Anyone But Her

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Anyone But Her Page 15

by Everhart, Allie

  We shouldn't be doing this here. Someone could see us. I don't want anyone seeing us like this. I want it to be just us.

  "Taylor, we need to stop. This isn't right."

  She opens her eyes. "What isn't right?"

  "This." I glance around. "Doing this in a park, where people could walk by. I want to keep doing what we're doing but only when we can be alone. Just the two of us."

  "But we can't. We don't have any place to go."

  "We'll figure something out. I just know this isn't right. You deserve better than this. I want you to feel comfortable, and right now I know you're not. You're afraid someone will walk up and catch us, and so am I."

  She sits up next to me and straightens her skirt. "Then what do you want to do?"

  Across from us is a patch of flowers and there's a small fountain in the distance. It's not the greatest view but it's nice. Peaceful.

  I take her hand and hold it mine. "This. This is what I want to do. Just sit here beside you, holding your hand."

  My eyes remain straight ahead but I can feel her looking at me. She lays her head on my shoulder and I lean down and kiss it.

  "I like this," she says.

  "I do too."

  When Albert died I felt empty. Hollow. Like there was a giant hole in my heart and in my life. But being with Taylor, talking to her, having her beside me...that emptiness is starting to fade.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Are you nervous?

  The text pops up on my phone as I'm getting ready for bed. It says it's from Kirk but it's really from Taylor. Kirk is the fake name I've assigned to Taylor's number just in case anyone sees my phone when we're texting.

  Not really, I text back.

  How could you not be nervous? The tournament's in two days!

  Albert told me if I get nervous he'll kick my ass. I smile as I type it.

  Taylor waits to text back, probably wondering how to respond. She either thinks I'm joking or thinks I actually believe I'm communicating with dead people.

  The truth is, I do talk to Albert. I do it all the time. He doesn't talk back but in my head I can hear what he'd say if he were still alive. And as for this tournament, he'd say being nervous is being scared and that fear does nothing but hold us back. Fear is believing something bad will happen and that what you believe tends to come true. He'd say it's much better to believe something good will happen.

  So far, he's been right. Since the first time I played I believed I'd do well in golf and now I'm one of the top amateur players in the country. One of the best in my age group.

  When I was younger, the fear of failing would hit me now and then and I'd tell Albert I should just quit. Whenever that happened he made me play a round of golf, and every time I'd suck at it. He was trying to prove how much power our thoughts have and he proved it every time. Then we'd go to the driving range and he'd make me imagine the ball was my fears and that each time I hit one I was driving away my fears. It worked. I'd leave the driving range feeling confident again. Now every time I get nervous or worry I'm going to fail, I go to the driving range, assign each of my fears to a ball, and hit that sucker as hard as I can, sending it soaring through the air.

  The past few days I've spent a lot of time at the driving range. My fears of not playing well at the tournament keep creeping back and I have to hit them away. I usually don't worry this much but it's because I've dedicated this week's game to Albert and I don't want to let him down. But then yesterday at the driving range I got a sign which I know was from Albert. There was a yellow ball in the bucket of balls I was using for practice. It was at the very bottom so I didn't see it until I was almost done. It's not uncommon to have a colored ball show up now and then, but I rarely get a yellow one.

  Dropping my club, I picked up the yellow ball and smiled. I knew it was from Albert. He was telling me to relax. To not take the tournament so seriously. To play for fun like I did when I was a kid. The yellow ball was a reminder of that. A reminder of Albert and everything he taught me.

  Holding the ball I looked up at the sky and laughed. I kept laughing and people were giving me strange looks but I didn't care. At that moment all the fears I had left me and all I heard in my head was Albert saying, "Go out there and do what you love." He used to say that all the time. He never wanted me to see golf as a job or a way to make money. He said to do what I love and the money will follow. I've had to force myself to keep believing that because I'm struggling to pay my bills and can't even afford to get my own place. But I'm doing what I love, and the day after tomorrow, when I'm playing in the tournament, I'll tell myself that again.

