The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set)

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The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set) Page 6

by Amber Dane

  “You seem to know an awful lot for a man that has not yet taken a wife. My wedding night, you tell me be gentle. Today you spout tendre and sweet words. I think it be your lust for my wife’s maid that has you so enamored of late. Next you’ll be spouting sonnets”

  Balwain flushed and responded. “Mayhap. But, it seems to be the way of it. I have seen and watched your sister with her husband Rian just as much as you, milord.”

  “Aye." His sister Liza and her Saxon lord were besotted with one another.

  However, that sort of worship was not in Aric’s future, nor did he want it. Something pulled at him on that thought and he ignored it. Danielle was pleasing enough and that was quite sufficient, he told himself. He was an overlord now and had to remain hard, not soft. He would not have his men view him as weak in blood or besotted over a woman. Especially a Saxon one, even if she was now his wife. “I like my sister’s husband, even if he is a Saxon lord. However, being soft is not part of being a Norman lord, Balwain. Think of William. His love for Matilda does not get in the way of his rule. Do well to remember that.”

  Balwain held his tongue. His lord’s tone had changed to one of leave it be and so he did, but not before adding. “Just saying, milady has a kind soul, milord.”

  “I spoke to her, did I not?” Aric all but shouted.

  “If you call that bark you gave earlier a greeting, then I guess in fact you did.”

  Aric paused in his step, Balwain’s sarcasm not lost on him. Still his eyes remained on Danielle’s form and he said. “These are difficult times. She will need to thicken her skin. I cannot tend to her each moment that her timid feelings are ruffled. It is simply not the way of it and that’s that.”

  Balwain wanted to say it was not his lord’s way but did not dare. He saw the storm of emotions in his eyes and knew that his lord was trying to control the side of himself that his new wife had drawn from deep within in such a short time.

  Meanwhile, Aric found his long stride taking him toward Danielle and he called back over his shoulder to his second. “Now see to that other matter and I will meet you later after I have a word with milady.”

  Chapter 6

  Edie gripped her lady’s hands together in front of hers. “You feel better, milady?”

  Danielle had not uttered a word since they had left the hall. Her heart stinging from her Aric’s behavior had caused the frustration in her to fully blossom by the time they had reached the garden and she’d found herself pacing in a circle. She was not feeling better at all. However, she felt herself nodding the untruth to her maid as she turned away.

  Edie touched her arm and whispered. “Word came up from the village that something happened to Little Jacob and he’s not faring well.”

  Danielle gasped and turning her gaze towards the bright sky, she spotted the darkening clouds moving in. Rain was coming.

  Edie pleaded. “Don’t go, milady. ‘Tis too risky. They know nothing.”

  Danielle ignored the worry in her maid’s tone. “That black cloud is too far off and would be too late for me to wait to go, Edie. I’ll be fine. Besides, ‘tis only a few that will be foolish and cause trouble. The remains and they will say naught of my secret. It will be alright.” Or at least she hoped, Danielle prayed as she cleared her throat. Edie opened her mouth to interrupt, but Danielle shook her head.

  After all, another dark cloud was stalking their way and she stiffened her back as Aric neared them.

  Sadness pierced her, but she shoved it aside. She and Edie had spoken little of what to expect after news of her impending betrothal. Now Danielle wanted to ask her in greater detail about men and marriage, but she thought better of it and decided that her queries should be put to the person who had caused them. And that person was coming toward her now.

  Noting the stern expression on her husband’s face, she decided to do just that. He was the blame for how she felt.

  Straightening her back, Danielle dismissed her maid and braced for his approach. She blinked back the prickle of fear that crept up her spine and summoned her bravery forth. She was not so sure that she liked this marriage thing after all.

  Everything had happened so fast. A whirlwind. But she was sure time would ease their union or so she hoped. Even though they had been intimate, they were still strangers. She wanted to be able to talk to him and him to her. Include her in any plans he might foresee for her home. After all she knew her home inside and out.

