The Stone of Cuore

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The Stone of Cuore Page 15

by Stephen I. Carmer

The Wizards’ Arrival

  Wizardry lessons began in the morning. As Tancred had been away for a long time, he felt it necessary to press on with the business of educating his young apprentices. Tate was just there for support as most of the effort fell on Platov. The audience of visiting wizards was fully expecting some remarkable show of abilities on behalf of Platov. Nervously, he practiced a few simple incantations under Tancred’s watchful direction. But while Tancred and his host boasted and laughed over Wraith’s ambitions, new developments were taking place.

  Wraith had no intention of taking a direct assault on Tancred Castle or Platov and the Stone of Cuore. Wraith had taken a different tactic. Fanning out with his army of dwarfs, Wraith’s influence had spread out over the distant mountains effectively dividing the Kingdom into two. Tancred secretly had sent out many birds to spy upon the enemy. With anonymous cackles, the birds were returning and the new developments were revealed. Hastily, maps were rolled out while wizards examined the situation in detail.

  That night wolves came to the forest on Wraith’s command. Surrounding the ancient walls, they laid siege to the castle with snarling teeth and flaring eyes. The Oorts stayed up in the trees while the elves taunted the wolves from lofty positions. Among the wolves, Platov witnessed one with red burning eyes. Sage informed Platov that the red-eyed demon was actually Vladislav, the Wolf King himself. With no means of crossing the still flooded moat, the wolves nervously prowled around amid the trees with threatening snarls. Platov watched from the narrow slot of his chamber while Agdar, the dragon on the roof snorted fire and spent his time mostly sleeping, unimpressed by the wolves.


  Inside the hall the following night, Tancred had Platov lay out the great Stone of Cuore. The Sage with droopy eyes could predict no clear outcome for the brewing battle. Then with a wave of his hand, Tancred brought the full powers inside the stone to life. The barrel vault ceiling of the hall was amazingly covered with shadow figures, some moving, and others perfectly stationary. Understanding the vision, Tancred pointed out different aspects to his wizards. A line had been drawn through the middle of the Kingdom. Wraith had captured the high Dragon Mountains separating the east from the west. The Queen and her forces were on the west side of the mountains, while Tancred and his wizards were to the east. Wraith had completed his takeover with the alliance of hundreds of dwarfs all recruited with the promise of riches to be mined from the newly acquired territory.

  An argument broke out as the wizards could not decide the best way to drive back the enemy. A direct assault with Wraith having all the advantages seemed futile. Another campaign was suggested of marching up the very spine of the mountains from the south. But Wraith had already considered that weakness and the southern trail was well-guarded. Throughout the night the arguments continued back and forth. Platov and Tate were sent back to their chamber. Tomorrow they would be moving against Wraith with the Stone of Cuore being their greatest weapon. Nervous, yet excited, the boys locked themselves in their chamber while trying to ignore the snarling wolves just beyond the moat.

  By dawn, even more wolves had come to the siege surrounding Tancred Castle in droves. In reality they were of little threat as the walls of the castle were thick and the heavy drawbridge was pulled up tightly. The wood elves had taken to the parapets and up into the trees. Amid a great deal of trickery, the elves were taunting the wolves.

  A hearty breakfast was served to all, and the wizards were all in a boisterous mood. No one seemed concerned how to get past the wolves. After eating, the wizards all arrived at the center of the courtyard. With flourishes from all, a dazzling array of old colorful carpets rolled out onto the courtyard. Climbing aboard the nearest flying carpet, a tall wizard named Hawken sat down. He instructed Platov and Tate to sit down in front of him. Then with a great rustling of wind the carpet swooped into the sky. Circling around the castle twice while the other carpets took flight, Platov looked down over the wolves and grinned.

