Just Witch It

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Just Witch It Page 7


Offering me his hand, Aidan offered me a small smile. "You should know better by now."

  "What?" I grinned, slipping my hand into his as he pulled me from the Jeep. My front collided with his large chest making my pulse throb and my mouth go dry.

  Ian appeared on the other side of me, his body lining up with my back and his mouth brushing against my ear. "Nothing is what it seems in our world."

  I licked my lips and swallowed more than happy to be sandwiched between the two of them again. With Aidan's hands on my shoulders and Ian's on my hips, I had the urge to wiggle around like a cat, covering them with my scent and reveling in the feel of them.

  Unfortunately, at that moment a group of people came out of the unpleasant looking shop, slowing their footsteps as they moved by us. I flushed at the curious look and stepped out from between the two wizards. Fuck me and my hormones. If it hadn't been for those gawking shoppers I'd more than likely have let myself do some serious PDA in the middle of the parking lot.

  "Uh, so," I cleared my throat. "About this shop?" I turned toward the building. "Is it spelled or what?'

  Ian shoved his hands into his pockets and nodded toward the front door. "Just walk across the threshold and see."

  I eyed balled the two of them, neither of who seemed to be in any hurry to move in that direction, before walking that way. Every step I took toward the shop made my heart beat faster. Excited to see what lay beyond those broken down doors, I hardly noticed the guys behind me slowly following me.

  When I got to the line of the door, I noticed it. The shimmer of a magical barrier. I shouldn't be so surprised by magic anymore. I'd been in the world long enough that I should be used to it, shouldn't I? Regardless, a giddy feeling overcame me as I took that final step, letting the magic wash over me as I blinked into the shop before me.

  The room before me wasn't dark and dusty like the windows on the outside would have me believe. Inside, there were bright lights, racks of products, clothing, equipment, and people. Lots of people. It reminded me of a Dick's or Bass Pro Shop. Well, if they had brooms that zipped across the room with sale signs hanging down from them. Or Potion Ball guns that demonstrated themselves.

  "So," Ian threw an arm around my shoulders grinning from ear to ear as he took in the room. "What do you think?"

  I giggled and glanced around the room unable to hold back my excitement. "I think I'm going to get in big trouble when my parents get my credit card bill."

  Aidan huffed a laugh brushing his shoulder against mine as he came to stand beside me. "I'll buy it."

  "What?" I gaped at him, shaking my head. "No, no way. I can't. This stuff..." I gestured around the room my excitement diminishing a little at the thought of how much it would cost me for a whole set of gear. "It's too much."

  Ian threw his head back and laughed. "Do you hear her, Aidan?" He turned and pinched my chin between his two fingers locking his eyes with me. "It seems our girl has forgotten who we are."

  Our girl. Oh, those two words made me want to dance and giggle like a school girl. Instead, I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes on Ian before an idea made my lips curve up into an arrogant smirk. "Who you are?" I leaned in close until our mouths were inches from each other. "I'm a mother fucking Mancaster. I don't need your money. I've got my own." I sealed the words with a quick kiss before pushing past him and sauntering into the room, fully aware of their eyes on my ass as I left.

  Okay, I had no idea how much money my family had - my grandparents had - but from what everyone has been telling me from day one they weren't hurting for the bucks. In fact, I doubt I would even make a dent in the Mancaster fortune from what I would spend here and I planned to spend plenty.

  I glanced over my shoulder at the two of them fluttering my eyelashes coyly. "Are you coming, or not?"

  A matching heated look covered both of the wizards’ faces that only deepened at my words. I let my eyes trail over their forms and noticed both had the tell-tale signs of arousal pushing at their pants. It took everything I had not to pant at the sight.

  Ian and Aidan exchanged a look before they came prowling toward me with Ian growling out, "Not yet but I plan to before the end of the night."

  Chapter 8

  In the dressing room of the Zelus Magical Sporting Emporium, I shifted from side to side as I stared at the mirror in front of me. The outfit I now wore was on Ian had picked out. It was pinker than pink, and the pants that were so tight that my underwear was making a nest in my butt hole and digging deeper with every move I made. The top wasn't much better. My boobs were pushed so far up that I could rest my chin on them. Overall, the outfit seemed more for the benefit of the guys than playing Potion Ball.

