Bring Me Flowers_A gripping serial-killer thriller with a shocking twist

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Bring Me Flowers_A gripping serial-killer thriller with a shocking twist Page 23

by D. K. Hood

  “Mr. Rogers, we have determined your whereabouts during the murders of Felicity Parker and Kate Bright.” As he slid three graphic crime scene photographs of the victims across the table, his expression turned to granite. “We have signed statements from witnesses who can place you in the area at the time of death of both these girls.”

  “I didn’t do that. My God, do you think I am some kind of animal?” Rogers’ eyes bulged and a blue vein throbbed in his temple. “I know those two girls, they are my students. I’m a teacher at the high school, for God’s sake.” He pointed at Joanne’s image. “I’ve never seen her in my life.”

  “The girls were savagely raped.” Kane’s hard gaze did not leave his face. “Then displayed to make them look like prostitutes. Animals might tear a person to shreds but I’ve never heard of one raping their victims first.”

  “I couldn’t rape anyone.” Rogers’ cheeks pinked.

  Jenna wanted to interject and ask about his potency; it seemed the perfect time but as she opened her mouth to speak, she caught Kane’s disapproving stare and leaned back to observe. He was using his skills to lead Rogers into confessing his virility.

  “Really?” Kane’s large fists clenched on the table. “What is your opinion on prostitution, Mr. Rogers?”

  “That question is totally irrelevant.” Jenkins’ dark eyes flashed in anger.

  “Is it?” Kane moved his dark head slowly toward the lawyer then back to Rogers. “In my opinion, the killer has had dealings with prostitutes, perhaps suffered abuse as a child. Did you suffer abuse as a child, Mr. Rogers, is that why you killed these girls as revenge against your mother?”

  “I want to answer the question.” Rogers’ face paled but he lifted his chin. “I don’t have an opinion on prostitutes. I wouldn’t go to one but how they live is their business.” He let out a long sigh. “As to my childhood. My mother is a compassionate, gentle, God-fearing woman.”

  “So, nothing like your wife?”

  “My wife?” Rogers scratched his head, making his hair stick up in all directions. “My wife could shred a man’s dignity with one lash of her tongue.”

  “You mentioned you ‘couldn’t’ rape anyone and that’s normal, but most people would find a beautiful young woman attractive. Of course, the majority would not dream of touching an underage woman but to deny the victims were attractive has to be unusual.” Kane’s cold stare moved over Rogers’ face and Jenna could almost see the prisoner squirm in his seat. “Are you impotent?”

  Jenna moved her attention toward Jenkins and waited for him to halt the interview but to her surprise, he was regarding his client with interest. Perhaps he had gleaned the notion if Rogers could prove he was impotent then he was innocent of murdering the girls.

  “Why would you ask such a personal question?” Rogers’ cheeks glowed. “That is none of your business.”

  “Ah, but it is a very relevant question.” Kane’s blue gaze narrowed. “Did you rape these young women?”

  “Good Lord, no.” Rogers’ eyes filled with tears that ran down his cheeks. “I would never do such a thing.”

  “Wouldn’t or couldn’t?”

  “Both, okay?” Rogers wiped at his red-rimmed eyes. “I’ve been seeing specialists for years. Since moving here my records are with Doctors Littleman and Peters at Black Rock Falls General Hospital. I had an appointment two weeks ago. I had a skiing accident three years ago, damaged my lower back, and since then zip. My wife insisted there was nothing wrong with me and I was ignoring her and having sex with every woman in town.”

  “If you will give permission for your doctors to verify the condition, we will be willing to drop the charges.” Kane leaned his wide shoulders back in the chair, making it creak alarmingly.

  “I would advise you to comply and I can get you out of here this afternoon.” Samuel Jenkins gave his client a look of pity. “I’ll collect the information personally so nobody else need know.”

  Jenna leaned forward. “I’m afraid the DA will need to be notified of the reason we are withdrawing the charges against Mr. Rogers.”

  “Very well, draw up the papers and I’ll sign them.” Rogers dabbed at his tear-glossed cheeks with the end of his shirt.

