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Fate Page 76

by Tia Wylder

  He had received several bills from the hospital, regarding Natalia’s treatment. He was immediately stricken by just how much his poor assistant had to pay to ensure her sister was kept alive for as long as possible. It seemed a bitter thing, how much finances played into whether one lived or died. As far as he was aware, Svetlana had not noticed the lack of communication from the hospital. He trusted Natalia would keep his secret safe, and though he wished he could grow closer to the blonde he so adored, things were about as good as one could hope.

  He was in the midst of sorting through his personal documents, only to notice that about half of the stack was missing. He realized that Svetlana was likely trying to get back into the swing of her previous duties, which had included seeing that his bills were kept up to date. His heart leapt into his throat at the thought of being discovered so soon, and he lurched to his feet without a second thought. The fact that he planned to demand his documents would likely arise suspicion in his personal assistant, but that was better than his plans being torn to shreds nearly immediately after execution. However, as he drew nearer the door, a familiar knock sounded from the other side. He hesitated, a lump forming in his throat. The knock repeated, more desperately this time. He could only hope that he could convince Svetlana to allow him to continue helping her, though he knew that was unlikely to be the case. She was a proud woman, and that was one of the things he loved about her. It had taken some time, but he had come to terms with the fact that what he felt for her could be nothing but love. He had never been on the losing side of unrequited love before, and he was beginning to understand why the many girls he’d led on in the past had been so desperate to contact him.

  He shook these thoughts off as the knock sounded once more, and the knob to his door began to turn. He took a step back, schooling his expression into one of absolute calmness. He smiled serenely as Svetlana all but barged into his office, her eyes red-rimmed with tears. Upon seeing her troubled expression, he immediately dropped the calm act, taking her by the arm and guiding her to the cushy chair he’d moved into his office specifically for her breaks. Her body quaked, and tears streamed down her face. Though he had a feeling about what had her so upset, his suspicions were only confirmed as he spied the bill clutched in her hand. He dropped into a crouch before her, trying to comfort her as much as he could.

  “I can explain,” he began, though he truly could not. Her hand shook as she thrusted the bill towards him, eyes wide and incapable of understanding.

  “Why? Why would you take over my sister’s cost of treatment? I told you that was the reason I had agreed to be your pretend girlfriend, for that end check. Are you trying to cut out the middle man? I don’t… understand,” she blurted. He hesitated, taking the bill and setting it aside. He took her by the hand, weighing his options before speaking.

  “You’ll still be receiving your check upon completion of this… farce, if that’s what has you in such a tizzy. This is simply an… added benefit,” he managed weakly. She gripped his hand tightly, drawing it towards her chest as she met his gaze earnestly.

  “But why would you do that for me? There’s nothing in it for you. D-don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it. But I don’t want to exploit your kindness, Jackson. You don’t owe me any more than we initially agreed upon,” she sputtered. He hesitated, reaching out with his free hand to caress her cheek. She stiffened, her cheeks turning as red as a tomato as he watched her with fondness in his gaze.

  “I don’t feel as if I owe you anything, darling. I’m doing this because I want to. I told you that I care about you. This is just… a way of showing it,” he murmured. She narrowed her eyes upon him, seeming to search his gaze for any sign that he was lying, or trying to lead her astray. He did his best to convey his true feelings through his gaze alone, to show that he only wanted what was best for the woman he loved. She drew her lip between her teeth, tears continuing to spill down her cheeks.

  “You really care. You actually care about me. I know you said as much, but I had never believed it. Jackson…,” she trailed off, and he smiled gently, moving to wipe her tears away. Suddenly, she lurched forward, pressing their lips together in a bruising kiss. Their teeth clacked together awkwardly, and he drew away slightly. She refused to allow him to gain much distance, however, working her lips against his. He groaned against her, tangling a hand in her long and luxurious locks. She drew him closer, until he was nearly pressed on top of her in the small yet comfortable chair. When he felt her beginning to unbutton his shirt, he drew away with a gasp.

  “Svetlana, I don’t expect any… favors in turn. You don’t have to do this,” he sputtered out. She smiled, bringing her lips to his pulse point. She grazed her teeth against his skin, and he fought the desire to moan her name.

  “I know. I want to do this, though. I care about you too, Jackson. I hadn’t known quite to what extent, but I’m beginning to get an idea,” she murmured against his skin, continuing to unfasten the buttons on his shirt. Her hands were deft, and it was all he could do to brace himself against the chair as she exposed his well sculpted chest and abdomen. She leaned in, dragging her tongue along the expanse of his collarbone, marking him with tiny love bites along the way. He felt arousal surge through him, his member growing stiff at her ministrations. He tried to shift his hips away from her to make his arousal less obvious, but she simply smiled fondly up at him, reaching down to grip the hem of her shirt. “I’d rather you be the one to undress me, but seeing as you seem a bit petrified right now,” she murmured teasingly, beginning to lift her blouse up over her head. He stilled her hands, his erection throbbing painfully in his slacks.

  “Y-you don’t have to,” he gasped out. She quirked her lips in a wry smile, taking him by the hand and slipping it under her shirt. He had to swallow a moan at the sensation of feeling her warm and soft skin underhand, and she leaned in to press her lips flush against his ear.