  I stared at my reflection my, nose wrinkling up and my lips turning down as I shook my head. I tried to adjust the top to cover some of the tops of my breasts, but that only seemed to make it worse.

  "Looks good to me."

  My head shot up at the voice as I searched around the dressing room for the owner. I spun around in a circle but didn't see anyone there. Tilting my head back, I looked above in case someone had snuck in that way.

  "Over here," the voice said, and I twisted back toward the mirror. My mouth dropped open as I watched my reflection move on its own. One hip popped to the side and the amused curl on my reflection’s lips looked way more mature and seductive than it would have ever looked if I had tried to do that myself.

  "Uh, you're... you're..."

  "You. Duh." My reflection rolled her eyes and then flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Well, the reflection of you. I do have my own thoughts and such... and I think we are looking smokin' hot." She licked her finger and pressed it to her hip. The hissing sound most would have made with their mouths came from a small bit of smoke as if she had put out a fire.

  My eyes jumped down to my hip, searching for the reflection of it on myself. I let out a long breath when I realized it wasn't there. I had enough problems as is, and the last thing I needed was a mirror that could make things happen against my will.

  "How's it going in there?" Ian's voice called out, jolting me out of my thoughts and my eyes moved from the mirror to the dressing room door. A second later, his fingers curled over the edge of the curtain covering the entrance. Then he pulled it open to reveal Ian leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest as his eyes made a slow perusal of my form.

  My skin flushed at the blatant desire in his eyes, his tongue sneaking out to skate across his lower lip, making it shiny and oh so tempting.

  "Damn!" My reflection wolf-whistled at Ian, and I shot her a look.

  I pointed at the mirror and cocked a brow. “Is that normal?”

  Ian looked over my shoulder and smirked. “Oh yeah. All the shops have honesty mirrors. That way you can’t blame them for buying something that was clearly wrong for you.”

  I hummed as my reflection winked at me, her hands on her hips with more attitude than I could have ever mustered.

  Ian arched a brow at the mirror but didn't seem bothered by it at all. Instead, those wicked eyes of his moved back over to me as he shifted away from the door. Ian reached forward and fingered the neckline of the V-neck shirt, his fingertips brushing against my cleavage to leave a hot trail across my skin. "I like this one."

  "Of course, you do.” I rolled my eyes. “It's more fashionable than practical."

  "Slutty Sport," my reflection not-too-helpfully supplied.

  I pointed at the mirror. "See? Even she thinks it's stupid." I held my hands out to the side. "I can barely move in this time without everything popping out, let alone crawl around the woods."

  Ian smirked and took me by the hips. "That's alright. You can be there for morale." He wagged his eyebrows suggestively.

  I barked a laugh and shoved him back. "Yeah, right. Not happening."

  Before Ian could make another lewd suggestion, Aidan appeared in the doorway and threw a shirt and pants over Ian's head. "Here."

  I took them from his large hands, and o
ne glance told me that I would like these much better than what Ian had picked out. The top was a lightweight long-sleeve top with a scoop neck that would settle on my collarbone and not even show a hint of boobage. The pants were looser, more like the cargo pants they were both wearing than the tight yoga pants currently wedged up my butt.

  "Thanks." I beamed at Aidan and moved to change but noticed that Ian wasn't leaving. I pushed him with one hand until he was outside the door.

  "Hey," Ian chuckled and grinned, "I can help."

  I pursed my lips and shut the curtain in his face. With my reflection chattering about how I should have let Ian in to do scandalous things to me, things that even made me blush, I quickly changed into the new outfit.

  "Now that is kickass." My reflection nodded in approval. "I liked the other one better but this one... Damn girl, nobody will think about messing with you."

  I smirked at my reflection. I did look pretty badass, though the fact that my hair was hanging down around my face annoyed me. I peered into the mirror and cocked my head to the side. I wondered...

  With a push of power, my hair lifted into the air and braided into two long braids on either side of my head. My reflection's hair mimicked mine as well as when I made my slashes of black on each cheek with my magic finger, like they do at football games.

