Forever Violet (Tangled Realms Book 1)

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Forever Violet (Tangled Realms Book 1) Page 2

by Jessica Sorensen

  “Because they thought I was her.” She steps back, clutching her wounded neck. “And they were going to kill me until they realized I didn’t have the mark.”

  Tension waves through Legend. “How long ago did this happen? And what did they look like?”

  She continues to back away, panic filling her eyes. “I don’t remember! Leave me alone!” She whirls around and runs down the alleyway toward the street.

  Legend starts after her, but I snag his elbow. “Let her go. She’s already scared enough.”

  “We need to get more answers from her,” he growls out. “We need to find out if it was them!”

  I barely flinch at his rage. “I think we already know that it was.” I swallow hard. “They warned me that day when you saved me …” My insides quiver with fear. “They said they’d come back for me when you were out of the picture and finish what they started. And you’re leaving tomorrow, so …” Tears prickle my eyes.

  “Princess,” he starts, his fangs vanishing again. “I think I should—”

  “You don’t need to do anything.” I suck back the tears, not wanting him to feel sorry for me and do something stupid, like try to stay here with me. Sure, I’m going to miss him, but Legend isn’t happy here, and I want him to be happy. He’s been my savior and friend for a year, and that’s more than anyone else has ever done for me. “We should get out of here in case they’re still somewhere nearby.”

  He opens his mouth, but then snaps his jaw shut and nods. Then he threads his fingers through mine and guides me down the alleyway, making me feel safe, just like he did the day he saved my life.

  I wonder if I’ll ever feel safe again after he leaves.

  Then again, I might not even survive after he does.

  Chapter 2

  I’m walking home from school with a pile of books in my hand. I had a backpack, but a couple of kids at my school stole it from my locker and I haven’t had a chance to go to the store to buy a new one. I could’ve taken the bus, but I’d arrive home much quicker that way, and I hate being at my current home.

  My foster mother despises me because my foster father seems to like me a little too much. He hasn’t tried anything yet, but I see the hunger in his eyes. Have seen that hunger before. The last time I saw it, I ran away. Eventually, though, the police found me and gave me back to Social Services.

  In a few months, I’m officially out of the system, free to do whatever I want. I don’t have a place to live yet, but I’d rather be homeless than live in another home full of people who hate me or like me too much.

  Sighing, I veer down a slender alleyway that dips between some apartment complexes, going the long way home. The route is fairly secluded and the atmosphere quiet. The pages of the books in my arms rustle in the breeze as the sun blares down on me.

  Peace. I feel so at peace whenever I’m alone. I don’t know why. Why I can’t seem to connect to anyone. All I know is that I prefer to be alone.

  I take my time, savoring the quiet moment, wishing I could feel this way all the time. Halfway down the shortcut, though, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. A faltering breath later, the overwhelming scent of moonlight floods my nostrils. I’m not sure how I know what moonlight smells like, only that the air currently reeks of it.

  Hugging my books tighter to my chest, I quicken my steps.

  From what I’ve read in books, werewolves often smell like moonlight. And, while paranormals aren’t supposed to be able to hurt humans, some have managed to break the spell and do a lot of damage. And I’d prefer not to cross paths with one in a desolate alleyway.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” a taunting voice sails from over my shoulder. “And she’s all by herself. Man, it must be my lucky day.”

  I whirl around so rapidly that I trip over my feet and my back bangs against a dumpster.

  A bulky man with shaggy blond hair and dark eyes materializes from the shadows with a grin curling at his lips. He drags his gaze across me, lingering on the star birthmark on my temple, fully visible due to the fact all my hair is pulled back.

  His sneering smile widens. “Easy. You don’t need to be afraid of me.” The hunger in his eyes suggests otherwise.

  I spin around to run, but crash into a solid surface. The impact sends me falling on my ass, and my books scatter across the ground.

  Shock whips through me as I blink up at a man twice the size as the guy behind me. I don’t know how it’s possible for guys to be this huge.