  “Just one more thing before I return you to your cell.” Kane leaned his muscular forearms on the table and stared at Rogers with near violent intensity. “Where is your wife?”

  “I hope she is rotting in hell.” Rogers’ Adam’s apple bobbed. “After all I’ve been through she refused to believe I wasn’t seeing other women. Stupid me was faithful to her for four long ugly years, and trust me, I had plenty of offers. She threatened to leave me on a daily basis. Now she’s gone and I’m free of the witch.”

  “That’s all I have for now. Sheriff, do you want to question the suspect?”

  “No, I have nothing to add.” Jenna turned her attention to the lawyer. “Is there anything you would like to say?”


  “Very well, the interview is terminated at three-ten” She turned off the recording device. “I have the paperwork ready for signature.” She removed documents from Kane’s manila folder and passed them to Mr. Jenkins. “If you’ll check these, ask Mr. Rogers to sign all copies, we can obtain the information without delay.”

  “I will take the documents personally and return them as soon as possible. I have some sway and will go directly to the hospital.” Jenkins gathered up his copies with a flourish and stood. “If you’ll open the door, I’ll be on my way.” He patted Rogers on the shoulder. “I’ll have you out of here soon.”

  Jenna looked up into Kane’s worried expression and chewed on her bottom lip. In a few hours, a potential murderer would be walking the streets of Black Rock Falls and there was not a damn thing she could do about it.


  After spending an hour setting up his trap, the man stepped from the shower and grinned at his reflection. Law enforcement in Black Rock Falls was a joke. He examined his body, making sure he had not one hair on his flesh, and chuckled. Watching the deputies running around chasing their tails was amusing, and he could remain in Black Rock Falls undetected for a long time. Sheriff Alton was gullible and her trained dogs as useless as tits on a bull. He had stolen a large pair of used crime scene coveralls and booties from the garbage outside the sheriff’s department right under their noses. This time he would wear the coveralls inside out. Imagine the face on the M.E. when he discovers one of the deputy’s hairs or DNA on another dead girl. He would watch the sheriff arrest her deputies and laugh himself stupid.

  He craved a higher risk and a more thrilling kill each time. Having a couple of hours to plan his next kill had been challenging but he was smart. In Evansville, he cut his timing so damn close, the sheriff walked straight past him on the way to investigate the screams.

  Kate had been his best work so far. He enjoyed the fear in her eyes as he cut. He moaned at the memory, loving the way his reflection remained in her eyes. Her terror of seeing him as his true self. He hated muffling her screams but noise echoed in the tiled room and he wanted to spend a lot of time with her.

  The cuts on her eyelids had been a stroke of genius. Oh yes, his amazing skills shone though again, so underestimated for so long. Kate’s big blue eyes had followed his every move and the way her lip trembled with each incision had been a delight. Oh, she tried to scream, but the sound had been like the moaning of a whore.

  Just as well, he had time to think. He needed to plan his next move. How could he pry Aimee Fox away from her parents? Then he remembered Thursday night in the Fox household was parents’ date night, which usually meant a visit to the Cattleman’s Hotel Restaurant and a movie. Aimee would expect her boyfriend—oh what was the boy with the greasy hair’s name? Ah, yes, Lucas Summerville—to visit her, but by sending him a bonus round in his new game, Lucas would forget all about Aimee and be in the online game room.

  Wrapping a towel around his waist, he ambled into his bedroom and dressed quickly. If hi
s plan worked, he would need to leave soon, and he went into the office to finish the final steps to gaining his prize. Seated at the desk, he opened his laptop. There she was, Aimee Fox, ripe and ready for the picking. She was chatting with Emily, Deputy Wolfe’s daughter. He grinned at the thought of plucking her right out from under her father’s nose. He placed the girls on a split screen then relaxed to listen to their conversation.

  He wanted Emily. He craved to fist his hand in her long blonde hair and see the life slip away in her eyes. He shook his head to dispel the images. I must follow the plan. He entered the online games room and sent a message using Julia’s username. As a new member of the Aimee Fox clique, she would be trying to gain points from her esteemed leader. He heard the pinging as the message arrived on Aimee’s computer.

