Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother

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Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother Page 5

by J. L. Ostle

  “You look so happy.” He smiles at the picture as I come up beside him.

  “I was. He loved hearing me play.” I look to the picture.

  “Something we both have in common.” I look from the picture to him and his eyes are on me. We both stare at one another, unable to look away. That pull I feel when I’m around him gets stronger until he looks away, breaking it. He continues looking at my photos, commenting on each one.

  “Would you like a drink?” I ask him.

  “Yes, please.” I nod and head to the kitchen, letting out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. Why am I so nervous? I grab two bottles of water and when I turn, Colin is standing right there.

  “I hope water is okay.” I hand him one.

  “Thank you.” We take a seat at the breakfast island and he looks around the clean, white kitchen. My house isn’t huge but it’s comfy, warm, and inviting. I grew up in this house and I can’t imagine ever losing it. “Where do you and your band rehearse?” He brings me out of my thoughts.

  “In the garage. Want to see?” He nods. We leave our drinks and I take him to the door that leads to the garage and seeing his face is priceless. The space does look quite similar to a small bar.

  “This is awesome.”

  “I know, right? I was so surprised my mom let us turn our garage into our very own stage but she knows how much music means to me.” I watch as he touches my guitars that are hanging up on the walls.

  “Can you play me something now?” He turns, looking at me.

  “Okay.” I grab my favorite guitar, the one my dad first bought me, grab a stool and place it in front of the microphone before making myself comfortable. I strum the guitar, making sure everything is in tune. Colin grabs a chair and takes a seat.

  I decide to play Bruno Mars ‘Grenade’ and start singing the beginning acapella. After the first verse, I start to add in the guitar. I know the song like the back of my hand; it’s one of my personal favorites. Playing it with just the guitar is powerful.

  I look at Colin as I play and his eyes are fixated on me. I keep singing and when I get to the chorus, my voice goes higher, the music devouring me, taking me over. Every time I play a powerful song like this, I have an out of body experience and the music takes over me.

  The words flow out of me; choruses are always my favorite to sing in songs. Colin hasn’t moved a muscle the entire time. He’s stayed perfectly still. I finish the song and set my guitar down, but stay seated. We just look at one another and after what feels like an eternity, he stands and walks towards me slowly.

  When he is standing in front of me, I look up at him and that electric pull ignites me causing my breathing to come in faster. He leans his face in closer to mine, his eyes locked on mine. He doesn’t make another move. Just watches me. Without thinking twice, I grab the back of his neck and pull him towards me until his lips are on mine.

  It’s an instant frenzy; my fingers digging into the back of his head, his hands on the bottom of my back, pulling my body into his. He lifts me effortlessly and I wrap my legs around him. He backs up until he has me pinned against the wall, his lips never leaving mine. The kiss is hard and fast. It’s like we can’t get enough of each other. My head is getting dizzy with all this carnal want.

  He pulls back and I whimper at the loss. “We need to stop,” he whispers. I nod in agreement but kiss him again, stopping his good intentions. I don’t want him to stop right now. I start grinding my body against his, causing him to growl into my mouth.

  “Don’t stop kissing me,” I beg and it’s like a switch goes off. He starts grinding his erection against me, causing me to moan in pleasure. He keeps grinding. My whole body is shaking. An ache deep between my thighs is getting worse.

  It’s not lost on me that we are basically dry humping in my garage. In my mother’s house. But right now, I’m basking in pleasure and can’t find it in me to care. My head falls back and he bites down on my neck. I scream when my orgasm hits me from nowhere.

  I try and get control of my breathing as I come back down. He trails little kisses down my neck before bending his head a little lower to bite and suck my skin. Oh, my God, it feels so good. I dig my fingers into his thick hair, wanting him to bite harder. If he was a vampire, I would want him to drink me dry it feels so good.

  He raises his head, staring at my neck, and I look down to see what he’s looking at with a proud and satisfied look on his face. He marked me.

  “You gave me a hickey.”

