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Swish Page 5

by Marian Tee

  She cried silently at the sheer pleasure of his kiss. Time moved indefinitely, but her world was centered on the point where her body and his mouth came in contact.

  “Please…” She didn’t know what she was begging for. All she knew was that she wanted more. So, so much more. And then she felt his hand beginning to dip inside her jeans. Inside her panties. And her breath caught.


  She gasped and he groaned, the sounds blending together as Helios’ fingers came into contact with her wet flesh.

  “You’re so fucking wet.” He started stroking her and groaned again when he felt her pussy blossoming under his touch, drenching his finger even more. “You want this, don’t you?”

  She could only look at him, gripping his shoulders more tightly.

  He started stroking her folds faster, not letting himself penetrate her pussy because if he did, he knew he would not be able to stop. “More?”

  Slowly, she nodded.

  “Say it,” he demanded.

  “M…more.” The word was barely out when his strokes became harder and faster. Something inside her tightened, bit by bit, the pressure building, making muscles she didn’t even know existed clench inside her.

  So, so tight…so, so hot…

  Oh God, oh God.

  And then he was touching her, that secret place of hers that she had never even tried to search for. He knew where it was, and oh, how wonderful Helios’ touch was. He stroked the nub lovingly then without warning, he pressed hard.

  She came with a cry, her first orgasm taking her completely by surprise, and she couldn’t stop her body from jerking under him.

  Turned on by the look of pleasure that dawned on MJ’s face, Helios lowered his head and kissed her, taking her cries into his mouth. He felt her arms wrapping around him, her legs doing the same around his waist as she continued to come with little choking cries.

  He usually did not allow women to touch him in such a way, but with MJ it was all right.

  In fact, it was more than all right.

  When he felt her body slowly becoming lax, he lifted his head.

  And what he saw on her face made his harden.

  She looked like she cared for him.

  Cared for him like he was her secret crush, when he knew he could never be the same person. He had heard her speak about her damn crush, had known she genuinely believed every word she said. And he hated it because he knew he could not be the man she had described.

  Helios pulled away.

  “Helios?” The look on his face stunned her, made her scared, and his name slipped out of her lips before she could stop it.

  “I did not give you permission to call me that.”

  She flinched.

  The pain on her face made Helios want to hit somebody. His fists clenched at his side.

  When she felt his eyes raking over her half-naked body, MJ felt tears stinging her eyes. She felt like a whore, and she felt even more so as she hurriedly rose from the table and fixed her clothes. Over her head, she heard him say, “I guess you don’t like your secret crush as much as everyone thinks you do.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Why are you still here?” Hallie burst out as she appeared on the kitchen’s doorway. Dark haired and blue-eyed, Yuri’s younger sister was always dressed femininely, with either frilly tops or lacy dresses. Today was no different, and MJ couldn’t help but smile when she saw the pretty pink bow on the other girl’s hair.

  But her smile disappeared when Hallie dragged her out of her seat. “Wh-what are you doing?” MJ exclaimed.

  Hallie didn’t stop dragging her towards the hallway leading to the club’s private yard. “Today’s maintenance day, don’t you remember?”

  MJ frowned even as she tried to keep up with Hallie. “Maintenance Day?” She took out her daily planner from her jeans’ back pocket and flipped through the pages. Oh, there it was. MD. “I thought I had written this down.”

  At Hallie’s confused look, MJ said sheepishly, “I thought it meant Menstruation Day.”

  Hallie groaned. “MJ. For real?” She shook her head. MJ was the only volunteer that she really got along with, but even she had to admit that MJ’s brain pattern was not exactly at the same wavelength as everyone else’s. She was an adorable combination of innocent and mature, although in Helios Andreadis’ case, it was said that the club’s president found her more infuriating than anything else.

  And that’s a good thing, Hallie thought to herself as she ushered MJ out of the back door and waved for the other girl to follow her into the garage. Located at the end of the club’s private yard, the garage was previously used by the university as a warehouse for its gardening supplies. When Helios founded the club in his first year, he had donated a huge amount of money to the school in order to acquire full ownership of the warehouse. It had since been transformed into a state-of-the-art lab where the club’s innovators could pimp their bikes.

