Overworked: An Office Reverse Harem Romance

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Overworked: An Office Reverse Harem Romance Page 73

by Dark Angel

  God. Let me just melt into the ground right now. Could he be any more perfect? I don’t think so. It makes me feel even worse for not coming clean. But what can I do?

  “No.” I shake my head. “And it’s not because I don’t want to. Believe me I want you so badly I can hardly stand it. But we can do this. We can be strong. I’ll help you and you help me, and we’ll get through the next eight weeks together. And when it’s all over? We’ll have forever to do anything and everything we want.”

  Carter leans over me, almost pinning me down, and kisses my neck, sending euphoric shudders down my spine. His strong hands grip me, touch me, explore me. I let out a slight moan as he begins to undress me slowly.

  “Carter…” It comes out like a warning. He can’t do this. Even though we both desperately want to.

  “I know, baby. I’ll be good. But I just want to be close to you.”

  Heart. Melted.

  He strips down next, then crawls into the bed beside me, wrapping me in his arms and tucking me against him. I can feel his rock-hard cock cradled against my ass, and my hips wiggle a little involuntarily, but we can't do this. We can be strong. We have to be strong. Too much is riding on this.

  Rolling over in his arms, I run my fingers over his chiseled chest, loving the way his skin feels pressed against mine. We’re totally bare lying here together. It would be so easy to have sex right now. But we don’t. We just kiss. A slow, sweet kiss full of love and emotion.

  “I love you, Ashley,” he murmurs against my mouth.

  I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing it.

  “I love you,” I reply, and then we fall asleep in each other’s arms, totally content.


  The sound of incessant ringing wakes me from some of the best sleep I’ve had in a long time. At first, I’m confused and disoriented. I’m not alone in my bed. That’s never happened.

  Then I remember everything that happened earlier tonight. Ashley.

  She told me she loves me. And that she’s willing to wait for me to get through the last agonizing weeks of this reality show. A show I’m quickly starting to resent now that it’s affecting parts of my life that actually matter. Namely, my relationship with Ash.

  The doorbell rings again and again, and finally I drag myself away from Ashley’s warm body and pull on some boxer briefs as I head out of my room and into the living room. Pulling open the front door, I’m surprised to find Chase standing there.

  I rub my eyes and run my hand through my hair.

  “Dude. What are you doing here? It’s got to be—” I glance around, looking for a clock, “—fuck, it’s three in the morning.” What could possibly be so important that he had to come over in the middle of the fucking night? All I want to do right now is crawl back in bed with Ashley and pull her soft, sexy body into mine.

  “Hey.” Chase gives me a smirk, one I’m becoming all too familiar with. Fucking hell, what now? I swear, I thought the guy was my friend. Like really my buddy. But he’s been getting way too much pleasure lately out of telling me all the ways I can’t get off. I have a sinking feeling he’s here for more of the same.

  “Fuck, Chase, can this wait until morning? I mean, really.” I start to shut the door, but he reaches a hand out and pushes back.

  “Sorry, man,” he says, not sounding sorry at all. “This has to be done now.”

  “Whatever,” I mumble, stepping away from the door and walking toward the couch where I collapse and rest my elbows on my thigh, giving him an expectant stare. Might as well get this over with.

  “So,” he begins, “that was some really great TV. Awesome, man. Truly. The ratings were through the roof. I don’t think we’ve had more people viewing the show live…well, ever.”

  “Great.” I throw my hands up in the air. “What’s the problem then? We’re giving them what they want, right? I’m being tempted like I never have before. And I’m fucking falling in love, but can’t have sex with the woman of my dreams. It’s perfect, right? I don’t get it. What else could you possible want?”

  He shakes his head. “Not me, man. Lola. You know that bitch is crazy.”

  Sure the fuck is. I don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner. I can’t stand working for her anymore. I can’t wait until this contract is up. But I guess I shouldn’t hate on her too much. If it weren’t for this show—and her manipulations behind the scenes that I’m only now fully starting to see—I wouldn’t have met Ash. And I can’t regret that.