  She’d no grand illusions of love, but they did have to spend the rest of their lives together. From what she’d seen already, his character might indeed prove to be just what Gravane needed. She just wasn’t sure if she did. She ignored the prickles of excitement that shot through her at the thought.

  Whisking the stray hairs from her face and checking to make sure that her gown was straight; Danielle placed her hands on her hips and met his gaze.

  Aric inhaled deeply watching Danielle run her hands about her person to right her gown and hair. He wished for it to be his own hands in place of hers and that thought caused him to speak more brusquely than intended. “I would like a word with you, milady. Now.”

  The seriousness of his deep timbre did not bode well, yet Danielle heard herself saying, “But of course, milord. Of course.”

  Her demure tone garnered a peculiar look from him and she licked her lips nervously. He stood frozen just staring at her. Danielle held her breath and waited. She kept her eyes trained on his even though her heart now thundered inside her chest.

  “We will speak in the solar. Come.”

  He stepped past her and walked on ahead with her behind him. Righteous anger filled Danielle over the slight; still she followed behind him from the gardens and through the manor to their chamber.

  Once there, he went to the window and she stood there in the middle of the room, waiting. Finally, he addressed her, although he still faced the window. His words came out strong.

  “How long have you known of your cousin’s thievery, Danielle?”

  She stiffened. He knew!

  Her shoulders sagged with sudden relief. She went to his side and looked up at him. She refused to respond until he turned to face her. Although it took a moment, he finally acknowledged her scrutiny and turned, his stormy dark eyes meeting hers.

  Her question burst from her mouth “How did you discover this?”

  “Do not question me on the particulars, Danielle.” came his cool reply. “I ask you this now because very soon the matter will be put to your cousin and he will pay for his crimes against you and Gravane. His character lacks much and is quite, how shall I put it? Peculiar.”

  She knew of what he spoke.

  Thomas did not hide his weakness and cowardice from the men as easily as he thought. Always hiding and making himself scarce whenever the slightest mention of battle erupted. Soldiers of the manor all knew the truth. Then there was the other rumor, that none had ever seen him with a woman. Danielle had heard of such things and Thomas's physical appearance and dress, gave thought to it. But she’d said naught nor encouraged the rumors floating about the manor.

  “Yea. That he is…peculiar.” When he remained quiet, she fidgeted and heard the anticipation in her tone when she asked, “Do you aim to challenge him?”

  Aric frowned at her. She did not listen well. “Did I not just warn you not to question me on such matters?”

  She made a tsking sound with her tongue and Aric blinked when she walked away from him to the middle of the room.

  Danielle bristled with irritation under his demand. She turned back and he was right behind her. She took a step back and gazed up at him.

  “That is going to be hard to do when I have questions of my own for you after you have the answers to yours, milord. Or is it Aric now that we are in our chamber?” Danielle said in a haughty tone and had to stop herself from slapping a hand over her mouth.

  Nay, she was too worked up. A twinge of something she could not name filled her heart as she wondered if he'd e
ven thought about what had happened this morning. Nay, men did not think on these things, Danielle thought growing even angrier.

  He could beat her because of her actions, but something in her told her he would not. Even though she was nervous, she lifted her chin higher and met his shocked gaze.

  Surprise at the coolness in her tone quickly wore off and Aric arched a brow, the scar above it pulling taut. So, she was not as timid as she had been earlier. He was glad, but he also knew his earlier slight toward her had something to do with the anger shining from her eyes and her sudden boldness. A part of him liked it.

  Liked it very much.

  “Aric,” he told her keeping his tone curt.

  What questions could she possibly have for him? he wondered as he thought of Balwain’s words by the river. Tendre? He’d no time for such nonsense.

  He’d shown her this tendre plenty last night.

  Desire sparked in him and he shoved the image aside. He had other concerns at the moment. Ignoring the curiosity pulling at him, he crossed the room to the chairs on the other side of the bed and sat down. “Come. Sit.”

