02 Ghouls Night Out - Larue Donavan

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02 Ghouls Night Out - Larue Donavan Page 10

by Rose Pressey

  I had to make Callahan understand that I wasn't involved with anyone else, but I had to do it without telling him the truth. Therein lay the problem. I didn't want to lose Callahan before the relationship was really off the ground. After a little more time had passed, I’d tell him the truth. He’d already overheard the conversation in the bathroom at the restaurant, and now this. Could it get any worse? My mama always said if the man I had my eye on didn’t understand, or wasn’t willing to accept everything I had to offer, well, then screw him. That was her direct quote.

  Without another word, my ghostly gang vanished. If only I could talk with Mindy, but she seemed too wrapped up in…well, I wasn’t sure what she was wrapped up in. I even missed her constant badgering me to make a fool out of myself on that stripper pole. I wished I had time to pop in and take her class later. That would surprise her. She’d be forced to give me some attention. I’d show her that her friendship meant everything to me. I wouldn’t let some random guy come between us. Or black magic, or demons, or whatever in the heck was going on with her. But with my upcoming magic lesson and date, I doubted there’d be time. I needed more hours in the day.

  As for Callahan, my only option was to march right over there and face him. I'd think of what to say when I got there. Luckily, for this situation, business was still slow. Not good for my bank account, but good when it came to mending my love life. Speaking of my love life, it was in desperate need of help, or an intervention. Mae would be more than happy to help with that, no doubt. Her advice was starting to sound pretty darn good right about now.

  I locked the door, and paused before making my legs move forward. I stopped again to gather my thoughts, then forced my foot to take another step. Making my way next door, I grabbed the handle, pushed the rickety door open, and ambled inside. Once inside the shop, much to my chagrin, I noticed people were lined up at the counter waiting for their orders. Did everyone in town have to have coffee at this very moment? Hadn't they ever heard of instant coffee? Couldn't they pick up a cup of joe from McDonald's for once?

  As I moved closer to the counter, Callahan looked up from the register, as if he sensed my presence. As I’d expected, he didn't display his usual dazzling smile, but he didn't tell me to get the hell out either, so that was a good sign. Sort of.

  If only I could tell everyone to be quiet, or leave, so I could talk with him. They’d probably have a few choice words for me if I did. My heart thumped. I shifted from one foot to the other. The smell of coffee and cinnamon whirled around me as if I’d been sucked into a mini tornado, overwhelming my senses. Normally, this would have been a good thing, but not now. Now it just made my stomach turn.

  Callahan looked at me, ran his hands through his hair, and let out a deep breath, a sure sign of his frustration. Instead of saying anything, he turned toward the customers, not looking up at me again.

  I stood there like a fool for several minutes. First, I studied the paintings on the wall. Next, I rearranged the sugar packets on the table next to me. When another group of women entered, I realized my conversation with Callahan would have to wait. I had to get back to work; standing there any longer wasn’t an option. Callahan glanced up at me. The smallest of grins may have appeared on his face, but it could have been my imagination. Heck, maybe he just had indigestion. When he looked away, I made my way out the door, and headed back to Book Nook.

  Just as I neared my door, Mindy came out of Cooper’s boutique. I desperately needed to chat with her; she'd know how to help. After all, we'd been best friends since high school. She knew me well. But she’d probably give me the cold shoulder again. Somehow, I had to get through to her.

  Her advice could be loony and outlandish at times but, in the end, it was usually spot-on.

  “Mindy. Hey, Mindy. I'm over here,” I yelled, waving like mad to capture her attention.

  She didn't look my way, not even a glance over her shoulder as she walked down the sidewalk. Could she not hear me? I yelled louder, but she picked up her pace. Just when I thought about running after her, she made her way around the corner, vanishing from sight. Something was rotten in Magnolia and it wasn’t the leftovers in my refrigerator. She’d hadn’t looked my way, not even once. What was that about? An eerie sensation spread through my body.