  “Just spit it out, Chase. I need to get back to bed. I have a hot little woman keeping it warm for me.”

  Chase presses his lips together. “That’s what I’m here about. It’s why you have to know now—before you go back to bed.”

  Fuck. It’s going to be bad, I can feel it.

  “Out with it already,” I growl.

  “No more oral.”

  At first I think I’ve misheard. Like, I literally take my hand to my ear and pull at my earlobe. “Sorry, what?”

  Chase nods. “Yeah. You heard me right. You can no longer have oral sex.”

  I want to laugh at the absurdity of it—I mean the fucking show is called Head Hunter for fuck’s sake—but I know he’s not joking. And it’s no joking matter.

  The thought of going seven more weeks without Ashley’s warm, perfect mouth on my cock has me feeling like I might go out of my mind. That was all we had left, really. No sex, no anal, no jerking off. Now no oral either? It’s like a sick joke. Fucking Lola. This is her scheme; I just know it. Anything she can do to push me to my limits to get me to screw up. Well, fuck her. Not this close to the finish line.

  “This is ridiculous, I hope you know that,” I say, pointing my finger at Chase. I know it’s not his idea, but I can’t help feeling like I want to shoot the messenger just a little.

  “Carter, if you love Ashley like you just declared on national television, no more head. The Head Hunter is officially sidelined.”

  “How can that even be a thing?” I protest, grasping at straws. “I mean, it’s the name of the fucking show. It’s what people tune in for. It’s what they expect.”

  He shakes his head. “Not anymore. Things have changed. You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff popping up on forums on the Internet. It’s trending on Facebook and Twitter. People love you and Ashley, don’t get me wrong, but they’re all taking bets to see if you guys can make it the rest of the season.”

  “We can,” I assert.

  We have to. A whole hell of a lot is riding on this.

  Chase stands and makes for the door, turning back at the last second with a genuine sympathetic smile. At least he’s not a total douche. Somewhere under there is the guy who usually has my back. “Good luck, man.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to need it,” I mutter, closing the door behind him and dropping my forehead against the frame, knocking against it a few times for good measure.

  Because FML. I can’t masturbate, have anal, or get head for seven more weeks? There’s nothing left other than actually having sex. How the hell am I going to make it that long?


  I stretch my arms above my head, feeling like I’m floating on a cloud. I must still be dreaming because I don’t remember ever being in a bed as soft and luxurious as this one. Half asleep, I roll over—right into a raging hard-on.

  My eyes fly open.

  Oh my God—Carter! Everything comes rushing back to me and I remember what an amazing night we had last night. I sigh in contentment as I watch him sleep.

  He’s so perfect. The most sexy, gorgeous man I’ve ever seen in my entire life. A fucking huge twelve-inch cock—I know, right? But that’s not even all of it. He’s a good man. A man that I’ve loved getting to know and who I can’t wait to really get to know—in every single way possible—once this show is over.

  I love him, and he loves me. It almost feels surreal. It’s just so totally perfect.

  Wriggling against him so that I’m even closer, I reach over and wrap
my arm around his waist, loving just cuddling here in bed with him. Sure, I’d love to do more, but if this is all we have for now, I’ll take it.

  Besides, it’s not all we have. We can still give each other pleasure in other ways.

  Leaning forward, I give Carter a soft kiss on his lips, and he starts to stir.

  He opens his sleepy eyes and looks at me, smiling for a minute like he’s just as happy as I am to wake up together before he pulls me closer to him and kisses me. He deepens the kiss, and soon we’re both panting for breath, need and desire taking over.

  Rising up on my hands and knees, I hover over him, fighting the urge to sink down on his shaft that is now pulsing with every beat of his heart, practically begging for attention.

  “I love you, Carter. I can totally wait seven weeks for you. So what if we can’t have anal? It’s fine.” I give him a sexy little wink. “I do have a mouth, you know.”

  I crawl further down his body, wrapping my hand around the thick base of his cock, licking my lips at the sight of the pre-cum beading on the thick head. God I just want to take it all in mouth, tasting every bit of him. I really desperately want to feel him explode in me and come down my throat.

