
Home > Paranormal > Oden > Page 10
Oden Page 10

by Jessica Frances

  The sky has been replaced with the image of our home. There is movement out in front, but the image is too far away to make out what is happening.

  “What is this?”

  “They showed us this when they executed your mother,” one of the men whispers.

  The picture zooms in closer, first showing my mother’s head—which is no longer attached to her body—stuck on top of a stick outside our home. The image is awful and gruesome, yet I don’t look away as the picture moves past her and I see Jeprow’s evil grin.

  He is standing tall, looking as though he is at ease as he gazes directly into the camera, therefore appearing as though he is staring directly at us.

  “Hello and welcome to the next chapter of A Death in the Family. The first one was such a success, I thought a sequel was in order,” he sneers, his hand motioning to the side where three men step forward. They are dragging a man who is bloodied and unrecognizable except it’s obvious to everyone who he is.

  This is our father.

  “I feel a shift in the air. A new change in leadership is coming. Any last words, old man?” Jeprow asks, leaning down over our father.

  “Ival, do whatever it takes to get Oden back, and do it soon,” he grunts, his voice quieter and weaker than I have ever heard it before.

  “Touching, but don’t worry. I assure you there will be another edition of this coming up soon. Will it be one of your sons? Or perhaps a lover and future grandchild?” he taunts, standing tall again as he stares directly down at the camera. “Stay tuned to find out.” He steps out of shot then, and a different man steps forward with a large blade. While one man holds our father’s head still, he is quickly beheaded before our eyes.

  Another whistle sounds and the Claws move back into action. Instead of them being distracted, it is us. The Claws ruthlessly strike back at us, and we all have to jolt ourselves from the fog in our heads.

  I dodge out of the way of a Claw crushing the place I had just been standing, and as the tail spins around, ready to pierce me, a soldier runs into me and pulls up his shield, sending a circle of electrical energy around us. While it’s not enough to seriously harm the Claw, it stings it and causes it to redirect its attack. That then gives enough time for another soldier to fire a spear through its head.

  “We have to get out of here and regroup,” Ival commands.

  “We have to go back down to the tunnels,” I hiss at him.

  “We can’t do anything from there. We need… weapons and a way to break the hold they have over our spaceships.”

  “He threatened to kill a grandchild. Mattie is the only one who is carrying a child. That was a direct threat on her.”

  “She is in the tunnel; no one knows about them. Your… human is safe.”

  “Not if she starves to death. I’m going back to her.”

  “No, you’re not. I’m leader now, and I command you… to stay here. There is too much needed to be done.”

  I shake my head at him. There is no way I’m not going back to see Mattie. Partly for selfish reasons, but I also just need to see her with my own eyes to assure myself that she is alive and unharmed. Jeprow just threatened her. I won’t be able to relax until I have her safe in my arms.

  “I will give her this food and come back.”

  “No, you will—” Ival grabs my arm, ready to order me to obey him, however two men knock us over as a Claw attacks and one of the men is sliced almost in half.

  We spring into action, moving, and I’m handed another gun. For a short while, nothing happens except for ducking, running, and shooting. We move as a group, eventually separating into two smaller groups when we have to dive in opposite directions to avoid a leaping Claw.

  Slowly, I make my way back towards the hidden tunnel, and as I’m standing over it, Ival grabs my arm and twists it behind me, causing pain to radiate up my arm and shoulder.

  “Fine, go back to your human. However, when I… come back down there to get you, I expect your full cooperation. I also… expect you to be wearing your argu. It is of no use down there, and already… I’ve witnessed two near misses, which would have been no problem had you… been protected. Take it off her, or I will,” he snaps and then eases open the hatch.

  I don’t give him a second thought. I drop the bag of food down first and then swing over the ledge and climb down, hearing the snap of the latch above.


  Walking back down the tunnel is a blurry experience. I begin to feel not only tired, but dizzy while dark spots appear in front of my eyes. I end up having to sit down for a short moment and eat some food. I feel guilty to be resting and eating while the others haven’t had food for a long time, but as soon as I think I can manage to stay standing, I get to my feet and keep moving.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been gone for. I don’t know what to expect to find when I make it back to the rooms, either. I left without a word of warning to Mattie. I hadn’t expected to find myself in a warzone. I thought a short walk to find Ival, a quick grabbing of food, and then, in no time, I would be back.

  I quicken my pace, my thoughts returning to where they have been repeatedly moving to since Jeprow uttered the threat against Mattie and Riley. I can’t let anything happen to either of them.

  I leave the bag sitting in the kitchen and then edge closer to the rooms. I find Mattie asleep on the ground with two doors near her, standing open.

  I don’t understand why she is on the ground. I rush to her, afraid she has collapsed.

  “Mattie?” I hiss at her, dropping to my knees beside her and lifting her into my arms.

  She mumbles, her face nuzzling my neck, but she doesn’t wake completely.

  “Mattie, are you all right? Why are you on the ground?” I demand of her, needing to hear her say she is fine.

  “The lights were bright,” she mumbles, her arms moving around me.

  “The lights are bright out here, too,” I tell her, standing and bringing her along with me in my arms.

