Picture Perfect Summer

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Picture Perfect Summer Page 17

by Marquita Valentine

  “No games, True. Just some of your time. Thought we could eat, surf, and talk about the good old days.”

  She snorts. “You make us sound like we’re in a retirement home.”

  “Thirty-five isn’t that far off from eight-five.”

  “I don’t think champagne on an empty stomach is the best move for me.” She nods at the champagne flute. “I appreciate the gesture though.”

  “You haven’t eaten yet. Why didn’t you say something?” I move to the fridge, taking out what I need to make an omelet before grabbing a bowl, a whisk, an egg pan, and some olive oil. “Sit down and let me cook for you.”

  “That’s okay—you know what, I’m going let you.” With a laugh, she sits at the island, propping her hands against her face. “May I request bacon, cheese, peppers, and onions?”

  “As you wish.” I wriggle my brows, then carefully juggle three eggs before cracking them in a bowl.

  “Brunch and a show. You know how to show a girl a good time.”

  Turning a little, I wink at her. “When it comes to my girl, I spare no trick of the trade to win her over.”

  “Oh good grief, Duke,” she mutters, but she doesn’t leave. She also takes a sip of the mimosa I made.

  All very good signs, in my humble opinion.

  “How are things going with the house?” I ask, hoping that it will get her talking. I prep all the ingredients, including chopping up leftover bacon from my breakfast with River, before mixing them together and heating the pan with a little olive oil.

  “Not too bad. I didn’t realize how much stuff we’d accumulated over the years. I’m about to clean out the office supply store then move on to Target.”

  “My offer to help still stands.” I dump the egg mixture into the pan and wait for it to cook on one side before I attempt to turn it.

  “This is something I have to do on my own. Besides, I’m almost done.”

  My stomach drops at her words. “You have to stage the house next, correct?”

  “Actually, I’m thinking of hiring someone to do that.”

  I flip the egg halfway over and flip it, letting it cook all the way through, then turn off the burner. Grabbing a plate, I slide the omelet on and place it in front of her. “Let me get you some silverware and a napkin.”

  “You’re a good dad,” True says, her eyes on the room and not me. I know what she’s seeing—tons of pictures of River and me, along with framed artwork and classwork. “Your daughter is lucky to have you.”

  Quickly, I rummage through the drawer and get a fork and knife, swiping a paper towel from the roll, then placing it by her plate. “I think I’m lucky to have her.”

  “What was she like as a baby?”

  Not exactly the conversation I want to have with True, but her interest in River is welcome. I want to share my daughter with her. I want True to fall in love with her, just like I have. “I’m pretty sure it’s the most idiotic I’ve ever felt in my life. The only thing I had going in my favor was not being exhausted from giving birth or having to breast feed.”

  “I think all parents feel that way—ill-prepared, that is.”

  “That’s a real pretty way of saying it, but I felt like a dumbass. Plain and simple.” I laugh, thinking of the times I diapered River wrong, or when I accidentally pinched her skin while buttoning up her pajamas. Or when I fed her yogurt before she could have cow’s milk. Poop for days. “I like to think I graduated from dumbass to moderately capable—on most days.”

  True polishes off the last of the omelet. “I’m sorry you had to do it on your own.”

  “I had help. Of course, I hated asking for it, but I still had it. Too many siblings with their noses where they didn’t belong.”

  “I’m envious.”

  “Of siblings or being a single-parent?” I lean against the counter, simply taking in her wholesome beauty.

  “Siblings, for sure. As for the other, I don’t envy the job a single parent has, but I did think I’d have kids by now—other than the ones I get every year.” With a sad smile, she washes down her brunch with the rest of the mimosa. “I thought I’d be in a very different place by now.”

  You’re with me and that’s where you belong. I grab the pitcher from the fridge. “More?”

  She nods. “Yes, please.”

  Filling up her glass, I keep talking. “I think it’s only fair that I tell you about my dating life while we were apart.”