  Just as I’m about to take him in my mouth, Carter grabs my chin and lifts my head up, his eyes wide. “Wait!”

  My brow furrows, then I give him a teasing smile. “What’s wrong? The Head Hunter’s finally had enough?”

  “Yeah right,” he growls, grabbing my sides and hauling me back up against him. “Believe me, baby, there's nothing I want more right now than that sexy little mouth wrapped around my cock.”

  His words cause us both to moan with desire, but he shakes his head adamantly. “We can’t.”

  “Why not?” I’m pouting, and I know I look like a petulant kid, but God, I’m so horny right now and all I want is that big tasty cock.

  “Chase told me last night that oral is out of the question too.”

  I gasp in shock, and Carter grimaces, nodding in agreement as he says, “I know, right? Like, what the fuck?”

  “Oh my God, this is getting ridiculous. What’s next, Carter? We aren’t allowed to even touch each other?”

  He presses a finger to my lips. “Shh, they’ll hear you.” I think he’s only half joking.

  Wow. This is terrible. Truly terrible. I’m now a complete wet, horny mess, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Well, there are things, but none of the things I really want.

  But then to my total confusion, Carter smiles mischievously. “They told me that I can’t get head…but they never said anything about me giving it to you.”

  My eyes widen as he starts to make his way down under the covers, kissing my stomach along the way, heightening every nerve in my body.

  “Carter, are you sure?” Please, please be sure. And please let this be okay. Because I don’t know if I can handle not having his mouth on my pussy right the fuck now.

  “I’m sure. I’m pretty amazing like that, you know.” He winks at me.

  Laughing, my legs fall open, and as his hot breath hits my pussy, my laughter turns into a moan.

  “Oh God, Carter, yes. Please.” I’m not above begging. And with this sexy as sin man between my legs, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get what I need. His lips press against my hot skin just above my center, and a plea falls from my mouth. And then… Oh. My. God.


  Oh, my God! I can’t believe how the tables have turned. For years I watched Carter Blaine on television getting seduced by women, who would always end with only giving him head, usually never even getting anything in return. But now, he’s the one moving down my body, wanting to please me knowing I can’t do anything for him.

  I’m living the dream and fantasy of so many women, and the realization is not lost on me as my body relaxes, ready to feel his head between my legs. So much has happened between us in so little time. It’s like we’ve been together for years after sharing so much of ourselves and spending so much time together.

  I’m so engulfed in everything Carter; I’ve barely spoken to my friends since we began seeing each other. It’s like my life has changed, his needs and lifestyle becoming even more important to me than my own. With the rules changing every day, it’s like the network is trying to make him fail, and that upsets me because he has done everything right.

  There’s no way I’ll let him succumb to failure just because they don’t want to pay up. I don’t care about my contract anymore, obviously, but I do want Carter to see his big payday. There’s no way I’m going to let him break it for me, even though he seemed disappointed when I wouldn’t let him.

  His lips are moving down my belly so slowly, he knows exactly how to turn me on, and my body is heating up for him. I can’t stand how quickly he can bring me to climax, but of course it has its benefits. He’s a puppet master when it comes to the bedroom, always in control and enjoying toying with me as he does it.

  Twisting my hips, I squirm beneath his mouth as the sensuality of his kisses tickles my sensitive skin. I’m always on high alert when he’s around, and when his mouth is on me it's even more intense. What would usually feel like a pinch or a brush against me, feels much more severe, often causing me to cry out in pleasure.

  It’s a spell he puts me under, a spell that makes him a sex God, and me a grateful slave, always willing and ready for whatever he plans to dole out. I can’t imagine ever tiring of his touch, or even the taste of him. I could make out with him all day and be completely satisfied. I swear he could make me climax without ever touching me. It’s just a complete mind fuck the way he dominates me, both physically and mentally.

