The Zodiac Killer

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The Zodiac Killer Page 12

by WL Knightly

  Darek let out a groan. “I’m not fucking her. I’m not saying I haven’t pictured her naked, but let’s face it, I’ve pictured most attractive women naked. And if I did happen to break my fucking vows and do anyone but my wife, you’d be the first to know.”

  “So, what was it like? Picturing her naked?” He gave Darek a cheeky grin, and Darek threw a pencil at him.

  “Like you don’t know.”

  “Oh yeah, I’ve thought about it,” Max admitted. “Do you think she’d go out with me?”

  The idea of his partner having her pissed him off, but he forced a smile. “Keep your dick to yourself, bro. She’s a good girl, and you’re a heartbreaker.” He didn’t want the guy pulling his usual fuck and dump and making problems for him and Lizzy. They had enough on their own.

  “What are you, her brother?” He held up a fist. “Gonna make me fight you for her?”

  “I’m protective of her. Besides, she’s too much woman for you. I have a feeling she’d eat you alive.”

  “Who are you kidding? She’d eat us both alive.” He chuckled as he walked away.

  Before Darek could gather his thoughts, he was called into the chief’s office. When he walked into the small room, Lizzy was there with him.

  “You’re partner here has requested permission to look into this old case. I’d like you to cooperate.”

  “Yes, sir.” He knew it wasn’t a request, but an order. His perfect morning had now turned into his worst fucking nightmare.



  Darek hoped to catch Bay at his office since the asshole didn’t like for anyone to call him. His receptionist, who looked Darek up and down and even licked her lips in the process, told him he could go up and wait outside. He could only assume the receptionist being downstairs in the lobby was so she wouldn’t be a witness to whatever debauchery her boss was involved in. Bay hated prying eyes.

  When the elevator opened to Bay’s private lobby, Darek walked out and saw a young girl. She couldn’t have been more than sixteen, but she was dressed like she was twenty-five.

  He took a seat on the couch while she smoothed down her sleek hair in the mirror. She spun around and stuck her breasts out as her eyes trailed up and down his body. He couldn’t help looking, too, especially when she walked over and sat beside him.

  “I’m Mia,” she said, her voice thick like honey.

  “I’m Darek. Good to meet you. You know Bay Collins well?” Surely, the guy wasn’t fucking this little girl, but with Bay, one could never tell.

  Mia giggled. “He’s my brother-in-law.” She put her arm across the back of the sofa around him.

  Before Darek could continue his questioning, Bay opened the door to his office, and his eyes burned on Darek and Mia.

  “Mia!” He snapped his fingers, and the girl put a whole lot of distance between herself and Darek fast. “What do you need?”

  “I… I wanted money. I’d like to buy a new handbag, but I’m a few hundred short.” She gave him the sweet and innocent act, but Darek knew better.

  He glared over at Darek and then opened his wallet. “Get yourself something decent to wear while you’re at it. You look like a slut. Doesn’t she, Detective Blake? She looks like a proper little tramp.”

  The girl’s eyes widened, and she suddenly found interest in the floor.

  “The skirt is a little short,” Darek said.

  “I bet if she were to bend over, you’d see everything she had.” He gave a pointed glare to Mia, and she took the money and hurried into the elevator.

  Bay turned his attention to Darek. “She’s a huge pain in my dick. Her nineteenth birthday is in another few weeks.”

  Darek knew that was his way of saying he wasn’t doing anything illegal. He wondered what her sister thought of sharing her husband with so many others, including her sister.

  Bay was unapologetic. “So, what did you come all the way down here for?”

  “I wanted to tell you about an old case that crossed my desk this morning,” Darek said. “One my partner is hell-bent on linking to the latest one. I told you that this new murder was bringing shit up from the past. Too many coincidences to ignore, Bay, and now, I have to watch every fucking step because my partner dug up an old, similar case, hoping to find a clue. She thinks it’s a copycat, or that maybe Otis Gough wasn’t the right man after all.”

  “So, the first thing you do is come to my office?”

  “You’re a lawyer,” Darek said. “I might have had to seek legal counsel over my mother’s latest fall at the nursing home. I’ll cover my bases somehow. Don’t worry. I thought it was better than calling.”

  “Right. Keep me informed, and don’t mention it to the others. I don’t need them in a panic, making stupid moves. I already feel like a fucking babysitter.” He raked his hand through his platinum hair and then his dark stubble.

  “I saw what you did for Tad. That was nice. The guy needed to get away from that lifestyle.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bay said. “I’m not a nice person. I don’t do things to be nice. I do things with an agenda. Like giving my hot little sister-in-law money. She’s begging for it.” He gave Darek a wink.

  “Right, so what does helping Tad get you?”

  “Anything I want in return, when I want it. I know the law, and I’m not breaking it. Just like I’m working my wife over with her little sister, in a matter of time, her tight little cherry is mine to pick, and I’ll even have the wife’s permission.” He gave a wicked laugh, but Darek knew he was only covering his own ass, hoping to shock Darek in the process. He had to look like he was in control, and nothing was more important to Bay than being on top.

