Tomato Basil Murder: Book 7 in The Darling Deli Series

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Tomato Basil Murder: Book 7 in The Darling Deli Series Page 2

by Patti Benning

  “I don’t think it will ever feel like home,” she replied. “But at least it’s a place to call my own. I’m glad that I don’t have to impose on Candice any longer.”

  “Speaking of Candice, how is her candy shop coming along?”

  “She’s been working really hard to get it ready.” Moira told them. “She’s got everything left over from the toy store torn out, and is just about ready to have new flooring installed. She does need some help coming up with a name, however, so if either of you have any good ideas, I can pass them on.”

  “It looks like we could just tell Candice ourselves,” Martha said, nodding towards the front of the restaurant.

  Moira spun around to see her daughter talking with the hostess. Standing a few feet behind her was Mike Thomson, her ex-husband and Candice’s father. He looked the nearly the same as he had two years ago, other than the fact that his skin was darker, tanned by the Californian sun, and his blond hair had been shaved down from the thick locks that she remembered to a short, nearly military cut. Maybe he started going bald, she thought, amused by the prospect.

  Mentally berating herself for not guessing that this was there her daughter would choose to go out to eat with her father, she turned back to her friends. She hadn’t told them that Mike was coming back to town yet, and it looked like she had put it off for long enough.

  “I didn’t know she was going to be here,” she admitted with a sigh. “She’s spending the evening with her dad.”

  “Oh, that’s Mike?” Martha asked. She had met him a few times when her older sister Emilia used to babysit Candice. “I didn’t recognize him with the haircut.”

  “Your ex?” Denise asked. “Does he visit often?”

  “No, this is the first time he’s seen Candice since she graduated from high school,” Moira replied. “I’m glad for her sake that he decided to fly out, but I would rather avoid him. Too many bad memories.”

  “What does David think of Mike being around?” Martha asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “Well… I haven’t told him,” she admitted. “Candice just told me he was coming this afternoon. David won’t be back until after Mike leaves, anyway.”

  “Do you think he’d be worried about you spending time with your ex?” her friend asked.

  “David isn’t the jealous type.” Moira considered for a moment. “Mike is, but he has a girlfriend out in California, according to Candice. I doubt he would care either, if he knew about David.”

  “They’re coming this way,” Denise said. “I hope Ashley doesn’t seat them next to us.”

  Luckily, Candice, Mike, and the waitress walked right by them without a glance. Candice was too busy talking with her father to notice the three women, for which Moira was grateful. Now if she could just get through the rest of the dinner without being forced to somehow find the energy to talk with her ex-husband, her weekend would be off to a good start.


  She managed to avoid her ex-husband only until breakfast the next day, when he walked straight into the deli while she was chatting with a customer at the register. The fact that Candice wasn’t with him meant that he was there for only one reason: to talk to her.

  “I’m amazed by what you’ve accomplished,” he said once she had finished ringing up the customer. “It’s a cute place.” He leaned against the counter, the sleeve of his shirt riding up to casually expose a fancy gold wristwatch. It looks like he finally found the success that he wanted, she thought. What must he think of her, still living in the same town in a tiny apartment?

  “Thanks,” she said grudgingly. “How’s life out west?”

  “Fun.” He grinned. “I haven’t even seen snow since I moved out there. Southern California has the best weather.”

  “I think I would miss not having all four seasons like we do here.” She didn’t know if she was trying to convince him or herself more. One of the points of contention in their marriage had always been her reluctance to move away from her home state. While it was true that she couldn’t imagine living somewhere it didn’t snow, she couldn’t help but think it would be nice not to have to deal with below zero temperatures and five-foot-deep snow drifts for three or more months out of the year.

  “Candice said the same thing,” he told her. “I admit I was disappointed when she told me she was going to start a business around here, instead of moving out to Cali with me. But then, she always did take more after you.”