  “If you don’t want me, just say as much. All I’ll say is I very much want this to happen. Right here, right now. I won’t wait much longer, Jackson,” she purred. He shivered as her breath ghosted his ear, and before he could stop himself, he all but ripped her blouse off. He jerked it off over her head, but she had no complaints as he tossed the offending garment over his shoulder. His eyes drank her in hungrily, from the black lace bra she wore to the subtle swell of her stomach. He ground his hips against the chair, between her spread thighs. She smirked, reaching behind herself to unclasp her bra. As it fell away, and her breasts were set free, for a moment, Jackson was certain he had died and gone to heaven. From the plump curve of her breast to the bright pink peaks of her nipples, everything about her screamed for his touch. He cupped a breast in his hand, brushing his thumb to the stiffening nub of her nipple. She mewled at his touch, and he hungrily lowered his head to take her other nipple between his lips. Her hips jerked up against his, and he had to swallow a cry as he rutted against her clothed thigh. Things were moving too far, too fast, but Jackson was helpless to stop it. God, he wouldn’t have stopped it even if it were within his power to.

  “Jackson, please,” she moaned eagerly, dragging her nails down his back. He moaned appreciatively, his throbbing erection only growing ever more eager for attention as she reached behind him to grasp his rear. She pulled him flush against her, settling him so his groin pressed against the apex of her thighs. There were decidedly too many layers of clothes between them. He reached between them to grip the waistband of Svetlana’s skirt. He could feel the lace of her panties under his fingertips, and as he pulled her skirt off, he grazed his knuckles against the front of her clothed womanhood. He could feel the vaguest of dampness against the front of the fabric, and he met Svetlana’s eyes only to have to swallow a desperate gasp. Her eyes were dark with desire, her lips plump and begging to be kissed. He leaned in, taking her lower lip into his mouth and sucking eagerly.

  “Jackson,” she cried desperately, and he had never expected how much he would enjoy hearing her moan his name. He’d h
ad suspicions, but never had he thought it would set alight such a fire within him. He nudged the crotch of her panties aside, revealing her damp folds that were beading with her desire. He brushed his fingertip from the bottom of her slit to the aching nub that marked the top of her womanhood. She keened, clutching his shoulders as he continued to stroke her gently, slowly. It was an agonizing pace for both, and she was so desperate it was as if she had never been touched in such a way before. He slid her panties down, dipping his finger into her to test the tightness of her depths. He was not disappointed, as her inner walls clamped around his finger to the point that he could only wonder if she could take his full length. She was eagerly grasping at his slacks, however, struggling to expose his aching member.

  “Are you sure you want this? We can stop now,” he gasped out, aiding her with popping the button on his pants. She slid his zipper down, and all that stood between their shared heat was the thin layer of his boxers.

  “Please, please,” she gasped, gripping him through his boxers. He nearly doubled over from the sensations, the feelings heightened by his sheer adoration for the woman before him.

  “Once I’m inside you, I can’t promise I’ll be able to stop,” he whimpered, cursing himself for how weak he sounded.

  “Then don’t stop. Please, God, take me. I want you… I want you inside me,” she whispered, cheeks reddening at her own words. Another surge of arousal shot down between his thighs, and he shifted his boxers off his hips. She gasped upon seeing the girth of his member, wrapping her hand around him and rubbing her palm along his length. He jerked his hips forward, precum dribbling down the tip of his member. She ghosted her thumb against his lower head, bringing the salty liquid to her lips. He moaned loudly, gutturally as she took her thumb into her mouth, sucking the pre-ejaculate off her finger. She shivered at the taste, and he couldn’t resist pressing their lips together once more. He could taste his own salty flavor on her lips, and while it was not something he would usually enjoy, it only heightened his desire. He grasped his length, guiding the tip of his member against her entrance. She was obviously resisting the desire to tense up, and he rubbed his head along the length of her slit, gathering her moisture on his eagerly throbbing organ.

  “Last chance,” he grunted out, his hips jerking as of their own accord. He pressed into her just slightly, and she winced before visibly forcing herself to relax. Before he could hesitate any longer, she wrapped her legs around him and drove him to push his full length inside of her. She cried out, and he felt something tear as he entered her fully. His eyes widened as he realized what had happened, but it couldn’t be. A woman as beautiful as Svetlana being a virgin? She seemed unwilling to allow him the chance to ask any questions however, and she flexed her inner muscles around him. “Christ,” he gasped out, drawing his hips back just barely before plunging into her once more. Her wince was less obvious this time, and a breathy moan slipped past her lips as he hilted himself inside of her. He reached down, gently stroking the little nub at the apex of her entrance.

