Picture Perfect Summer

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Picture Perfect Summer Page 8

by Marquita Valentine

  I stop at the back of my truck, peering up at him. “You do realize that I’d be the one driving you to the boardwalk, right?”

  “He’s just excited. Tell your brother you’re sorry for being a pain,” Ophelia says, looking happier than I’ve seen in weeks. Instead of making me happy for her, I have to wonder what, or rather who, put that smile on her face.

  Or I can simply not suspect the worst and chalk it up to her mother being decent to Ophelia for a change.

  “Sorry... old man.” Laird smirks at me.

  Ophelia shakes her head. “That’s not... he’s going to make us get out.” She turns her attention to me. “I’m sorry your brother is being so rude. Thanks for taking us to boardwalk.”

  Laird playfully grabs Ophelia, making her laugh uncontrollably. “You don’t have to apologize for me.”

  “No, she doesn’t, but it does help.” I grin at them, and they look at me like I’ve lost my mind. Sure, I get it. I’m not one to smile all willy-nilly, or to even use the word willy-nilly, but it’s all thanks to the woman who basically put me in my place last night via text.

  Should have texted her five minutes earlier. With a grimace, I shake my head.

  “There is he,” Laird says. “I was getting worried that you’d been invaded by the happy body snatchers.”

  “Duke’s in love,” Ophelia chirps, her pale green eyes dancing. “With the nicest person ever.”

  “Too bad for her.” At least my little brother tempers his insult with a real grin instead of his shit-eating smirk.

  “Too bad you’ll walk while Ophelia rides.” I head around to the front of the truck and get in. “You know what to do, boy.”

  “Oh my gosh, Duke. I’m sorry. Geez. I’ll buy you a coke or something,” Laird yells.

  I stick my arm out the window and give him a thumbs up, then hit the road. It’s about fifteen minutes from my family’s house to the boardwalk and another couple of minutes to find an empty space to park.

  Laird jumps out first and waits for Ophelia to join him. He sort of hovers around her while she grabs her things and I’m not sure if it’s because he’s impatient or she’s the flower he’s buzzing around.

  Seriously. True’s influence has to stop.

  “Oh man. He’s doing it again,” Laird says to Ophelia, nudging her with his elbow.

  “Doing what?” I ask.

  With a smile, Ophelia points to her mouth, then they take off.

  Without buying me a damn coke.


  Suddenly, Laird comes barreling around the corner and shoves a couple of dollars at me. They float in the air and I grab them, putting them in my pocket.

  “Get whatever kind of coke you want.”

  Okay, so I was wrong.


  Laird grins, sunlight glinting off his braces before he squints at me. “I like it when you’re like this. Reminds me of before... you know... like Dad. You’re like Dad, Duke, but the best parts of him, not the other stuff. So... try to smile more. Okay?”

  Well shit. I didn’t realize something so human was missing for him. My heart twists. “Yeah, I get it.”

  Laird takes off again and I catch a glance of him as Ophelia grabs his hand before they go racing out of sight.

  “Oh, to be young and in love.”

  I stiffen at the sound of Laken’s voice, then take a breath before turning to face her. She looks good, as usual, in one of those flowy tops and slim shorts, but her face is pinched, and she’s clutching her purse so tight that her knuckles are white. Then again, I can’t remember the last time it wasn’t tense when we were together.

  Maybe before I caught her cheating on me with Dave.

  I cross my arms. “I don’t discuss work outside of the office.”

  She tosses her red hair and plants a hand on her hip. “I’m not here to discuss that.”

  “Color me confused because other than that, we have no reason to be around one another.”

  “I have something important to share with you and I’d like to do it in relative privacy.” There’s a wariness in her eyes and it’s enough to make me nervous. Wary and Laken don’t go together.

  “I’m not meeting you at your house.”

  She shakes her head. “Nothing that private. Café Luna will work.”

  I grimace. “I suppose this is my treat.”