  Taylor texts back, I'll kick your ass too. It's followed by a smiley face and then, Albert told me to say that.

  I smile. She doesn't think I'm crazy. That's good.

  Another text pops up. I talk to my grandpa before I play.

  Her grandpa passed away a few years ago. He was a pro golfer like her dad.

  What does he say? I text.

  Wear good socks. You don't want sweaty feet when you golf.

  I burst out laughing. I was expecting profound words of wisdom from the late great Gerald Tuckerman and instead I got sock advice.

  That's awesome, I text back. I wish I could've met him. He sounds like my type of guy.

  He was great, she texts. I should let you sleep. Good luck with the commercial tomorrow!

  Thanks! Goodnight!

  Tomorrow they're filming me for the WaveField commercial. WaveField is a sporting goods store owned by billionaire Pearce Kensington and his son, Garret. Taylor is good friends with Lilly Kensington, Garret's sister. They go to college together at Camsburg. When I was there during parents' weekend I met Lilly and ended up getting hired by her brother for this commercial.

  Another text pops up. This one's from Cal.

  Good luck tomorrow! Flash that smile of yours. Girls love those damn dimples. Maybe you could actually get a date.

  Cal's always nagging me to go out with girls. The dimples do get me a lot of attention. I get asked out a lot but I turn down the requests because I already have a girl. But Cal doesn't know that. He never asked me about my made-up date with Birdie last Saturday and I never brought it up. I'm guessing he thinks it didn't go anywhere given that I haven't mentioned her since.

  It's after ten but I'm not ready to sleep so I make my way to the main house and go in the kitchen. Everyone's asleep but Barb always leaves a light on in case I get hungry in the night and need a snack. She's so damn nice to me, like the mom I never had.

  Opening the fridge I take out an apple and a piece of string cheese. I'm trying to eat better. My coach said cleaning up my diet could help my game.

  "Can I have a bite?" I hear Taylor ask.

  Turning around, I see her standing there in cotton pajama shorts and a white tank, her hair up in a ponytail. She's not wearing a bra and I can see the outline of her perky breasts, her nipples on display.

  Look away, I yell at myself in my head but I can't. Her breasts are freaking gorgeous, just like the rest of her.

  "Luke? The apple?" She holds her hand out to me, smiling.

  I hand it to her. "Help yourself."

  As she takes a bite, her eyes wander down to my chest. I'm not wearing a shirt. Just some basketball shorts I put on to come over here. I usually sleep in boxer briefs and nothing else.

  "Thanks." She slowly hands me back the apple as her eyes trace a line back up my chest.

  "Don't you want the rest?"

  "Um, no," she says, sounding breathless. "I probably shouldn't have any more."

  From the way she's looking at me and the catch in her breath, I'm pretty sure she's talking about something other than apples.

  "Any more what?" I set the apple down and take a step closer to her.

  Her hand flattens against my chest as if she's going to push me away, but instead, she leaves it there, her eyes going to mine.

  "Any more what, Taylor?" Before she can answer, I low
er my mouth to her ear and say, "Do you mean this?" I brush my lips over the soft skin just below her ear and she shivers.

  "Luke," she whispers in a way that says she wants more. We've only made out a few times but I'm already figuring out what she likes.

  "You didn't answer the question." I lightly kiss her neck.

  "Which was what?" Her head shifts as I kiss the other side of her neck.

  "What shouldn't you have more of?" I slide my arm around her waist and pull her against me. She's warm and soft and all I can think about is how much I want to take her back to my bed and explore every inch of her beautiful body. "I hope it's not this." I kiss her, then say, "Because I really like this."

  "Me too," she says, her eyes closing.

  "You're saying you want more?" My hand slides down her side, brushing against her breast.

  She opens her eyes and meets my gaze. "So much more."