  “So you’ll remember me when I’m not here. Tomorrow at school I want you to wear something that will show everyone else that you’re mine.” I wrap my arms around his neck as he holds onto my ass, keeping me up.

  “But am I yours?” I ask him. His eyes go dark and possessive.

  “Yeah, you’re mine. Like fuck I want any other fucker trying anything with you. Once every one hears you sing at the talent show, they’re all going to want a piece of you.”

  “I think you’re making too much of a big deal about my voice.”

  “I’m not, trust me.” And I do. It’s weird, but I do trust him.

  “Are you mine?” I bite my lip, waiting for his reply.

  “Yes, I’m yours.” I smile.

  “I must be an amazing kisser to tame the school’s bad boy.” I joke and he laughs. “What?” He laughs.

  “Some guy in the locker room asked if you had a magic vagina because I was already crazy for you.” I laugh.

  “Do I have a magic vagina?” I watch as his eyes go dark again at my question and I feel his erection press against me.

  “I’m hoping one day I’ll get to find out, but honestly, I was drawn to you. Even before yesterday.” Wait, what? Did he like me before yesterday?

  “What do you mean?” He looks up at the ceiling for a moment before bringing his eyes back down to me.

  “You can’t judge me, okay?” I nod. “I kind of saw you once in the locker room getting changed, I didn’t mean to watch, but once my eyes landed on you, I couldn’t look away. Ever since then, my eyes always seem to look for you if I know you’re in the same room.” I can’t get my head around this. He watched me get dressed?

  “What were you doing in the girl’s locker room?” He gives me a sheepish look and it clicks what he was doing. He was having sex with someone. “Okay, you don’t need to answer that. So, you saw my body and started crushing on me?”

  “Not exactly.” I give him a look to continue. “I was attracted to you, yes. I wanted to fuck your brains out. I had fantasies where I was inside you, making you scream, making you beg me for more.” Hearing him say how much he wanted me sexually makes my core ache. He gives me a knowing look, and my eyes dart to the ground. “But yesterday, being alone with you, talking to you, just being close to you, you were like a drug. Once I got a little taste of being near you, I wanted more.”

  “You do know how crazy all this sounds? We shouldn’t be feeling like this after just a day. We’re basically strangers.” I shake my head. I know what we’re feeling isn’t healthy. We are having a serious conversation, yet thoughts of him making me scream are looping through my head.

  “I know, but when I saw you at the lake, seeing you smile, carrying you this morning, it made me want to continue doing it, but after hearing you sing, I was done for. I was going to walk away because the feelings I’m having for you are insane but I can’t stay away from you.”

  “We are fucked up.”

  “We totally are.” We laugh.

  “Since you’re mine now,” I smile and so does he, “can you kiss me again?” I bite my lip and he reaches up and releases it with his finger before his lips are on mine. The kiss starts off as gentle and soft but it soon goes aggressive once again.

  “We are screwed,” he says against my lips.

  “But I never want it to stop.” His eyes search mine. “Never stop wanting me like this.” His lips land hard on mine again.

  “I don’t think I could even if I wanted to.” I sm
ile against his lips.

  “Good.” We make out for a little while until we decide to take a break and breathe. I showed him more of my guitars and my home but I don’t show him my room and he doesn’t ask. I think we both know what would happen if I showed him.

  We try and keep our hands to ourselves, but it’s like our bodies have minds of their own and just want to constantly touch one another; holding hands, me linking my arm through his, his hand being around my waist.

  When the sun set, we knew he had to go. I wanted to ask him to stay but I know my mother would blow a gasket if she found a boy in the house, especially a boy she doesn’t know about. And it wouldn’t be wise if he slept over if this is how we are after just making out. Yes, he made me orgasm.

  It’s fucking crazy.

  He hardly touched me and my body came for him.

  I wonder what it would be like if we did sleep together. I have to squeeze my thighs together to stop those particular thoughts.

  I walk him to the door and I know he doesn’t want to leave me. I don’t want him to leave.

  “Can I pick you up tomorrow?” he asks.