  “Why Duke. That is so gentlemanly of you,” she says, her voice as sweet as the ice tea they serve at the Café. “I think we can go dutch on this one.”

  We walk to Café Luna, not talking and sure as hell not touching. While I might run into True, I can explain having... a snack with her better than I can holding the woman’s hand.

  I don’t intend to do either.

  Opening the door, I indicate that Laken should go first and I follow after her. The hostess seats us immediately at a prime table, and my bullshit detector goes off because Café Luna is always slammed until about three.

  It’s one.

  “Wasn’t this lucky,” Laken says as we sit in an out of the way spot.

  I hope to God no one thinks this is romantic.

  “What is it that you need to discuss?” I ask, to remind her that I’m only here for that and no other reason.

  The server shows up at our table right away.

  “Give a girl a chance to order a drink first.” She then proceeds to order not only sweet tea, but lunch as well. “I’m starving.”

  “Nothing for me.” No way will I spend Laird’s money while I’m with my ex-wife. “I’ve already eaten.”

  Laken’s eyes narrow and her lips thin. “So, it’s going to be like that. Figures.”

  “It’s whatever you think it is, except us getting back together,” I counter.

  “Well there is no other way to tell you this except to say it... I’m pregnant.”

  Shock hits me harder than a two by four to the head, which I have experienced thanks to a fight I got in with Deacon, Barron, and Knight while we were building a tree house for Laird.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I reply when I find my voice.

  She reaches into her purse and pulls out something... a sonogram? “If only.” She hands it to me and I stare at it. “It’s not going to bite you.”

  “It might not, but you on the other hand...” I take the image from her, looking right at the shape of a baby. I can make out a head, body, arms and legs. Holy shit, I think she’s telling me the truth. “How long have you known?”

  “For a while now.”

  That pisses me off. No need for her to be cagey after she hands me a fucking picture of a baby that I’m assuming she’s going to say is mine. “Define ‘a while’.”

  “About a month or so after we parted ways.”

  Parted ways. Doesn’t she mean, I caught her with my best friend and kicked her ass out of our house. Metaphorically, of course, because as angry as I was at the time, I didn’t lay a hand on her. Never occurred to me to treat a woman like that, even one who held our marriage, and me, apparently, in contempt.

  My gaze goes right to her belly, although I can’t see a damn thing with that billowy top. “Which makes you...?”

  With a huff, she says, “Six months along.”

  Six months ago, we tried to make things work. Tried to put the past behind us and start all over again. One night in particular we had a real good time...Fuck.

  “And that makes me...?” I can hardly get out the words, because my throat is tight and scratchy. My vision is clouding, and my heart is beating so fast that I can hear it in my head.

  “Are you thick or something today?” Laken smirks. “I’m going to say it real slow so you don’t get all confused. You’re. The. Daddy.”

  Chapter 13


  After almost forty-eight hours of consoling Sunny, I think I’ve tortured Duke and myself enough and agree to meet him at his place tonight for dinner.

  Also, Sunny and Kwame have made up—as I knew they would.

bsp; I don’t know why she wouldn’t have total faith in him because he’s such a good guy and so patient with the quirks that make my best friend so lovable. Sure, they’re not quirks for everyone, but all it takes, in my opinion, is one person to think that you’re the best to ever have walked the earth.

  I’m one hundred percent certain I’ve found that with Duke. He gets me and I get him, and it doesn’t matter that we’ve only known each other for a month. When it’s right, it’s right.

  And things are so right with us.

  Even if we haven’t taken our relationship to the next level or step, or whatever it is the kids are calling it these days.


  Maybe I shouldn’t think of my relationship with Duke in those terms.

  In any case, I plan on seducing Duke tonight—no matter what.

  I dab more perfume between my breasts, then assess my outfit with a critical eye. Sunny helped pick it, after I’d already tried at least twenty-seven different combinations.

  It’s daring, something I’d bought when I was feeling confident and sexy.

