Once Upon a Royal Wedding

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Once Upon a Royal Wedding Page 15

by Laurie LeClair

  Rico shooed her in with a wave of his hand.

  “If you say so.” With thoughts of helping Stephan and more courage than she ever knew she had, Belle turned the cool doorknob and opened the door a crack. The click echoed in the still air.

  Peeking in, she noted the king’s bent head over his desk and him hard at work on a small stack of paperwork.

  “What is it, Deidre? You know I’m not to be bothered in the early morning hours. Can’t you see I am busy?”

  Another ripple of panic rolled through Belle’s belly. Then she scowled at his harsh words intended for his future bride. “You’re lucky she puts up with you.” That popped out. Oops!

  He snapped his head up. His look went from surprise to a glare and then a wicked smirk. “So you have come to your senses.”

  “Aren’t you going to ask me to come in?” She clung to the doorknob, willing her wobbling knees not to fail her.

  “I didn’t invite you. However, you may enter.”

  Belle bit her tongue on the words rushing to escape. For Stephan’s sake. She nudged the heavy door open inch after slow inch until there was enough room for her to pass through. Her unsteady legs held up as she crossed the room to get to the chair opposite his desk.

  He didn’t bat an eye or move a muscle; he watched, clearly trying to intimidate her.

  “A gentleman would stand for a lady.” Or at least offer her a seat. Geez!

  “I’m the king.”

  “That says so much…” Not. “Stephan is a prince and yet he has plenty of manners.”

  “Are you trying to anger me?”

  “There’s no need. You’re angry all the time anyway.” Her heart jolted to her throat as the words spilled from her lips and at his utter shock crossing his dark, stormy eyes. “Sure, I’ll have a seat. Thanks for asking.” She rounded the chair and plopped down, because her legs just turned to jelly. The seat, slightly lower than his, left her at a disadvantage. Oh, great!


  “I’ve been called worse. By you, I’m sure.” Poke the bear, why don’t you?

  The whispers and rumors had glared in the papers and reached her ears early tonight. “You don’t like my father. Surprise! I don’t either.”

  “It’s not him I dislike.”

  That sharp barb stung. “Wow. Again, why don’t you tell me how you really feel?”

  She’d done nothing to him but stand in his way, she supposed. Meeting him like this—a battle of wills—stoked similarities of her design school interview with Ms. Burroughs. However, it dragged up painful memories of meeting her deadbeat dad years ago, confronting him in his own glamorous home where pictures of his angelic family surrounded her. Unwanted. Unloved.

  I didn’t belong there, either.

  A thick lump formed in her throat. She tried to swallow it away. It didn’t work. There were only a few options she had left. Leaving came to mind. But, for Stephan’s sake, she went against her natural instincts to protect herself and stayed—raw and exposing her vulnerabilities to this harsh man.

  “I love Stephan.” She gulped again. “Even if you don’t show it or say it, you do, too.”

  “The nerve of you—”

  “The truth hurts, uh, King, or whatever. You still haven’t told me what to call you.”

  “Nothing. Because that is what there is or ever was. Mark my word, my son will comply.”

  “To your orders? You want to hurt him? Make him as miserable as you?”

  He gasped. The sound bounced off the walls. His cheeks grew red. The older man reached to a drawer to his right and jerked it open. He dug in and produced a document. “Sign it, take the money, and then you and your entourage will escape my wrath—”

  “Too late. You’ve shown it in words and deeds.” Everything in Belle heated, gathering to a boil.

  “Do you think you are the first who I have bought off? There were others through the years.”

  Her cheeks warmed. “None he loved and none he wanted to marry.” That she knew for certain.

  “Their tricks turned his head. I stopped it before it went on. Like I am now.”

  Belle sat up straighter, stiffening her spine. He was clearly lying; Stephan had told her different. “I believe you’ve gone far enough—”

  “Good. You agree then. I want you on the first plane out.”

  “You’re kicking me out of your country?” He’d finally stooped that low.