  “Just a minute, I have a message from Julia.” Aimee held up a finger to stop the conversation. “I’ve got to go out.”

  “Where? Didn’t your parents tell you to stay home tonight?” Emily tossed a strand of long blonde hair over one shoulder. “It’s not safe to go out alone, not after three girls have been killed. Who knows who will be next?”

  “I won’t be alone, silly. Julia has located three rare characters on the edge of Stanton Forest. She’ll be there in fifteen minutes. I only need two more characters, then if I find the Golden Wizard, I’ll get to the bonus level.”

  “It’s a stupid game and only an idiot would risk their life going out alone. The game is not worth it.” Emily’s pretty face crinkled into a frown. “Wait until Lucas arrives then you can go together—or why don’t you drive?”

  “I’ve already said I’ll meet her. I can’t just leave her hanging and I’m not driving. It’s a few minutes’ walk and there are houses all the way. It will be okay.” Aimee chuckled. “Remind me not to invite you the next time we go to a haunted house on Halloween.”

  “There’s no such things as ghosts.” Emily frowned at her. “That’s different, there’s a killer running around Stanton Forest. A real person.”

  “So why isn’t there cruisers driving up and down the street every five minutes?” Aimee chuckled. “If you’re that worried, I’ll find Julia and bring her back here then drive her home later. Okay?”

  “I guess so.” Emily chewed her fingernails. “Maybe you should call me and stay on the line until you find her?”

  “Great idea, then I won’t be able to hear the killer creep up behind me.”

  “I’ll tell my dad you’ve gone out alone.” Emily glared at her. “You’re being irresponsible. He’ll call your mom and you’ll be grounded for life.”

  “Jesus, how old are you?” Aimee grinned at her. “Stop acting like a baby. I’ll be fine and if you tell your dad, don’t bother calling me again. I don’t like people I can’t trust with secrets. I’ve got to go get dressed now or I’ll be late.” She disconnected.

  Tingling with excitement, he pulled on his gloves and bent to pick up his bag. “Yes, Aimee, come and find me. I have a very special treat for you.”


  A ringtone Jenna recognized as Kane’s woke her from a deep sleep. She glanced around. Oh Lord, she had fallen asleep at Kane’s again but at least this time she was in his spare room. Where is he? She frowned at the persistent beeping then heard his voice speaking softly.

  “Okay, I’ll let Jenna know. We’ll be there at six thirty.”

  When he strolled into the bedroom, showered, shaved, and dressed for work, carrying two steaming mugs of coffee, she pushed the hair from her eyes and sighed. “You shouldn’t have let me sleep. Are we late for work?”

  “Nope.” He handed her a mug and sat on the edge of the bed. “Wolfe was calling to remind me the cadaver dog team will be waiting at the spot we found Rogers’ car at six thirty. As it’s five, we’ll have plenty of time.” He gave her a long, considering stare. “Are you okay? Are we still good?” He cleared his throat. “You fell asleep again and I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Glad to see a touch of color highlight his cheeks, she smiled. “Yes, I’m fine, but right now I need to shower and get ready for work.” She sniffed the delicious brew. “Maybe after I’ve had my coffee.” Her stomach growled. “I doubt we’ll have time to eat before we leave.”

  “Sure we will. I’ll make breakfast then you can go and get ready.” He stood and smiled down at her. “Scrambled eggs okay?”

  It felt good to have someone to care and be there when she needed a friend. How long had it been? Maybe three or four years since she could trust anyone. She returned his smile. “Scrambled would be bliss, thank you.”

  * * *

  At six thirty on the dot, they arrived at Stanton Forest in Kane’s SUV to find Wolfe and Rowley chatting with a team of dog handlers with barking dogs. Jenna and Deputy Rowley had left their SUVs outside the sheriff’s office, to minimize the police presence, and had instructed Deputy Walters to hold the fort until they arrived back at the office. With the extra deputies from Blackwater running double shifts in town and at the fairgrounds for the next few days, she had time to concentrate on the murders. She glanced up at Kane. “You know, I could get used to having six extra deputies.”