  Moira pressed her lips together, resisting the urge to point out that if he had actually been around for the better part of Candice’s childhood, then she might have taken more after him. All of the self-help books that she had read had said that it was best for children if estranged parents maintained a good relationship. Sometimes it wasn’t easy to stay civil, but she was determined to do what was best for Candice.

  “How is your girlfriend doing?” she asked instead, trying to move the conversation away from their shared past.

  “We broke up,” he said, shrugging. “I thought it would be a good time to travel—get out of Cali, revisit the past a bit. Catch up with Candice.”

  “Well, it’s nice that she gets to spend some time with you. I know she’s missed you these last few years.”

  “I meant to fly back for a few days last summer, but I just had too much to do at work.” He shook his head. “I’m honestly amazed what my little girl has accomplished. I’m going to try to find the time to visit again in a few months, once her candy shop is up and running. Remember when she wanted to be a firefighter?”

  “I remember,” Moira said, unable to help a smile. “She loved putting out the bonfire we had every year on the first day of summer. I have to say, I’m glad she’s pursuing a different path. I don’t know how I’d stand it if she had such a dangerous career.” She sobered as she remembered the inferno that had engulfed her house. She was grateful that her daughter would be running a business instead of putting her life on the line to put out fires. Not that being a business owner is always much safer, she thought, thinking of her own adventures over the past few months. Hopefully Candice wouldn’t have quite such an eventful experience with her own store.

  “I’m sorry about the house,” her ex-husband said, watching her face carefully. She was always surprised at how well he could read her, even after being divorced for a decade. “I was completely stunned when Candice told me. I’m glad you’re both all right.”

  “Thanks. We were both lucky. Even my dog is okay.” Moira attempted a smile. “If you get a chance, feel free to drive by and take a look at what’s left of it. The investigation is ongoing, but when they finish up I’m thinking of selling it. The damage is bad enough that I’d have to rebuild the entire house, and it just wouldn’t be the same.”

  “I’ll swing by when I leave here,” he said. “Take care, Moira.” Glancing around once more at her deli, he lifted his arm in a wave goodbye and left. Moira stood at the register for a moment, surprised by how well their conversation had gone. Then she glanced at the clock and, realizing the time, headed back into the kitchen to get started on the day’s special.

  Starting with a tomato sauce base, she added vegetable broth, a few diced garlic cloves, and a splash of olive oil to the pot, then turned the burner to medium. While the soup base heated, she pulled a bundle of fresh baby spinach leaves out of the vegetable crisper drawer in the fridge and began to chop them roughly. Once she had a few cups ready to go, she dumped it into the base, which was now simmering. She knew from experience the spinach wouldn’t take long to cook, so she hurried to add the cheese and mushroom-stuffed tortellini, which had been handmade by a local farmer. Within minutes, the soup was simmering away and Moira’s work was nearly done. It was a simple and quick recipe that was also mouth-wateringly good. Topped with shredded white cheddar cheese and paired with a toasted cheddar and tomato sandwich with fresh spinach leaves, it made a hearty and delicious meal.

  “Wow, Ms. Darling, whatever you’re making smells amazing,” Dant
e said a few minutes later poking his head into the kitchen just as she was finishing up slicing the locally grown, organic tomatoes for the sandwiches. “When will it be ready? There’s a customer waiting at the register. He wants to know if he should wait or come back later.”

  “The soup should be ready in just a few minutes,” she told him, peering into the pot. “As soon as the tortellini starts floating, I can serve it.”

  When the soup was ready, she ladled it into a bowl herself and brought a tray out for the elderly man that was waiting so patiently. She smiled as she watched him make his way over to one of the bistro tables and dig in. No matter how many times a day she saw someone eating her food, it still warmed her heart to watch them enjoy it. I’ve always loved cooking, she thought. Now I get to do it every day, for the whole town.

  Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t look up when the deli’s front door opened and someone walked in. It wasn’t until she saw the shadow fall across her register that she glanced up and saw Martha’s amused face smiling at her.

