Charger Chronicles 3: Charger the God

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Charger Chronicles 3: Charger the God Page 28

by Lea Tassie

  4255 CE Abarth attacks the four worlds. Abarth & Charger RT travel back to 2205 on Crest.

  4750 CE Black sphere attacks the four worlds and fails

  4800 CE Black sphere and giants attack the four worlds

  Earth and Reader sent to another galaxy

  Charger destroys the solar system

  Flashback to 2365 CE on Neo Terra/world ship

  Charger RT meets his older self, Charger

  Reader sends Charger back to 1432 CE

  4916 CE Henry kills Septimus plague, saves Earth and humanity once again.


  1. Real world terms and definitions.

  antigravity — the antithesis of gravity; a hypothetical force by which a body of positive mass would repel a body of negative mass

  Antikythera Mechanism — 2,000-year-old astronomical calculator built by ancient Greeks

  antimatter — matter’s twin, but with an opposite electric charge. When matter meets antimatter, they annihilate each other, leaving nothing but energy behind. The big bang created equal amounts of the two, but today the observable universe is composed almost entirely of ordinary matter. This asymmetry is one of the greatest unsolved problems in physics. Antimatter is not the same as dark matter (see below).

  Area 51 — The US Air Force facility commonly known as Area 51 is a remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base, within the Nevada Test and Training Range. The intense secrecy surrounding the base has made it the frequent subject of conspiracy theories and a central component to unidentified flying object (UFO) folklore.

  BCE — Before the Common Era. Now used in place of BC (Before Christ)

  binary language — the digital representation of speech

  black hole — a geometrically defined region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it

  bunker buster — a bomb designed to penetrate targets buried deep underground

  CE — Common Era. Now used in place of AD (“Anno Domini” in Latin, or “the year of the Lord” in English

  cryo — a combining form meaning “icy cold”

  cyborg — A cyborg (cybernetic organism) is a being with both organic and biomechatronic parts. The term cyborg is often applied to an organism that has restored function or enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback.

  dark matter — a mysterious substance; its gravitational pull seems to hold galaxies together, like a massive skeleton, but we can’t see it. We only know it’s there from calculations of the speed at which galaxies move. The matter we know and understand accounts for just four per cent of the known universe; the rest is dark matter and dark energy.

  Dhuusamareeb — Dhusamareb in English, also spelled Dhusa Mareb, is the capital of the Galguduud region of Somalia. It serves as the center of the Dhusamareb District.

  dimensions — Classical physics describes the three basic dimensions as up/down, left/right and forward/backward.

  Enola Gay — the Boeing B-29 Superfortress bomber which dropped the first atomic bomb.

  FEMA — Federal Emergency Management Agency.

  fourth dimension — The fourth dimension is time, which is not spatial, but a way of measuring physical change. We cannot move freely in time but must subjectively move in one direction.

  Gobekli Tepe — An archaeological site, regarded as of great importance, at the top of a mountain ridge in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey.

  Goldilocks zone — Also called the habitable zone or life zone, the Goldilocks region is an area of space in which a planet is just the right distance from its home star so that its surface is neither too hot nor too cold and liquid water remains on the surface of the planet without freezing or evaporating out into space.

  hertz — Defined as one cycle per second. One of its most common uses is the description of the sine wave, particularly those used in radio and audio applications, such as the frequency of musical tones. The unit is named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the first to conclusively prove the existence of electromagnetic waves.

  Higgs boson field — (nicknamed the ‘god particle’) an invisible force field that stretches across the universe, encasing us like a Jell-O mold, and giving mass to elementary particles within it: the stuff that makes up stars, planets, trees, buildings, animals and all of us. Without mass, electrons, protons and neutrons wouldn’t stick together to make atoms; atoms wouldn’t make molecules; neither we nor our planet would exist.

  hominid ⎯ any of the modern or extinct bipedal primates of the family Hominidae. Used in the text as a term for naturally evolving humans.

  hominoid ⎯ same as above, but used in the text to refer to human lines altered by the alien Grays.

  Kuiper Belt — a disc-shaped region of icy objects beyond the orbit of Neptune, billions of kilometers from our sun. The Kuiper Belt and even more distant Oort Cloud are believed to be the home of comets that orbit our sun. The known icy worlds and comets in both regions are much smaller than Earth’s moon.

  LSD — Lysergic acid diethylamide (acid) is a psychedelic drug, known for its psychological effects, which can include altered thinking processes, closed- and open-eye visuals, synesthesia, an altered sense of time and spiritual experiences. First synthesized from a chemical in ergot, a grain fungus that typically grows on rye.

  Lycan — A werewolf or lycanthrope (from the Greek), is a mythological or folkloric human which can shapeshift into a wolf or hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction, such as a bite or scratch from another werewolf.

  MIT — Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  nanoparticles — particles between 1 and 100 nanometers in size. Nanoparticle research is currently an area of intense scientific interest due to a wide variety of potential applications in biomedical, optical and electronic fields.

  plasma — one of the four fundamental states of matter, the others being solid, liquid, and gas. A plasma is an ionized gas, a gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both species, ions and electrons, to coexist. In industry, plasma torches are used to cut metals.

  quantum entanglement — In quantum physics, entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great distances. The phenomenon so riled Albert Einstein he called it “spooky action at a distance.”

  redshift — In physics, redshift happens when light or other electromagnetic radiation from an object is increased in wavelength, or shifted to the red end of the spectrum.

