Silent Treatment

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Silent Treatment Page 18

by Jackie Williams

  Daniel stepped back a fraction and looked quizzically at her.

  “Yes, it probably would, you never really recover fully from an injury like that bitch gave you. Would some exercises help? Come on now, deep breath in and out, and slowly raise your arms.” His voice flowed over her and she closed her eyes as he intoned the familiar instructions. “Now open them wide and roll your neck gently. Another breath in, no don’t let it out yet.” There was a short pause. Carrie kept her eyes shut and smiled gently as she felt his breath waft over her. “Now, let your breath go and reach up again, higher, go on, all the way or it won’t work, now clasp your hands together and reach forwards.” She smiled even wider as she felt the brush of his hair on the tender skin inside her elbow. He ducked his head under the arch she had made with her arms. “Now bring your arms down, stretch out your fingers, that’s right, bend your elbows a little.” She could feel his hair in her hands now and the next second she was running her fingertips through the thick dark strands at the back of his neck, then she was pulling his head down to hers.

  He groaned again, the sound rumbling in his massive chest as she felt his huge hands encircle her face. His words whispered over her, a mere breath away from her lips. “God Carrie! You are a complete natural at this…” He prolonged the moment, his breath coming in giant pulls. “I have missed you so much.”

  And then his lips touched hers, gently, experimentally at first, then with an edge of desperation.

  Fire raged through her whole body as her lips parted, inviting him to taste her.

  He needed no more encouragement. He slanted his mouth, his tongue running along her teeth, tasting her sweet flavour, darting into her delicious mouth. He moved his hands from her face to her body, pulling her into him, lifting her, clasping her as if he were a drowning man thrown a life line.

  He could hear his own pulse banging in his ears, nearly deafening him as he held on to the only thing that would ever matter to him for the rest of his life.

  And then Carrie pulled away slightly, sliding down his body as her feet slipped back to the floor. Her lips were moist and throbbing, reddened by his passion, almost bruised from his crushing kiss, but she was smiling widely, her face now crimson.

  Daniel stared down at her. He wanted so much more, he wanted all of her. Three years was too long for a Saint to wait, let alone a red blooded footballer. He bent to kiss her again, but stopped as he suddenly realized that the deafening roar he could hear wasn’t just his own blood surging around his body or his pulse throbbing violently in his head. It was happening all around him. His eyes flicked over Carrie’s beautiful face once more and then he glanced up to see a crowd of people, passengers and security guards, all standing round, staring at them, cheering and clapping wildly.

  He stood back, grinning sheepishly, and made a small bow. The crowd gave a collective laugh and started talking again as they turned and went back about their own business.

  Carrie laughed too. Her heart was soaring in her chest as Daniel took her arm. He looked over the crowd and saw the exit light flashing gently. He kissed her quickly again, brushing his cheek against hers as he indicated the exit.

  She touched her tingling skin.

  “You need a shave.” She said gently. “You needed one the last time I saw you.”

  Daniel rubbed his hand over his face, feeling the hours old stubble.

  “God! The last time I saw you…That feels so long ago. It was so long ago. I don’t know how I stopped myself taking you there and then on that terrace by the lake. That night was so beautiful, I’ve lived on the feeling of you sleeping in my arms for nearly the last three years. Come on, I’m not too sure about doing this sort of thing with such an enthusiastic audience in attendance. I need to be with you in private. Let’s get out of here.” He pulled her towards the door as he noticed one or two of the other passengers still watching them with interest.

  Carrie giggled.

  “I should have thought that you of all people would be used to the attention. After all, it’s not as though you haven’t been in the limelight. You were picked for the team almost as soon as you arrived in Atlanta.”

  Daniel put his arm protectively around her shoulder, pulling her to him as they struggled through the crowded terminal building.

