Burn in Hell_A Jake Carrington Mystery

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Burn in Hell_A Jake Carrington Mystery Page 7

by Marian Lanouette

  “I’m coming to have dinner with the two of you this week.”

  “Really? Awesome.”

  She smiled at his excitement. Kyra wished she could be as excited, but her nerves started to fray with thoughts about the upcoming visit with Tommy. What’s he up to?

  “It is. I can’t wait. I miss you so much, Trev. How was school this week?”


  “What did you learn?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  “You don’t remember? How come?”

  “I just don’t remember.”

  “Did you learn new words?”


  She laughed. Their conversation went like this every week and she loved the routine of it. They spoke for another fifteen minutes. Life was so lonely without Trevor. Tears burned her eyes.

  Life had become bizarre, to say the least. Last night she went to dinner with a cop. Tonight she was going to dinner with a mobster. Later this week, she’d have dinner with her soon-to-be ex and her son. Maybe next week she’d find a priest and have dinner with him to round out this crazy cycle in this awkward soap opera she called her life.

  Dressing in a hurry, Kyra picked a bank she normally didn’t use. Next she purchased a bank money order for one thousand dollars made out to Tommy as trustee for Trevor. This would be her first payment to replace the money in his college fund. The payments would need to be timed as not to raise questions about where she got the money. Afterward, she went to another bank, got a money order for the attorney, again for one thousand dollars. Heading home, she cleaned her condo. After cleaning, she filled the bathtub with hot, steaming water and perfumed bath salts. Kyra turned off her cellphone before slipping into the tub and letting out a sigh.


  At exactly nine o’clock she pulled into Phil’s driveway, turning off the car radio as she waited at the gate to be announced. The guard acknowledged her, passing her through the gate. Phil’s man, the one who’d attended the cremation opened the front door.

  “We meet again.” She gave him a big smile.

  “I’ll show you in. Phil’s waiting for you.” No smile, no conversation. He turned, leading the way to Phil.

  Walking down the familiar hallway, they came to his office. Opening the door, he invited her in with a hand gesture. What the hell, I thought this was a date. Why didn’t he greet me in the living room? The only thought she came up with didn’t amuse her. Phil wanted to demonstrate his power. A fucking power play for Christ’s sake. This was a mistake.

  “Ah, Kyra, right on time. You look lovely tonight.” He took her hand.

  “Thank you.”

  “Have a seat, Kyra. I want to talk business before we start the pleasure part of our evening.”

  So this is the way it was going to be. “Okay.”

  “Not curious?” He stared at her.

  “You’ll get to it when you’re ready.” Not giving her annoyance away, she never wavered nor broke eye contact with him.

  Laughing, he said, “You’re certainly different from any other woman I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.”

  “How so, Phil?”

  “You’re direct. Though afraid, you don’t let the fear control you.”

  “Okay, what do you need from me?”

  “See, you’re direct. I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you. Angelo said everything went well yesterday. You were courteous to him.” The bastard wants to know how I’m dealing with it.

  “Phil, I’m good at my job. I agreed to do a job for you. Like all my customers, you got my best. It’s the only way I know how to do the job.”

  “I like dealing with people who know their jobs. On another subject, are you hungry?”

  The change of subject caught her off guard. “Yes, I am. Where are we going?”

  “I thought we’d have hors d’oeuvres here before we go to the shore for dinner. We’ll take the limo. You can pick your car up later. Okay?”


  “Did you enjoy your date last night?”

  She’d turned away then jerked back, eyeing him. “I’m not comfortable discussing my date with you. I’d think you’d want the same courtesy.”

  A mean-spirited sound, she couldn’t quite call a laugh, came out of him. “Yes, I’d like the same courtesy, but I need to know about you, Kyra, while you work for me.”

  “Fair enough. What do you want to know?”

  “Let’s move to the living room for hors d’oeuvres. Maria’s such a great cook.”