  I struck a power pose, fists curled tight as I smirked at myself. "Now I'm ready."

  I turned my back on my reflection and pulled the curtain open. Ian and Aidan turned from the gun they were messing, and their eyes landed on me.

  "So, what do you think?" I asked.

  Aidan nodded appreciatively.

  "I liked the other one," Ian started but then nodded too. "But this one is more you."

  I grinned at then both before inclining my head toward the gun in Aidan's hand. "Is that for me?"

  "Yes.” Aidan held the gun up and out to me. “It's smaller. For your..." He gestured toward my hands.

  My heart warmed at his actions. Aidan was so thoughtful and yet so quiet he couldn’t put his actions into words.

  I took a few steps closer to them and held my hands out to take the gun. It was much lighter than the one that Ian had in his room. And unlike the pink monstrosity of the outfit Ian had picked out, this gun had not a hair of that color on it. All black and sleek with a hint of silver on the butt, I liked the weight of it in my hands and tried to imagine myself shooting it.

  "Now that's a sight I won't soon forget," a familiar voice came from our right.

  All three of us turned to see Dale standing at the edge of the clothing racks. His lips were curved up as his eyes scanned up and down my form.

  "Hey, you." I handed the gun over to Aidan on my way over to Dale. I practically jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as my arms tangled in his hair and my mouth sank onto his.

  Dale's hands came up, holding my butt so I didn't slide down his mouth opening for me. I groaned and wiggled a bit against him, causing him to grunt.

  Pulling back to take a deep breath, I adjusted his glasses on his nose. "Where have you been this week? I haven't seen you since Pottery class."

  Ian snorted and muttered, "Pottery."

  Dale patted me on the butt then sat me down, shooting Ian a look that clearly said fuck off. "Sorry, I've been busy. Swordson has had me working on the welcoming committee as well as being a game organizer for this year’s MagiX Games." He dragged a hand through his hair with a sigh. "I haven't had time to wipe my own ass, let alone find time to be with you."

  "It's okay, I get it." I shifted from side to side, fingering his button-down shirt before I cocked my head to the side. "So, what are you doing here?"

  "Yeah, don't you have some out-of-staters to keep happy?" Ian teased as he crossed his arms over his chest. Meanwhile, Aidan was messing with the hopper of the gun, not really seeming to care what we were talking about.

  "Unfortunately." Dale's nose crinkled up, and he shoved his glasses up once more though they didn't need it. "Some of those students are right pains in the ass."

  "And others?" I drew out as the image of the Blue Bonnets and how they'd had no problem hitting on someone else's guy came to mind.

  Dale seemed to notice my deflation and tugged on one of my braids before pressing his lips to mine. "None of any consequence." I grinned up at him, biting my lower lip with pleasure. Dale released my braid but didn't stop touching me, his hands settling on my hips. "As well as babysitter and game organizer, I have to make sure we have the supplies we need and that everything is up to regulation. You'd think we'd have people for this." He rolled his eyes as the sarcasm dripped off his words.

  "Yeah," Ian scoffed and bumped Dale on the shoulder. "You."

  As he shook his head, Dale moved his eyes up and down my form once more. "I don't have to ask what you're doing here. It's clear these two are outfitting you for the games." He held my arms out to the sides to get a good look at me. "I have to say... I don't hate it." Dale winked and gave me a salacious wag of his brows.

  My thighs rubbed against each other, trying to quell the need building there from all the guys' attention. Clearing my throat, I jerked my head toward Ian and Aidan.

  "They're going to teach me how to play Potion Ball."

  "Oh, really?" Dale cocked a brow at the two of them before frowning. "Is that the gun you're getting her?"

  "Yes," Aidan answered, holding it out for Dale to inspect.

  Dale moved away from me to look at the gun, and I mourned the loss of his attention. It was quickly replaced with growing interest as I watched Dale pull the gun apart to inspect each component before putting it back together, all within a few seconds. Wow. I'd never thought I'd be someone who'd get turned on by the sight of a guy holding a weapon, but something about Dale standing there holding that gun and knowing what to do with it made a shiver of delight run through me.