  Shit, this is bad. We both want each other but can't let it happen, especially here in the kitchen. But my mind isn't the one making decisions right now.

  I lift her up on the counter and kiss her as I explore all that soft smooth skin I've been dreaming about touching for so long now. My hands slide up and down her thighs, coming close to her shorts but never inside them. I'm teasing her, making her want me. She already does but this is fun so I'm not going to stop. I raise a hand up to her breast, my thumb playing with her nipple as she softly moans.

  I want to keep going but not here. I glance out the patio doors at the guest house.

  "Let's go," I tell her.

  Her eyes open. "Luke, we can't."

  "Why? Who's going to know? Everyone's asleep. Nobody's going to check your room to see if you're there."

  She chews on her lip. "I don't know. It seems too risky."

  "Riskier than making out in the kitchen?"

  "Is someone down here?" a voice asks from the other room.

  "My dad!" Taylor whispers as she jumps off the counter.

  "Shit!" I turn to bolt out the door but then hear my name.

  "Luke, is that you?" Lou turns the main kitchen lights on and I suddenly feel very exposed, not just because I'm only wearing shorts but because I can still feel his daughter on me. I can feel her hands moving over my chest, my back, my neck. I feel like Lou can somehow see that, like she left her prints behind.

  I turn around and face him. "I was just getting a snack."

  "He came in when I was getting an apple." Taylor picks up the apple on the counter. "Scared the crap out of me." She gives me a dirty look. "You should really announce yourself before just walking in like that, especially at night."

  "I'm sure he didn't mean to scare you," Lou says. "He probably thought he had the place to himself."

  "I did," I say. "Sorry. I thought you were all sleeping."

  "Why don't you get to bed?" Lou says to Taylor.

  She goes over and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Night, Dad."

  "Sorry, Taylor," I say. "I'll give you a heads-up next time."

  She rolls her eyes like she's annoyed with me. She's a good actress. So good that for a moment there I really thought she was mad at me. But as she's leaving, when her dad's not looking, she gives me a smile to let me know she's kidding.

  "Want some?" Lou takes a carton of ice cream from the freezer.

  "No, thanks. Coach has me on a special diet."

  "They tried that with me too." He pats his round belly. "As you can see, I never followed it." He takes a spoon from the drawer and sits down at the counter. "Come have a seat."

  I was hoping I could leave. I'm still feeling nervous about almost getting caught and I'm afraid he'll notice.

  Taking the stool next to him, I say, "So how was your game today?"

  Lou went golfing with friends this morning. He golfs several times a week.

  "Not great," he says, opening the container of ice cream and eating right out of the carton. "I was tired. Haven't been sleeping well."

  "Why is that?" I ask, then shake my head. "Sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

  "It's fine. Actually you're part of the reason."


  "I'm concerned Cal is feeling down right now because you're doing so well and he's not. Don't get me wrong, he wants you to do well. He sings your praises more than anyone else, but he also wishes he was on the same path as you. And since he's not, it's hard for him."

  "I noticed that too. I wish I could do or say something to make him feel better but if I even bring it up, he gets mad."

  "He does the same with me. He seems to like being at college but it's not what he thought he'd be doing so he's feeling a little lost right now."

  "Maybe I shouldn't say this but...I think he also worries he let you down."

  Lou nods. "I know he does. I tell him all the time it's not true but it doesn't seem to help. I know what he's going through. The same thing happened when I was his age. Having a father who was a golf star was a lot of pressure. Everyone expected me to be the same. Luckily, it worked out that way. If it hadn't, I don't know what I'd be doing. That's how Cal feels now. He wonders what he'll do in life if he can't golf. It's all he's ever wanted. All he's ever been interested in."

  "Maybe just give it some time. Staying up worrying about it all night doesn't seem to be helping."

  He smiles and holds his spoon up. "It's certainly not helping my waistline."

  I laugh.