  Her lashes lift. “I don’t want to know about the other women you loved.”

  I pour myself another drink. “There weren’t any other women, True. I was celibate for years, Sunshine...”

  Her brows crash together. “Was celibate... as in you stopped being that way?”

  “Couple years back. Met a woman. Dated her for a few months, but it didn’t work out. I couldn’t give her what she needed.”

  True laughs, pushing the half-filled glass away. “I find that hard to believe.”

  I move to stand beside her, unable to stop myself from touching her soft skin, the curve of her cheek... the elegant lines of her neck. “She couldn’t have my heart. It’s been with you the entire time.”

  “Duke... why do you say those kinds of things to me?” She closes her eyes and I dip my head, intent on claiming the sweetest lips I’ve ever tasted. “I wish you would be mean to me. Make me hate you.”

  “Never,” I promise, teasing her lips with the tip of my tongue. “Couldn’t hurt you on purpose, Sunshine.”

  She gets to her feet. “I’m not drunk. I want you, but I want to leave, too.”

  My heart pounds so hard that I can hear the blood pulsing in my ears. “I want you too, but not just for today. I want you for the rest of my life.”

  Our mouths crash together so hard that our teeth hit. There’s no finesse, only want and need and heat. True pulls at my hair and we break apart, chests heaving like synchronized swimmers. Her lips are bruised, swollen, and there’s a glint in her pretty hazel brown eyes that make me start for her again.

  She meets me halfway, a little growl in her throat as her nails sink into my shoulder. The stinging pain catches me off guard for a second, but then I’m crushing her to me, welcoming everything she has to give me.

  She’s here.

  She’s in my arms.

  I rip at her shorts, at her top and the flimsy bra she’s wearing underneath until she’s nude and trembling with desire, little pants leaving her mouth. I want to devour every inch of her, take her breath as my own, and leave my handprint on her heart... possibly her soul.

  God knows she’s already done as much to me.

  Sweeping her off her feet, I carry her to the nearest flat surface, then double back when I realize that it’s the breakfast table. I can’t take True there.

  Moving to the formal dining room, I set her on the table, placing my hand in the middle of her chest and pressing until she’s on her back, spread out before me like a feast. Her golden body is temptation incarnate and her pussy...

  With a groan, I drop to my knees and part her lips, devouring her pussy like a starved man.

  That’s exactly what I am.

  I’m so fucking starved for her.

  “Duke, Duke, Duke.” She chants my name, her fingers in my hair, urging me closer, urging me to suck her clit to make her come. “Oh God.”

  I grin, but my dick is so hard that it’s painful to do anything but seek relief. I do my best to keep pleasuring her while I get rid of my clothes and when I’m as naked as she is, I get to my feet, pick her legs up and hook them over my shoulder, then drive into her.

  She screams my name, the sound a satisfying echo as her body bows off the table. “More,” she demands.

  “Anything you want.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from exploding inside of her tight heat. This is everything I thought it would be and yet, I can’t find the right words to describe being so connected with the woman I love.

  I lean over the table, watching True intently. I don’t want to mis
s a thing, not a moan, not a blush, not the way her nipples tighten. I take one in my mouth, earning the happiest moan I’ve ever heard from her.

  Her hands are all over me, touching and exploring. Nails scraping down my back. I search for her mouth with mine, craving her kiss.

  I thrust inside of her so hard that the table squeaks, then moves altogether.

  “Harder,” she demands. “Deeper.”

  Pulling her legs higher, I give her what she wants, intent on pouring myself inside of her... until I realize that I don’t have a condom on. Fuck

  “Are you on the pill?” I ask.

  True’s eyes fly open. “Yes.”

  I swallow hard, my body pulsating. “I’m not going to come inside of you this time.”

  She nods frantically. “It’s okay. We’re okay.”

  Then her lips are on mine and I lose myself in her, my hands on her waist, holding her in place while I pound into her until she tightens all round me and moans my name.

  There’s a tingling at the base of my spine. I have to pull out. I don’t want to, but I will. I have to because it’s the right thing to do.