  Traffic was light, so noise was at a minimum. Birds chirped in the distance and there was only the hum of a few cars as they passed by, so I was sure she had heard me. Was she ignoring me? Had I done something wrong? Why was I invisible all of a sudden? This was so strange. No, there was definitely something going on…it had to be magic, right? I pulled out my phone and dialed Mindy’s number. After many rings and no answer, I gave up.

  My attention went to the boutique. Cooper stood at the front door, talking on his cell phone. He threw his hand up. I gave a half-hearted wave back, then turned toward Book Nook’s door. As I pushed the key into the lock, someone grabbed my shoulder and I let out a scream, jumping to my left and clutching at my chest.

  Becky Shultz stood next to me, still grasping my arm.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you,” she said.

  “No, no, don’t worry about it. I’m just a little jumpy after what’s been going on lately.”

  “Have you ever seen such craziness in Magnolia?” she asked.

  I sighed. “No, I haven’t. I thought it would all end when Brianna was gone.” I cast a glance toward High Fashion. “Looks like we’ve got the male version of Brianna now,” I said.

  She looked in Cooper’s direction. “I am suspicious of him.”

  “You think he had something to do with the break-in, don’t you?”

  “Don’t you?” She frowned.

  “I suppose it had crossed my mind.” I hated to accuse anyone of something so malicious but, after Brianna, I had to remember that there were a lot of not-so-nice people out there.

  “I think more information is needed about our newest resident of Magnolia, don’t you?” She quirked an eyebrow.

  “Well, normally, I’d say it’s none of my business, but considering…”

  I was turning into Mindy. Soon I’d have my very own pair of binoculars. She’d get me a monogrammed set for Christmas.

  “I’ll let you know what I find out.” She winked.

  “Do you want to come in?” I asked.

  “Oh, no, I don’t want to take up any more of your time. But real quick, what I came by to talk to you about is the coven leader position Karyn discussed with you.”

  “Yeah. I was shocked by her request, to say the least. To be honest, I just don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I love Karyn to death, but… I know she said there wasn’t much to do, but you have no idea the duties involved with being the coven leader. I wouldn’t want to do it. I let it be known a long time ago that I didn’t want the responsibility. There are a lot of negative things to consider.” She shook her head.

  “Negative things?” I asked.

  “Listen, I didn’t come here to scare you off. But Karyn needs to discuss these things with you before she just lets you take on the position. I don’t want to steer you either way. This is something you’ll have to figure out on your own, but sometimes the witchcraft can draw out the evil spirits. I know you do the ghost investigations and sometimes deal with demons. This could cause problems with that. It’s just something you should think about, that’s all.”

  Again with the demon talk. What was with everyone lately?

  “I thought that was only if you practiced black magic?” I frowned.

  “Not necessarily.”

  Seth paced in front of the store. The more she talked, the faster he walked. “I don't think you need to be involved with this witchcraft stuff.”

  Mae sashayed from in front of the window and stood beside Becky. “You need to just stick with your garden variety ghosts.” She leaned back against the brick building and adjusted her cleavage.

  “I don't think you're equipped for this kind of action, kid.” An
thony leaned against the building beside Mae.

  Not equipped? I didn't think special tools were needed. Besides, why was everyone freaking out over demons all of a sudden? Sure, they were dangerous, but it rarely came up.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “By negative, do you mean like the black magic Brianna performed?” I asked.

  “That, and other things. Just make sure you talk to Karyn about them before you make a decision.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, maybe you’d enjoy the kind of pressure it comes with. Some people do. I’m not one of them and I just thought I should warn you.”

  I frowned. “Yeah, thanks for letting me know.”

  She looked toward High Fashion again. “Regardless of what you decide, I do fear that Mr. Garret is a problem. I don’t have any proof yet, but I have my suspicions and Karyn has her eye on him, too. I’m sure she’ll discuss it with you when she gets a chance.” She sighed. “Things are changing in Magnolia. I hate change.”

  “I know what you mean. But change can be good.”

  She looked off down the street, lost in her thoughts. Finally, she said, “I sure will hate to see her go, but I’m happy for her. She’s in love.”