  I poke my head in the room next to where she has been sleeping and see the outline of Hannah and Logan, relieved to see they are all fine.

  I walk Mattie to the room next to theirs, placing her down on the bed.

  “Watch me,” I tell her, watching her struggle to open her eyes against the bright light. “Touch any part of the wall, place your palm flat, and then move it to the side. It dims the lights, and if you keep going, it will turn them off.”

  “Cool.” She closes her eyes again. “How come you took so long?”

  “I got you some food. Do you want some now?” I sit down on the bed next to her. I’m still wearing my damp clothes, although they have mostly dried now.

  “No, I’m too tired to eat.” She snuggles down on the bed.

  I consider the small amount of room we have. Beds on Earth are much roomier. Since sex isn’t considered recreational on Oden, we usually sleep alone. There will be a room in each house that is set aside for the act of sex. For our people, when the need arises to produce an heir, we will stay in that room every night until a baby is conceived. Then we retreat back to our own rooms. Consequently, a small mattress is all that is needed. These rooms are down here for safety, not to make life comfortable for couples. Not that it will matter for us. I don’t plan to have any part of my body away from Mattie.

  I strip off my clothes, watching as she sleeps soundly above the covers. Once I’m naked, I drag the covers under her, watching her move slightly with them before they are free from her weight. I lift them over her and then crawl onto the bed as well, cradling her to me. I’m exhausted, but my cock reacts to her warm body being so close to mine. I don’t think there will ever be a time I don’t want her.

  I finger the vest she’s wearing under her new shirt. Ival wants me to take it back, but there is no way I will ever take this away from her and Riley. Not when Jeprow just threatened them.

  I grip hold of her waist, her body flush against mine, and close my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.


  I wake some time later, feeling groggy, when Mattie climbs back into bed. Since it’s so small, it is impossible to do so without disturbing me. It’s surprising I was able to sleep through her getting out of bed.

  I hold my arms open, ready for her to rest against me, except I first feel her bare legs brush against mine. She was completely covered when I placed her in here earlier.

  My heartbeat increases and I jolt in surprise when her hands move over my chest, briefly brushing against my own nipples and then traveling farther down my chest.

  I hold my breath, waiting in the darkness to see what she plans on doing next. The bed shifts again, and then her leg brushes my other side, so she’s now straddling me. She moves her hips down until my cock is cushioned over her ass cheeks. I groan as she slowly moves along me, her heat and wetness dragging over me until our bodies are aligned, and then she sits so that I am just at her entrance.

  I want to move. I want to push my hips upwards to fully enter her. I want to take her hard and fast. But I stay still. I let her remain in control.

  When she slowly seats herself down on me, I force myself to only feel and not move. I’m not sure how long I can keep this up, however while I still have some control of myself, I will let her be in charge of our speed.

  “Marduke,” her voice croaks out, hitching at the end as I’m finally completely sheathed by her.

  “Mattie,” I hiss back, my hands moving until I’m cupping her face.

  I bring her down to my lips. Every time I suck on them, bite her, or move my tongue with hers, her inner walls squeeze me. My cock is begging me to move. I’m not sure how much more torture I can take.

  When the kiss feels too overwhelming, I trail kisses down her neck and by her ear, which again causes her to squeeze her legs tighter around me. We haven’t moved yet, and the wait is almost too much. Her body is tightening around me, sending jolts of pleasure through me, but I won’t be able to help having to move.

  “Please, take this off me?” Mattie asks, pulling away from me and leaning forward and over me. The new angle causes her body to tremble as she reaches out and touches the wall, turning the lights until they are dimly lit.

  “I can’t; it’s protecting you,” I tell her, gripping onto her hips and lifting her off me until I am nearly completely out of her, and then I drop her down, the slap making us both moan in ecstasy.

  “I need you to touch me. I need your hands on me, your lips over my breasts. Please, Marduke, please.”

  Her pleading is too desperate for me to tell her no. What harm can come from it when we are in the tunnels, safe from Jeprow? As soon as I have had my fill of her, I can place it back on.

  “Fine, but I will put it back on you afterwards.” I try to sound firm, but my hands ruin the effect as I too eagerly remove the argu and then watch as her nipples pebble against her thin bra. I’m mesmerized by them, unconsciously deciding to rip off the bra until she is suddenly free of it.

  Completely naked now, I drag my eyes away from her stunning breasts that are begging for my touch and gaze down over her stomach. I touch her there, imagining Riley growing inside her. Riley, who is part of us both and will be perfect because he or she was conceived by two people who love each other more than life itself, and we will love our baby just as much. I won’t allow anyone to take them away from me. Not Jeprow, not Ival, not anyone.

  “I think I’ve gotten a bit fatter,” Mattie comments, her hands moving over mine. She has a small pouch like shape growing over her once very flat stomach, but her ribs are visible. She needs to eat more food if she and the baby are to remain healthy.

  I vow to get her to eat more, starting right now, but then, as she rocks against me, I vow to get her the food after we’re finished in here.