  “Okay, chica, I’m off to spend the night with Kwame.” She places her hand over her heart, like she’s about to recite The Pledge. “I solemnly swear that no matter what, I won’t bother you at all tonight, unless it involves mischief, mayhem, or a Captain Picard sighting.”

  “You’re seriously the best.” Shaking my head, I hug her tightly before stepping back and smoothing down my short dress. “Also, stop freaking out so much over what Kwame’s parents think about you. It’s obvious that he loves you, and they love their son, so... I’m positive that means they will end up loving you just as much.”

  Sunny shrugs. “I can only hope they do, because I don’t want to cause problems but I do want to marry their son.”

  “You can’t control who you love. It just happens and when it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.”

  Sunny frowns. “Normally, I’d agree with you, but sometimes there are forces working against our happily-ever-afters.”

  I frown. It’s not like her to be so down. She’s the quintessential west coast, easy-going, everything is awesome or rad type of girl. But I have to admit that Kwame’s family, or rather what Kwame told Sunny his family said about hers, really messed with her head. Made her feel horrible about things she had no control over.

  “Look. It’s like what I told you last night, his family loves him and wants the best for him... why wouldn’t they be concerned about his future bride and her family.” Sunny gives me a dark look, but this time she doesn’t burst into tears. “I’m not saying they were right to judge y’all so harshly, but try to put yourself in their shoes and think how you would feel if your son suddenly informed you that he planned on marrying a woman they’d never met. At all. That’s on him, not you, and since he’s taken ownership of that, I’m a million percent sure that from now on, it’s going to get even better.”

  “I guess.” Sunny lifts a shoulder in a half-hearted shrug and sighs. “I’ll have to trust Kwame to keep his word and that he really means it when he says he wants to marry me. Ack. Enough about me. It’s time for you to skedaddle.”

  She all but shoves me out the door, tossing my purse at me.

  I catch it neatly, mock glaring at her as I do. “My phone is in here.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you’re not the clumsy type.” She smirks at me, then starts to shut the door. “Have fun. Do everything I would with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Silent.”

  “Aye, Aye. Captain.” I salute her then jog down the stairs, supremely pleased with my decision to wear wedges instead of heels. “Later, Tater.”

  Sunny’s laughter follows me to my car, putting a smile on my face while I punch in his address into the navigation system. As I drive to Duke’s, butterflies appear in my stomach, gathering in number and making me more anxious than usual. But... it’s the good kind of anxious. The kind of anxious that’s reserved for first kisses, Christmas mornings, and roller coaster rides.

  Basically, all the best things in life.

  A huge smile pushes up the corners of my mouth as I turn the up volume on the radio so I can sing along to Post Malone’s Jackie Chan... although, I’m totally down with Duke being my man and have no plans to call up all my girls to spend time with them instead.

  As I make a left at the next light, I have to wonder what Duke’s house looks like. He doesn’t strike me as the type to live in one of the mega mansions that can fit fifteen families in them at one time, but I don’t see him living in a tiny apartment over a marina either.

  My GPS alerts me that I’m almost to my destination, and I end up pulling in the driveway of a two-story coastal cottage that looks like it could be on the shores of Nantucket. While it’s not ginormous, it’s not exactly small, and it faces the ocean—something I love.

  As I turn off the car, Duke walks outside, hands in his pockets and a grim look on his face. A shiver of unease skates down my spine. While I’m used to his silent, stormy ways, the grimness... not so much.

  Maybe he got bad news at work. Maybe his little brother, the one who is at basic training, got hurt.

  “Everything okay?” I ask as soon as he opens my door.

  “Fine.” He takes my hand to help me out, and I grab my purse and keys at the last second. “You look.” He takes a deep breath, nuzzling into the curve of my neck. “And smell fucking amazing.”

  I close my eyes in pure pleasure, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my body fully against his. “I wore everything tonight just for you.”

  He doesn’t say anything. Instead, he holds me even tighter. I stand there, not wanting to move and enjoying this sort of closeness. This is why I know this man is for me. He’s not trying to cop a feel; he’s not trying to put the moves on me before I can even shut the car door. Rather, it’s just him, loving on me and me, loving on him back.