  Helios had been sad and alone for too many years now. He deserved happiness of his own, and she and Yuri believed MJ was the key to that. The problem was getting Helios to give MJ a chance to make him happy.

  She checked her watch and bit her lip worriedly when she realized they were already five minutes late. Helios was big on punctuality. Considering how he had been bad-tempered of late, he might just use this as an excuse to bite MJ’s head off.

  Glancing at MJ over her shoulder, Hallie asked, “You okay there?”

  “Yep.” Not. Everyone in the club seemed so fit. Even Hallie, who looked more like a real-life china doll, seemed to have more stamina than she had. The club’s yard was huge, and trekking it so unexpectedly already had MJ gasping to catch her breath. Hallie, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be winded. At all!

  MJ sighed in relief when they finally reached the garage, a huge enclosure with brick walls and steel gates. But her relief was short-lived when, upon entering, the sight of dozens of motor bikes greeted her.

  Everyone seemed to be having a grand time inside the garage, with the bikers high-fiving, laughing, and yelling at each other. All of the club’s volunteers were there, and they, too, were obviously having fun, flirting with the guys and wiggling all the body parts that could be wiggled as they helped with washing and cleaning bikes.

  It was a happy, noisy affair but she didn’t truly hear any of it.

  She was immobilized with fear, trauma throwing MJ back into her nightmarish past. And then one of the bikers started to play cops and robbers with a sexy blonde, pretending to be a cop as he revved his bike’s engine. “I’m going to catch you!”

  Vroom, vroom.

  MJ wanted to cover her ears.


  “Are you all right?”

  It took MJ a shameful amount of time to come out of her nightmares. When she looked up, Kellion, Yuri, and Helios were in front of her. The two gazed at her in concern while Helios’ face gave none of his feelings away.

  It was the first time for them to come face to face after last night’s…encounter. It was the only word she could come up with that would not make her heart hurt. She had tossed and turned the whole night, trying to convince herself that Helios’ cruel words were only a result of the betrayal he had suffered from his brother and girlfriend.

  He had not really wanted to treat her like a slut. He had said what he said, done what he had done simply because he had a hard time trusting anyone. That was all.

  Helios had a hard time keeping himself still. MJ did not look okay at all, and he had the strongest urge to pull her into his arms and demand what was wrong so he could fix it. Just seeing her was more than enough to remember their time together, his imagination having no difficulty replaying it with explicit detail.

  Jealousy and lust warred inside him. If he had thought having a taste of her would put an end to his obsession, he had been wrong. It had only fed his passion, and now he wanted her more than ever. Just looking at her was enough to have Helios hard and aching, and his cock b
ecame rigid under his pants at the thought of claiming her body as his.

  He wanted to claim her, now, right here, so that everyone would know she belonged to him.

  “Are you all right?”

  Yuri’s gentle voice had Helios clenching and unclenching his fists. Yuri was always the most courteous one among them, but wasn’t this fucking overkill? The other man was giving MJ too much attention, and he did not like it. Not one fucking bit, not when Yuri’s gentle treatment of her was making it more and more obvious who was her secret crush.

  MJ felt so miserable. All this time, she had felt Helios’ eyes on hers, and it did not feel good. She had stolen a look at him, and the contempt in his gaze wounded her. Why did he hate her so much? Why, after last night, did he hate her still?

  Forcing herself to smile, she told Yuri haltingly, “I’m sorry. I’m just…” She stopped, realizing that she didn’t want to share her horrible past. Back at home, everyone in town had known of the life she had with James, and they had responded by pitying her from afar. She did not want to experience the same thing with the club. That would kill her.

  And so she said lamely, “I’m not that fond of bikes.”

  Everyone gazed at her with disbelief at her answer. Finally, Yuri said, “I see.”