  But they’re not guys, are they? Smell the moonlight in the air, Lake.

  “You’re wolves,” I breathe out, scrambling to my feet.

  The blond guy grabs my arm and jerks me against his chest. “It’s not every day we get this lucky.” He sniffs my neck while the other one licks his lips. “Why are you here, Elora?”

  I jab my elbow into his stomach, and he surprisingly winces. “My name’s not Elora, so leave me the hell alone!”

  “Fuck, you’re stronger than you look.” He encloses his hand around my neck, squeezing tightly. “That’s okay. We’ll just have to break the fight out of you.”

  I open my mouth to scream, but he clamps his other hand down on it.

  “Stop fighting, Elora,” he warns. “Or else, this will be worse.”

  Why does he keep calling me Elora?

  I lift my foot and kick him in the shin. He curses then squeezes my neck until I can’t breathe. My vision spots, unconsciousness threatening to take me under.

  The guy in front of me grins as his claws snap out from his knuckles. Then he slashes them across my shirt, along with a layer of skin.

  I gasp from the pain as I’m thrown to the ground. I attempt to push to my feet, but the big guy pins my wrists down above my head, while the blond guy undoes his belt.

  Fear convulses through my body.

  No, not this …

  I’m going to die.

  I want to die.

  “Stop!” I shout as tears stream down my cheeks.

  The big guy slaps his free hand over my mouth while the blond wolf laughs, his eyes flashing red as he climbs on top of me—

  My eyelids spring open as I bolt upright in bed, my skin drenched with sweat. It takes me a moment to regain my bearings, to convince my mind I’m not in that alleyway anymore, being held down by evil werewolves.

  “Bad dream?” Legend asks, startling the crap out of me. I forgot he said he was going to sleep over.

  I pivot onto my side to face him. “I thought you would’ve left by now.”

  He shakes his head, propping it up on his elbow. “I’ll leave when the sun rises.”

  I glance out the window where the moon is an orb in the charcoal black sky. “But there’s only a few hours left of your last night here. Don’t you want to go out and do something fun? Like, go score some blood from one of those blood clubs? You must be thirsty by now. You haven’t drunk any blood in over a day.”

  “I’m not thirsty,” he insists. “And I already did something fun. I went bar hopping with my best friend.”

  I roll my eyes. “That was hardly fun. And you didn’t even get drunk.”

  “I’m fine.” Worry creases his forehead. “Quit worrying about me.”

  I heave an exhausted sigh. “Then you quit worrying about me.”

  “I can’t. Not when I know they’re close to finding you.” He shifts his weight, sitting up in my bed and staring out the window. “I don’t think I can just leave you here now.”

  I knew this was coming.

  “You have to.” I sit up and scoot over beside him. “You can’t stay here and be miserable just because a couple of werewolves might be looking for me.”

  “Might? Princess, they attacked a girl because they thought she was you.”

  “And they attacked me because they thought I was some person named Elora, so maybe, if I somehow prove that I’m not, they’ll leave me alone.” I stare out the window at the starry night sky. I preferred nighttime over day until the day the
werewolves attacked me. They didn’t shift due to the sunlight, but when they threatened to find me again, I feared the moon would be full when they came and they’d be in full wolf form.

  Tonight could’ve been that night. And that night could be waiting for me in the future. I just wish I knew why they were after me and why they think my name is Elora. I know for sure it’s not. When the police found me, my first name and my age were the only things I could remember. Elle Laikyn, and I was eight. My name and age are the real things about me. So why do those stupid wolves think my name is Elora? I’ve never even heard that name before.

  None of this matters right now. This is my problem, not Legend’s.

  “You don’t need to worry about this.” I promised myself after I left foster care that I’d never, ever be anyone else’s problem again. “And besides, we knew this day would come. They warned me they’d come after me after you left.”

  “So? That doesn’t mean I’m just going to let them hurt you.”

  “Well, I’m not going to let you stay here and be miserable.”

