The Zodiac Killer

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The Zodiac Killer Page 14

by WL Knightly

  “So, what’s this little meeting all about?” Darek asked. “Do you have information to tell me, or are you going to tell me that this case has nothing to do with the past?” Darek looked at the other men and wondered if any of them were going to speak up. “What about you guys? Are any of you interested to hear what kind of connections have been crossing my desk? I mean, hell, they’re your names popping up. Perhaps I should just suspect all of you. I mean, I know what you’re all capable of.”

  Tad downed his drink. “Fuck you, Darek.”

  Bay gave a wicked laugh.

  Darek shook his head. “Your name came up first, Pretty Boy. Isn’t that what Bay used to call you? Is that why he stuck you down there in his restaurant? Because you’re so pretty for the customers?”

  He turned to Alan next. “You’re on my to-do list tomorrow. I’m supposed to call you and find out why the fucking security footage from businesses your company handles is disappearing off the fucking files. Do you want to save me the time and speak up now? Did you get a glitch? Something bigger going on down there in Vegas than your fucking gambling problems?”

  Alan shook his head and stepped closer. “There’s no glitch. If that shit’s disappearing, maybe you’ve got a problem with one of your guys. You ever think of that?”

  “Nice one, Alan. Always passing the buck.” Darek was ready to take on every one of them. “You have something to add Logan? Your name hasn’t shown up anywhere, but maybe I should think it’s you. We all know how much you like to make brands and daggers. Am I going to find the murder weapon was one of your specialties? I mean, I’m bound to find it sooner or later. Maybe you want it to look like one of the others?”

  Bay clapped his hands. “Great display of self-righteousness, Darek. But how do we know you’re not the killer?”

  Darek laughed. “You’re fucking crazy.”

  “No, really,” Bay said. “We all know how you like to check out, and I paid that shrink of yours plenty to keep your fucking memories repressed. You know why? Because you couldn’t fucking handle it.”

  Darek narrowed his eyes. The guy was obviously fucking with him.

  “That new medication working for you?” Bay asked.

  “Fuck you,” Darek said. “You didn’t do that; you just want me to think you did.”

  “Oh, I did it all right. You were the weakest link from the start, and I wish I’d never fucking let you into our group.”

  “Don’t act like you did me some colossal favor,” Darek said. “You’re not my savior, Bay. Not the way you think you’re theirs.”

  “I saved you from yourself. But not anymore. With all this shit happening, it’s time you know what the fuck happened. It was just as much your fault as the rest of ours. You took that knife. You leaned over that screaming little slut’s bare ass and begged me to shut her up so you could make your fucking mark. You scored her flesh and tasted her blood just like the rest of us, and do you know what you did next, Darek? You passed out on top of her. That’s why you don’t remember anything. As far as you know, you’re the only one who cut that poor girl up.”

  “Liar. You all made your fucking marks. I saw the photographs. They were all there. And I sure as hell didn’t beat her.”

  “You’re the only one who knows what you did to her after you dumped her behind the fucking diner. If it weren’t for me and Logan and Carter, you’d have still had her blood on you.”

  Darek looked up at Logan, who was nodding. “It’s all true,” Logan said. “You were out of it. In some kind of fucking trance.”

  “You told us to do it,” Darek said. “It was your plan, Bay. Everyone knows that. And I know you kicked that poor girl. You fucked her, too.”

  “Maybe I did, or maybe it’s all in your fucking head. Something you’ve invented to cope because you’re a fucking animal.”

  “You’re the devil,” Darek said. “You’re doing this to fuck with me, and it’s not working. If I find out that you’re involved, if your name crosses my desk, I’m coming for you. You better hope it doesn’t. You’re not a god. You might think you control us all, but it’s just bullshit to feed your ego.”

  “Try it, Darek. You cross me, and I’m taking every one of you down with me. As for being in control, ask them.” He gestured to the others. “I’ve saved every one of them. I’ve earned their loyalty. You know why I never tried to earn yours?”