  “Good to know,” Darek said. “I’ll keep this between us, but I thought you should know what’s going on.”

  “Yeah, well I’m still not convinced this has anything to do with the past, but thanks for the head’s up.”

  “Are you sure this isn’t one of our guys?”

  “Honestly, no. But then again, finding that out isn’t my job. It’s yours.” He walked into his office and shut the door, leaving Darek alone.

  He pushed the button on the elevator and went down to the lobby.

  He didn’t want to go home. The night was still young, and Megan was supposed to be seeing her girlfriends for drinks. He headed out of the building, and once he was downstairs, he walked across the street and down the block to where his car was parked. Parking in Bay’s building was a nightmare, so he’d taken an easier lot. On his way past the coffee shop, he paused, thinking he might grab a cup, and that was when she caught his eye.

  Her honey hair was swept back from her face, and it was the same way she’d worn it when they used to date. He was just about to say hello when a man stepped up, and she threw her arms around him.

  Darek ducked behind a sign in the window and took a few deep breaths. Why was his wife meeting a man for coffee? He wracked his brain, trying to think of any meetings or appointments she’d told him about, but the only thing she’d been doing out of the norm lately was seeing her friends for drinks. They’d all decided at yoga class that they’d do that once a week, but he had a feeling that this was what she was doing instead.

  He knew he should just leave and ask her about it later, but what the hell? There was no time like the present. He looked inside and saw her and the man cozied up in the back of the café, holding hands. The smile was like none he’d seen in a while, and even though it pained his heart to see her with someone else, he felt a certain sense of freedom and vindication that the problem wasn’t him.

  He walked up to the counter and bought a biscotti. They were Megan’s favorite, and then he thanked the barista and walked over to their table.

  Megan was too wrapped up to notice him at first, so he placed the biscotti down in front of her. She looked up at him with a wide-eyed expression. He leaned down next to her face and pointed at the hard pastry. “This is the last thing I give you.”

  “Who the fuck is this guy?” the guy at the table asked, standing up.

  Megan got up, too, and held Darek back. Darek put his hand on his Glock.

  “He’s my husband.”

  The guy’s eyes widened, and Darek thought for a moment that he didn’t know she was married.

  “Fuck, you said he didn’t come to this end of town, or that he’d be armed.”

  “Did she tell you I’m a mother fucking police detective?”

  The guy looked at Megan like that would have been nice to know. He held up his hands and backed away from the table.

  “How long has this been going on, Meg?” Darek wondered how long he had put up with her shit when he could have been free.

  “I’m not talking about this here. You’re embarrassing me.”

  “You’re embarrassed? Really? You shallow fucking whore. Have your boyfriend take you home. I’ll see you there.” He turned and walked away, leaving the two to sort things out. He was done. He didn’t want to go home before, and he sure as fuck didn’t want to go home now. He went to the bar across town and had a couple of drinks. Then he went down to the pier and hammered a few beers down his throat.

  What a fucking day he’d had. Not only was his past rearing its ugly head, but his marriage was falling apart. He was tempted to call Lizzy and see if she’d throw him some pity pussy, but she’d probably just kick him in the balls for even thinking it.

  He finally dragged his ass home and wasn’t surprised when Megan was there with her bags packed.

  “I’m leaving. I’m going to my father’s. I’m filing for a divorce, and I’m going to continue to see Rick.”

  “Good for you and Rick, honey.”

  “I really wanted this to work out, but I met Rick, and I’m not ashamed to say I’ve fallen for him over the past few months.”

  “I’m ashamed,” Darek said. “I really am. Ashamed to be married to you. I should have listened to Max and left your spoiled princess-ass at the altar.”

  “You’re drunk, and you’re acting like a pig.” She walked over to pick up her bags.

  He closed the distance between them, pinning her to the wall beside the door. “Oink Oink, baby!”

  He slammed his hands into the wall beside her head, and she screamed. Tears pooled in her eyes, and she sank down to the floor, cowering away from him. He knew she had to go before he said or did something he’d regret.

  “Get the fuck out of here. Don’t come back.” The house had been his before she’d come along, and he was sure her daddy would take care of her if Rick didn’t. He was washing his hands of it all.

  The only thought he had was how lucky he was she hadn’t gotten pregnant. To be tied to this woman his whole life would be a fucking nightmare.

  He went to the kitchen and poured himself a drink. Then he took the bottle of vodka to the couch where after a while, he passed out.

  He wasn’t sure what time it was when he heard the hammering on the door, but the sun was shining in through the window. He shielded his eyes and then yawned as Max barged into the house.

  “It’s me, Darek. Are you in here?” He turned his head, and the guy had his gun out. “What the hell happened to you?”

  “Turn out the lights.”

  “Oh man, you really tied one on. I tried to call you all fucking morning. Lizzy is pissed you didn’t show up today, and you didn’t call. I finally called Megan, thinking something happened to your mom, and she told me you probably killed yourself.”

  Darek laughed out loud until his head and sides hurt. “In her fucking dreams.”

  “What the hell happened? Please tell me you kicked her out.”

  “She’s been having an affair. It’s over.”