  “Mayor Petersham seems to be far more approachable than Rockford used to be—maybe he’ll stretch the budget to three, if you ask him.” Kane smoothed back his black hair then pushed on his buff-colored Stetson.

  Jenna strolled beside him toward the men. “I can only try.” She turned her attention to the men and waited for Wolfe to join them before giving introductions. “Okay, so you have your gear with you in case we discover a body?”

  “Yeah, Kane has his backpack as well and we have three shovels, just in case.” Wolfe’s blond eyebrows rose as he handed one to Kane. “The dogs have been going crazy since they arrived, so I guess we follow the dogs?”

  “Okay, move out.” She dropped into stride beside Kane, glad to have his solid strength beside her.

  Not twenty paces along the well-trodden pathway, the unmistakable reek of death came on the wind and rustled the pines. The whining groans as the large branches swayed back and forth raised goosebumps on her arms. She peered ahead in a strange wave of the morbid fascination, expecting to see a grave disturbed by animals. The dogs’ barks reached a crescendo and the men stopped in front of her, blocking her view.

  “Dear Lord in heaven.” Wolfe turned his cold stare in her direction. “Suit up.” He slipped the backpack from his broad shoulders. “Get those dogs back to the vehicles. We’ll need to secure the scene.”

  Jenna pushed forward, ignoring the dogs’ wet noses pressing against her hands. “What have you fou—oh, shit.”

  Bile rushed up the back of her throat and her heart raced so fast, she leaned against a tree to stop the dizzy spell. Hanging between two pines to one side of the trail, arms and legs spread, was Aimee Fox. Head bent with her chin resting on her chest, her tawny hair fell in a silk curtain on each side of her face to frame eyes wide open and fixed. Red lipstick smeared on her lips and cheeks made her look like a horrific clown. Ants covered her mutilated young body, hardly recognizable as human. She dangled above a shallow grave scattered with wildflowers. Jenna covered her mouth and swallowed, not fully comprehending the horror before her. A face peered out from the soil, blue and swollen with her eyes wide open as if watching Aimee.

  “Oh, Mother of God, that’s Mrs. Rogers.” Rowley turned an ashen face toward her. “And—” He turned away covering his mouth.

  Retching followed, and Jenna turned to see Rowley run away from the scene and vomit behind a tree. The sound made her stomach twist into knots but she turned and took the protective equipment Kane thrust into her hands. When he gave her a searching look, she met his gaze. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. It’s a dreadful thing to say but I’m getting back into the swing of turning off my emotions.”

  “You don’t have to turn them off.” Kane’s expression was compassionate. “Just turn them around. We have to help her by discovering her killer, so look past the horro
r and find the evidence.”

  “Yeah, I remember the training speech.” She swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked away the tears threatening to show her weakness. “Go and help Wolfe.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Wanting to suck in deep breaths, she walked some distance away to compose herself. She dressed in coveralls and booties, placed the mask firmly over her nose, then moved back to the scene. She stood to one side to allow Kane and Wolfe to examine the area, placing markers beside evidence and recording each find. The camera whirred as Kane moved expertly, filming the scene before taking individual images by the hundreds. Gathering her professional façade around her like a shield, she tried to push away the fact she knew these women and examined the area with cold detachment.

  “I see two sets of footprints. One looks like the person was wearing socks.” She gestured to the soft indentations in the disturbed soil. “The M.O. is slightly different. He did not wash Aimee like the others but he murdered them by water. By the blood congealed on the ground beyond the grave, he murdered her here.”

  “We haven’t released any details for this to be a copycat.” Kane had adopted his professional granite expression. “This has to be the same person who killed Aimee and the other girls but someone else murdered Mrs. Rogers. The uncovering of the grave to show the face is part of the exhibitionism the lunatic has displayed before. He wanted someone to watch. If we have two suspects, how Aimee’s killer knew Mrs. Rogers was here is the question.” He looked at her. “May I suggest you ask two of the K-9 officers to go with Rowley and haul Steve Rogers back in for questioning? The tracker on his car has remained stationary, so we may be in luck.” He indicated with his chin toward the main road. “He only lives a few hundred yards away and I think we have cause by the bucket loads.”


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