  “Huh! All I’ve been doing is chucking a ball about and barging through a crowd of sweaty blokes. It’s not that hard and I’ve never asked for the attention. In fact, apart from when trying to earn a few quid, I’ve done my utmost to avoid it.” He stopped for just a moment as two young boys, aged about eleven and thirteen came charging up in front of them, blocking their way, their faces lit up with rapt expressions. A man was hustling behind them, dragging luggage and carrying a tiny sleeping baby like a papoose. He had obviously heard Daniel’s last words.

  “Sorry! Sorry! They don’t mean to be a nuisance.” His tone was apologetic. “Come along boys.” He hefted his bag onto his shoulder, narrowly avoiding the baby as he grabbed his two sons by the backs of their t-shirts. “Leave Mr. Lewis alone. He’s just back from America and he won’t want to be bothered by you two.”

  There were joint howls of indignation. One of the boys looked up at his father with a strange expression on his face.

  “Who’s Mr. Lewis dad? It’s Carrie Denton’s autograph we want. She’s hot! Phwarr! And she’s a really famous dancer. She was with Half Past Blue, and Milana!” His words came spilling out as he looked as though it was something that the whole world should know.

  Carrie’s jaw dropped and then she laughed out loud as Daniel rolled his eyes and passed his poised pen over to her. She signed their books willingly and passed them back. They insisted on kisses too. She gave them both a small peck on the cheek, then they turned their flaming faces back to their smiling father, who waved a thanks. The boys disappeared into the crowd again and Daniel looked down at Carrie, his eyebrows raised.

  “Is that something I should be worried about? I mean, do I have a lot of rival fans to beat off?”

  Carrie shrugged as they walked out of the terminal building.

  “Probably not as many as are hanging onto your coat tails. Actually that’s the first time anything like that has ever happened to me. Fans only ever focus on the star so we dancers aren’t normally noticed. I didn’t even know anyone knew my name. I can’t believe they recognized me. I look a complete wreck. They must have been very keen.”

  Daniel turned to her as they reached the taxi rank.

  “You don’t look like a wreck to me. You look completely perfect.” He bent his head to kiss her again, but was brought up short by loud honking from the waiting taxi driver. Daniel opened the car door as the driver apologized.

  “Sorry mate, but the other drivers get annoyed if anyone hangs around. Where to?”

  Carrie looked up at Daniel and then ducked inside the cab as he ushered her forwards.

  “Where are we going to go? I feel completely washed out and I’m desperate for a shower, but I certainly don’t want to home yet. Dad will be like the Spanish Inquisition.”

  Daniel held the car door open and bent almost double as he followed her inside. He sat down beside Carrie, his long legs stretching out and filling most of the space in the back of the car. He sighed deeply as he relaxed.

  “I hate to say this Carrie, but I think I might be quite happy to subject your father to a few of their methods if I see him right now, and that’s probably not the best way to start getting on with my future Father in Law.” He leaned forwards and ignored Carrie’s intake of breath as he spoke to the cab driver. “Felton Hall, near Windsor, do you know it? I can give you the postcode if you need it.” He was answered with a shake of his head.

  “No, you’re all right Sir. I know the place, big old Georgian gaffe with a wall right the way around it. Backs onto Windsor Great Park. Used to be a Hotel, but it closed last year for a refit. I didn’t realize it had reopened. Will you need picking up in the morning Sir? I’m available anytime from seven onwards. With m
ost of these fancy places I can arrange for a return journey if you require.” The taxi driver was trying to be helpful.

  Daniel looked back at Carrie who was now curled into the corner of the seat. She was staring back at him, her dark eyes wide with curiosity.

  “Yeah, Okay, why not? I’ll book another journey, but not in the morning, thanks.” He smiled widely. “The Hall is a private residence now, so can you postpone the ride for about two months. I won’t need you until the rugby season starts. I don’t want to be interrupted before then.” Daniel reached round behind him and began to pull up the privacy screen. “You can take me to my first game. I’ll even get you a ticket.” He heard the man laugh in delight just before he clipped the dense black material in place and switched off the intercom.