  He nudges me. "Let's talk about you."

  "What about me?"

  "You all set for this commercial tomorrow?"

  "I think so. I don't really know what to expect."

  "Didn't they tell you what you'd be doing?"

  "They said they'd get some shots of me working out and then I'd have a few lines to say to the camera."

  "They should send you those lines ahead of time so you can practice but also so you don't say something you don't want to."

  "I'm not worried about that."

  "You need to be. You're young and just starting your career. You need to be the one driving your image. Creating your brand. It's a different world now than it was back when I was your age. If you don't make an image for yourself, someone else will, and it may not be good."

  "I don't get the feeling WaveField will do anything to harm my image. I've met Garret and his team and they all seem like good people."

  "You still need to be careful. If anything happens tomorrow you don't agree with just tell them no. And don't sign any more contracts without seeing a lawyer first."

  Lou scolded me for not getting a lawyer to look at my WaveField contract. He had his guy look at it and it turned out to be fine but he said I can't take chances like that. It's best to always have a lawyer look at it.

  "I'll set you up with an attorney. I have a feeling you're going to need him."

  "Why do you say that?"

  He grins at me. "You're gonna be huge, kid. You know how much you've been talked about in the sports media this week?"

  "No. Why would they be talking about me?"

  "People are watching you, Luke. When you're in a tournament, you're the one people are paying attention to. They go there to see you. People who like golf like to see the best, and right now, in your age group, you're the best."

  "I don't think so. There are a plenty of guys out there who are better than me. I still have a lot to learn."

  "Sure you do, but that's true for everyone. You'll always be learning, trying to get better, but you're already golfing like a pro and people notice that. You're going to have a lot of eyes on you at the tournament this week."

  "Did you really have to tell me that?" I joke.

  "I'm not trying to make you nervous. I'm telling you you have what it takes to make it. It won't be long before you'll have agents and companies approaching you, wanting to be part of your success. I don't want them taking advantage of you which is why I need to set you up with the right people."

  "I appreciate the offer but I can't afford that right now."

  "Don't worry ab
out that. I'll take care of the costs until you're able to do so yourself."

  "I don't know, Lou. You've already done so much for me. I don't want you doing even more."

  "I won't take no for an answer." He gets up and puts the ice cream back in the fridge. "Get to bed. You need your beauty rest for the shoot tomorrow. The camera loves a pretty face." He gives me a wink.

  "Thanks for the talk."

  "Anytime." He starts to leave, then stops and turns back. "You got a girl, Luke?"

  "A girl?" I choke out the words, my heart pounding. Does he know about Taylor and me? Is he testing me to see if I'll tell him the truth?

  "A girl," he repeats. "Are you seeing someone?"

  "No. Why?" I ask, my heart pounding even harder.

  He grins. "You seem to be smiling more than usual. I thought maybe it was because of a girl. But it must be the golf. Makes me smile too, although it's not the same smile I have when I'm with Barb. That's why I was thinking you might have a girl. You've got that different kind of smile."

  I shake my head. "Nope. No girl."

  "Okay, well, goodnight, Luke."

  "Goodnight," I say as he leaves.

  I take a deep breath, relieved he doesn't know. But he could tell something was different about me. I have that smile. The smile that comes from being with the girl you want to be with forever. He just doesn't know that girl is his daughter.

  Chapter Seventeen


  "So what did I have to race over here for?" Birdie asks as she closes my bedroom door. "Not that I mind coming over but I was in the middle of deep conditioning my hair and I lost five whole minutes on treatment time."

  "Sorry, I didn't know. I could've waited five minutes."

  "Sure, now you tell me." She walks up to the mirror. "Do you think it did anything?"

  Her hair looks the same as always, but I say, "I think it looks softer."

  "I think it gave it some shine." She checks herself once more in the mirror then goes and sits on the floor pillows I have in the corner. "Get over here and tell me the big emergency."


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