  He led her down the hall, back toward the front door, taking a right into his living room. Spectacular. It boasted a high ceiling, and its main focus a floor-to-ceiling marble and granite fireplace. The room, done in beige and blue, could entertain fifty people or more comfortably. Understated furniture of the best quality completed the room, adding an air of peace to it.

  “This room is incredible,” Kyra said, spinning around to take it all in. The last time she was here, she hadn’t bothered to look in. So nervous, she missed the beauty the house held. Get in and out quickly was her only thought at the time.

  “Thank you. I find it extremely comfortable, especially for reading. Ah, here’s Maria, now.”

  The maid put down the appetizers as Kyra settled herself on the couch. After Maria left the room, Phil walked to the bar and pulled out two glasses. Kyra never took her eyes off him, following his every movement.

  “What can I get you to drink?”

  “I’ll have a vodka and tonic with lemon.”

  He mixed the drinks, brought them over to the couch, and handed her one then settled on the couch next to her. Picking up the tray of food, he offered it to her.

  “Thanks.” She picked up a stuffed mushroom and popped it into her mouth, closing her eyes to savor the taste. The best she’d ever had, she expected nothing less from him.

  “I take it you like it.” He grinned.

  “Most definitely” Studying the tray, she chose another mushroom and put the whole thing into her mouth.


  Surprised at the joy he felt watching her eat. Not shy, she didn’t push the food away like other women. In fact, she exhibited a healthy appetite. Phil followed her movements as intently as she followed his as she reached for the caviar. Putting some on a blini, she placed it in her mouth. It was almost as good as eating it himself. Her face showed every emotion, every thought. He reached for the caviar, sampling it, he smiled.

  “Are you enjoying the food?”

  “Yes. The caviar’s excellent but, believe it or not, I like the stuffed mushrooms more.”

  Yes, he was enjoying her. “I’m glad. So, how do I differ from the gentleman you dated last evening?” Damn, he hadn’t meant to ask but his curiosity got the better of him.

  “That’s a loaded question. Are you sure you want the answer?”

  “Just when I think I know you, you surprise me, Kyra. Yes, I want the answer.” More than he wanted her to know.


  “Well, to start, you’re both gentlemen. I like that in a man. Second, you’re each on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to the law.” Crap, said too much.

  “What do you mean?” He sat up straighter.

  “I met him this week at a party. We made plans for dinner. Turns out he’s a cop in Wilkesbury.”

  Kyra watched her words land. Phil didn’t disappoint, his face went from a frown to a smile. Crap, she hoped she hadn’t put Jake in Phil’s path.

  “Yes, I can see how we’re different,” he said a nasty grin playing on his lips.

  “Not different. You both seem dedicated to your professions.”


  “It’s why I’m not comfortable talking about it, besides the normal reasons I wouldn’t be comfortable talking to one man about another.”

  He studied her, wondering how he could use this cop, along with Kyra. A thought for another day, he mused.

  “What kind of cop is he?”

  “Homicide.” She

  “Relax, I’m not going to turn you in. What’s his name?” He watched those emotions play across her face again. She telegraphed her thoughts, so her answer didn’t surprise him.

  “I can’t tell you. He has nothing to do with you. I don’t know if I’m going to see him again.”

  “Why not, is he married?” Jealousy pushed its ugly head at him. She likes this guy or she wouldn’t have reacted so violently.

  “No. My life isn’t mine anymore and it wouldn’t be fair to drag someone else into it.”

  “So you like him?”

  “He’s nice enough.”

  “It’s not like you to be evasive, Kyra,” he said, staring her down.

  “I’m not being evasive. I wouldn’t talk about you to him. I didn’t even tell him I had a date tonight. I understand the rules and he would be a problem. So I decided last night would be my first and last date with him.”

  “But you liked him?” he insisted.

  He didn’t understand where his jealousy came from, totally out of character for him. Normally, women were something he used when he needed them, nothing more. Could Kyra be dangerous for him? No woman ever had control over him.