  “And that’s a wonderful place to be. In love…” I leaned against the building. “I’d just gotten acquainted with her, of course, and wish we could get to know each other more, but I’m happy for her.”

  “Yes, me, too. She deserves it.”

  Maybe now was the time to push Becky for a little more information regarding the demons and witchcraft.

  “So you say demons are attracted to magic? I know my fair share about demons and I’ve never heard this before,” I said.

  “Um, yes, they are.” She stared over my shoulder and down the street again.

  “Then why would you put yourself in that situation?”

  She finally met my gaze. “I ask for protection when I perform a spell.”

  “So this is something I could do, then, if I cast a spell?”

  “Yes, I suppose, but like I said, you go to the demons when you hunt ghosts, I don’t. It would be hard for them to find me.”

  “But you just said they were attracted to the witchcraft?”

  She frowned. “Sure, if you go to them they’re attracted to you. Kind of like bugs to a light. You’re there and they like you. Well, they want you, in other words.”

  “So how come you know so much about demons?” I asked.

  “I don’t know much about them. I don’t want to know much about them. I know enough to keep them out of my life. Listen, I’m just trying to help you make a decision, sweetie. I’d better get going now. You still have that necklace Karyn gave you?”

  “Um…” I looked down, trying to focus my thoughts. The necklace was hidden under my shirt. I wasn’t sure why I was actually wearing the thing. “Yes. I have it.”

  “Oh, good, not that you’d lose it or anything, but it will help you. Of course, if you don’t accept the position, you’ll have to pass it on to the new leader.”

  I nodded. “Right, well, Karyn didn’t tell me about that. Of course, she hasn’t told tell me much of anything about being coven leader....”

  “Don’t worry, dear. We won’t leave you on your own. After all, we need a leader, and from what I hear, or heard rather, from Karyn, you are a natural born leader for the coven.”

  “Well, I’m off to the pole fitness class. I’ll tell Mindy hello for you.”

  Yeah, I wasn’t sure if Mindy wanted to hear hello from me, but I didn’t want to mention that to Becky. No need to get into that right now.

  “Yes, please do,” I said through my fake smile. “Well, I’d better get to work.” I gestured toward the store.

  “Yes, I’ve kept you too long. Call me if you need anything or have any questions.” She turned and waved over her shoulder.

  As if the decision wasn’t hard enough, now I had Becky’s words floating in my head. The responsibility. The negative aspects. Whatever that meant. It seemed as if Karyn might be keeping some important information from me and I intended on asking her about it before I made a decision. It seemed like babysitting. I had enough babysitting with the ghosts. I didn’t need to add the witches, too. That was the last thing I needed, more people to worry about, although at least they would be living.

  I needed to weigh the good against the bad. I had to admit I felt an amazing energy when I’d performed the magic spell to free Callahan from Brianna’s evil clutches. Something seemed right, as if it was a natural fit, just like Karyn had said. But it was a huge undertaking that I wasn’t sure I wanted or needed to take on. Karyn said it wasn’t much, but could I quit if I didn’t like it? Something told me it wouldn’t be that easy. As if once you’re in, you’re in for life. What if the coven members didn’t want me? They couldn’t possibly want an inexperienced leader—someone wet behind the ears.

  After our conversation, I watched Becky amble down the sidewalk. She’d given me a lot to think about, but it wasn’t anything that hadn’t crossed my mind already. Now, I needed to act on the info. I turned to the door, unlocked it, and marched inside.

  I’d just settled back into work when the bell on the door jangled. I almost gave myself whiplash when I snapped to attention. I’d hoped to see Callahan’s gorgeous face, but it was an older man who headed straight for the mystery section.

  With that, I couldn’t wait any longer. My nerves had gotten the better of me. I fished my cell phone from the bottom of my purse and pushed redial, since Mindy was the last call I’d placed. It rang, and rang. Still no answer. The call went straight to her voice mail. I suppose she could be in her car and maybe couldn't hear the ring. I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. But based on current circumstances, the uneasy feeling that consumed me told me that something very bad was going on. I had no other choice but to try her later. The only thing I could do at that moment was work before I was penniless. All the problems would have to wait until after closing time.

