Dead Ever After

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Dead Ever After Page 21

by Charlaine Harris

Page 21

  "HeySookie," Diantha said. "Igottapee. Bathroom?"

  "Of course, down the hall," I said, and off she sped, her hair and clothes dark with rain.

  I made sure everyone had a towel, and there was a lot of milling around as I assigned rooms: Bob and Amelia downstairs across from me, Mr. C and Diantha in Claude's bedroom and sitting room upstairs, and Barry got the air mattress in the former attic/unfinished bedroom. My house was full of voices and activity. Feet went up and down the stairs, the bathroom door opened and shut repeatedly, and there was life around me. It felt good. Though Claude and Dermot had been less-than-stellar houseguests (especially the traitorous Claude), I'd missed the sound of them in the house, and most of all I'd missed Dermot's smile and willingness to help. I hadn't admitted that to myself until now.

  "You could have put us upstairs, put the lawyer down here," Amelia protested.

  "Yeah, but you need to save all of your energy for the baby. "


  "The baby," I said impatiently. "I thought you might not like to hike up and down those stairs several times a day, plus you need to be close to a bathroom at night. At least, that's the way Tara was. "

  When she didn't reply, I turned away from the coffeepot to see that Amelia was staring at me very oddly. Bob, too.

  "Are you telling me," Amelia said very quietly, "that I'm pregnant?"

  I'd stepped right in it and gotten stuck. "Yeah," I said weakly. "I can feel the brain waves. You got a little one on board. I've never sensed a baby before. Maybe I was wrong? Barry?" He'd come in to hear the last part of our exchange.

  "Sure. I thought you knew," he told Bob, who looked pretty much as if someone had socked him in the stomach. "I mean . . . " He looked from Bob to Amelia. "I thought you both knew. You're witches, right? I figured that was why we could sense the baby early. I thought you just didn't want to talk about it yet. Not publicly. I was trying to be tactful. "

  "Come on, Barry," I said. "I think we need to give them the room. " I'd always wanted to say that. I took his hand and pulled him out to the living room, giving the parents-to-be the kitchen. I could hear the rumble of my godfather talking to his niece upstairs. For the moment, it was just me and Barry.

  "What have you been doing?" I asked my fellow telepath. "Last time I saw you, you were pretty unhappy with me. But now you're here. "

  He looked unhappy and a little embarrassed. "I went back to Texas," he said. "Stan was pretty slow recovering, so I was under Joseph Velasquez. Joseph was struggling to keep control, threatening everyone with what would happen when Stan was back at full strength. Like a mom threatening her kids that their dad's going to come home and whip their butts. Finally, a vamp named Brady Burke sneaked into the recovery crypt - don't ask - and staked Stan. Brady's people came after Joseph, too, but Joseph beat them down and put Brady and his vamps out in the sun, and then killed Brady's human buddies. "

  "Joseph thought you should have warned him. "

  Barry nodded. "Of course, and he was right. I knew something was up, but I didn't know what. I was friends with a gal named Erica, one of Brady's donors. "

  "Friends with?"

  "Okay, I was sleeping with Erica. So Joseph felt I should have known. "


  He sighed and didn't look at me. "And yes, I knew they were planning something, but since I didn't know what it was, I didn't tell Joseph. I knew he'd come down on Erica like a ton of bricks to get it out of her, and I just couldn't - wouldn't - believe it was anything as drastic as a change of regimes. "

  "And what happened to Erica?"

  "She was dead before I even knew about the coup. "

  There was a depth of self-loathing in his voice.

  "We have limitations," I said. "We can't get accurate readings of every thought in every brain every minute. You know people don't think in whole sentences, like, 'I'm going to the First National Bank today at ten o'clock, and when I get there, I'm getting in line at Judy Murello's window. Then I'm pulling out my . 357 Magnum and robbing the bank. ' "

  "I know that. " The storm in his head subsided a little bit. "But Joseph decided I didn't tell him because of my relationship with Erica. Mr. Cataliades showed up out of nowhere. I don't know why. Next thing I knew, I was leaving with him. I don't know why he rescued me. Joseph made it pretty clear I would never work for vampires again; he was putting the word out. "

  Yep, Mr. C had definitely not told Barry about their blood relationship. "You think Erica knew about Brady's plan?"