  “Cause I’m stronger than you. I tried to save that girl. From what you orchestrated.”

  “Tell yourself that, Darek. But I’ve owned you all along. From the moment we met. You remember that, don’t you? How your old man called you a pussy and left you to walk all the way to camp. Or maybe it was the minute I took you into my group, invited you into my house, and branded you into my family. The minute I went back and saw what you’d done to her, and from the moment I covered your tracks, I’ve owned you.”

  Darek’s eyes burned with anger. His collar grew hot, and his hands balled into fists. The gaps in his memory of that night might have been huge, but he knew the truth was in there somewhere. He’d find it. Find it and learn the truth. He didn’t act alone. That much, he knew for sure, but he was going to humor the guy. “Is that why you called me down here, to enlighten me?”

  Bay laughed. “Your mind is so weak, you’re starting to doubt yourself.” He looked at the others and then turned back to face Darek. “Do you see how easy it is for me to manipulate you? Now, I want you to make sure that nothing is linked back to Virginia. I don’t care if you have to sabotage your career, but this doesn’t fucking go any further. And I meant what I said. If you try to put this on any one of us, I’ll make sure that the story is told my way. You believed it. What makes you think they won’t? Especially when I have ten other people telling them the same story.”

  Darek wasn’t as weak as he thought. He’d been weak once, that night, but never again.

  Bay walked over and poured himself another drink. “So, detective, tell us what you know.”

  “The police department down in Virginia is sending my partner all of their evidence, and it’s being looked over. I’ve tried to steer her away, but she’s determined.”

  “Determined, huh? Does she have some sort of agenda?”

  “No, she’s just a gung-ho agent for the FBI who is doing her job.” He wished he hadn’t brought Lizzy up.

  “Is she attractive?” Bay asked.

  Darek’s face burned red, and his nostrils went to pumping again.

  “I’m going to take that reaction as a yes.” He turned and gave Darek a sly grin. “Have you fucked her yet? Oh, wait. You’re married, aren’t you? Loyal?”

  “She left me.”

  Bay laughed, and some of the others joined in. “That’s pathetic. Maybe your father was right, and you are a pussy.”

  “I wanted to leave,” Darek said.

  “Ah, wanted the all-clear to fuck the new pretty partner?” Bay turned and gave him a sideward glance. Darek didn’t know how the motherfucker dissected people the way he did, but he hated him for it. And he hated himself not being as good at it.

  “So?” Darek asked.

  “So? Haven’t you learned anything by watching me?”

  Darek knew Bay wanted him to fuck Lizzy and persuade her to stop pursuing the leads, but Bay didn’t know she wasn’t easily manipulated. If she was, he would have already kissed her by now.

  “I’ll do what I can,” Darek said.

  “Just remember, if anyone comes gunning for us, you’re going to take the most heat, hero.”

  Darek nodded. “Let’s hope that whoever is fucking with me won’t come after the rest of us. That’s something you really need to think about.”

  Tad’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  “This might be a serial killer,” Darek said. “It’s not for certain, but we can’t find our top suspect, and we think he’s dead. Murdered by whoever carved up that girl.”

  “The guy just ran off somewhere,” Bay said.

No, he left some unfinished business. Risky shit.”

  He had Bay’s attention now. He walked over to the window and stared out into the night lights.

  “The first victim was a girl,” Bay said. “She isn’t connected to any of us. I, for one, didn’t know her. Did any of you?” He glanced around at the others.

  Tad gave him a pointed look. “Hello? Yes, I knew her.”

  “Oh, right,” Bay said. “So, if this guy is dead, then what the fuck does he have to do with any of us?”

  “We’ve got a dead young girl and a possibly-dead older man,” Darek said.

  “How old of a man?” Tad asked.

  “Victor Barnes,” Darek said. “Owner of Victory Tattoos. He was in his forties. What’s on your mind?”

  “Victory, as in Camp Victory?” Alan asked before walking over to the bar to pour himself another drink. “I agree with Darek. That’s some fucked up coincidence. First the zodiac symbols, you got a young girl as a victim, and the word ‘Victory’?”