  The note of understanding in the other man’s voice infuriated Helios. That was fucking it? Did Yuri like MJ then? Did he like her so much that he was going to let her get away with such a stupid answer?

  Looking back at MJ, he snapped, “Are you just playing cute or what?”

  MJ swallowed. “I…I just don’t like bikes.”

  “Then we have a fucking problem,” Helios said coldly, “since Afxisi, if you haven’t noticed, is a fucking club for bikers.”

  Chapter Eight

  The club’s garage had an open layout with an office set up on a raised platform in one end. It was there that the officers worked, the location of their workplace allowing them to oversee every member’s task. And it was there that Helios observed a couple who stood close together as they worked on a bike, so close that he wanted to fucking kill somebody.

  “You know you were too hard on her, don’t you?” Kellion asked behind him.

  Helios swiftly removed his attention from the two. It was no use, though. The image of Yuri and MJ working next to each other was indelibly etched in his mind, something likely to torture him with numerous sleepless nights. Every part of him wanted to snatch MJ away and hide her from all the men, especially Yuri. Gentle fucking Yuri who made Helios look like an asshole with every fucking word that came out of his mouth.

  Helios’s fingers tightened unconsciously, and the pencil in his hand snapped into two.

  It was a very revealing action, and one that had Kellion’s eyebrows shooting up.

  “Not one word,” Helios warned as he threw the halved pencil away with a silent curse.

  “Did something happen between the two of you?” Kellion insisted on asking in a quiet voice.

  Something was not the right word to describe last night.

  The incredible feel of her body was not something. The sweetness of her kiss was not something. The beautiful curve of her breast, the moist warmth of her pussy, the lovely sound of her moans and gasps as he brought her to a climax…the sheer pulsating need of his cock for her pussy…that was not something.

  That was everything, and it was a damn shame that MJ did not feel the same way. She couldn’t, not when her heart belonged to someone else.

  “It doesn’t matter if something did or didn’t happen. She has her secret crush.” He spat the words out. “I can make her come a hundred times, but I’m not the one who’s important to her.”

  “You don’t know that for sure,” Kellion said impatiently. “This just isn’t fucking you, man. You’re not the kind to give up like a wimp.”

  He used to think the same thing, too. But then MJ came into the picture, and Helios knew that some things weren’t worth risking. MJ’s rejection, if it ever came to that, would cripple him. And there would be no going back from there.

  Helios grabbed another pencil and swung his chair around so he was back facing his desk. His sketchpad lay before him, a half-finished diagram for his bike’s upgrade drawn on the sheet. Ideas for upgrades usually came to him in an easy flow, but he found himself unable to concentrate at that moment.

  “What kind of girl,” Helios muttered, “would bother applying to our club if she was so damn scared of bikes?”

  “Someone who loves a guy so much she was willing to conquer her fears for him?”


  Helios threw his second pencil into the waste bin, hating the way Kellion’s words had turned his world upside down. He did not love MJ. He would not want to fall in love with MJ, but he would be lying to himself if he said that he did not want MJ to love him. He did. He wanted MJ to love only him, to want and need only him, to make him her entire world.

  “Mr. President?”

  Helios took a deep breath, making sure he had a tight lid on his emotions before looking up. It was one of the senior volunteers, Cherry, and the strawberry blonde was smiling flirtatiously at him as she said, “My girls and I are wondering, President. Who are you taking as your date to tomorrow’s party?”

  The question had every girl looking at him.

  Every girl except MJ, who was determinedly staring down at the seat of Yuri’s bike. She didn’t stop polishing its tank, her movements mechanical. She knew without a doubt Helios would not pick her. He hated her too much.

  Yuri bent his head close and said quietly, “If your secret crush doesn’t pick you, don’t let it matter.” His voice was low enough for only MJ to hear. “He’s not the kind to succumb to his feelings so easily.”

  It took her a moment to understand his words, and when she did, her head jerked up, her stunned gaze flying to meet his. He knew who her secret crush was?