  Wasting no more time, he delves right in between my legs, lapping me with that thick and long tongue. Just thinking about it makes me miss his cock, which the production crew has pretty much made completely off limits. There seems to be nothing I can do to get him off, and it's still incredibly erotic that this is what he wants. He must enjoy pleasing me as much as I do him. I could cum from hearing him call my name or groan his appreciation.

  “Ahh!” I call out, his lips working over my sex, before he moves to my thighs, nibbling away at the soft skin between my legs. He does this mix of sweet and spicy, where he bites me before kissing the bite mark with his tongue. It feels so good, a blend of pain and pleasure. After repeating this on both of my inner thighs, he kisses up my belly, returning to his favorite – my breasts.

  I love the way he massages me with his tongue, and this morning is no different, as he takes a mouthful of my soft breast into his mouth, swirling his tongue around my nipple. My arousal growing, I feel the nipple harden in his mouth, which seems to be his goal because afterwards he immediately tugs at it with his front teeth.

  Sucking hard on my nipple, causing me to cry out, he slides his hand between my legs, slipping two fingers into my slippery sex. The pressure erases the pain from his suction, and I focus on the sensation between my legs as the intense waves build in my abdomen.

  I cannot believe the amount of orgasms I’ve experienced in the past two days; it’s like he’s going for a world record or something the way he keeps pushing me to the edge. I didn’t even know I could cum this much, but it’s like every one is better than the last so I’m definitely not complaining.

  Working on my second breast, with his fingers sliding in and out of me, I feel myself ready to explode, but I know he’s going to stop soon. It’s just what he does, and I know there’s no way it could be this easy, so I try to prepare myself for the let down, but the build up is just too sweet to fight. My body is begging for the release, and tears literally sting my eyes knowing he'll soon snatch away my climax.

  “Carter, please let me cum for you,” I plead.

  He doesn’t say a word, well, he really can’t with a mouthful of boob, but he remains silent and I think that means he won’t be letting me cum after all. His hand is slamming into me, and I’m crying out his name over and over as I feel myself going over the edge.
br />   Knowing the painful halt to my pleasure is coming, I try to hold back, but it's useless. This orgasm is rattling me to my core and there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m halfway through the climax before I finally relax, sure he’s not going to tease me, though I can’t say I’m not shocked. I was certain he would make me beg.

  “That’s one,” he whispers, his mouth moving from my breasts down to my navel, his tongue lapping around the sensitive area as I twist and wiggle beneath his seduction.

  “Baby!” I yelp and he chuckles before nibbling around my belly and moving between my legs.

  He’s positioning himself between my legs like he’s moving in, and I glance down to see if I can tell what he’s doing, but he’s staring at my sex like he’s examining me or something. I’ve never met a man more interested in knowing everything about a woman’s pleasure. He already controls me and has the power to make me cum at the drop of a dime, but now he’s looking for clues that could help him even more.

  With his hands pulling my lips apart, he leans between my legs and runs the flat of his tongue against my exposed clitoris. My back arches in complete ecstasy, the sensation shooting chills up my spine. Oh my, it feels indescribable as he sucks me so gently I can barely feel it. My body builds again, and he continues in the most patient and gentle way ever. The second orgasm washes over me and I feel weak, my chest heaving as I pant uncontrollably.

  “That’s two,” he whispers.

  Carter doesn’t even pause, rising on his knees to better access my opening. I’m still rolling through a climax as he slides two fingers in, sucking my clit a little more aggressively.

  Holy hell it’s good! He's an expert at my body, and I know there’s nothing he can ever do for me to stop craving him like a fiend. I’m completely addicted to him and his ability to drive me up a wall of satisfaction. My muscles are tight, a bit tired from clenching as I fight through the waves that are already beginning to build again.

  My heart feels like it could explode, I’m so taken by my intense feelings for him. It’s more than just the sex, much more than orgasms. I’ve never felt this strongly for a man in my life and our sex and the intensity of it reflects that connection. I couldn’t have this type of experience based on sex alone. It’s the combination of my feelings for him in conjunction with how he touches and licks me. When he grips my hips, it makes me cream, and now that his head is between my legs, driving me to another orgasm, I want to cry tears of joy.


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