked like Alex was working really hard to not smile, and she’d heard Zach’s soft chuckle behind her, so maybe she wasn’t in too much more trouble for not being able to figure out what else she’d done wrong.


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