  Seeing Yuri and MJ gaze into each other’s eyes had Helios’ teeth clenching together, and he said in a viciously charming voice, “I haven’t made up my mind, but it definitely won’t be MJ. Scared little girls like her leave me cold.”

  Helios heard Kellion suck in his breath behind him, and he knew that such a reaction only meant he had taken things too far. But all the girls were laughing now, and he knew there was no way he could make it better. Not unless he could find it in himself to admit he had only said it to hurt her.

  Helios stiffened when MJ finally looked up. He had prepared himself for anger, hurt, and confusion. But instead MJ’s eyes were…twinkling, her lips curved in a good-natured smile as she said simply, “I guess I have a lot of growing up to do. You girls are so lucky.”

  And that was that.

  She handled it with such perfect grace that the other volunteers were unable to continue laughing at her. MJ had her back to him now, knees on the ground as she started cleaning the wheels of Yuri’s bike.

  Helios wanted to go to her. He wanted to say he was fucking sorry for making fun of her. But he couldn’t. And when he saw Yuri kneel down beside her, he knew his pride would not let him say sorry to her anytime in the future. Not now, not ever. There was no need when she had Yuri by her side.

  Kellion rolled his seat towards Helios. “Now you know what kind of girl she is, Helios. The kind who loves her guy enough to not walk out like any sensible girl would when an asshole like you shames her in public.”


  “How do you know I like him?” MJ mumbled the question when Yuri followed her out of the garage. She had made her escape as soon as she could. Although she had tried her best to pretend that Helios’ taunting remark didn’t get to her, MJ knew she was in danger of breaking down.

  “I know a lot of things,” was Yuri’s mysterious reply.

  She glanced at him, trying to figure out his angle. Even though he had a mild unassuming manner to him, only a fool would have thought Yuri Athanas was a weak man. He was as powerful and as aggressive as anyone in the club. The only difference was that h
e preferred to be more subtle about it.

  “May I be honest with you?”

  She nodded.

  “I had your background checked. It’s standard procedure for all members and volunteers of Afxisi.” When MJ paled, Yuri said flatly, “And yes, that means I know everything. I’ve seen your records as a juvenile delinquent, and I know about your father being in prison. But…there are a few things that I have not quite figured out yet.”

  MJ didn’t speak.

  “One. Why are you afraid of bikes?”

  “Why does your father despise you so much?”

  “And lastly, what made you like Helios so much? Did the two of you meet in the past and perhaps he’s forgotten it?”

  MJ could only answer the last question. “No.”

  “And that’s all you are going to say?”

  Slowly, she nodded.

  “Then we’ll leave it at that…for now. I know you mean him no harm. But I also think you’re keeping too many secrets from us, and that can lead to trouble. I think you will be good for Helios, but my loyalty is to Afxisi first.”

  Yuri’s last words dwelled in MJ’s mind as she crouched down and worked on the bike’s rear wheels. Yuri had been nice enough to excuse her from working with the rest, telling her she could come back to finish the last of her tasks when everyone was gone.

  Was she a threat to the club, MJ wondered as she squeezed a drop of cleaning gel into her rag before moving on to the other wheel of Yuri’s bike. What kind of trouble could someone like her cause? She was no one. And though James did hate her, it was unlikely he’d come after her. He would probably be glad to know he was rid of her.

  A movement caught her eye and MJ froze, her hands tightening around her rag.

  A shadow fell over her, followed by footsteps.

  MJ whirled around, her hand raised in defense.

  It was Helios.

  MJ’s breath swooshed out of her, and she pressed her hand hard to her chest, trying to calm her heartbeat. “You startled me. I thought you were an intruder.”

  The shocked look on MJ’s face had Helios gritting his teeth simply because he found it attractive. Practically everything MJ did had become attractive to him, Helios thought violently, and he didn’t fucking like it. He was like her stalker now. He – Helios Andreadis, the biker every girl wanted to have riding her in bed, panting after a little girl who had secret crushes like she was still in middle school!


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