  "It'll do." Dale handed it back to Aidan as he turned back to me. "You want to shoot some targets? They have some practice ones in the back of the store for you to try out." He pointed a finger toward the back.

  I followed his finger, looking toward where the store changed from a metal building into a wooden area. Vines and trees grew from the walls and then sprung up as if it were a perfectly normal place to be. Why hadn't I noticed that before? There were people going through the area with their own guns in hands, laughing and ready to test out their new weapons out. Some of them had fishing poles that I couldn’t help but wonder what they did but tried to stay on track.

  "Do you have time to?" I asked Dale who looked down at the watch on his wrist, his brows drawn together.

  "I have a bit of time before Swordson starts blowing up my phone." Dale grinned and took my hand, leading me toward the back of the room.

  "Hey!" Ian exclaimed, marching up behind us to break through our hands. "If anyone is teaching her how to shoot, it's Aidan and me. We brought her here."

  Dale gave Ian an arrogant grin. "But I'm the better shooter. You wouldn't want our girl to learn from someone who wasn’t a sharpshooter, would you?"

  Ian gritted his teeth but moved back, allowing Dale to take my hand once more. I grinned up at them all, more than enjoying how they were fighting over teaching me. It made me feel wanted, and I would be lying if I didn't enjoy it.

  Dale had a smug expression on his face as he moved us through the store. When we came to the end of one of the clothing areas, we jumped back before we almost got ran over by some kid racing his friend on one of the brooms.

  "Watch it!" Aidan called out, making the kid turn around his eyes wide with fear at Aidan's imposing form. The kid wasn't watching where he was going and flew right into the ladies changing room causing a chorus of screams.

  "Poor kid," I mused, trying to see if he was alright.

  Ian shook his head and laughed. "Don't worry about him. I'm sure he's more than happy to have run into the arms of a bunch of half-naked women. Come on," he clapped a hand on my shoulder, throwing his arm around my side not
occupied by Dale. "Let's go test this thing out before Four-yes gets called back to his master."

  Dale glared at Ian. "I'm not his dog, if that's what you're getting at."

  "Might as well be," Ian shot back. "The headmaster has you on a leash, and you might as well admit it. You can't even scratch your balls without his permission."

  Dale snorted. "I fuck Max well enough."

  "Dale!" I smacked him on the shoulder with a scowl. "This was funny a second ago, but now you're both acting like children." I shifted out of their grasps and moved to stand by Aidan. "Neither of you will show me crap today.” I turned to him with a sweet smile. “Aidan, since you're the only one who isn't acting like a hobgoblin, will you teach me?"

  Aidan glanced down at me and then, without a word or look at the others, nodded his head once before taking my hand and leading me into the practice area.

  Twisting around slightly, I gave Ian and Dale a finger wave. "Better luck next time, boys."

  We left the others behind as Aidan led me deep into the practice area, through the throngs of people until we were at a small area set up a lot like a mundane shooting range with a row of targets near the back, but instead of a wall, there was a shimmering mystical shield surrounding the area. Past that, there was a last line of trees and beyond, I caught sight of the street where cars passed by without a clue.

  Dale and Ian hadn't followed us thankfully. I didn't need them bickering in my ear while I tried to learn this game. I had a hard enough time figuring out Monopoly without distractions, let alone magical paintball. Who knew who I could end up hurting with a stray shot?

  As we slowed to a stop before the targets, Aidan held the gun out to me. I took it from his hands then glanced between it and then half a dozen red and white circles floating in the air at different distances and heights.

  "So, what?” I asked curiously. “I just point and shoot?"

  Aidan let out a huff that sounded like a cross between a snort and a laugh. "Not yet."

  I walked into one of the small series of stalls that separated the shooters testing their purchases, the target range laid out before me as I held the gun in my hands, not quite sure how I was supposed to hold it. Aidan moved up a few steps, looming behind me as his hard chest pressed against my back and head. Aidan lifted my arms and aligned my body so that I was holding the gun with both hands. My elbows were up midway, and my hips were turned straight with the top half of me slightly twisted. I tried to pay attention to the movements Aidan was trying to show me, but all I could think about was the hard bulge poking me in the lower back.


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