  It’s something he wouldn’t allow.

  “Yes, I do.” He watched her struggle before she continued. “He asked me out again.”

  “What did you say?”

  “He’s going to call me next week.”

  “Did he spend the night?” Anger in his voice came out before he could control it.

  “It’s none of your business, but the answer’s no.”

  “Why?” Relief and, envy took over. Unreasonable, he hadn’t felt like this about a woman in a long time.


  He realized he’d scared her, so he backed off. “I’m sorry. You’re right. It’s none of my business. Are you ready for dinner?”

  “Yes, if I eat anymore of the appetizers, I’ll be stuffed.”


  What just happened here? She felt anger pumping off Phil. He’d no right to ask those questions, but in them she found her answer to dating Jake. The relationship needed to end before it started. I’ll used a reconciliation with Tom to put him off. It saddened her, but what choice did she have? Cops don’t love criminals.

  They left Phil’s house and during the drive, Kyra noted how his mood had changed. Pissy would be the way she’d describe him, all the way to the restaurant. What was she thinking, dating this guy? Her relationship with Phil needed to stay a business arrangement, nothing more.

  It took forty minutes to reach the restaurant. A five star restaurant, a real swanky place overlooking the ocean in Rhode Island. She smiled inwardly. Was he trying to impress her? She was glad she’d bought a new outfit for the occasion. The little black dress fit her perfectly, if she did say so herself. She’d put her hair up for the evening, the curls that escaped gave her a sexy, wild look. A strand of pearls at her throat and pearl earrings on her ears, she wore no other jewelry.

  Phil seemed to be a regular, everyone greeted him with reverence, from the maître d’ to the wait-staff. They were escorted to a table with a beautiful view of the water. The maître d’ started to pull her chair out but Phil brushed him away and did it himself, slipping the maître d’ some cash. Their menus were handed to them ceremoniously and their napkins draped over their laps. Amused, she turned her attention to the sea. The almost-full moon reflected off the water like a spotlight. The water appeared smooth, though she knew that could be deceiving at this distance. Her thoughts surprised her—she wanted to share this scene with Jake instead of Phil. His question pulled her back from her thoughts.

  “Is the restaurant to your liking?” he asked.

  What’s with this guy? “Yes, it’s lovely.”

  “I’m glad you like it. The fish here’s excellent.”

  “I’m not a fish eater.”


  “Really, can’t stand the stuff.” She smiled at him.

  “What are you, a meat and potatoes girl?”

  “Yep, there’s nothing like a good steak.”

  “Steak it is. I ordered wine instead of cocktails. Do you prefer a cocktail?”

  “No, wine is good for me.” Killer first dates. How stupid of her to make two in one weekend.

  “Are you nervous, Kyra?”

  Déjà vu…hadn’t Jake asked her the same, exact question last night? “No, I’m not. This is my second date in nine years.”

  “The first being last night?” He stared.

  “Yes. I forgot how stressful they can be.” Yep, déjà vu.

  “Well, relax Kyra. I don’t bite.” He grinned. “Unless, of course, I want to.”

  “Funny. What are you having?” She changed the subject.

  “What do you want?”

  “We’re not talking about dinner, are we?”

  “No. I’m interested in what makes you tick.”

  Lord almighty, definitely first date conversation. Shit, what made her tick? She wanted to keep her life private. This man would use whatever she told him against her at some point. She needed to keep that in mind.

  “I’m a pretty boring person.” Kyra tore her gaze from the ocean to look at him.

  “I doubt that. Look at the job you have. Not many people could do what you do.”

  “It’s a pretty simple job. Really. It’s not a big deal. Why don’t you tell me about you? I don’t know anything about you.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Hmmm, I don’t know, you tell me what you want.” Hating forced conversation she wondered why last night, with Jake, the conversation flowed so naturally. Well, could be he won’t kill you if he doesn’t like what you say or do? This is so excruciating. How many more hours are left of this date?