  Finally, he pulls away and twines his fingers with mine. “I hope you don’t mind, but supper is on the table.”

  “We can get to dessert faster.” I wriggle my brows at him. “I like the way you think.”

  His grimace disappears, but as I wait for one of his elusive smiles to appear, he clears his throat and concentrates on closing my door before leading me inside.

  I pause in the foyer, taking in the navy walls and stark white trim. There aren’t many pictures hung on the walls, but it’s fully furnished and the view... the view of the Atlantic is amazing.

  “Your place is incredible.” I spin around slowly, taking my hand from his as I do. “Did it come like this or did you—"

  “Laken picked out most of it.”

  “Oh.” Well, damn it. Now I don’t know if it’s okay to like his soon-to-be ex-wife’s taste or not. It is really pretty and put together well. I’d be a liar to say otherwise. “She did a great job.”

  His eyes go bleak. “Why can’t you... thanks.”

  Confused, I pinch my brows together. “I wasn’t going to ask before, because I don’t want pry, but what’s wrong?”

  “Would you mind if we talked about it after we ate?” he asks.

  I nod. “Sure.” Oh God. It has to be his brother or their business... poor man. I have to do something to make him feel better, or at least put him at ease. I search my brain for what my parents do in situations like this. After all, they are my best example of relationship do’s.

  We walk to the kitchen, then past it to an informal dining room that’s plated for two at the table. Despite the dark color on the wall, the white trim and large windows make the room feel light and airy.

  Duke holds my seat out for me.

  “Thanks.” I sit and wait for him to do the same, then jump up when inspiration hits. My parents, when one is feeling really down, go out of their way to spoil the other. That is something I can do with Duke, no problem. “Okay, so indulge me a bit by allowing me to fix your plate, okay?”

  He gives me a curious look, but nods. “I can’t tell you no.”

  Annnd I’m hoping he
can’t tell me no later, either. “This looks so yummy.” I load his empty plate with crab cakes, slaw, baked potato, and hush puppies, then set it front of him. “I can’t believe you cooked all of this yourself.”

  “Have to, or I’ll starve.”

  Encouraged by his reply, I keep going. “Are your crab cakes a family recipe or something you made up?”

  He eyes the deep vee of my dress, and I want to sing because seriously, this dress is so hot that I’d ogle anyone who wore it. “Family recipe. Want it?”

  “Just like that?” I ask as I fix a plate for myself.

  “I’ll give you anything you want, True,” he says, his voice low. Serious... desperate? That doesn’t make any sense.

  Maybe I should ratchet things up. “You know... I think we’re sitting too far away from each other.” I scoot out of my chair and into his lap.

  He looks at me in surprise. “You’re going sit here the entire time?”

  I take a bite of the crab cakes, moaning in delight. “Unless you think I’m too heavy?”

  “Not a chance.” The corner of his mouth lifts, then crashes before that smile can fully form. Dang it. “Sit here as long as you like.”

  I turn to face him, smiling seductively because, why not? Who says we have to eat first? “I think I’m ready for dessert now.” I lower my mouth to his, my heart beating fast and my pulse racing. He cups the back of my head, fully participating as our lips meet.

  Suddenly, he pulls away, his head hanging low. “I can’t... I can’t do this without telling you the truth.”

  I gently lift his head with only a little pressure under his chin. In his eyes shine misery, torment...and I don’t think it has anything to do with Sunny’s untimely interruption.

  “You can tell me anything, and I swear—”

  He puts his fingers against my lips. “Don’t swear to anything. You might very well hate me after all is said and done.”

  Cold fear invades my veins. “I don’t hate anyone,” I say, my words slightly muffled.

  “Laken and I... she... we had lunch today.” He swallows, dropping his hand. “It wasn’t planned.”

  I make a face. “You’re free to have lunch with whoever you want, but I can’t lie and say that it doesn’t make me a little jealous. But I do trust you.”


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