  “I’m so sorry,” Moira exclaimed, jumping slightly. “I was busy thinking.”

  “About you-know-who?” Martha asked, her eyes sparkling. “I was going to stop in earlier, but I saw him in here.”

  “I was actually thinking about how much I love my job,” she replied with a smile. She guessed that Martha was secretly wondering if she was still attracted to her ex-husband. In truth, David was the only man who crossed her mind these days. “My ex and I had a perfectly civil conversation, though. I am glad he stopped by. At least he got a chance to see what I’ve accomplished with my life so far.” She couldn’t help but feel proud that she had managed not only to raise Candice as a single mom, but also to start a thriving business, all on her own.

  “Good for you, showing him how well you’re doing,” her friend said. She turned, and Moira noticed for the first time a petite blonde woman behind her. “Sorry, I’ve been rude. This is Beverly. She’s my first guest. I’m just showing her around town, and thought it might be nice to stop in and introduce her to you.”

  “Oh, it’s very nice to meet you, Beverly,” Moira said, reaching out to shake her hand. She had known that Martha was planning on renting out rooms in her sister Emilia’s old house, and possibly even starting up a bed and breakfast at some point, but she was surprised that her friend had found her first guest so quickly. “How long are you in town for?”

  “Just a few days,” Beverly replied. “I flew in to check up on my boyfriend. I think he’s been seeing another woman. In fact, I just confirmed it.” She pursed her lips, then smiled over at Martha. “Even though this isn’t turning out to be the happiest trip in the world, staying at that gorgeous house is just so much better than staying at one of those terrible little motels on the highway. I’m so glad I found your advertisement online.”

  “And I’m happy my first guest turned out to be so pleasant,” Martha said, returning the smile. “I’ve been nervous about opening my doors up to strangers, but the house just feels too empty when I’m there alone.”

  “You’re braver than I would be,” Moira told her. “I’ve met some pretty frightening people in the past few months. I don’t think I’d be comfortable sharing a house with a stranger. No offense,” she added quickly, turning to Beverly. “You just never know what someone is really like until it’s too late.”

  “That’s very true,” Beverly said. “You never really know what someone is like on the inside.”

  “I think it’s safe to say we’ve all made the mistake of trusting someone we shouldn’t have,” the deli owner said. “All we can do is move on.”

  “Too true,” Martha said. Her eyes wandered over to the blackboard where the day’s special was written, and her gaze brightened. “Tortellini and spinach soup? That sounds delicious. Can I have one of the combos?”

  “Of course. Would you like anything, Beverly?”

  “Oh, well, I really should watch my weight…” She trailed off, clearly mentally debating with herself. “Do you have salads?”

  “We sure do,” Moira told her. “We can make just about anything you want. What are you in the mood for?”

  “Can you make a salad with kale, arugula, and spinach leaves, topped with blue cheese crumbles, dried cranberries, crushed walnuts, and some sort of vinaigrette dressing?”

  “I think we’ve got all of that. Give me just a second—I’ll go get our food. If it’s okay, I’ll join you—I haven’t eaten since about seven this morning,” she told them.

  “Of course,” Beverly said. “And no hurry, I’m completely free until later tonight. It’s wonderful to have a chance to tour such a quaint town.”

  Quaint, Moira thought, amused, as she ducked into the kitchen to get their food. She should see some of the places farther north. It was obvious the blonde woman was used to living in a much more sophisticated urban environment. I hope she enjoys what’s left of her vacation. It’s good to spend some time away from the city. We could all use a break from the hustle and bustle of out busy lives once in a while.


  Her early morning routine with Maverick had changed substantially since they had moved into the apartment. There weren’t anymore long, leisurely walks down quiet residential streets since the apartment bordered a busy road and she always seemed to start the dog’s walk just in time for rush hour. Instead, she opted for a quick jog around the apartment complex, which was at least enough to get her heart rate up and to get the dog panting.