  Daniel glanced at Carrie’s puzzled expression and began to explain. “I may have been quite happy living in Atlanta with Paul and Lisa for the last three years, but I did want us to have our own home too. Not my parent’s place either. I only bought that so they could get out. I don’t particularly want to go there, too many unhappy memories. And it’s probably a bit too close to your father for comfort at the moment.” He waited as Carrie rolled her eyes in exasperation at her father. “I had an agent buy Felton Hall for us with some of the money I’ve earned. I’ve not had time to go there yet but it looks fantastic from the portfolio so I’m hoping you’ll like it. Actually I’m hoping I like it. There’s a small staff who have been getting the place ready for us. I’d kind of assumed you would be with me too.” Daniel sat back in his seat and pulled Carrie into his arms, unable to wait a moment longer. His breath was hot at her throat as he leaned in to nuzzle at her neck and then he lifted his head, stared into her dark grey eyes for a moment longer, then slanted his lips across hers as he kissed her.

  They were completely breathless when they parted.

  Carrie gasped out her words as she gulped in air.

  “Two months then. Don’t you want to see anybody at all during that time? Not even your old friends, I mean, what about Paul, won’t you miss him at the very least?” Carrie asked quietly as his lips began brushing hers yet again.

  Daniel sat back half an inch.

  “Paul? Why the devil would I want to see Paul? I’ve seen him practically every day for the last…well, all my life actually. I think I can manage two months without him.” He moved in again, but Carrie held up her hand, suddenly serious now.

  “But what about training? You’ll need the exercise to keep your fitness up. You can’t let the England side down.”

  Daniel rolled his eyes.

  “Shut up Carrie, and sod the rugby for a while. I’ll get back to serious training later. I’ve been waiting for three years to be able to tell you I love you to your face, and there’s a whole lot more I’ve been waiting to do with the rest of you too. I’m pretty sure I’m going to get all the physical activity I need.” A strange rumble began somewhere deep in his chest.

  Carrie giggled madly and flung her arms around his neck.

  “God! How did I ever come to the conclusion you were gay! Okay, let’s see if Atlanta’s best excuse for a football player can make his first touchdown in the U.K.” She looked down at her watch. “Maybe before two o’clock.” And before he could reply, she pulled his lips onto hers.

  Daniel moved away after only a few seconds. His hands were around her waist, tugging gently at her shirt as his eyes feasted over her for a second longer, and then he flipped the intercom on again.

  “Hey, driver? You think you can get us there within twenty minutes for an extra ticket?” He glanced at his watch and then back at Carrie. He caught a glimpse of pale skin at her waistline. She was almost shimmering in the moonlight as it spilled through the cab window.

  Daniel gulped and then almost growled. “Make that two sets of tickets if you can get us there in ten.” He didn’t need to wait for an answer. He felt himself being pushed back into his seat as the driver hooted his horn at some unseen road hog and the cab leapt forwards, accelerating wildly into the night.

  Chapter Seventeen

  September 3rd 2010

  “Got everything? Pen, note book, laptop, lunch?” Daniel peered into Carrie’s bag.

  She pushed him out of the way and fastened the buckle.

  “Yes, I packed everything, stop worrying. You’re worse than my father.” She moved to lift the bag to her shoulder.

  He took the bag from her and looked down at her. She was wearing snuggly fitting denim jeans and white t-shirt. She looked utterly adorable and he feasted his eyes on her.

  Carrie tried to take her bag back from him but he held it just out of her reach. She put her hands on her hips and stared at him.

  He was still wearing his dark blue, silk dressing gown, the intense colour highlighting his beautiful blue eyes as he gazed at her. He had only climbed out of bed when he realized that he couldn’t tempt her into not going to university.

  He suddenly puffed out his cheeks.

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving me and going to fresher’s week! I wish I was coming with you. I’m not sure I trust all those young studs around you. I know what it was like when Paul and I first enrolled at Atlanta.” Daniel reached out and touched her cheek.