  “And don’t forget the secret message,” Darek said. “’The beginning of your end’ was the message carved into her back.”

  “Fuck, the beginning of our ends?” Alan asked.

  Logan shrugged. “Maybe it’s code or something.”

  “There’s more if you want to hear it,” Darek said.

  Bay stayed at the window, but the others crowded around Darek. Logan poured him a drink and handed it over. “Spill it. Everything.”

  “Thanks. The tattoo was done in phases. The Sagittarius symbol was done last. That’s my sign.”

  Logan cleared his throat. “So? You think they’re coming after you? Maybe all of this is intended for you? Someone might have seen you dump the girl. Someone who knows you have that sign on your arm.”

  “I’m not sure. It’s possible, but the reason I thought it was one of you guys, or possibly one of the others, is you guys are the only ones who know I was added to the group last. There’s no way anyone could know that if they weren’t there.”

  “So, either we are the next victims, or one of us is a killer,” Tad said, wrapping his arms around himself.

  Darek shrugged. “Maybe both.”

  Bay called from the window. “Well, whatever it is, I say bring it on.”



  Darek was exhausted from the head fuck that was Bay Collins. The man shook him up, and he hated that someone could influence him so much. For a moment, just a split second, he was that young boy again, wanting to fit in.

  Bay had welcomed him into the group that first day, and on the fifth night of camp, once everyone had gotten to know him, he showed his father he wasn’t a pussy. A pussy wouldn’t be a part of the coolest group in camp; a pussy wouldn’t bite down on a stick and take the pain of a searing hot brand. He’d bitten that stick so hard, he thought he heard his jaw snap, but he was determined not to flinch, and for that, he ended up with the nicest looking brand in the group. And lucky him, his was an arrow. It could symbolize many things. He’d been proud of his brand, and he took the healing like a champ, too.

  It took him another three weeks to see that following along with the crowd wasn’t anything to be proud of, and it didn’t make him any less of a pussy. A man would have stood up for the girl, and even though his first instinct screamed to him that it was wrong, he wasn’t going to go against Bay. He prayed in the first few minutes that it was a joke, that Bay would untie the girl, and they’d laugh at the rest who were equally as uncertain. But then he’d just been so damned convincing, like some sick cult leader who lacked empathy, and he’d used their fears against them.

  Darek hadn’t wanted anyone to know what had happened to bring him into the group, and it wasn’t until much later that Darek realized he had something on each and every boy at camp.

  Bay was the secret keeper, holding all the power from the others in his hands, and it made him the strongest. He’d known just what to do to cover things up, and he had indeed saved Darek’s ass from a life behind bars. Maybe the fucker really was his savior? He couldn’t help thinking that if someone was coming after them, hopefully, they’d go for Bay first. A little laugh escaped him as he thought about it.

  Darek pulled into his driveway and realized he had company. Megan’s car was parked outside, and just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, her father met him at the door.

  “I’m only here to keep the peace,” the old man announced with his hands lifted high.

  Darek walked past him and stopped in the living room. “You’re getting exactly what you want, right? Well, so am I.”

  “Not if you think you’re getting to keep this house,” Megan said.

  “It’s my house,” Darek said. “It was my house when I met you, and it’s my house now. You need to gather up whatever shit you want and get the fuck out. Go stay with Rick.”

  She cut her eyes to her father, and Darek turned to see what the old man had to say.

  “Technically, I own the house. Remember the loan you took from me?”

  Darek narrowed his eyes. He’d taken a loan from the old man, only because Megan had wanted him to, and her father had made him put his home up for collateral.

  “I’m all paid up on that loan, and it was because your daughter wanted to open a business.” Now he realized why the old man hadn’t just given the money to her. Instead, he’d insisted on collateral. At the time, Darek thought it was just because he hated him, but he had no idea it was to try and take his home.