  R/T — the performance marker used on Dodge automobiles since the 1960s. R/T stands for Road/Track. (See below for the definition used in the text.)

  Shillelagh — This particular type of alien fighting machine was named after the Ford MGM-51 Shillelagh, an American anti-tank guided missile designed to be launched from a conventional gun.

  star-in-a-jar — Nuclear fusion is nature’s atomic power. It powers the sun and, if it can be made to happen on Earth on a large enough scale, promises to solve all of mankind’s energy problems. It would be clean, last forever and create no long-term nuclear waste. One experimenter claims to have achieved it using sound waves. Sonoluminescence is a process that transforms sound waves into flashes of light, focusing the sound energy into a tiny flickering hot spot inside a bubble. This star-in-a-jar effortlessly reaches temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees, hotter than the surface of the sun.

  supersymmetry — A proposed type of space-time symmetry that relates two basic classes of elementary particles: bosons, which have an integer-valued spin, and fermions, which have a half-integer spin.

  telematics — information technology that deals with the long-distance transmission of computerized information.

  telomeres — an essential part of human cells that affect how
our cells age. Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes, like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces.

  Tesla coil — a form of induction coil for producing high-frequency alternating currents.

  Titan — the largest moon of Saturn. Thought to be a prebiotic environment rich in complex organic chemistry with a possible subsurface liquid ocean serving as a biotic environment.

  Toba — The Toba eruption occurred in Indonesia about 71,000 BCE. Its erupted mass was 100 times greater than that of the largest volcanic eruption in recent history. The eruption deposited an ash layer over all of South Asia, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian and South China Seas. This event may have caused a global volcanic winter of 6–10 years and possibly a 1,000-year-long cooling episode.

  Ununseptium — a super-heavy artificial chemical element with temporary symbol Uus and atomic number 117. It is the second-heaviest of all the elements that have been created so far and is the second-to-last element of the 7th period of the periodic table.

  Wankel engine — a type of internal combustion engine using an eccentric rotary design to convert pressure into rotating motion. Over the commonly used reciprocating piston designs the Wankel engine delivers advantages of: simplicity, smoothness, compactness, high revolutions per minute and a high power to weight ratio.

  Wendigo — a half-beast creature in the legends of the Algonquian peoples along the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of both the United States and Canada.

  Woodhenge — a Neolithic henge and timber circle monument located in the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, just north of Amesbury.

  2. Terms coined specifically for this book

  blink system — a technological triumph, it requires a massive system of orbital satellites, quantum computers, and devices surgically attached to every human. Each device is numbered and cataloged, then integrated into a global network of systems and subsystems which any individual can access virtually. This allows a traveler to pick a destination and activate the transport, or the blink, which removes him from his present location, then reassembles him instantly, molecule by molecule, at the desired destination. Similar to the 20th century telephone system. One can call up the address where one wishes to go, then be deconstructed and reconstituted all in a blink.

  Dinosauroids ⎯ Troodon dinosaurs developed by the alien Grays into super-intelligent creatures for servants

  fifth dimension — consists of the three dimensions all humans experience, plus time and space, elevated to a higher plane of existence. A being in a fifth dimension could observe and interact with a being of the third or fourth, but the reverse is impossible. A quantifiable plane of existence where the observer experiences all the dimensions simultaneously, as if they are one.

  First Ones ⎯ a small group of humans were selected by the alien Grays for development into super-intelligent beings suitable as servants, called humanoids. Some of these escaped, developed a great empire and evolved into the Age of Energy, where they discarded their physical bodies and became known as Enoch.

  Hyborg — a combination of hybrid and cyborg, applied to physically and mentally altered soldiers

  Mahouds ⎯ a branch of the First Ones which went off on their own and settled Atlantis

  Mavens — the name given to bright students whose DNA was manipulated to create highly intelligent experts in particular fields, who might quickly find new ways to reclaim the planet after the Mahoud-Earth war.

  Megiddo max ⎯ Megiddo maximum security prison

  R/T ⎯ Resurrected terminus, or living dead

  Taskers ⎯ a class of robots built by the Mahouds

  Taskoids ⎯ Tasker robots which acquired the ability to make decisions

  time-lock — created by the alien Grays, this device isolates matter and energy from the normal flow of time

  About Lea Tassie

  I grew up on an isolated homestead in northern BC, and fell in love with books as soon as I learned to read. I’ve lived and worked in various places in North America but have been writing full time for nearly thirty years in the beautiful temperate rain forest of the Pacific Coast. My fifteen published books include humor (about cats), adventure, mainstream, short stories, and science fiction. In my spare time, I play bridge, do crosswords, and read other people’s stories.

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  Also by Lea Tassie


  Tour into Danger

  Cat Humor:

  Cats in Clover

  Siamese Summers

  Cat Under Cover

  Cats & Crayons


  A Clear Eye

  Double Image

  Deception Bay

  Science Fiction:

  Green Blood Rising

  Red Blood Falling


  Charger the Soldier

  Charger the Weapon

  Charger the God

  Short Stories:

  Harvest (collection)

  Too Blue

  Ra's Revenge

  A Proposal of Marriage

  Grand Champion

  Early Retirement

  Running the Shale

  True Shapes

  See more details at or at your favorite retailer!




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