After the World Ended (Among the Stars Volume 0)

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After the World Ended (Among the Stars Volume 0) Page 8

by C.O. Amal

  “Who are Xhilarians?” Ray asked.

  “The aliens you saw. They are from Xhilaria universe and they are here to kill your Mother Nature.” Samson said.

  We all nodded.

  “Why are they killing our Mother Nature?” Ray asked.

  “For energy.” Samson said. “We have detected more tripod looking machines in this planet. We are going to destroy those machines. If you want you can join us.” He said nothing further about the energy.

  “I am coming with you.” Ray said.

  A few other men are also ready to move with Samson.

  “Okay. We don’t have much time. Climb aboard the ship.” Samson said.

  “Joe, I am going with these people. You go ahead and be with your sister Maria.” Ray said to me smiling.

  I nodded. “Be safe.”

  Samson and team quickly left the scene. Ray and few other men went with them.

  Me and Melissa watched the ship Victoria going up and vanishing in to the horizon.

  Remaining people started to move in their own way as a big group.

  “So, let’s head back to our sanctuary.” Danny said.

  Melissa nodded. We slowly started our walk. We don’t know where we are but we can see a crumbled building far away which must be destroyed by us on yesterday night. Sun glowed brightly in its highest position.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 27

  A.D. 2087, Path to Sanctuary

  Before long the three of us reached near the crumbled building. The building indeed is the one we destroyed yesterday. So sanctuary is not far away from us.

  Suddenly a screech came from the forest beyond. We stared at the forest entrance, then we saw it. There are hundreds of tall wolfish dogs running towards us. We quickly hid under the wreckage. Fortunately the dogs didn’t saw us and they all ran in the direction of the Xhilarian prison camp from where we had escaped shortly.

  Dogs are growling sharply and are in a hurry. A few moments later all the dogs ran away from us.

  A few moments later we came out of the wreckage and paced towards the forest.

  “Where do you think they went?” Melissa asked.

  “Who? The dogs?” I asked.

  “Yeah, who else?” Melissa said.

  “I think they are going to hunt down the humans we saw. I hope Samson and team have good fire power.” I said.

  “So there are life outside our planet.” Melissa said.

  “Indeed. There may be hundreds of other planets having life.” Danny said.

  We slowly entered inside the forest and few moments later we saw an apple tree. We quickly filled our hungry stomach with apples.

  Then we continued our trek. Before long we reached the sanctuary and I saw Hanna and other children playing outside. Maria and the other woman are staring at the forest with guns in their hands.

  As soon and Maria saw me, she ran towards me and she gave me a hug.

  “We thought you guys were dead. What took you so long?” Maria asked.

  “We were nearly died and some humans from another planet saved us. They said they are going to destroy all those killer machines. They will help us establish a strong community.” I said.

  Maria’s eye widened.

  “Where is Berry?” The other woman asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Oh!” She said. Tears prickled from her eyes.

  “I am really sorry, Sheba.” Maria hugged her.

  I stared at the kids for some time and then I went inside the armoury to take some weapons.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 28

  A.D. 2087, Sanctuary

  In the evening I checked my guns and I filled a back pack with ammo and explosives. Sun slowly began to set in the horizon. Maria and Sheba aren’t returned from the forest yet. They have went to collect fruits.

  I took a revolver in my hand and walked outside and found Sheba and Maria coming to the building. Their bags are full of fruits and there are filled water bottles in their hands.

  Danny and Melissa are with the kids. Melissa is occasionally looking at the forest beyond for any danger.

  After eating fruits for diner we all lie down on the floor in the armoury. Armoury is the most secure room in this building and it’s pretty warm in here. There is no need for anyone to stay awake because of the thick steel door.

  I closed my eyes thinking about the days ahead.

  * * *

  I woke up with the pleasant chirping of birds. I found myself in that green field. I saw Evelyn sitting by the stream. I slowly walked towards her. As I reached near her she shifted her gaze from the stream to my face.

  “Joe.” She said.

  “I see you’re well again.” I said.

  “Yeah. I never felt this good before. The people who came from beyond the space destroyed all the machines which were draining my energy. Also the enemies had retreated to whence they came.” Evelyn said with a pleasant smile.

  It’s actually a relief to my mind seeing Evelyn happy. Who wouldn’t feel happy when they see an angelic being smiling at them? Evelyn’s radiant glow has returned to her face.

  “Should we stay here in the sanctuary or should we search for a better place where there are more normal human beings?” I asked.

  “You can stay here if you want but people are gathering in the north after the enemies’ fall. You can go there and live there but beware that, there are monsters the aliens have unleashed everywhere and the plague is still spreading. There may be carriers of the plague among the humans. I hope the people who came from beyond the space have cure to the plague. Don’t let go your hope. Even the tiniest spark of hope can kindle light throughout the world.” Evelyn said.

  I nodded. “Then we are going north. It’s better if we stay with a community, right?”

  “If you think the people are trying to manipulate you, go away without further thought, okay? Those beings what you call Xhilarians have divided my children against themselves. We can never be too careful.” Evelyn said.

  “Okay.” I said.

  Suddenly light start to fill everywhere. I had to close my eyes.

  “Will you guide me in my dreams again?” I asked.

  “I will, when it is necessary of course.” Evelyn said.

  I opened my eyes and I found myself lying in the armoury. I slowly stood up and went near the opened door. Kids and Sheba are still sleeping and Maria, Melissa and Danny are awake. They are discussing things in the first tunnel.

  “What are you all discussing?” I asked.

  “We were talking about the people that came from another planet.” Melissa said.

  “So are we going to stay here forever?” Maria asked.

