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Come Page 19

by Becca Jameson

  In a moment, he spoke again. “Rider? Would you?”

  Katy came more alert. She’d been in a space separate from anyone else, concentrating on the way her ass burned and how horny it made her. She lifted her face. “What?”

  Rafe soothed her. “I want to see your face. Make sure you’re handling the spanking. Rider’s going to take over that end.”

  What? No.

  Panic filled her and made her lungs burn. His friend was going to spank her naked ass?

  The first blow landed in the center and Katy cried out. “No.”

  Rafe held up a hand toward Rider and met her gaze. “Too hard?”

  “No.” She gasped. She couldn’t get her mind to send a message to her mouth. She shook her head. Finally she whispered. “Not someone else, Rafe. Only you.” She hoped he heard her and understood.

  “Okay, baby. Okay.” He kissed her face everywhere. “Okay.”

  Her heart rate slowed. Thank God he’d listened to her. She couldn’t stand another man’s hands on her. It didn’t have the same effect.

  “I’m going to go slower. I want to make sure you’re okay in between.”

  She nodded. Anything. As long as only Rafe touched her.

  “Can I continue?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She set her head back down and waited as he circled her body and rubbed her ass a moment.

  He held her skirt up on her back and spanked her four more times. The lowest swat landed so close to her pussy, she almost came.

  He rounded back to meet her gaze. “You need to come, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir. Please.”

  Rafe ran his finger over her lower lip and then grazed his hand down her body until he reached her ass again. He reached between her legs and lightly touched her outer lips. She’d expected him to send her soaring like she’d watched the other woman. But he didn’t. Instead he teased her, dancing around her pussy too gently to get her off.

  Katy moaned. Rafe continued. He stroked her burning ass with his other hand. The way he stood, she knew he blocked the view of most people and it calmed her while at the same time an ache built low in her belly, needed the explosion only he could bring with his fingers…apparently on his own clock.

  Katy squirmed as he tapped her clit. She gritted her teeth, enduring his gentle touch, never knowing where it would land. She wanted his fingers inside her. Willed him to thrust them into her pussy.

  Rafe did no such thing. He fondled her like a teenager would on their first foray to third base.

  Katy panted. She tried to endure the pressure building inside her, threatening to explode. Finally she couldn’t take it another second. “Rafe. Please,” she pleaded. “Let me come.”

  On her words, he finally complied, thrusting his fingers into her pussy and pushing her to completion, his thumb on her clit. He stroked across her G-spot while she rode the waves, her vision blurring, her mouth so dry she couldn’t lick the corners.

  When it was over, Rafe unstrapped her ankles and then her wrists. He helped her off the bench and lifted her in his arms to carry her down the hall.

  Katy rested her cheek against his chest, loving the feeling of the black silk shirt he wore against her skin.

  Rafe sat in a huge plush chair, cradling her against him. He wiped her hair away from her face and held a water bottle in front of her vision. “Drink, baby.”

  Katy took the bottle with trembling fingers and drained half of it before handing it back to him. She rested against him once more.

  She was tired, sated, wrung out, and completely sure submitting to Rafe was the right choice for her.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Rafe spent all day Saturday smiling. He’d never been so happy. Katy had surpassed his wildest dreams when it came to submission. She was gorgeous, sexy, and submissive to a T. And she was his. He’d worried for a moment after she’d freaked out when Rider had spanked her, but in retrospect, it had been a good thing.

  The fact that Katy didn’t want another man to touch her was an easy fix. No other man would touch her. Simple as that. And besides, it made Rafe’s chest pump. She wanted him. And only him. It was a good thing.

  Katy slept hard when they got home. Rafe hadn’t cared that they didn’t have sex. He had her in his arms and he never intended to let her go.

  Nothing would get between them. They were meant for each other.

  They spent the weekend at home. Rafe took Katy by her condo for a few hours to check on things and grab some more belongings.