  “I think you’re perfect. I love you so much,” I tell her, wanting to roll over and take control of this, take her fast, take her every way I can until she’s crying from pleasure. Yet I don’t want to hurt her or the baby. Therefore, instead, I sit up, pulling her against my chest, and grip a hold of her hips again.

  I kiss her once more, my fingers digging into her skin until I can’t wait any longer. I pull away, moving her against me and speeding up our rhythm as I lean down and suck one of her nipples into my mouth.

  Her taste is addictive. Every time I lightly scratch my teeth over the sensitive area, every time I bite down gently, she squeezes around me tighter and moans my name. Apparently, she likes it when I’m a bit rougher.

  I move to her other breast, giving that one the same treatment, and I feel a tightness growing in my balls, in my cock. I’m ready to explode, but I need her to come first. I need to make this good for her because she deserves it.

  I reach down and move my hand over her clit and rub over her, moving my other hand to pinch her nipple before I lick over it, soothing the sting. She’s now in control of our speed, moving even faster over me, her grip beginning to be too much. I’m not sure I can hold out much longer.

  Then she cries my name and I feel her coming around me. As she collapses over me, I finally let go, too. I’m completely lost in her arms and to the intense moment we’ve just shared to the point it takes me several minutes to become aware again. When I do, I realise Mattie is crying.

  “What is wrong? Did I hurt you?” I cup her face, forcing her to look at me. My heart aches at seeing her upset as I berate myself for harming her. I was too forceful; I should have let her keep the pace she needed, not taken over like I did. I should have had better control of myself.

  “I can’t lose you; I need you too much. I have nearly lost you so many times already, just in the past day. Please don’t leave me. Riley needs you, too,” she gasps, her tears coming faster.

  I pull her against me, moving down so we are lying flat along the mattress. She is still on top of me and I am still inside her. I can’t bring myself to break that connection with her, not yet.

  “I’m not going to leave you, not ever. No one will take either of you away from me. We’re our own family now, and I promise you, we will make this work.”

  “And Hannah and Logan? They are part of our family, too.”

  “Yes, we won’t leave anyone behind. I promise,” I tell her.

  Because her sobbing doesn’t cease, I keep repeating to her how much I love her. I move my hand through her hair and over her back, trying to sooth her, until I finally feel her let go of the tension she is carrying and let sleep take her.

  Even through her sleep, I don’t stop whispering how much I love her and how I promise I won’t let anything bad happen to our family.

  I wish I knew how wrong I was. I wish I had some warning that I would be made a liar.

  I would do anything to change what happens to her, to us, to our new family.

  Our new family was already doomed, though.

  Chapter 8


  Time passes. I’m not sure how much. We all sleep a lot, which makes it feel as though it has been days since we first made it to this part of the tunnel. Marduke has barely left my side, and I draw comfort and security from him being with us. Ival returned a short while ago, apparently his injuries have been fixed, and it’s the first time Marduke has left my side for an extended amount of time. The food supply is beginning to get low, which I know will mean he has to go out for more again soon.

  He told me about witnessing the execution of his father, and the confirmation of his mother’s death. It gives me nightmares to realise how Jeprow wants to kill Marduke. That he is targeting him, wanting to murder him at all, is terrifying, but to know how he will do it makes me feel ill.

  Marduke kept to himself the state of what is happening outside, but I fear it is worse than what we witnessed when we first landed on Oden.

  Are Marduke’s people winning? How are the humans coping? What about on the other planets?

  I can’t get answers out of him that he doesn’t know, yet I feel him holding back from me. I think it’s because he fears I will i
nsist on tagging along with him. I might want to know what is happening, perhaps even wish to see it with my own eyes, but I am not an idiot. I know how dangerous it is out there, and I have people to think about now. I have to take care of Riley, and there is no way I can leave Hannah and Logan behind.

  So I promise myself and Marduke that I will be good and not leave these tunnels. However, that hasn’t extended to me wearing that vest again. Marduke has tried several times to get me to place it back on, but each time, I’ve managed to distract him. He’s assured me countless times that I’m safe in these tunnels, and I’m hoping that, if I’m not wearing it, then maybe he will when he’s back out in that warzone. With Ival’s return and their obvious disagreements, I have no doubt in my mind that he will be leaving us again. Either it’ll be to get us food, or to join some form of attack on Jeprow. I can’t bear the thought of him being under-protected while I’m sitting in the tunnels, completely safe, being overprotected.

  Therefore, as of right now I’m free of the vest. It also means I can touch my stomach whenever I please. I sort of have an obsession with doing that now. I have no proper idea how far along I am, and no idea how big Riley is. For all I know, Riley is still the size of a grape. I’ve felt no movement and I haven’t had any problems keeping my food down.

  I’m leaning against the sink, my hand over my stomach, lost in thought when Lisa walks into the small area. She stares at me for a while and I drop my hands to my sides.

  Things have been tense between us still, and this is definitely the longest I’ve gone with being around her and barely speaking. Back in college, I couldn’t be in the same vicinity as her without her calling out to chat. We’ve even had conversations through bathroom stalls and solid walls before.

  “Hey,” I croak out, coughing to clear my throat. Her stare is making me nervous. It doesn’t help that she isn’t staring at my face, but at my stomach.


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