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Seduction_The_Riley_Way Page 3

by Jodi Olson

  “You’re first,” Nathan said, grabbing the nozzle and wetting her hair. He squeezed a dollop of coconut-scented shampoo into his hand, kneading it through Nicole’s hair. Between the steaming shower and the massaging of her scalp, she was in heaven. No one EVER gave her a shower like this before and it was only the beginning. After what seemed like an eternity of the luxurious and heavenly shampoo, Nathan produced a loofah sponge, spread body shampoo on it, and soaped up Nicole’s back, rubbing circles from her neck down. He added more soap and turned Nicole to face him; first washing her face, and then working his way down her neck to her breasts, teasing her nipples with the devilish sponge, making her nipples swell against the gentle washing. His sponged hand expertly washed her closely shaven, butterfly shaped public hair. Her heartbeat pumped erratically and her breathing deepened; it was a good thing she was in the shower, or else he would realize she was dripping with want. Nathan knelt as he soaped her legs, his breath so close to her swollen pussy. She inched her pelvis closer to his face, trusting he would take the not-so-subtle hint. Dropping the loofah, he spread her lips and licked her reddening rose bud, slowly at first, then gradually faster. Nicole thrust forward and back with the tempo, falling into his rhythm. She grabbed the back of his head, firmly pushing it against her. He took her clit into his mouth, sucking faster until Nicole exploded. When her knees buckled, she caught herself by grabbing onto his shoulders. “Nathan, you’re a devil. I want you inside me. NOW!”

  Nathan grabbed her around the waist as he drew her out of the shower to the bed. He collapsed to the bed, pulling her on top of him and growled, “You’re on top so I can look in your eyes as you fuck me.” Without hesitation, Nicole straddled his throbbing erection and eased down on him; realizing he could feel her quiver around him as she braced herself on his shoulders, falling forward. His hips thrust faster and faster, and he knew he couldn’t hold out long, as her slick, warm sex enveloped his cock. Quickly, he drilled into her as she came again with resounding shudders. He couldn’t restrain himself any longer; his body was on fire and primal lust took over until his semen shot out in jets and he was totally spent.

  Nicole rolled off him, cuddling to his side as he held her in his arms. Both of them were wringing wet, still in the afterglow of their love making session. They remained like that for hours, and as the sun peeked through the curtains, they remained fast asleep in each other’s arms.


  Nathan was in the kitchen making coffee thinking about what took place a few hours ago. Last night was a mistake; he couldn’t let it happen again. Now that Nicole would be dancing at his club, she was off limits. The last dancer he’d gotten involved with hurt him big time, and he’d made a silent vow to never get mixed up with another dancer. Roxie Dalton came to work for him the day he took over The Swollen Pussy Club and during the interview she showed him more than just a strip tease. For six months they were inseparable. Just as he planned to ask her to marry him, she up and left without a word. Now a year later, he was still having trouble getting close to another woman. Lost in thought, he didn’t hear Nicole come up behind him and bumped right into her as he turned around.

  “Nathan,” she looked away, unable to make eye contact, “last night was a huge mistake. It can’t happen again.”

  His jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed, and his mouth twisted into a snarl. He thought about the way Roxie hurt him and he wasn’t going to let Nicole treat him the same way. He did the leaving now, not the other way around. “If I remember right, you were the one telling me to fuck you, not the other way around.” He pulled her roughly, almost violently, to him, not caring whether he hurt her or not. “By the end of the week, you’ll be begging me to take you again.” He forced her lips open with his thrusting tongue. His hand outlined the circle of her breast before moving down her abdomen to her thighs, his fingers brushing across the folds of her sex. He felt her wet with desire. He leaned close to her, his hoarse whisper breaking the silence, “Now tell me again it was a mistake.” He released her and walked out of the house.