  This morning was no different from all the others; they jogged from her apartment door all the way to the office on the other side of the complex, where she said good morning to the woman working the desk and Maverick got his daily treat and pats from the staff. The sharp chlorine scent of the indoor pool filled her nostrils, and Moira promised herself that she would check it out soon. As soon as I have time, she thought. And as soon as I buy a new bathing suit.

  She walked into her apartment a few minutes later, her heart pounding from the exertion, and quickly refilled Maverick’s water bowl and scooped a cup of kibble into his bowl. While he ate, she hurried down the hall to the bathroom. A glance at her watch showed her that she would have just enough time for a shower before she was due to meet the real estate agent, Madeline, at the house on Morel Street. She was eager to see what the inside of the beautiful little house looked like, but had to keep reminding herself that she likely wouldn’t be able to afford it and that she shouldn’t get her hopes up. Like Madeline said, it won’t hurt to look, she thought.

  A few minutes later, feeling clean and refreshed, her leg muscles pleasantly tired from the morning’s jog, she said her goodbyes to Maverick and grabbed her purse, feeling optimistic as she walked out the door. It was finally time to start rebuilding her life.

  She found the house easily, even though she had forgotten to write down the address. Slowing down as she eased the car along the curved driveway, she took her time to admire the thick woods between the house and the road. If she did end up living here, she would have ample privacy, that was certain. She rolled down the windows, and the smells of the forest rushed into her car. The day was overcast, and the ozone scent of looming rain seemed stronger than ever out here in the wilderness. I wonder if it will storm later, she thought. If so, it would mean a slow day at the deli.

  Madeline was already there, parked by the house and waving as Moira came up the driveway. There was a white pickup truck parked next to her, and the deli owner worried for a moment about who it could possibly be. Was someone else here to look at the house too? Then she saw the Maple Creek Landscaping and Yard Care sign printed on the side of the truck and relaxed.

  She turned her own car off and got out, looking around. She noticed a few things that she hadn’t when she had seen the house the other day, including the sound of a softly burbling creek, and what looked like a large dog run attached to the back of the house. Perfect for Maverick, she thought. He would love being able to run around outside without a lea
sh on, and she wouldn’t have to worry about him wandering away if he was in a run.

  Someone came around the back of the house carrying a pair of pruning shears and wearing a baseball cap pulled low over his face. He was wearing a band tee-shirt and ripped jeans. Moira waved to him, but he either didn’t see her or chose to ignore her; he turned his attention to one of the bushes that had a few scraggly branches beginning to grow out.

  “Hi, Moira,” Madeline called to her. She strode over and shook hands with Moira. “That’s just Ben, I thought it would be a good idea to get the yard cleaned up a bit so you can see its real potential.”

  “Well, it certainly looks magnificent already,” Moira said. She wondered if the young man would be willing to continue with the yard work if she ended up buying the house. She certainly wouldn’t have time for it herself.

  “Shall we go in?” the real estate agent asked. “Or would you rather look at the yard more first?”

  “Let’s go in,” Moira said. “I can’t wait to see what the interior is like.”

  She followed the real estate agent up the front steps, wiping her feet on the mat just inside the door before taking in the interior. The front door opened into a hallway, with what looked like the kitchen at the other end. To her left was a beautiful sitting room with large windows that looked out into the garden. Everything was covered with a layer of dust, but Moira could imagine what it would look like after a few days of cleaning and some furniture.

  She followed Madeline through the house, pausing in each room as she looked around. The office had bookshelves built into the wall, and the kitchen had an attached mudroom that opened to the fenced-in dog run. Upstairs were two large bedrooms and a gorgeous master bath. She found herself falling more and more in love with the house with each room that she entered. She had never lived so far out of town, but could see herself being happy here. The only downside would be living farther away from the deli. But I’d be closer to Candice, she thought.


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