  “Yes, I would love you to.” He inches close and kisses me gently. Before we can deepen it, he pulls back.

  “Sweet dreams, Sasha.”

  “Sweet dreams, Colin.” I watch him walk away before I head back inside and when I do, I slide down the door and scream into the empty space. I’m so giddy I lay on my back and kick my feet up in the air. I’m still shrieking when the front door opens and hits me and I see my mom trying to get in.

  “Sweetie, why are you on the floor?” I laugh and stand up. I probably do look a little crazy right now. I look at her with her long, dark brown hair in a high bun, makeup done flawlessly, green eyes twinkling from the lights. I have always looked more like my mom, but she always said I got my personality and love of music from my dad.

  “Sorry, just had a good day. You have a good date?” From the smile on her face, I can tell it went well. I follow her to the kitchen and take a seat at the breakfast island. My eyes skim to where Colin was sitting not that long ago and now it’s me who can’t stop the smile from forming. I watch Mom make us both a cup of tea and she sits opposite me.

  “I had an amazing time. He is so kind, so sweet. He treats me like a queen, and let me tell you, it’s rare to find that in a man, trust me.” Before Xander, Mom’s new beau, she went on a couple of dates and by the stories she told me, they were dogs. They were after a quick lay; a wham bam thank you, ma’am.

  “I’m glad you found someone who makes you happy.” She places her hand over mine and her smile fades.

  “You know I will always love your father, he was literally one of a kind, but you will be going to college soon and I don’t want to be alone.”

  I place my other hand over hers. “I know, Mom, and I don’t want you to be alone. We both miss daddy, we always will, but I know he would want us to be happy.” Tears form in both our eyes.

  “He would love that you are continuing with your music.” I wipe the tears away and we both chuckle. “We’re just a pair of saps aren’t we?” I nod, chuckling again.

  “So, come on, tell me more about your date.” I listen to her gush about where he took her and what they talked about until it was time for me to go to bed.

  Lying in bed that night, my mind kept going to Colin. I have never been so excited for morning to come. I can’t wait to see him again.


  I wake up with a spring in my step. I grab a shower, scrubbing every inch of me. I look through my closet and decide I want to look nice for Colin. I don’t normally care what I wear, I just grab what’s comfortable, but today I want his mouth to drop.

  I grab a pair of jean shorts that make my ass look amazing. I usually just wear these to gigs since bars and clubs get so hot and stuffy. I grab a tight, black tank and my ankle suede boots. I look in the mirror and can’t help but notice that my legs look amazing in these shoes. I blow-dry my hair and keep my makeup natural. I decide to keep my glasses off today and just bring them along.

  Mom is already up, reading the newspaper in her robe with a cup of coffee in hand, when I walk into the kitchen.

  “Having a lazy day?” I ask her. She looks up and I point to her attire.

  “Xander is taking me to a spa day so I’m not getting dressed until I have to.”

  “Lucky you, think I deserve a spa day, too.” I tease, pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

  “I can ask him to get an extra place for you if you want to play hooky.” She winks at me. Even though I’m tempted to be pampered, I would hate not seeing Colin.

  “Thank you, but I still got the talent show to work on. Rain check?”

  “How’s that going? It’s not that far to go, right?”

  I nod, then take a sip of my drink. “Yeah. We are basically ready, just need to set up some decorations and figure out the chairs on the day of, but lucky me, I have a few members of the football team helping out, remember?”

  “So, tell me, how did they get roped into helping?”

  I bite my lip. “One of the players got in trouble, so for him to not get kicked out of school, he and his friends need to help me out.” She sets the paper down and looks at me.

  “I hope they don’t slack off, I know how much this show means to you.” I guess I get some of me from my mom as I thought the same thing when I found out.

  “Mr. Atkins put me in charge of them. If they mess up, their star player doesn’t get to play an important game so don’t worry, I’ll keep him in line.” Naughty thoughts of Colin enter my head at my words.

  Stupid head.