  "Yeah," Barry said, sounding tired and sad. "I'm sure she knew enough to warn me, and she didn't. I just never picked up the plan from her. I'm sure she was sorry she hadn't told me, before she died. But she died, anyway. "

  "Tough," I said. Inadequate, but sincere.

  "Speaking of tough, I hear your vamp's going to get hitched to someone else. " Barry was all too quick to change the subject.

  "It's all over vampireland, I guess," I said.

  "Sure. Freyda is outstanding. Plenty of guys have been trying to get in line to get a piece of Freyda since it went around that she was looking for a consort. Power plus looks plus money, and plenty of room for expansion in Oklahoma. Casinos and oil wells. With an ass-kicker like Eric behind her, she'll build an empire. "

  "That'll be just lovely," I said, sounding as tired and sad as he had. Barry seemed much more plugged into the gossip in the vampire world than I'd ever been. Maybe I'd been "among but not of" more than I'd needed to be. Maybe there was more truth to Eric's accusations about my prejudice against vampire culture than I'd believed. But vampires were users of humans, so I was mostly simply glad I'd never told Eric about my cousin Hadley's son, Hunter.

  "So, there's another one of us?" Barry asked, and the question hit me hard. I was so damn used to being the only mind-reader around. In a second I was about an inch from his face, and my hand was gripping the front of his T-shirt.

  "You say anything about Hunter to anyone, and I'll bet you have a really bad visitor some night," I said, meaning it with every atom in my body. My cousin Hunter was going to stay safe if I had to be the bad visitor myself. Hunter was only five, and I wasn't having him kidnapped and trained to serve some vampire king or queen. It was hard enough to reach adulthood if you were telepathic. Having people wanting to snatch you for the advantage you could give them? That would be a million times worse.

  "Hey, back off!" Barry said angrily. "I came here to help you, not to make things worse. Cataliades must know. "

  "Just keep your mouth shut about Hunter," I said, and stepped away. "You know what a difference that will make. I'm not worried about Mr. Cataliades telling anyone. "

  "All right," Barry said, relaxing a fraction. "You can be sure I'll keep my mouth shut. I know how hard it is when you're a kid. I swear I won't tell. " He expelled a deep breath to let out all the agitation. I did, too.

  "You know who I saw ten days ago in New Orleans?" Barry said, his voice so hushed I had to lean forward to hear. I raised my eyebrows to let him know to get on with it. Johan Glassport, he said silently, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

  Johan Glassport was a lawyer. I've known many nice people who were lawyers, so I'm not going to make a lawyer joke out of this; Johan Glassport was also a sadist and a murderer. Evidently, when you're a brilliant lawyer, you can get away with a lot of stuff. He had. I'd last seen Glassport in Rhodes. I'd understood he'd gone to Mexico to hide out after the terrible explosion at the hotel. He'd been on television then, part of the bedraggled and injured cluster of survivors, and I had always thought he feared he might be recognized by someone. There had to be plenty of people who dreaded the sight of him. Did he see you? I asked.

  "I don't think so. " He was on a streetcar, and I was on the sidewalk.

s never good to see Johan," I muttered. "Why is he back in the States?"

  "I hope we never find out. And I'll tell you something strange. Glassport's brain was opaque. "

  "Did you tell Mr. Cataliades?" I said.

  Yes. He didn't say anything, though. But he looked grim. Grimmer than usual.

  "I did see him," Desmond Cataliades said, making one of his sudden appearances. "In fact, New Orleans has been full of unexpected creatures lately. But more about that later. Glassport told me he'd got business in Louisiana. He'd been hired by someone who had a great store of wealth. Someone who didn't want to be seen by anyone. Glassport said he had been out of the country recruiting at this someone's behest. "

  "I wonder who?"

  "Ordinarily, I could have told you," the part-demon said. "But as Barry has said, Glassport has acquired some kind of protection charm, perhaps fae in origin. I can't hear his thoughts. "

  "I didn't know you could buy such an item!" I was surprised. "Surely that's a hard thing to create?"