  Rafe cleared out a few drawers for her at the house and made space in his closet.

  Katy stared at him, her eyes furrowed.

  “I know it’s fast. But move in with me.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her. “I can’t imagine you leaving. Even after they catch that bastard, I won’t want you to leave.”

  Katy leaned into him. “We just met.”

  “So? When it feels right it feels right.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  It was something, and she did put her stuff in the spots he’d made for her. And he kept smiling.

  “I told Jenna we couldn’t run again this week,” she said on Saturday night. They were sitting on the couch listening to music. “But I’m not happy about it.”

  “It’s the right choice until they catch Crowder.”

  “I know, but I hate that he’s running my life.”

  “He’s not. And it’s temporary. As soon as he’s caught, everything will go back to normal.” Rafe paused and took her hand. “Well, a new normal. I’m going to hound you until you agree to move in with me.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t pressure me. I’m stressed enough as it is.”

  “I know.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m greedy.”


  Monday was a huge day of work for Katy. She had to be in court, and then she needed to meet with a client at the office late in the afternoon. Rafe trailed along with her. She was constantly conscious of his presence. He was growing on her. She liked having him with her. After they caught Crowder she wouldn’t have such good eye candy trailing along behind her all day. He went to court with her and watched from the back. She felt like he was learning every detail about her life. It was true.

  Maybe next week she’d suggest they spend their days at his office.

  The court case went as expected and by five o’clock they were back in her office building waiting for her late client. The man arrived on time and Katy spoke with him for two hours in the conference room. Rafe brooded in the hall. It wouldn’t be prudent for him to listen in. He’d insisted at first, especially when other attorneys were leaving the office, but Katy had talked him down. No way would her client want another set of ears eavesdropping on his affairs.

  It was after seven when the client left. Katy came back to her office with Rafe on her heels. “I just need to shut the computer down and grab my stuff.” Her feet hurt. She was exhausted.

  Rafe took her bag and his and draped them over his shoulder. He set his hand on the small of her back as they made their way to the parking garage.

  The eerie silence made her nervous. It was too quiet. Few cars remained.

  She glanced at Rafe.

  He smiled. “I’m here. You’re fine.”

  As they reached his truck, he pressed the key fob to unlock the doors. Rafe released Katy to enter on her side and rounded the truck.

  A sudden loud thump made Katy pause halfway into the truck. She twisted toward the driver’s side to see Rafe. He wasn’t there. His head should have been visible through the windows.

  Katy jumped back down and ran to the other side of the truck. Rafe lay on the ground next to the truck, blood running from his head. Bobby Crowder stood over him, smirking. He held a knife. “He’s not so strong and fierce when slammed with a brick, is he?” The man cackled and reached for Katy. She jumped back. “Rafe,” she screamed. Was he alive? He didn’t move.

  Her heart pounded. She turned to run in the opposite direction, h
ating to leave Rafe, but knowing her own life was in danger.

  Bobby was too quick for her though. He jumped over Rafe’s body and grabbed her arm.

  Katy screamed. No one was in the garage to hear her though.

  Bobby put his hand over her mouth. “Stop it bitch, or I’ll kill you right here. It doesn’t matter to me.”

  Katy went slack. She fought all her instincts and went limp, knowing her best chance at survival would be to make him work hard to get her to another location.

  Bobby held her up, but he wasn’t large. He pulled the knife and wedged it under her chin. “I’ll cut your throat and leave you to bleed to death. Fucking walk.” He breathed against her face, his foul odor making her gag. He’d been drinking. And his eyes were so glazed, she imagined he’d done drugs too.

  Katy squirmed to free herself while Bobby dragged her across the garage floor. “I would take your useless bodyguard’s truck, but it doesn’t have a trunk.”

  Katy cringed at the mention of Rafe’s truck. He was back there lying on the floor bleeding to death and she was helpless to stop it.