  Then without a moment to spare the flotilla took to the sky soaring over the forest, Alexander’s village, and beyond. Aiming for the distant snow-covered mountains, the carpets flew at an exhilarating pace. Banking and heading north following the spine of the rugged Dragon Mountains, they went on for some distance. Then a mighty square tower was in sight. Tall, foreboding, and surrounded by high curtain walls. Torches burned on the battlements and on the many hoardings that hung from the sides. The carpets were heading straight for the tower and Platov wondered if that was where Wraith was hiding. His question was soon answered as the carpets descended on the tower, slipping over the high outer walls and landing on the narrow inner bailey. With orders from Tancred, Platov and Tate were shown into the high tower. A long spiraling staircase led to the very top. The tower was hollow inside and the stairs hardly wide enough for two to pass easily. Without handrails, to slip would mean a very nasty fall to the very bottom of the tower. With aching legs, they finally reached the very top. With their faces to the cold wind, Tancred and his wizards were pointing out different features of the nearby mountains.

  Wraith’s hideout was believed to hidden just below the second peak, but down slightly where there was a known cave. Certain that the ghost of the wizard was watching them just the same, the great plan was laid out. The Stone of Cuore and Sage were what Wraith wanted, but it was also the stone and orb that would defeat him once again. Without much instruction in the use of such a powerful stone Platov was unsure how he could help. Platov listened as all the wizards coached him all at the same time. The only thing he heard clearly was to entice Wraith into revealing himself. Platov was confused by all the different directions. He decided upon doing what he had done before. Conspiring with the Sage, they made their own plans. Then as Wraith would not be about until nightfall, Platov and Tate took the great climb back down the spiraling stairs.


  Furious that Platov had escaped by flying carpet, the wolves were rampaging northward to lay siege to the great Tower of Aleta. Snarling and tearing through the forest the enraged wolves were coming fast. But like Tancred Castle when the wolves arrived, the most they could do was storm around the outer walls snarling and baring their teeth. In mockery, Tate and Platov sat up on the parapet looking down at the wolves and eating the dinner Klara had sent with them. The wolves’ eyes flashed while Platov and Tate looked down at them from the great height. Once finished with dinner, they reentered the hollow tower and began the long climb back to the top. Stopping at the first corbel about three-quarters up the side of the tower, they stepped out and looked over the landscape below. Then they climbed the stairs again, stopping at the next corbel for a view of the other direction. The snarling wolves had grown in numbers and they could see a long line of them still making their way across the land. Pointing out different sights, the boys then climbed the rest of the way to the very top of the tower. Here the wind blew hard while the height commanded a sweeping view in all directions. Rugged snow-covered mountains sat to the west where Wraith was hiding. Off to the south it was all forested and rolling hills. Off to the east were the blue tree-covered Murcula Mountains, while snow-covered barren granite mountains were to the North.

  On the mountains to the west a long line of torches were moving. As if a giant ribbon, the torches all appeared to melt together as it wound its way around the rugged land. Platov watched the sight curiously while Tate pointed out another column of torches to the north. More dwarves were coming of that they were certain, but why they had allied themselves with Wraith was bewildering. Then with a rustle of wind, the wizards riding the carpets were returning. Rather than making the big effort of climbing the tower from the bottom, the wizards merely landed on the roof. Getting right down to business, a map was unfurled in the icy wind and laid out on a conjured table. Platov did hear that the Queen’s army was approaching from the west but beyond their sight on the other side of the Dragon Mountains.

  Darkness came swiftly and with the screech of a hawk circling near the
tower. Torches lit up the entire tower and all around the surrounding protective walls. The wind howling at the great height muffled the snarls and bickering of the army of wolves far below. Taunting Platov, the wolves were leaping against the high walls. But the walls were strong, the bridge lifted and that was the most that the wolves could do. The wizards did not seem particularly impressed with Wraith’s allies far below.