  "Humans aren't capable of it. Only a few supernaturals. "

  That was why we were all looking anxious and concerned when Amelia came out of the kitchen, hand in hand with Bob.

  "Aw, that's so sweet! But don't worry about us," she said, smiling. "Bob and I are happy as clams about the baby, now that we've gotten over the shock of it. " I was glad to see her happiness, and Bob's, but I was also sorry I couldn't pursue the conversation about Johan Glassport to its conclusion. It was bad news that he was anywhere in Louisiana.

  Amelia's smile began to falter when she didn't get the reaction she'd expected.

  "Amelia and Bob are having a baby!" I said, making myself beam at Mr. Cataliades. Of course, he already knew it.

  "Yeah, I'm pregnant, Mr. C!" She recovered her excitement in telling the part-demon lawyer. Obligingly, he did his best to look startled and delighted.

  "We're going to raise the baby together. Wait until I tell my father! He's gonna be so ticked because we're not married," Amelia said. She seemed a bit pleased at vexing her father, who ordered other people around all day, every day.

  "Amelia," I said, "Bob doesn't have a real father left to share with this baby. This baby might enjoy having a grandfather. "

  Amelia was totally taken aback. I hadn't known I was going to say that until it popped out of my mouth. I waited to see if she'd be angry. I saw the flash of offense cross her mind, then a more mature thoughtfulness. "I'll think about that," she said, and that was certainly more than enough. "My dad's changed a lot lately, for sure. " I could hear her thinking, And kind of inexplicably. I didn't know what to make of that.

  "Interesting that you said that, Amelia," the demon lawyer said. "Let's talk about why we're here. There's much I wanted to say on the drive up here, but not only was I busy trying to check to see if we were being followed, I didn't want to have to repeat everything for Sookie. "

  Everyone settled in the living room. Diantha helped me carry out drinks and cookies and little napkins. I had definitely overbought for that baby shower. No one seemed to mind the green and yellow rattles motif, though. I hadn't seen any napkins at Hallmark themed for a supernatural summit.

  Mr. Cataliades acted as the chairman of this meeting. "Before we plan our course of action about the main topic - the accusation that Sookie murdered Arlene Fowler - there are others we need to discuss. Miss Amelia, I have to ask you to keep the news of your pregnancy confined to this group, just for the moment. Please don't make it the subject of any telephone calls or text messages to your nearest and dearest, though I know you're excited. " He smiled at her in a way clearly meant to be reassuring.

  Amelia was startled and concerned, expressions that sat oddly on someone as fresh and bright-eyed as she was. Bob dropped his gaze to the floor. He knew what Mr. Cataliades was saying, while Amelia did not.

  "For how long?" she said.

  "For only a day or two. Surely the news will wait that long?" He smiled again.

  "All right," she agreed, after a glance at Bob, who nodded.

  "Now to talk about the murder of Arlene Fowler," Mr. Cataliades said, as heartily as if he'd just announced that earnings for the last quarter were way up.

  Clearly, the lawyer knew a lot of things I didn't know and was choosing not to share those items, which bothered me. But after he said the word "murder," he had my complete attention.

  "Please tell us everything you know about the late Arlene, and tell us how you came to see her again after her release from prison," Mr. Cataliades said.

  So I began talking.

  Chapter 12

  It took a surprisingly long time to relate everything I knew about Arlene and her activities, including my concerns about Alcee Beck. Bob, Amelia, Barry, Diantha, and Mr. Cataliades offered a lot of opinions and ideas, and asked a lot of questions.

  Amelia focused on the two men Arlene had mentioned, presumably the same two men Jane had witnessed her meeting behind Tray Dawson's empty house. Amelia proposed to lay a truth spell on them to find out what Arlene had handed them. She was a little hazy about how she intended to track them down, but she told us that she had a few ideas. She made an effort to sound nonchalant, but she was quivering with eagerness.

  Bob wanted to call a touch psychic he knew in New Orleans, and he wondered if we could persuade the police to let the psychic hold the scarf to get a reading. I said that was a definite no.

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