  “Jackson, please! Just take me!” She begged, and he could no longer find it within him to resist. He drew his hips back, thrusting into her at a steady rhythm. The sounds of their bodies slapping together was music to his ears, as well as her desperate gasps. She was tight, so tight, to the point that it felt like she was trying to milk him for every drop he was worth. At any rate, he couldn’t resist obliging her much longer. He pistoned into her, her body jerking spasmodically in pleasure before she pressed their lips desperately together. He adjusted the angle at which he thrust into her, and she all but wailed against his lips as he hit that special spot. Experimentally thrusting again, her near-thrashing told him he was hitting the spot just right. Realizing he could hold back no longer, not for either of their sakes, he began to rapidly pound against her g spot, grunting and groaning out her name every time he hilted inside of her. Her cries were rising in volume and pitch, and Jackson could only thank god that he’d had his walls insulated long ago.

  She threw her head back as he hit that spot just right once more, a strangled cry spilling past her lips as her insides clenched around him. He thrust into her a final time as she came, feeling his own peak wash over him in near synchrony. He shot string after string of sticky cum deep within her womb, and he might have worried over the fact that he’d not worn a condom if he weren’t so lost in ecstasy. She dragged her nails down his back once more, this time breaking the skin. He could feel beads of his own blood spilling down his skin, but it only served to heighten his pleasure. He reached down as she was coming down from her first orgasm to relentlessly stroke her clit, and she screamed loudly as the second orgasm washed over her. He buried his face in her shoulder, grazing his teeth to her skin as she writhed beneath him. He had managed to prolong both of their pleasure as much as he was able, but all good things had to end. When her walls released their vice like grip on his member, he managed to slip free, their mixed essences as well as her virginal blood spilling onto the chair beneath her. She gasped for breath, tangling a hand in his short hair and pressing their lips together. He drew away a moment later, cupping her cheek in his hand.

  “You didn’t tell me you were a virgin,” he gasped out, tenderness in his gaze. Svetlana reddened, averting her eyes nervously.

  “You didn’t ask. I know I seem a bit old to still be a virgin, but I was just… waiting,” she muttered. He smiled, pressing their lips together in a sweet kiss.

  “Waiting for what, sweetheart?” He inquired softly. She grew inexplicably embarrassed, tracing her fingertips along his pectoral muscles.

  “For the right time. The right guy. Seems like my waiting paid off,” she murmured shyly. He grinned, pure adoration sweeping through his body.

  “I couldn’t be more honored. Svetlana, I… I…,” he trailed off, seeming unable to find the words. “I had a good time,” he finished lamely. She seemed not to mind however, grinning as she brushed her fingers against the torn skin of his back.

  “Me too, obviously,” she said with a wry quirk of her lips.

  As much as he wanted to say it, Jackson couldn’t help feeling as if it were not the time. Though he could only wonder when a better time would present himself, something told him to save his confession for a later date. For now, he would simply allow himself to enjoy her presence.

  They remained together for a short time, but realizing that work wouldn’t complete itself, Jackson finally shifted off of her. He slipped into the bathroom adjoined to his office, grabbing a towel with which Svetlana could wipe herself down with. She did so eagerly, obviously put off by the sight of her own blood mingling with their combined slick. The two got dressed slowly, and Jackson couldn’t swallow the regret that they had to part so soon. He brushed a hand through her mussed up hair, trying to make it less obvious that they’d just had the most mind-blowing sex of his life. She smiled thankfully, leaning up to press a tender kiss to his lips.

  “So… what does this mean for us?” She inquired uncertainly, looking the most timid he had ever seen her.

  “I… would like to ask you to be my girlfriend. I know it seems a bit sudden, but,” he paused as she began to giggle, covering her mouth with her hand. “What’s so funny?” He inquired with a quirked brow, trying to hide the vague sense of hurt he felt. Did she not want to be with him? Had he interpreted this situation entirely wrong? Before he could get too swept up in his doubt, she rested a hand on his cheek and smiled tenderly at him.

  “Oh, it’s just. I’ve been playing your girlfriend for months now. I can only imagine how great it will be, when it felt so wonderful as an act alone,” she smiled, blushing despite herself. “I must sound silly, but these months have been the best of my life. I know they weren’t real, but…” she trailed off, meeting his gaze. “I don’t have to worry about that, anymore. The feelings I had for you were real, and now I don’t have to worry about hiding them. It’s just a relief,” she muttered. He chuckled heartily, pulling her into his arms and rest
ing his chin atop her head.

  “I understand. It’s a relief for me too. I’ve never felt this way about a woman before. Never, in my entire life. I knew you were special, but I never could have expected how much I would be willing to change for you,” he paused, shushing her as she made to protest. “Svetlana, as much as we both hate to admit it, we have to. I was scum. I treated everyone as if they were lesser than me just because I had money. I treated women like playthings. But I don’t want to be that dirtbag again. You changed me for the better. I want to thank you,” he confessed. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she reached up to rub them away before they had a chance to roll down her cheeks.

  “You changed me for the better, as well. I’ve always been a bit of a stick in the mud, but when I’m with you, I feel as if I can let loose. When we’re together, I can have fun while still being myself. I don’t know if you believe in fate, but, it seems like this act ended up being what it took to make us realize…,” she paused, trailing off. “God, I’m getting mushy. In any case, I need to get back to work before anyone realized just how thoroughly you screwed me,” she grinned, patting him on the cheek. He quirked a grin, pressing their lips together one final time.


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