  “At the very least.” He waved the crisp sheet of paper in front of her. “You will accept the conditions.”

  “Or what?” She raised her hands and dropped them in her lap. “Call me names?”

  “The papers will have a field day with what I feed them. Half-truths. Lies.” He shrugged. “There’s so much more I could invent, more so than what they know already.”

  If blood could freeze, Belle was certain hers did at the moment. Surely, the scandal would follow her all the way back to the States. The owners of King’s had dodged many a bad story about them or their loved ones. But this? How would they all survive the cold, harsh vendetta of a powerful man?

  “Ah, I see you are finally realizing what is at stake here. You will lose everything—your position, your schooling, your—” He coughed. “What little reputation you and your mother have left.”


  It was one thing if it were only her, but she had her mother and Lewis to consider. His business would suffer greatly. And her friends—Rico and Peg and all the others, too.

  Belle stood on shaky legs, facing him.

  “A million dollars will go a long way for someone like you.”

  Her stomach rolled. “You can’t buy me.”

  His laughter grew.

  With what little dignity she had left, Belle tilted her head up, making certain to keep her chin high. “For the life of me, I have no idea why Stephan did everything in his power and more to save you from yourself—the drinking, the gambling, the looting from your own people.”

  “H-he told you!” The man’s face lost all its color.

  “Do not worry, sir. I would never say a word. Do you know why? Because it would devastate the man I love.” Belle leaned forward, so he wouldn’t miss her next words. “His countrymen need him, if only to have their future king do everything to honor and protect them against such atrocities of those who came before him.”

  With her stomach in knots and her heart aching, Belle turned to the door. Everything in her stilled at the sight facing her. He was incredibly handsome and tall and dark—and livid.


  Chapter 13

  “I think you’ve said more than enough, Bella.” Stephan gripped his hands into fists, focusing on her beautiful face now filled with bewilderment. He didn’t dare look anywhere else at the moment.

  “But how?” She shook her head.

  Behind him, Rico piped up, “Sorry. It was Pegster. She sent me to get Oscar and he got you-know-who…”

  Stephan frowned. “You didn’t come to me first with this. Who wanted to make decisions together, Bella?” Now he realized how making choices for others impacted them greatly.

  “See!” His father stood abruptly. “Stephan, it’s about time you’ve come to your senses. The girl cannot be trusted.”

  “Bella, please leave.”

  A ripple of hurt chased across her eyes. It nearly killed him to see he’d done this to her. “I love you.”

  “This isn’t the place.”

  “Exactly. You’ve never belonged here. Go.” His father laughed. “I’ve won.”

  It was another bet and another gamble.

  Slowly, Stephan let out a breath and finally allowed his gaze to fall on his father. “Have breakfast with me, sir, in my dining area. In an hour.” It wasn’t a question; it was more of a demand held in check.

  “Well, of course. We’ll celebrate.” His delight rose. “Champagne.” He picked up his phone and barked out the order.

  Bella stared at Stephan hard; he could sense it. Ste
phan turned to her and whispered two words: “My promise.” Forever together.

  She shook her head slightly and then dawning lit her expressive eyes. A breath shuddered through her. Bella moved past him, halted for a brief second and reached out to touch his hand, and then moved on.

  “Wowie koozie, you can cut the tension with a knife.” Peg kept talking as they walked away.

  “Girl, I’m shaking for you.” Rico’s voice carried.

  “Prince Stephan?” Oscar stood just outside the office door.

  “Protect her, Oscar.”

  Stephan waited as time ticked. He sat in a dining chair, one leg bent and crossing the knee of the other. The dining table was set for two with the most expensive china and crystal the palace owned.

  A thick packet of white papers rested near his plate.

  Even alone, he remained focused on the task ahead.

  Outside of the door, he heard the jolly voice—his father’s—talking to Hugo, Stephan’s sole guard at the moment.

  The door burst open. “Stephan, you must hire more men.” He rubbed his hands and entered. “Where’s the champagne?”