  He watched her rushing to do so, and then heard her curse under her breath as she caught herself doing it. He did suppress a smile then and repeated his question about her cousin.

  She answered after expelling a shaky breath. “My father tolerated me because ‘twas what he promised my mother. He went into the afterlife despising me for not being the son he so badly wanted. Thomas I guess filled that void and my father gave him whatever he wanted. They were very close. Within a week of my father’s death five years ago, Thomas began his thievery. At first, he started by dipping into the rents, tenant tax payments, then…” She paused as the burden of holding it in for all these past years caused a shiver to run through her frame.

  “His greed turned him to you.” Aric finished for her, his words packed with anger and he nodded for her to continue. “Go on.”

  “My father had given him guardianship over my dower lands and over…me. That is until…” Danielle stopped and swallowed.

  “Until William lay waste to England and ordered you to marry, you mean?”

  Her nod was stilted and defiance flashed in her eyes. So she’d not really wanted this marriage either. The thought bothered Aric and he sat up straighter. He watched her closely. Opening up was not something she was used to, her cheeks reddening were a sign of that. He knew how hard it was for her to swallow all the changes. He would not argue with her on it.

  “Well then. I am not so sure your father gave him everything. He did not give your cousin what he most coveted and that is Gravane in its entirety. His guardianship ended with your marriage. So, I doubt your father was as fooled by Thomas as you would like to think.”

  Danielle’s eyes widened on that. Could he be right? Nay, her father had hated her. Yet, his trusted steward had indeed come to her aid. Now that she thought about it, all the pushing and prodding from the faithful steward for her to keep separate ledgers had been will and strong determination. He had made it seem as if it’d been her idea. Danielle felt her lips tug at the corners and warmth filled her heart. The aged man had been with Gravane since the days of her grandfather and had sat by her mother’s side often.

  “The separate ledgers? Your idea?” Aric asked her.

  She nodded vigorously. “And the steward,” she added with a smile. “He is a wise old man.”

  Aric nodded in agreement. “Wise indeed and so are you, Danielle. Very wise.”

  Danielle shivered, rubbing her arms. “If…If I had not, Gravane would have fallen to Thomas’s greed…to total ruin. Not to say that naught has been unaffected, as it has. My people…Some of them, well…There is discord amongst several here.”

  Aric’s soft touch on the back of her hand encouraged her to continue.

  “His greed knows no bounds. Nor does his…temper.” Revulsion coursed through Danielle as she absently rubbed her cheek remembering all too well that day Thomas had made it clear he’d not listen to her or any woman.


  Danielle watched the scar above Aric’s brow turn white as his eyes watched her intently. Licking her lips, she went on. “He tried to undermine me on several occasions, using his temper as a means to get me to give in to his wants and by bringing his sister here.” She looked away from him then as she finished. “Rose only made things here…much worse.”

  “And you thought to tell no one of this?”

  “Who was there to tell? Who could I trust to tell? Most of the people here do not want to listen to a woman let alone take orders from one. We both well know no one cares to have things run by a woman during these times.”

  Aric said naught for it was the truth. The awkward pause stretched betwixt them. She licked her lips and looked down at his boots.

  “Despite what you said about my father, there was no love from him to me and the whole of the manor knew of it. What little respect they held for me, died with him. They did not have to pretend anymore.”

  Aric didn’t miss the pained look that crossed her lovely face. He’d noticed the cavalier air and lack of respect among a handful of the inhabitants of the manor toward the Lady of Gravane. From Gravane men-at-arms to a few sour-faced servants. But again, all of that too was soon to change. Aye, it already had started.

  “By your detailed and I must admit quite meticulous kept books, appears Thomas increased the serf’s dues and rents considerably.”

  She nodded. Only a handful of the villagers remained loyal to her. She had believed that once Thomas was removed from Gravane, things would change. “Yea. Thomas was very mean to these people. Many attitudes are sour.”