  She fought now. Hard. Kicking Bobby in the shins. She didn’t care if she got cut by the knife. No way in hell was she going to let him put her in a trunk and take her to another location. She was smarter than that. Nothing good ever happened in a second location.

  A loud grunt filled Katy’s ears, and a second later Bobby let go of her.

  Katy twisted around to find Rafe teetering behind the asshole. He held the same brick Bobby must have used on him, but he’d been too weak to do enough damage. Blood trickled down his head. But he was alive.

  Katy screamed again. Louder this time.

  Bobby jumped into a fighting position, waving the knife he held around in front of him. “Back up you mother fucker. Unless you want her dead, stay back.”

  The guy had lost his mind if he thought Rafe would willingly let him take Katy. She knew that for certain. As long as Rafe was alive and conscious, there was no way in hell Bobby was going to win.

  Bobby swung the knife in Rafe’s direction, missing as Rafe jumped to one side. Rafe was a fighter for fuck’s sake. He knew how to move. But when Bobby realized his misjudgment, he jumped toward Katy and grabbed her beneath the neck, cutting off her airway and dragging her backward away from Rafe. Bobby held the knife in front of him as Rafe eased forward, following their movement.

  “I’ll kill her.”

  “Not on my watch.” Rafe had said that before, and she knew he meant it.

  Come on, Rafe. Do something. She knew he was biding his time, waiting for the best opportunity, but she was getting worried.

  Finally he made his move, punching Bobby in the face at the precise angle he needed to get him to release Katy without injuring her.

  Katy slipped free of his clutches, but Rafe misjudged Bobby’s ability to remain on his feet. Bobby jabbed forward with his knife, stabbing Rafe in the side.

  “Rafe!” Katy lurched forward, getting between the two men.

  The knife remained imbedded deep in Rafe’s side. He grabbed it, but instead of pulling it out, he held it steady with his left hand and turned all the way around to kick Bobby in the face with his right leg.

  Bobby went down cold. Katy stared in disbelief for a moment before she darted forward as Rafe dropped to his knees on the concrete.

  “Oh my God.” Katy helped lower him to lie on the ground.

  “Call 9-1-1, baby.” He stared at her, gripping the front of her shirt as he swallowed, his eyes fluttering. He still held the knife. “Don’t. Remove. Knife…” He closed his eyes and she settled his head on her lap.

  Katy fumbled in her pocket for her phone, glad it wasn’t in her purse next to the truck. She waited two rings for someone to pick up and then she had no idea what nonsense she stammered to the operator on the other end.

  She remained on the line with the woman who did everything in her power to calm Katy’s nerves while Katy waited for the ambulance and the police to arrive.

  The police got there first, two squad cars and then three. Two men knelt down beside her and told her to remain still. She hadn’t realized she was holding the knife. And she wouldn’t let go. He’d said not to remove it, and by God she took him at his word.

  “Ma’am.” When Katy twisted her head to see the source of the new voice, she found a paramedic behind her. “We’ll take it from here.” He set a hand on her shoulder and another on the knife. “You did good. Leaving it in place is always the best action. You kept him from bleeding out. Let us work on him now.”

  Katy released the knife and scooted back as two more men moved in to push a pillow under Rafe’s head and take his vitals. There was very little blood. She wondered why. Had the knife adcted as a cork? “Is he alive?”

  “He is, ma’am. We’ll do everything we can.”

  A female officer helped Katy stand. “Let’s get you in the squad car. We’ll follow the ambulance to the hospital.”

  Katy backed up as the EMT’s lifted Rafe onto a stretcher and rolled him toward the ambulance. She didn’t pay any attention to what they did with Bobby or if he was alive. She didn’t give a fuck what happened to the bastard as long as Rafe lived.

  The next few hours were a blur as Katy walked into the hospital and ran toward the emergency room. The officer had called her uncle from the car after questioning Katy several times about who she could call.

  Katy knew Uncle Joe was on his way, and he’d probably have that posse of badass fighters with him. But she didn’t care about that.