  “Cancelled.” Stephan watched the confusion in his father’s eyes.

  “But…I ordered it.”

  “And I changed it. You and alcohol are not friends.”

  “How dare you.”

  “I do, because I’ve seen you when you’re drunk.” Stephan waved a hand to the chair opposite his. “Please, sit.”

  His father complied with a look of despair. “What is going on? She’s gone.”

  “From the palace? Shortly, yes.”

  “All’s well that ends well.”

  “Agreed.” His gut clenched. “I have some papers for you.” He shoved them across the table.

  “To sign?”

  “No. To read. These are copies of the originals. My lawyers worked for weeks on the details.”

  The older man quickly snatched them up to see the print and then flipped to page after page. His face lost its color. “You can’t do this.”

  “I have.”


  “My mother’s childhood home and land are mine to do with as I please. They are now entrusted to the future children and their children of Isabelle Morales, my Bella.” He’d done it for her. And hopefully, she’d understand, he’d done it for them. “I have every intention of her children being mine, also.”

  “This is absurd! I won’t allow it.”

  “You don’t have a say, Father.” He used the word loosely. “However, you do have a choice.” He tilted his head. “You either bless my marriage to Bella or…I leave permanently. I will renounce my title, if need be. She and I will be perfectly happy at my mother’s estate and in Dallas.”

  “I will refuse you entry into my country.”

  Stephan held up a hand. “I have had a helicopter pad installed at the estate, discreetly hidden from the road and village. I’ve also bought my own helicopter. We fly in and out that way.”

  “You’re bluffing.” However, his gaze faltered.

  “Am I?” Stephan eyed the man. Years of pent-up frustration inside him unleashed. “For decades I cleaned up your mess. I strategically placed discreet palace accountants to handle the crushing debt to my country, to ensure against more missing funds, to give profits from my own businesses to build back the riches my country once had, and to shield my mother’s beloved reputation from the wrath of your misdeeds if word ever got out of what you did. In doing so, I protected you. No more.”

  A dull flush crept into his father’s face and then slowly disappeared. “She’s twisted your loyalty. You are next in line to the throne. Behave as such.”

  “Choose one of the cousins—the eldest is second in line after me. He’ll do well.” Stephan shrugged, relief rushing through him.

  “You would give up this—being a prince and a future king—for what?”

  “Love.” That one word rang out clear and strong.

  At the now open door, Belle gasped. Her heart melted. “Stephan!”

  She’d wondered and paced for the last hour, only to be convinced by Rico and Peg to eavesdrop on the breakfast. Lewis and her mother agreed. Deidre joined them. And Oscar didn’t stop them. In fact, he’d gotten his brother Hugo to step aside—not that it took very much persuasion.

  Now, Stephan rose and came to her, hugging her tight.

  She buried her head in his neck. “I brought an audience.”

  “Your people. Mine, too. Bella, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “It took me awhile before I caught on.” She sighed. “I thought I’d lost you.” Leaning back, she asked, “I thought we were making decisions together.”

  He grinned. “Three children. The number was your choice. The rest, I am doing what a good father would do—protect them.”

  “O-M-G, I’m crying here.” Rico embraced Belle from behind. “Pegster?”

  “Holy moly! Me, too.” She joined in, squeezing.

  “Breathing issues, guys.” Belle chuckled.

  Stephan did, too. “I imagine we’ll have them babysit.”

  “What?” Belle shook her head. “And teach them all sorts of things?”

  “I’m the grandmother.” Her mother came in to the room, with Lewis close on her heels.

  “Hey, don’t forget me. I call dibs on grandfather, kiddo.” Lewis grinned.

  “Mama, Lewis! Not yet, for heaven’s sake.”

  Deidre began to cry. “I-I can’t marry him…”

  The king paled, coming toward them. “Whatever is the matter with you? Of course you will. In two days’ time. The wedding is set. The dignitaries are here in the country. There are two hundred and fifty guests.”

  She only nodded. “That’s why I can’t marry you.”

  “You make no sense.”