  After ringing up the man’s purchase, another customer entered. Of course, I hoped it was Callahan again, but no such luck. I needed to give up on that fantasy. Thankfully, the customer needed my help. I welcomed the distraction. It would keep my mind off the problems at hand, of which I had many. Although, being in the romance section did nothing to alleviate the flood of thoughts related to Callahan.

  Emotions continued to whirl in my mind. Covers with men’s bare chests stared back at me, their faces replaced with Callahan’s. The room seemed smaller, as if the walls were closing in on me. I’d tried to call him, but he hadn’t answered either.

  “Do you like this author?” the woman asked, snapping me back to reality.

  That reality was short-lived. A haze filled my brain. My thoughts consisted of Callahan, but not just him, now I thought of Mindy, Cooper, and the ghosts, too. Why me!

  “Excuse me, ma’am?” she asked.

  I forced my thoughts back to the current situation. “Oh, yes, she’s great.”

  The woman frowned, but marched toward the register anyway.

  After ringing the customer up, my cell rang. Was it Callahan? Maybe Mindy was calling. I knew she'd apologize for not bringing me doughnuts anymore, not calling to chitchat, and especially no more margarita nights. She was spending all her time with Cooper instead of me. Not that I’d begrudge her that, but it would be nice if she could squeeze me in. Maybe she’d had a change of heart. Was it not black magic or a demon? I prayed that it wasn’t. Maybe she was on her way to get doughnuts and bring them over. Not that I could eat them. My stomach churned from the anxiety. But something told me my thoughts were only fantasy and that her not coming around was beyond her control.

  I picked up. “Hey, you,” I said, praying to hear Mindy’s bubbly voice.

  “Um, may I speak with Larue Donavan?”

  Oops. That’s what I got for not looking at the caller ID. A strange male voice came from the other end of the line.

  “This is Larue,” I said.

“The name’s Darrell Flemings. I'm calling about Karyn Bentley.” His voice faltered.

  Why would this man possibly be calling me regarding Karyn. “Karyn? Is she okay?”

  “I thought you'd want to know. She really liked you,” he said.

  Liked? This didn't sound good. My heart thumped. “Is she all right?” I repeated, more frantic this time. I’d only recently met Karyn, but she was someone who I’d liked almost instantly.

  My question was met with silence. Finally, the man answered, “Not exactly.”

  My heart sank. Please don't let him say she was dead. Karyn was kind and so nice. She’d helped me when I needed it most, and Callahan, too.

  “She's in the hospital,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “What happened?” My voice shot up.

  “We're not sure. She's in a coma. They found her at her home. The doctors don't know what's wrong.”

  “This is absolutely terrible.” My voice was almost a whisper now. “You have no idea what’s wrong? I didn’t even know she’d been sick. She didn’t look sick. Had she been sick?”

  “I really don’t know. She’s at the county hospital. Listen, I have to go. I just wanted you to know.”

  “Thank you for calling. Um, what was your name again?”

  “My name’s Darrell Flemings. I’m her brother-in-law.”

  “Thank you, Darrell. I'll go see her tonight after I close the store.”

  “I'm sure she'd like that.”

  After he hung up, I lowered my head into my hands, feeling as if I'd been punched in the stomach. Karyn had seemed healthy yesterday and I’d recently talked to her on the phone. I guess you never know when illness could strike. I prayed it wasn't serious, although a coma was pretty darn serious. It didn’t get much worse.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The rest of the day went by in a blur. I was thankful for the business to keep my mind off the unsettling events. The ghosts stayed away as well, which was highly unusual—almost disconcerting, really. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want them around all the time, but when I didn’t have my eye on them, there was no telling what kind of trouble they’d get into. Especially Mae. She was a real firecracker. All was quiet, until... speak of the devil, Anthony popped up beside me as I locked the door for the day.


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