  “I’m not planning on staying here.”

  Oh. Guess I misread him.

  “Good.” My heart may be rupturing, but he needs to leave. He deserves to be happy.

  He may be a creature of the night and most humans loathe him, but I know what kind of a vampire he truly is. The kind who cares about me. That kind who nearly died saving me. The only reason he didn’t is because he’s an ancient vampire and the werewolves were only in their early twenties. In the paranormal world, the older you are, the more powerful and strong you become.

  “I’m not leaving you here by yourself, either,” he mumbles, getting to his feet. “Go back to sleep. I have a few errands to run, but I’ll be back by sunrise. Do not go anywhere until I get back. I don’t want to risk those wolves finding you.” He storms out of my room with fierce determination in his eyes.

  I have no clue what he’s up to, but I stay in bed. Then, the second I close my eyes, the werewolves find me in my nightmares again.

  They always do.

  Fear smothers me.

  No, I don’t want to relive the nightmare.

  I fight not to succumb the exhaustion, but I’m hungover and emotionally drained.

  Please, no …

  I will my eyelids to stay open.

  Someone, please help me …

  I plunge into the nightmares.

  Chapter 3

  I’m walking down the alleyway when the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Then, suddenly the brick buildings fade away, along with the pavement below my feet, dissolving like ghosts in the mist.

  “Hello!” I call out, but the echo of my voice is my only response.

  I endeavor forward until the fog lifts, revealing a field of violets stretched out before me. Thick trees and rolling hills shadow the distance, the starry night sky canopies above me, and to my right, a waterfall cascades over a hillside and flows into a crystal blue pool of water.

  “I’ve been here before,” the words leave my lips without any forethought.

  “Yeah, you have.”

  The unexpected voice should’ve startled me, but strangely, I remain calm. The calmness only increases as a guy steps up beside me, his body nothing more than a silhouette in the darkness, but his glowing violet eyes penetrate the shadows.

  “Your eyes are violet,” I point out the obvious as I face him. “What are you?”

  “What do you think I am?” His playful tone brings a smile to my face, but that smile dissipates when I catch a whiff of his moonlight scent.

  “You’re a werewolf.” I start to step back, but he folds his fingers around my arm.

  “Please, don’t be afraid of me.” His soft tone basks me in calmness.

  “I’m not,” I whisper. “I’m just nervous because you’re a werewolf.”

  “You’re afraid of werewolves?” he asks with deep confusion. “Is that why I heard you call for help?”

  I nod, inching toward him. “Who are you?”

  His violet eyes flicker. “You don’t remember me? This really must be a nightmare, then.” He sighs in disappointment.

  “What else would it be?”

  “I have no idea.” He traces lazy circles along my arm. “Why are you afraid of werewolves?”

  “Because I’ve been hurt by them,” I admit softly.

  His fingers freeze, his body rippling with fury. “Are they the ones who killed you?”

  “I’m dead?” I whisper.

  “Everyone says you are.” His voice cracks. “But I’ve never wanted to believe it.”

  I think he might be crying. The idea splinters my heart apart. No, not my heart. My soul.

  I want nothing more than to make him feel better, so I stand on my tiptoes and claim his lips with mine. “I’m sorry you’re hurting,” I whisper against his lips.

  I start to lean back, but he cups the back of my head and guides my lips back to his, kissing me so fervently I can barely remember who I am.

  I’ve never been kissed before. Not like this. I want to be kissed like this forever.

  I let out a groan as I melt into the kiss, letting myself get swept away.

  When he finally pulls away, I feel like a part of me has died all over again, a part I never knew existed.

  He rests his forehead against mine, breathing unevenly. “I’m sorry I let you die.”

  My lips part to try to convince him that I’m not dead. Well, I wasn’t when I went to sleep, but then the field blackens back into the alleyway.

  And just like that, I’m stuck in my nightmares again.