  “Evelyn said people are gathering in the north. I think it’s worth a check, but there is a risk of being infected by a plague.” I said.

  “Okay, we will be careful. If there is a better place than this, that’s where we should be.” Danny said.

  “Okay then. We will head to north.” I said.

  They all nodded.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 29

  A.D. 2087, North

  As soon as Sheba and kids were awake we began our journey north. The path in front of us is very hilly and forest covered everywhere.

  Before long we found the dark road which is going in north direction and we saw a city which is claimed by nature not far away from us. We increased our pace to the city. At the time we reached the city we detected heavy movement from behind a building. And there are growls coming from beyond the city. We immediately got inside a building and closed the door.

  We looked outside through the window and found those hellish dogs dragging a deer with them. They are marching towards the south from where we have just came. There are dozens of dogs in this pack.

  “Oh, thank god.” Maria said. “They haven’t seen us.”

  “Kids, don’t ever wander away from us, okay? Always walk beside us.” I said.

  I don’t need to remind
kids about this, but I said anyway.

  “Okay.” Kids said in unison.

  We waited for about half an hour for the growls to cease. After that, we exited the building and continued our journey. We of course have the gun power if it comes to that but we don’t want to waste our precious ammo on those things.

  There are rusted cars all over here on the road blocking our path. We often had to move through the top of the cars. In the horizon sun began to set and we aren’t anywhere near a promising human settlement. Darkness slowly started to creep through the land and sound of night sets in.

  We found a good looking house near the road and we decides to stay there for the night. We all quickly entered inside the house. Before long sleep took over us.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 30

  A.D. 2087, Horseflee

  In the morning we continued our journey north. A few moments later we saw crashed Xhilarian ships there and there. All the crashed ships are still burning. We indeed won the war but the question is did the crazies survived the war. They still poses a threat.

  Before long we found signs of human life. There are tomato plants bearing tomatoes growing there and there in an orderly fashion. They must be grown by humans.

  A moment later we saw our first human. He was busy in his field planting some vegetables. This place is mostly free from the reach of forest and we saw fruit bearing trees there and there.

  “Hello, is this a sanctuary.” Melissa asked the man.

  “Sanctuary? This place is entirely free of those dogs, so this is a sanctuary.” The man said.

  “Is there more people here?” I asked.

  “Yeah. You can see a lot of people in the city centre.” The man said.

  “Thank you.” I said.

  We continued our walk. Street sign indicated that we are in a place called Horseflee. This place seemed to be free of crazies too. Only time will tell the truth.

  Before long we found the city centre. There are lot of people here. We felt a fresh wave of relief passing through our body.

  * * * * *


  A.D. 2087, Horseflee

  We found a nice looking house and we all entered inside. We all decides to sleep together since we are a team. May be in the future, if everything turns out to be good, we can split into other houses.

  The people seemed to be nice. And so far they were all kind to us. In the horizon sun began to set and darkness crept forward.

  Suddenly Danny came running. He almost knocked me out.

  “What the hell?” I asked.

  Danny panted heavily and he is actually trying to say something but supposedly due to fear nothing is coming out of his mouth.

  “We need to get out of here.” Finally he said.

  “What? What happened?” I asked in shock.

  Maria, Melissa and Sheba heard our conversation and she came near us.

  “These people are crazies.” Danny said.

  Our eyes widened.

  “What? But, they were all nice to us.” I said.

  “I heard them talking about us. They are on crack about some religion. Tomorrow they are going to convert us into their religion and if we say anything against it they are going to burn us.” Danny said.

  “We need to get out of here.” I said.

  We quickly gathered our children.

  “Okay everyone. We need to go away from here and I want all of you to be silent. Can you do that for me?” I asked.

  Everyone nodded.

  We quickly exited the building and silently ran through the road. Everyone seemed to be inside their houses.

  “Traitors, traitors ...” Suddenly a man screamed out loud.

  “Run!” I shouted.

  We all bolted into a sprint. After we made sure we covered a pretty good distance from Horseflee we looked back. Panic suddenly crept through our legs. Hundreds of people are marching towards us with kindled fire torches in their hands. Like a big fire flow they slowly progressed towards us.


  Thank you for finishing this book. Check out other books by this author on your favourite retailer. This story is part of the series Among the Stars.

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  About the Author

  C.O. Amal lives in a small house in Wayanad district of Kerala state of the country India with his father and mother. He loves to read science fiction apocalyptic books. He writes a lot. His imaginations are all about extra-terrestrial life and colonizing across the galaxy. He believes human kind will soon reach its glory in space travel and soon everyone can travel to the deep space.

  He love scientists like Stephen Hawking a lot. He can be often found watching Discovery channel. He is living in harmony with nature. His best friends are the cows in his home.

  He is now chasing his dream of becoming a great writer.

  Contact Author at [email protected]

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  Also by this Author

  Dying Planet

  Project Mars (Dying Planet Book Zero)

  When the Darkness Returns (Dying Planet Book One)

  Planet Dead (Dying planet Book Two)


  Into the Triangle (A Prelude to Harmony)

  Gamorphia (A Prelude to Harmony)

  Harmony Season 1

  Harmony Season 2

  Harmony Season 3

  Among the Stars

  After the World Ended (Among the Stars Volume Zero)

  The Andromedan Saga (Among the Stars Volume One)

  The Santoran Chronicles (Among the Stars Volume Two)

  The Fourth Dimension (Among the Stars Volume Three) (Coming Soon)

  From Heaven

  From Hell (From Heaven Book Zero)

  From Heaven (From Heaven Book One)

  Zero Gravity Zero Hour



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