  “No shit?” The laughter in his voice was a big, fat I told you so.

  “Yeah, I caught her downtown at the coffee shop with this guy named Rick.”

  Max grumbled. “Rick, huh? Sounds like a real douchebag, if you ask me.”

  Darek turned and forced his eyes open toward his friend. “I didn’t.”

  “Well, we’ve got to get you cleaned up and to work. The chief is pissed, and Lizzy is pissed. You’re on a fucking roll, man.”

  “Shit, she’s really mad at me?” The last thing he wanted was for her to be pissed off at him.

  “Yeah, she said you’d better get your shit together.”

  He dragged his ass to the shower and then brushed the booze off his breath. He wanted to be minty fresh. If he got the chance, he was going to kiss Lizzy.



  Darek found Lizzy pacing his office, and she had an earful waiting for him when he walked in. “Where the hell have you been? We’re supposed to check into the security camera footage from the surrounding businesses today, or did you forget?”

  “I didn’t forget, okay. I’m sorry. Cut me some slack.” He plopped down in his chair, and she came around to give him a nudge.

  “Cut you some slack? Why should I do that?” She looked positively hot when she was angry, and he wanted to grab her and plant a deep, wet kiss on those angry lips.

  “My wife left last night. She’s been cheating on me for months now.”

  “I’m sorry.” Lizzy’s shoulders slumped, and she kneeled down to pat him on the back. “If there’s anything I can do, just let me know.”

  He leaned in and licked his lips. “How about that kiss?”

  Lizzy stared and seemed to search his eyes as a slow smile spread her lips. “You’re still a married man, Darek. And I don’t kiss married men.”

  The rejection burned in his balls. “I’m barely married.”

  “You’re my partner, Darek. It could get weird.”

  It was a fight to keep from taking her in his arms and planting one on her. “I like weird. Weird is good for me.”

  “We’re on an important case.” She let go of a long breath and looked over his shoulder. He didn’t care if anyone was watching through the window behind him.

  “Fine.” He turned his chair and got up, wounded and feeling like a total failure.

  Max walked in and cleared his throat. “Um, we may have a problem.”

  Despite the personal drama still hanging thick in the air between them, the guy had already managed to get their full attention.

  Lizzy stood up and brushed off her pants. “What’s that mean? What kind of problem?”

  “You’ve got to see for yourself.” He waved them out across the room and to the front counter, where April from Victory Tattoos was standing with another girl. They both wore black and appeared to have been crying.

  “April?” Darek called the girl’s name as he approached. Officer Coleman turned around.

  “You know this girl?”

  “Yeah. April, is there something I can help you with?” Darek’s head was throbbing with pain, but he was glad to see the girl had returned.

  “That’s the problem,” Max said. “She’s here with her friend to file a missing person’s report for Victor Barnes.”

  Lizzy deflated, her shoulders slumping so hard Darek thought she was going to sink into the floor. “Send them in. We’ll need to question them.”

  Ten minutes later, Lizzy and Darek walked into the interrogation room. Darek had questioned many people from all different walks of life in this room, but never two people so diminutive. April had seemed in much better shape the last time he’d seen her, and now, she was a fragile shadow of herself. Her crayon-red hair looked duller, especially in comparison to her red-rimmed eyes. She had replaced her black cheek piercings with ruby studs and wore a faded black dress that looked like it had seen the washer too many times.

  “Hello, April,” Darek said. “Who’s your friend?”

  “Lily. She’s a friend of Victor’s, too. She works with me and lives with Victor.”

  “We went to his house,” Darek said. “There was no one there and no sign of anyone else living in the house.”

  “I live at his warehouse,” the girl said. “It’s kind of
an art studio.”

  “Where he makes his collars?” Lizzy asked.

  “Where he does lots of things.” The girl looked at April as if she was scared to say more.

  “Go ahead, Lily. We have to tell them everything.” April rubbed Lily’s back as if to soothe her.

  Darek felt for the girl, and he leaned in and spoke softly. “You can trust us, Lily. We want to find Victor, too. If you know where he went off to, we can check into it.”

  She broke down in tears, and April looked up at Darek. “We really don’t know. That’s why we came to file the report. He usually tells us when he’s going to a consultation, or he tells Lily, at least. She’s his submissive.”

  “How old are you, Lily?” Lizzy asked.

  “Nineteen,” April said. “Same as me.”

  Lizzy softened her voice. “How long have you been with your Master?”

  “Three years.” The girl turned her eyes to Darek, and he knew she was scared to tell that she’d been underage when the older man had taken her as his property. He thought of Bay, and his stomach turned. “I run away from my foster home, and he’s been very good to me. He even made me finish school. He got me a home tutor, and he’s supposed to pay for my college. I’m going to be a dental assistant.”

  April spoke up again. “He wouldn’t just leave her without telling her something and untying her.”

  “So, why has it taken you this long to say anything?” Lizzy asked.

  “Because Sir had punished me.” Lily began to cry. “I deserved it. I really did.”

  April rubbed her back and then pulled her friend close. “She’s very loyal to him. I’m the one who found her and the others in the chamber down at the studio.”


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