  Holding the Stone of Cuore in his hand while Tate held the Sage, Platov felt its power charging and preparing for the battle. Other wizards with their own stones of power fixed to Staffs surrounded Platov. Charging a blue lightning ball at the tips of his fingers, Hawken worked a sizzling, snapping ball into a tight weave. Throbbing menacingly, Hawken held it back while another wizard conjured a red lightning ball. Bathed in the glow of the lightning balls, all waited. Tancred was studying the distant ribbon of torches moving against the mountain side. Estimating the number of dwarves in the thousands, Tancred pointed out different areas of his map.

  Nodding in agreement, Tancred ordered the first strike to be flung directly at Wraith. Hurled into the air, the lightning balls shot swiftly into the sky arcing with a brilliant trail. In a flash of red and icy blue, the balls struck the side of the mountain unleashing a maelstrom of thunder. Muffled avalanches broke loose from the peaks and raced down the mountains. Then two fireballs were heading back directly at the high Tower of Aleta. Down below taking up on the hoardings and corbels wizards were conjuring up lightning balls preparing to strike.

  Platov’s labradorite stone glowed bright in his hand. Feeling a surge of energy gathering, consolidating, and then exploding, the skies lit up with a brilliant blinding sizzling blue flash. The incoming fireballs exploded and a blast of hot wind rattled the tower threatening to send Tate flying off. A wizard pulled Tate back and then just as quickly, the skies filled with lightning bolts, several of which came from the hoardings further down the side of the tower. Raining down on Wraith, the lightning lit up the mountainside in rapid succession. Torches that had been moving in a steady column stopped as the dwarves witnessed the assault. Far down below the snarling of wolves suddenly stopped as the deafening sound of thunder spread over the land. Then the Stone of Cuore blasted again much to Platov’s astonishment. Startled, he jumped back and watched with Tate as a huge gust of iridescent blue and green wind swirled into a vortex. Taking aim on Wraith, the funnel cloud moved with unstoppable power driving blinding lightning ahead of it. A counterstrike launched by Wraith shot up from the mountain, but only to be absorbed into the vortex and turned back against the enemy.

  “If that does not finish Wraith off.....,” a wizard said admiringly at the power he was witnessing.

  “He be deep in the cave,” Tancred said. With his finger he followed the vortex that was shrinking in size but gaining in ferocity. Then as the vortex entered the narrow opening to the cave, it vanished. All held their breath and waited, then with an earthshaking roar, the vortex unleashed its fury in Wrath’s cave.

  It was at that moment that Platov saw a dark shape flying through the night sky. A shadow breathing fire and taking aim on the tower, the dragon was heading directly for Platov. With no doubt that it was Scorch coming to capture the Stone of Cuore, Platov pointed. Then pulled onto a carpet with Tate, Hawken guided the carpet into the air and they made their escape with only moments to spare. Fire lit up the sky as Scorch furiously bore down on them.

  “Wraith, he be finished,” Hawken said. “But Scorch, he be out for revenge.”

  Escape from Scorch’s Revenge

  The carpet veered off to the south flying down low over the forest. Looking back, Platov could see that Scorch was behind. Sweeping over the trees, Hawken swooped to the east heading for the great chasm. They would make their escape into the Adzes River canyon. A great blast of furious fire nipped at Platov as they swooped over the trees. Then diving straight down, Hawken guided the carpet right over the raging river. The river reflected Scorch’s raging breath as they followed the wandering canyon southward. High over their heads dragon fire blasted the night sky. Platov could hear Scorch demanding back the stone. Taken by him with trickery, Scorch promised to hunt Platov down. Now of his two enemies, Platov clearly understood that Scorch was the one he must fear most.

  “A dragon never forgets,” Hawken said as the carpet raced through the canyon. Swooping between two tall pillars, Hawkins guided the carpet onto a flat area. Standing on the rock, Platov and Tate watched as Scorch high over the canyon still searched for them. A blast of dragon fire lit up the sky and Platov could hear Scorch’s threats for revenge.

  Chapter 15: Always a Catch


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