  Chapter 4

  I wake up groggy and disoriented. It’s been a long time since I’ve dreamt of anything other than the attack, and while the break was nice, I want to understand why I dreamt about the guy with violet eyes and why I felt so connected to him. But, wanting and getting are two different things, and even after I do countless searches of creatures with violet eyes, I’m left as puzzled as ever.

  Story of my life.

  Giving up on my search, I make myself some breakfast, and then carry on with the rest of my day.

  Legend hasn’t come back, though the sun is shining in the clear blue sky. I’m not surprised. He once told me he sucked at goodbyes. Part of me wonders if he won’t return at all. That maybe he’s avoiding the goodbye altogether. So, when he strolls into my apartment at sunset with a cheerful grin on his face, I’m a shocked.

  “You’re supposed to be heading home.” I drag my ass off the sofa. “You’re going to miss your exit back.”

  “I’m leaving in about an hour.” He kicks the door shut then sticks out his hand, his fingers wrapped around a square, iridescent piece of glass with smooth edges. “And you’re coming with me.”

  As I take the piece of glass from him, the edges illuminate with an inscription.

  “A traveling pass? You got me a traveling pass? How the hell did you get this?”

  He winks. “I pulled a few strings.”

  “You didn’t kill anyone, did you?” I’m kidding. Well, mostly.

  “Would you be afraid of me if I did?” he wonders amusedly.

  “No,” I answer truthfully.

  His grin expands. “You really are unique. I don’t know how you’ve managed to stay hidden from everyone for so long.”

  “What do you mean, stay hidden? I haven’t been hiding. Well, other than from those wolves, but for a good reason.”

  He simply shrugs then nudges me toward my bedroom. “Go get changed into something that will help you blend in. Most of your outfits will probably work, but make sure not to wear bright colors. And pack a few extra outfits and whatever else you think you’ll need. Don’t pack too much, though, or the guards might get suspicious.”

  I clutch the pass in my hand as I back toward my bedroom door. “While I’m really glad you got me one of these, you do know it’s only a twenty-four-hour pass, right?”

  He flops down on the sofa and kicks his feet
up onto the coffee table. “Yeah, but I want you to bring some extra stuff, just in case.”

  “Just in case, what?” He’s acting strange. Well, stranger than normal.

  He dithers. “Will you just trust me on this one?”

  I nod. “But I am coming back, right?” I don’t know why, but I feel strangely disappointed by the idea. For all I know, the Midnight Realm is an awful place. Although, from the way Legend talks about it, it sounds like a lovely realm. Still, I’d be a human living in a land of night creatures, which is not only dangerous, but illegal. It’s the reason traveling passes are only granted for twenty-four access and why most people who travel can afford bringing their own bodyguards.

  He glances at his watch. “Just hurry and go get dressed. We need to leave in half an hour.”

  My stomach bubbles with nerves at his lack of an answer. Still, I walk into my room and get ready, hoping whatever we’re about to do doesn’t get me in trouble.

  Or worse, he gets stuck in the Common Realm.

  Chapter 5

  “Are you sure I look okay?” I fiddle with the hem of my short, black skirt as we make our way through the security line at the Midnight Realm portal.

  My outfit is topped off with an off-the-shoulder, black velvet top; a choker; knee-high socks; and clunky heels. I also framed my teal eyes with kohl eyeliner and pinned one side of my hair back in braids and added hair rings. The look is a little over the top for me, unless I’m going out to a club, but Legend insisted I’d blend right in with everyone in the Midnight Realm. I doubted him at first, but now that we’re standing in line with a bunch of other moonlight creatures, I realize he was right.

  Almost everyone is dressed in black, studded clothing, and most have inked skin or piercings, except for a few. I’m guessing those might be other travelers.

  “Will you chill? You look lovely.” He tugs me with him as the line moves forward.

  I continue to fidget all the way until we arrive at the glass window at the front of the line. Perched behind the glass is a giant of a man with startling blue hair and a jagged scar carves down his cheek. At first, I wonder if he’s an ogre, but then he plasters a fangy grin across his face.


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