  “It seems like work, doesn’t it?” A minder reader or is he bored too?

  “It does. Why do you think that is?”

  “Do you always answer a question with a question?”

  “No more than you do.” She smiled.

  “Clever girl.” He laughed.

  The waiter took their orders. As they worked through dinner and another bottle of wine, the conversation became easier. Phil’s the boss she reminded herself more than once and held back. When he relaxed, Phil proved to be a good date—attentive, funny, and knowledgeable in so many areas, though he never revealed anything personal about himself. They left the restaurant at one a.m. The ride back to his house became awkward. As they pulled into his driveway, Phil knocked on the glass between them and the driver. Angelo lowered the window.

  “Angelo, we’ll be fine, give us a minute here.”

  “Okay boss.” Watching him exit the car, she wondered what Phil wanted.

  “Kyra, I enjoyed myself. I hope you did too.”

  “I did. Thanks.”

  He took her hand, making circles on her palm with his. Is this guy for real? She didn’t pull away. Kyra wasn’t sure what she should do, so she waited.

  “You’re a patient woman. Would you like to come in for a nightcap?”

  “It’s really late, Phil, and I have a long drive ahead of me. Some other time.”

  “You should have let me send the limo for you. You know you’re welcome to stay here.”

  Her shock must have shown. He quickly added, “No strings attached.”

  “Thank you. A gracious offer, but I’m not divorced yet. I don’t want to put myself in a compromising position.”

  “Smart. Will I see you again?”

  “I enjoyed myself tonight, but where do you see this going? You’re my boss.”

  She turned the light on over her head and looked directly into his eyes. “I don’t see it going anywhere. You can’t gauge where something’s going based on one date but I would like to continue to see you, just to see if it is going anywhere.” He shrugged with his palms up.

  “Okay.” She sighed.

  “I’ll tell you what, no pressure. I’ll call you during the week
. If you’d like to have a second date, we’ll make plans. Okay?”

  “Thanks, I’ll look forward to your call.” Surprised that she meant it.

  Leaning over he turned off the light she had turned on and took her in his arms and kissed her. Nothing. She felt nothing. No current running through her like she felt with Jake. Amused when he slipped his hand up her front and cupped her breast, she placed her hand over his, gently removing it before breaking the embrace.

  “Good night, Phil.”

  A smile washed over his face. “Good night, Kyra, drive carefully.”

  “I will. Thanks again.”

  The walked to her car had her debating whether she should go home or to the casino—so close, yet so far. Willpower and common sense won out. Home it is.

  A car parked in the spot next to her assigned one had its windows all steamed up. Kyra didn’t recognize it. The hair on the back of her neck stood up, should she get out of her car or call the police. Phone in hand, she went to open the door when to driver’s door of the other car opened. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

  Chapter Eleven

  A thousand thoughts ran through her mind as he tried her passenger door. Glad she always locked it, Kyra stared at him. Why was he here? What did he want? The only way to find out would be to let him in her car. First, he invites her to dinner and then he shows up on her doorstep. What’s his game? Confused, Kyra unlocked her doors.

  “Hi, Kyra. What, were you at the casino?” he sneered.

  “No. I had a date,” she said defensively.

  “Another date? Who’s the guy?”

  “It wasn’t the same guy, Tommy. Why are you here? Where’s Trevor?”

  “He slept over at my parents’ house tonight. I had a date too, but she cancelled.”

  She knew his tone of voice, the ‘poor me’ voice he used when he wanted something.

  “Why are you here?” she asked again.

  “I miss you, baby. When you said you had a date, it pissed me off…”

  Pushing him back when he reached for her. “Tommy, let me remind you of your exact words. ‘You’re dead to me.’ Do you remember them?”

  He sat up straighter, a typical move he made when drinking. “I remember,” he whispered.

  “Good. Now get out of my car. Go home. There’s nothing here for you.”


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