  “No,” her father said. “As it turns out, there are three months’ worth of payments that you’ve failed to make. The last three months. So, I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

  Three months. She’d stopped paying the notes when she decided to cheat. She knew it would cost him the house.

  “I’m calling my lawyer,” Darek said. “You’re not going to get away with this shit.” He knew he needed the best, and he cringed, knowing the best would come at a high price.

  “Call him, but do it from the street.” Her father opened the door.

  “Not so fast, you old fucker. I’m getting my things.” Darek turned to go into his room, but Megan pushed past him.

  She walked over to the bed and grabbed his suitcase. “You can check it, but it’s everything you need. I thought I’d be nice and help you out.” Darek snatched the suitcase so hard it jerked her forward. “Watch it! I just got my nails done.”

  “Well, good for you. I hope Rick likes them buried in his back.” He opened the suitcase and wished he could find something missing, but it was all there. Everything he needed to get the hell out of her life, including an extra pair of shoes.

  Megan’s voice softened. “I’m not sure I’m going to keep seeing Rick, but I know what we have is over. I never meant to hurt you, Darek, but you’re never home, and you work on some awful cases, and—"

  “Save it. I was sick of you, too. I guess I just hoped things would get better if I got my promotion. These awful cases are what is going to get me there.”

  “Well, maybe when that day comes, we can reevaluate things.”

  Darek laughed. “Are you kidding me?”

  “I’m not opposed to us trying again if things change.”

  “I am. You cheated. And despite my many opportunities, I didn’t. I guess Rick got scared, right?”

  “He doesn’t like that you carry a gun, no. He said he doesn’t want problems with every cop he sees.”

  Darek leaned down. “Smart man. Looking out for number one. That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  Her father cleared his throat at their door, and Darek zipped up his case.

  “Honey, don’t forget to get him to sign these.”

  Megan walked over and took the stack of papers from him. “These are for the divorce. It will get things hurried along faster.”

  “I’m not signing anything yet.” He picked up the case and turned to glower at the pair. “This isn’t over.”

  As he walked out of the
house, he didn’t look back. Even if he had to call Bay Collins to work his maniacal magic and sell his soul to the devil himself, he’d do it to keep his house.

  The first person he needed to call was his best friend. The only person he could count on at a time like this.

  Max answered the phone, sounding winded, and Darek wondered what the hell he’d been doing at nine p.m. to be puffing that hard. He knew if the guy was having sex, he wouldn’t have answered the phone.

  “How’s it going?” Max asked.

  “I just got kicked out of my own house by a wife who says that if I change, she’d like to reevaluate our relationship since her new man is afraid of my gun.”

  “Jesus, you’ve really got problems. Let me guess. You need a place to lay your head?”

  “Yeah, I do. Is it okay if I head over?”

  “If I say no, what other options do you have? Lizzy? You think she’d let you in? I wonder if her couch is one of those hard as a rock, leather numbers, or if she’s got the warm and cozy feel up in her place.”

  Darek knew what he was fishing for. He’d been suspicious of him and Lizzy for days. “I have no idea, man. I’ve never been to her house, and I have a feeling if I call and ask, she’ll knee me in the dick the next time I see her.”

  “Okay. Head on over, and I’ll give you the futon.”

  “Thanks. You’re a lifesaver, buddy.”

  He hung up the phone and smiled. Max was a true-blue pal and had never held anything over his head. They’d gotten lucky that they got along so well, and now that Darek was going to be single again, he wondered if they’d hang out at the clubs and chase women together like they did in the old days. The old days. In some ways, it wasn’t that long ago, and in others, it seemed like forever. He’d really wasted the last few years with Megan.

  When he met her, it took him a year to convince her to go out with him. He’d been star-struck by the beauty pageant thing, and she seemed like she’d make a great wife and mother, in a wholesome kind of way. Once he got her into bed, he’d realized what a little hellcat she could be, and her bratty act had turned him on. It took marrying her to realize the bratty act wasn’t a fucking act at all, and so, he found himself on Max’s front doorstep.


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