  “Yet Gravane is plentiful and you have a house filled to nigh over spilling. So no need for any villagers to starve.”

  Danielle stiffened under his scrutiny. She read suspicion in those dark eyes. She would not say anymore on it. She did not like the direction his hint was going in. ‘Twas too soon to tell him of her secret. So she turned the subject back to his earlier question. She told him of the storerooms, how Thomas worked many to the bone and kept much to his gluttonous self.

  After a moment, Aric asked. “Is there something you are leaving out?”

  When she remained quiet and her eyes widened he knew she understood what it was he was asking of her. He would get his answer if he had to drag it out of her.

  “I would know now if you fear Thomas? And you will give me the whole truth of it, Danielle.” He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear her say it. His fury grew. He would kill her cousin.

  Danielle knew she had to face her demons, but she did not want to share this with him. She could not bring herself to tell him in detail the abuse she’d suffered under Thomas and what he’d resorted to in assuring he got what he wanted. Not yet, anyway. Still she heard herself saying, “I have feared him.”

  “Do you fear him now that I am here?”

  There was no hesitancy with her answer this time. But he saw how red her hands were from the way she wrung them. “Thomas can be very mean.”

  She was leaving something out and he was determined to know the whole of it.

  “As of today you will no longer fear him or any one, Danielle. Do you understand? I will deal directly with your cousin. ”

  Aye, he would deal with Thomas indeed. Aric wanted to say more, but he would not tax her any further today about her cousin. The mere talk about the man seemed to drain the life right out of her and all he wanted to do was calm her now. Besides, he wanted to know what questions she had for him.

  He could no longer contain himself and the odd feeling caused him to be even more short with her. He waved a hurried hand in front of her. “Pray tell, what did you wish to ask me of me?”

  She looked pleased all of a moment that he’d quickly changed the subject, then she shot him a glare over his tone. He hissed softly when she licked her lips and opened her mouth to speak.

  “Do you remember your words to me in the garden on the day tha
t we were wed?” He gave her a curt nod. “Did you not mean them?”

  Aric sat forward with a jolt. Her gaze was making him uncomfortable. “Aye, I meant them. You please me, Danielle and ‘tis indeed something to celebrate.” He shifted again, hoping she’d say no more.

  He was wrong.

  “Then you will include me in more things about the manor? I mean more of a discussion. Ask my input or tell me what your plans are to do here now that you oversee my…our home?”

  “Manor matters will be my concern now. If I have a question, aye, like a few moments ago, I will put my questions to you. But that is all.”

  Anger swelled within her chest and she stood. That is all? The man was daft.

  “Then what will we discuss?” she asked him, her hands on her hips.

  “Naught much unless it is of some-“he stopped and cleared his throat, “significance. You have your Lady of the manor duties, embroidery and the like and I have mine. I am Lord of the manor now.”

  Danielle did not think ‘twas possible to grow even angrier than she already was. But the blood pounding in her veins, told her otherwise. Men.

  “Let me be sure I understand this. I cannot question you and we are not to speak on aught unless you say so?” His swift nod of response stung. Danielle felt something shrivel inside her. “So, then we will just moan and groan when we are in here and being intimate?”

  There she’d said it! She was not going to let his callous and sour disposition deter her of the opportunity, she had to know what she had to look forward to in this marriage. Her heart ached already at the difference one day had made not only in him, but in her.

  Why did women have a need to hear flowery words? Was it not enough she pleased him in bed? Aric inhaled deeply before he answered her. “Well, that is a separate matter. We will talk in here if need be regarding any…ahem..intimate concerns. As I said, you please me, Danielle. But, if romance and ideas of love is what you’re after, you will not get it here. There is no place for it in my life or this union. It has done naught that I have seen other than complicate matters.” He changed his tone at her crestfallen look. Her eyes had gone wide as saucers and he cursed himself before continuing.


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