  Nicole sat at the kitchen table unable to imagine how she could be near Nathan now when her body ached for his touch. Her breathing began to settle and she knew she was doing the right thing. Getting involved with Nathan Riley would only lead to heartache in the end, and she had enough problems to worry about; the biggest problem finding Chaz Stevens. If it weren’t for his no-good worthless ass, she wouldn’t be in this mess. Things between her and Chaz were great at first, but then he started slipping out in the middle of the night and getting calls at all hours Whenever she asked what was going on, his answer was always the same; ‘a buddy needs help’. Yea, and all his buddies smelled like White Shoulders.

  Tonight was her first lesson at the club and she had an hour left before she needed to meet Ophelia. Hopefully she would be able to learn quickly, the money those girls made was exactly what she needed now. She showered, and went into the bedroom to dress, but had no idea what to wear; jeans wouldn’t do for an exotic dancer. With Nathan’s money, she’d bought a little black dress with long see-through sleeves. It would have to do because Nathan was due to pick her up any minute. Good thing, because she wasn’t sure about walking all the way to the club in the heels she had on.


  Nicole could tell Nathan was still upset with her when he arrived because he barely said two words to her. By the end of the night she hoped he would at least be talking to her instead of snarling at her and everyone else. She was glad to see Ophelia coming their way.

  “Are you ready for lesson one, Nicole? We have thirty minutes before the club opens.”

  She watched Ophelia strip down to her bra and thong as she strutted down the stage. It was a little embarrassing to watch another woman take off her clothes, but the way she took them off was slow and very erotic. After studying the seductive way Ophelia moved her pelvis and hips, it was Nicole’s turn to practice.

  Nicole could see Ophelia shaking her head when she tried to duplicate Ophelia’s erotic hip movements. Her voice was hoarse with frustration, “I’ll never get this right.”

  “The club’s about to open,” Ophelia said. “We’ll try again tomorrow. Bring a costume of some sort; it’ll help you get into your character better. I’m on first tonight, so I need to get ready.”

  Ophelia left her standing on the stage. Nicole stood, alone, and stared at the empty club. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. Where am I supposed to get a costume by tomorrow? She would have to ask Nathan for money for a costume since she’d given him the rest of his money back except for what she’d spent on the dress and heels. She really didn’t want to, but what other choice did she have if she planned to work at the club.

  Nicole heard Nathan’s voice as she got close to his office and he sounded angry. She had no idea who he was talking to, but it was clearly a woman with him. Just as she was prepared to knock on the door the woman called Nathan her ‘lover’. Shocked, Nicole turned to leave when she heard the door open and out walked a tall blonde; slender and willowy, moving like a model. Nicole thought she looked evil and had no idea what Nathan would see in a bimbo like that.

  “Did you want something Nicole?” Nathan asked. “I can give you a ride back to my place if you’re finished and don’t want to stick around.” Nathan tried to regroup from his stormy meeting. As soon as Roxie had walked in he’d wanted to call the cops, but couldn’t go through with it. She knew exactly which buttons she could push, and since she’d brought back the money she took, there was no point in calling the cops anyway. Lost in thought he didn’t hear what Nicole was saying.

  “You know; if I’m intruding. I’ll just leave you alone with your thoughts.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” Nathan watched Roxie walk out of the club; glad she was gone. “I’m just a little distracted.”

  Nicole sighed, “I need to get a costume. Ophelia wants me wearing one tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, right, you should have at least two costumes in case I need you to wo
rk two sets in one night.” Nathan took money from his wallet and handed it to her. “Here, get yourself some costumes and whatever else you need.” He pulled out his car keys and handed them to her. ”Come get me at closing time.”

  He could tell Nicole wanted to say something else to him, but he wasn’t in the mood for her to question him about Roxie; the less she knew, the better. She continued to stare at him, making him more uncomfortable by the minute, so he pretended to look for something in his desk. When he finally looked up, she was gone.


  When Nicole walked in to the costume shop she couldn’t believe all the costumes they had. It seemed like she’d been looking forever before she came across one labeled ‘office flirt’ and wondered what Nathan’s reaction would be seeing her in that outfit. By the time she left the store, she had two outfits, and a pair of platform stripper shoes she hoped wouldn’t make her stumble while on stage.