  With a herculean effort, I pull out of her, coming in hard spurts all over her stomach. I slump over her, not caring that we’re covered in... well, us.

  “Spend the night with me, Sunshine.”

  True shakes her head. “Please.”

  I get off of her, thinking I’m too heavy, only to pause in horror when I realize she’s crying. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t. This was a mistake.” She pushes me away and hops off the table, then runs out of the room.

  “Don’t panic. I swear I’m clean and we can go to the doctor together.” I follow her, picking up my clothes as I go.

  She’s already in the kitchen, cleaning up with a towel she’d brought with her. “That’s not it. I mean, okay, so that’s a great offer. Super great. But literally not a worry.” She shoves on her shirt and shorts, not bothering with underwear or her bra. Something I’d find sexy as hell in any other circumstances.

  “Use my shower.”

  “Not a good idea.” She stuffs the towel and the rest of her clothes in her bag. “I didn’t intend for things to go this far.”

  “Let’s talk about it because I’m really happy things went this far. Happier than I’ve been in years.” I take a step toward her but she backs away, pure panic on her face.

  “I need time. This is... too much for me to process.”

  “How much time?” I don’t want to give her any, but if she’s not pushing me completely away, then I can get a firm date from her.

  “I don’t know.” She shakes her head. “I need to go. Tell River and your mother... and everyone, I’m sorry that I can’t make it. I have to finish stuff.”

  I march after her, intent upon following her all the way to the car, but stop when I realize I’m still bare-assed. “We’re not over, True. I don’t care how many times I have to say it to make you believe that, but we’re not.”

  “Whatever you say, but I have to go.” Then she dashes to her car, starts it up, and peels out of my driveway.

  With a grimace, I drive my fist into the doorway. “Son of a bitch.” Hand throbbing, I shut the door and make my way to the laundry room to get supplies so I can clean up.

  I did want alone time, only I wanted it with True.

  Chapter 28


  Yesterday wasn’t my finest moment. Then again, hot sex with a man I’ve lov—I mean, lusted over for years isn’t my worst moment, either. Honestly, I’m glad to have gotten it out of the way.

  Oh, good grief. I have to roll my eyes at myself over that bald-faced lie.

  One, I’m more than simply in lust with Duke.

  Two, I’m a hot mess now that we’ve had hot sex. Hot, meaningful sex that transcended words, mostly because I could barely string any together right before, all during, and especially after.

  Who knew I was so good at running away from him?

  Who knew I was still such a freaking coward?

  I sit heavily into a chair at the kitchen table, dropping my head in my hands. Such a dumb move to sleep with Duke. I mean, the number one rule of not getting back together is to not have sex.

  Yet, there I was, asking for more and yes, please. Harder. Deeper.

  I groan.

  Pretty sure I said God’s name, too.

  Pretty sure Duke thought that was funny and did his level best to provide every opportunity to say it again and again.

  “I’m the worst,” I mumble.

  There’s a knock on my door. My heart slams against my chest.

  Surely, Duke wouldn’t come here, not after I told him that I needed time away from him. Then again, Duke’s not exactly respecting my attempts not to fall in love with him again.

  Another knock and I’m out of my chair, moving to the front of the house. With a discreet peek out the window, I relax and open the door.

  Ophelia’s smiling face greets me. “Hi, True. I hope this isn’t a bad time.”

  “It’s never a bad time for you.” I step back, indicating she should come inside. “Sorry I missed you at the reception. “

  Her smile falters. “I wasn’t there that long.”

  I can only imagine why. “How did you know I was here?”

  “No one can miss your car in the driveway,” she reminds me. “Honestly, I was on my way to drop off a shipment to The Captain’s Mermaid and your house is on the way.”

  True enough. “What brings you by? I don’t have anything to offer you. I’m only here to do a last minute sweep before I have the designer stage the house.”