  An orderly stopped her as she ran toward the desk. “You’re with Rafe Walker?”

  “Yes. Is he…okay?”

  “The doctor is wheeling him into surgery now. We’ll know more in a while. Have a seat and I’ll let you know as soon as I have more information.”

  Sit? Was he crazy? Katy paced the room, running her fingers through her hair, while a series of screenshots of the last few weeks flitted through her mind.

  Rafe against the wall nonchalantly hoping to meet her as she exited the gym that first day, his face cocky until she stepped into his space and melted the look with her lips.

  Rafe hovering over her, touching her nipples in his gentle way.

  Rafe washing her hair in the shower, the intense look on his face as he made sure she was completely clean.

  She paced and she worried. Uncle Joe was the first to arrive. He took her in his arms and she finally cried. Tears without noise that ran down her face. She wanted to scream her frustration. How could this happen? How could that bastard win?

  “It’s going to be okay. Rafe is strong. A little knife wound won’t get him down.” Uncle Joe’s words soothed, but they weren’t based on fact.

  Katy shook her head and stepped back. “You didn’t see him. It was bad. And his head.” Katy touched her own head and winced as though feeling his pain.

  The other members of the Fight Club trickled in one by one. Their faces were reverent and true to Rafe’s word, none of them mentioned the club. They extended their brief words of encouragement and waited in chairs while she paced.

  Rider made several phone calls and let Katy know that Bobby Crowder had been taken to another hospital in police custody and would be arraigned for attempted murder in the morning.

  It seemed like hours before someone emerged from the emergency room door. The doctor who came out looked around and then spotted Katy. “Are you Katy?”

  She nodded, unable to step forward.

  The doctor came to her. She didn’t catch his name. All she cared about was Rafe. He smiled finally. “There’s a man in my recovery room asking for you.”



  “He’s okay?”

  “He’s going to be fine. His head is going to hurt like hell for a few days, but once the concussion heals he’ll be right as rain.”

  “And the knife.”

  “Amazing.” The doctor shook his head. “Missed all major organs. Only a fles
h wound. A deep one, but nothing severe. I’ve stitched him up. He’s waiting for you.” The doctor took her arm, and finally she was able to propel herself forward in his wake.

  He’s okay. She couldn’t believe it until she saw him with her own eyes.

  Katy rounded several corners following the doctor, and finally she entered a private room. He left her there and shut the door.

  Rafe. He lay there with his eyes closed, but when she entered he turned his head slightly her direction and grinned. He reached out his hand toward her, and she really let the tears go, deep sobbing that shook her entire body as she gasped between each blubbering wail of frustration.

  “Come here, baby.” He still held out his arm.

  Finally Katy managed to run toward him, grabbing his hand and letting him pull her the rest of the way. He wore only his black jeans. His shirt was gone and a huge bandage covered his side. She didn’t want to hurt him, but he pulled her toward his chest. “I’m okay.”

  “You scared the shit out of me,” she mumbled against him.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He stroked her hair, holding her head close to his chest.

  Eventually she lifted her face and met his gaze. “Are you in pain?”

  “Nope. They have good drugs here.” His eyes drooped.

  “You need to sleep.”

  “I need to know you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re mine.”

  “I’m yours.” She nodded. New tears fell down her face.

  Rafe wiped a stream with one finger. “You’ll move in with me.”

  She nodded again.

  “Hell, that’s not enough for me.” He clasped her chin. “I want you to marry me.”

  “Marry you?”

  “Is the idea so foreign?” He smiled. “It’s when two people commit to spend their lives together. In sickness and in health.” He winced and moved his torso a bit to one side.

  “I’m clear on what marriage is. But we’ve only known each other a few weeks.”

  “And I love you. Why wait?”

  She stared at him. Was he in his right mind? Her chest pounded. She gripped the arm he held her cheek with. “Sleep. We can discuss it further when you feel better. You’re delusional.”


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