  She turned and kissed his fingertips.

  “Don’t be silly Daniel. You weren’t tempted, so why do you think I will be? How could I possibly be attracted by anyone else but you, and it’s not like I’m even leaving you for long. Not like the three ghastly years you put me through, I may add. I should have thought that I had well and truly proven that I don’t want anyone else. I waited for you when I didn’t even know I was meant to.” She reached up and kissed him gently on the lips.

  He groaned longingly.

  “I know, I know and I love you even more for it, but do you really have to go now. I mean, I can still set you up in a studio without you having to bother with the degree. I won’t mind if you don’t have one. It’s not like I’m going to check your C.V. or anything” He put his hands around her waist and tugged her body close to him.

  Carrie frowned.

  “Well, now you tell me! But no, I really want to do this Dan. I will be able to give much better advice if I’m properly trained. I want to know exactly what I’m doing, not just look as though I know exactly what I’m doing. Come on, you know it makes sense.” She tried to wriggle out of his arms, but he held her firmly against him. She buried her head in his chest in defeat.

  He rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “I know, but I still don’t want you to go. We’ve not been apart at all these last two months and I still don’t feel as though we’ve made up for those three years. It’s going to be awful with you gone. I’m going to be so lonely.” He grumbled into her hair.

  Carrie nodded into his huge chest, almost swept away by his emotions. She replayed the two months in her mind and came up gasping for breath.

  Their first night together had been incredible. After her dreadful experience at the airport, they had arrived at the fabulous Hall barely able to keep their hands off one another. Daniel had immediately dismissed the staff for the night and they had spent several precious minutes trying to find their bedroom.

  He had undressed her carefully and then led her to the beautiful en-suite bathroom. They had showered together, touching each other’s naked bodies for the first time, feeling their desires soar as the warm water cascaded over them.

  Then Daniel had washed her hair, soaping away the traumas of the day, before eventually wrapping her in the softest towel and carrying her back to the enormous bed.

  There had been just a few moments of embarrassment as he lay down beside her and quietly confessed that he had never made love to anyone before. Carrie had buried her head in his huge expanse of chest and, as he held her tightly, she confirmed what he already knew. She was a virgin too.

  A few moments later, he had fumbled in a bedside drawer for a condom, but Carrie had put her hand over his, explaining quietly t
hat due to the unpredictable travelling arrangements and unreliable facilities on tours, she had been using the pill for years.

  And then all embarrassment disappeared as they had let their bodies tell them what to do. Their limbs entwined and their kisses became deeper. He had been so gentle, so patient, as he made her his own. And so intensely passionate when, much later, she was gasping out his name in uncontrolled abandon, as they had peaked together. They had made love until dawn, over and over, three years of pent up emotions and desires, exploding with a ferocity unimaginable in even their wildest dreams.

  Then they had slept for hours in each other’s arms, only waking when their bodies told them they needed each other even more.

  And every time since had been even better than the last.

  A warm, tingling shot through her whole body at the thoughts that flooded her head. She tried to control her breathing, but she couldn’t control her heart. She felt it pounding against her ribcage and she had to take a deep breath before speaking.

  “I know. It’s been the best two months of my life. I never thought I could love you more than I did, but with everything else too. Oh Daniel, don’t make me think of it or I won’t be able to walk out of the door.” She wriggled some more as his hands began moving slowly down her back. They stopped at the base of her spine. He loosened his grip a fraction and she tipped her head back to look into his beautiful blue eyes.

  He grumbled.

  “That’s the whole point Carrie. I don’t want you to leave me. I’m perfectly happy to spend the day in bed with you again, and tomorrow too, and the day after that.” He was grinning wickedly and she shivered with pleasure.

  “Cut it out Dan. I know it’s going to be difficult, but you have to be at training later this week anyway or they’ll drop you from the squad. Paul is expecting you to pick him up too, so we might as well make this separation now rather than later.” She pulled away from him at last.


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