  “I wanted to tell you, in person, that I don’t need a place to rent. I’ve decided to continue to live on the houseboat.” Ophelia smiles. “Who knows what Laird will do if I’m not there when he comes home?”

  I’ve never been one to think that Ophelia is touched in the head, but when she says things like that, it does make me wonder. “Who knows, indeed.”

  “I’m not crazy.”

  “I know.”

  She shakes her head, raven colored hair in intricate braids. “No, you don’t. Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Always have because of my family’s propensity to work with the dead and our superstitious ways.”

  “When you put it that way...”

  “Someone has to make them look their best, and someone has to provide the services that bury or cremate them with dignity,” she says. “The Princes were too busy competing with the Kings for dominance over the ocean while the Randolphs picked up the pieces they left in their wakes.”

  I want to be offended on behalf of my ancestors, but that last bit makes me think it has nothing to do with Kings or Princes, but rather some not so subtle insults she’s gotten over the years.

  “And thank God for them,” I say.

  She closes her eyes, then opens them. “That wasn’t very kind of me. I’m sorry for taking out my frustrations on you. I didn’t come here to do that, or even really tell you about staying on the houseboat.”

  “Then why did you come?”

  “To warn you.”

  My heart stops beating for far longer than I like. “About what?”

  “Last night, River told her mother that you were here, and that her daddy wants to marry you. Then y’all will live happily ever after with her baby sister living with you guys, too.”


  “Exactly. And it’s about to hit the fan.”

  “Thanks for letting me know.”

  Ophelia nods. “River spilled her guts to me. She always does. For what it’s worth, she really wants Duke to marry you.”


  “Yes and be sure to let her wear a glorious dress with rhinestones sewn on the hem in your wedding. I talked her out of millions of them. You’re welcome by the way.”

  “That’s... nice of you and thanks?”

  “Wish I’d come by under better circumstances. You’ve always treated me like I was norm
al.” She hugs me tightly, throwing me off-kilter for a moment with the sudden show of affection, but I squeeze her back just as tight. “Thank you for your friendship, True Prince. Don’t let Laken take away your happily ever after again.”

  “I hope you get your happily ever after back.”

  “Me, too,” she whispers and after another hug, she leaves.


  Sunglasses firmly in place, I cruise up and down the beach road, drinking a banana and peanut butter milkshake while I mull over what to do about the storm brewing between Laken and me. Again.

  I should really set things straight with Laken, put her out of the misery I know she has to be experiencing. I should really rake her over the coals for freaking lying to me all those years ago and making me live in misery for so long.

  Heck, if I wait long enough, I bet my last dollar she’ll show up on my doorstep to tell me to do the right thing. Again.

  “Right thing my tail,” I grumble, then suck down the last of my shake and place the empty cup into the holder. With a grimace, I pull into an empty parking spot in the Castle Beach Savings & Loan and whip out my phone so I can text Ophelia for Laken’s address.

  I don’t have to wait too long, barely a minute, before she replies with the information I need. I copy and paste the address into Google Maps. “And away we go.” I turn on my favorite beach alternative rock station, letting the music pump me up.

  Laken’s house is fifteen minutes away from the boardwalk, tucked in a picture perfect subdivision at the edge of Castle Beach. There’s a minivan in the driveway.

  My heart skitters, but I take a deep breath and park the monstrosity in front of the house. I check my reflection, making sure that I don’t have the milkshake smeared all over my face while I give myself a pep talk.

  “You did nothing wrong then, and you’ve done nothing wrong now. It’s simply time for two women to set the record straight.” I get out of the car, tucking the loose strands of hair behind my ears and thinking I should have worn something more imposing than a pair of baby blue chucks and an off the shoulder knit dress.

  You know, like business suit or bulletproof vest with riot gear.

  Pasting a smile on my lips, I saunter up the front porch steps, not exactly surprised to see Laken walking toward me. With a baby on her hip, Duke’s ex-wife opens the storm door, still as freaking beautiful as ever with her red hair and 1950s pin up figure. Must be something in the water around here.


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