  “Okay, but if they don’t listen to you, go straight to Mr. Atkins, I mean it.”

  “I will, don’t worry.” I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and see a message from a number I don’t recognize.

  Unknown: On my way, can’t wait to see you x

  I smile, knowing it's him.

  Me: How did you get my number?

  Unknown: No kisses? I have my ways. Have you been thinking about me? x

  Me: Maybe x x

  I add him to my contacts list and only have to wait a minute before he replies.

  Colin: I guess I need to up my game then. I’m 2 minutes away beautiful x

  Me: See you soon x x

  I put my phone away and grab my things.

  “Who was that?” Mom asks me.

  “Just a friend.”

  “Do you smile like that at all your friend's messages?”

  “It’s a guy, but I don’t want to jinx it. It’s still new, so once I know it’s serious, I’ll tell you more, okay?” She’ll understand that since she didn’t tell me about Xander until after three months of dating.

  “Just be careful.” I walk over and kiss her cheek.

  “I’m a Bennett, no guy gets close to me unless I find him worthy. Don’t worry.”

  “Was it the guy with the nice voice that you were in the arms of?” She smirks at me.

  “Bye, Mom.” I chuckle. She hugs me and I run out the door, smiling when I see him pull up.

  Colin gets out and jogs to me as I walk towards the car and when he is standing in front of me, his lips land on mine, making me breathless. I kiss him back with everything I have until he pulls back, looking down my body.

  “Why are you dressed like that?” I look down and start to feel self-conscious.

  “I wanted to look nice for you.” He places his forehead on mine and groans. “Do I not look nice?”

  “You look hot, that’s the problem. When I saw you I had to touch you. I’m going to hate that every other guy is going to look at you.” I giggle at his worried expression.

  “But, I am showing this off today.” I pull my tank down a little, I hadn’t wanted my mom to see, and reveal the hickey Colin left me and he groans again.

  “Fuck, everyone is going to be looking at your perfect breasts, too. I’m going to be killing a lot of guys today.” I grab his hand an
d pull him towards his car.

  “You are being silly, come on or we’ll be late.” He helps me get in and I watch as he goes around and gets in on his side. All the way to school he keeps his hand in mine, lifting it every now and then to give it a kiss.

  I’m content sitting in the car in silence, just listening to the music, but when ‘Call me Maybe’ by Carly Rae Jepsen comes on, I turn up the volume and start singing along to the words, causing Colin to laugh at me, especially when I sing the chorus.

  I use my hands to dance with the music and it's funny how exact some of the words relate to me and Colin. His stare was holding. That this whole thing is crazy. I swear the smile on my face reaches my eyes. The call me maybe part I put my fingers near my ear resembling a phone and bounce my shoulders.

  When the song is over, Colin claps his hands, his head back in laughter. “You are crazy.”

  “And you’re just getting that now?” I joke.

  Once we get to school, I feel everyone’s eyes on us. Some people are whispering and a part of me wished I said yes to going to the spa. Colin entwines his fingers with mine and keeps me at his side.

  “Everyone is watching us,” I whisper to him.

  “Why are you whispering?” He laughs. “They’re shocked that you tamed the star footballer.” He repeats the words I used yesterday. I look at some of the girls who are glaring at me and the guys who are watching me in fascination.

  “You really do live in the limelight.” I bite my lip and he stands in front of me, grabbing my face in his hands.

  “They haven’t seen me like this with a girl. I don’t hold girls’ hands, I don’t get smitten. You’ve changed that.” I smile. “They’ll get used to it. You’re mine, remember. Some of these assholes who are eye fucking you need to understand that.” He growls on the last part and turns to some guys who quickly look away.

  “I’m yours,” I tell him. He brings his attention back to me and his hands glide down my neck until he turns my head a little and leans forward and kisses me again.

  “I am yours,” he whispers against my mouth.

  We kiss again until there is a loud cough interrupts us and we stop to turn to see Karen, Phillip, Brady, and Leo are looking at me in shock. “So, I take it you two are together,” Karen smirks at us.


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