  “I know. That’s because I love you and you don’t love me enough. If you feel anything at all for me, then you’d let Belle and Stephan get married instead. They deserve to be together.”

  A gasp tore out of Belle’s lungs. “Did that just happen?” Belle glanced at Stephan, who looked as shocked as she felt.

  Chapter 14

  “I’m shaking, Stephan,” Belle whispered into the phone as she hunched down in a huge linen closet.

  The door flew open. “Got her!” Rico yelled.

  Running footsteps pounded on the floor behind Rico and then halted. Peg peeked over his shoulder. “Yep, that’s her, all right.”

  “It’s a stampede.” Belle giggled. “I’m caught. Red-handed.”

  “Bella—” Stephan’s voice was cut off.

  “Hey, that’s my phone you just grabbed, buddy boy.”

  “Oh, Stephan. Look, she’s gone rogue on me. I’m trying to do her hair and I turn for one second and she’s flying away.” Rico chuckled. “Stop! You falter me. Wait, don’t stop. More.”

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Peg jabbed Rico in the ribs.

  “Owie, Pegster.”

  “The show must go on. You’ve got them piling up under the hair dryers, not to mention the half-done updos.”

  “All right, already.” Rico sighed and walked away.

  “Hey, wait. My phone.” Belle crawled after him.

  “No, no, and no. You can’t talk to him.” Rico tucked her cell phone in his top pocket, patted it, and then waltzed away. “If you’re done playing games…”

  “I just want to talk to my groom!” Belle leaned forward and fell, crashing to the floor. “That smarts.”

  Peg reached down. “No bruising allowed. Geez, you’d think people would know that on their wedding day.”

  Belle fidgeted in the palace salon chair as Rico teased her hair, preparing it for the sophisticated updo to come next. In the oversized mirror, she flicked repeated glances at Stephan’s mother’s gorgeous diamond and emerald tiara sitting in reverence on a special purple royal pillow with gold tassels perched on a stand and guarded by not one, but two, security detail guys behind her and off to the left.
br />   With Deirdre’s help, Stephan had specifically requested—and was granted—borrowing his mother’s favorite tiara from the massive collection of royal jewels for Belle to wear on their wedding day.

  “Pegster, did you get that for the vlog?” Rico preened. “Good shot. Hey, everyone!”

  “Is this really going out live?” Belle grimaced.

  “That’s a fact, Jack.” Peg manned the camera, aiming and turning as she spoke. “There’s mama bear, best friend bear—yep, she’s Princess Sophia and waving from the floor while trying on shoes—that’s Dolly bear with the yummy lip-smacking snacks, and Charlie Boss 1 bear—”

  “How is this fair and you wouldn’t let me talk to Stephan?” Belle jerked back. “I look like a troll doll now. Do not film that.”

  “Too late. You’re on the air, sugar bear.” Peg chuckled.

  “Did she have a drink already?” Belle frowned. “Wait—did you, Rico?”

  “A teensy tiny one.” He shrugged. “Sebastian brought his best. You know, Scotch to go.”

  “From a gallon glass?”

  “Good one.” He giggled.

  “Why did I agree to this again?”

  “Because you adore us and want the vlog to be the biggest, bestest success.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Belle blew out a breath. “If Stephan is watching this, I just want to tell you a few things.”

  She gazed into the camera lens that Peg practically shoved in her face.

  “First, I don’t usually look this bad, not even in the morning. Second, you’re the best thing that’s happened in my life. Ever. Hands down. Third, we should have eloped to Vegas. Fourth, I am so in love with you and I can’t wait to become your wife today. Okay, Peg, that’s a wrap.” She made a hand motion, slicing across her neck.

  “Oh, shucks.” Peg turned off the camera and put it down. “I need a tissue.”

  A phone pinged.

  Belle stilled. “That’s coming from your top pocket, Rico. That’s my phone.”

  He dug it out and checked. “Aw, it’s from Stephan. He was watching.” He turned it to her.

  Her heart melted as she read it.


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