  As soon as she finished shopping, she headed for Nathan’s to grab a shower and a quick bite to eat since Nathan wanted her to pick him up right after closing. After getting her shower and food she relaxed on the bed. I’ll just close my eyes and rest for a few minutes; I’ve still got plenty of time.

  Nathan paced outside his club, wondering what was taking Nicole so long. He had made sure everything was done early enough so he wouldn’t have to stay after closing time. He took out his cell phone and dialed the house, but after several rings, he hung up. Everyone had already gone home so he called a taxi. He hated taxis.

  Arriving home, he went to the kitchen for a glass of water and noticed the clock read four a.m. Damn cab companies always make a person wait and wait. Next time Nicole needs to go shopping, she can take a damn cab.

  He found Nicole in the bedroom, on top of the bed, asleep on her stomach, wearing nothing but a bath towel. He nearly stopped breathing as he stood watching her. When he got himself under control he decided it was time to wake her up. He yanked the bedspread out from under her, watching her land on the floor with a thump.

  “So,” he smirked, “you finally decided to wake up I see?”

  “Yea,” she snarled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, “and I see you’re still cranky.”

  “Of course I’m cranky. Someone took my car and then didn’t show up to pick me up when she was supposed to.”

  Nathan was tempted to take her right on the floor; he tried not to look when her towel slipped off. But he couldn’t help noticing the way her body responded to him. She wouldn’t last a week before she begged him to fuck her again. He threw her a shirt he grabbed from one of his drawers, “Put this on. I’m going to bed. I know you want me, but I’ve got a headache.” He took off his slacks and shirt and crawled between the sheets.

  It wasn’t long before he felt a pillow hit his head and he smiled, This is going to be fun.


  Nathan stood in a corner watching Ophelia help Nicole rotate her hips. From where he was standing, the women couldn’t see him and he noticed that Nicole’s body was too stiff; she needed to loosen up. After ten minutes of watching her step on Ophelia’s toes, he decided to take over and help her himself.

  He stood directly behind Nicole, placed a bar towel across her eyes for a blindfold, and whispered in her ear. “Don’t think about the moves, loosen up, let it happen naturally. Now that you can’t see what you’re doing, use your other senses. It’s not that hard.”

  His left hand rested on her hip, as he put his right hand next to her knee. While rubbing the back of her knee gently, he murmured, “Now relax, you can’t be stiff here and expect to dance.” His right hand traveled up her thigh and she trembled under his touch as he continued his way up. When he reached her hip, he pulled her back hard against his warm body.

  “I want you to rotate your hip slowly to the right,” his hands were still on her hips. “Now the other side, then back, then forward again.”

  It seemed to Nathan that maybe she was finally getting the hang of it, except the rubbing against the front of his jeans was causing his cock to get rock hard. He wanted her so bad he ached, but she would have to come to him. He would wait as long as it took, even if it killed him.


  Chaz Stevens sat alone in the diner across the street from The Swollen Pussy Club. One of his friends told him Nicole worked at the strip club now so he thought he would check it out for himself.

  Yesterday he watched the club and the many well-dressed men who came in and out, to Chaz it all meant money. That was when he came up with the perfect plan; Nicole could distract the men with her smoking hot body while he lifted their wallets. And if anyone asked why he was hanging around he would tell them he was a bouncer.

  When he entered the club he noticed it was empty except for the two people on stage. The woman was moving to the music and behind her a man was holding onto her hips. When he got closer he realized the woman on stage was Nicole.

  “Hey, Nicole, babe, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing in a sleazy place like this? “

  “Chaz?” Nicole jerked the blindfold off. “I could say I’m happy to see you, but I’m not. Because of you, I’ve not only lost my job, but my apartment as well. Just leave me alone and go back to that rock you’ve been hiding under.”

  Chaz started to climb on stage but Nathan stepped in front of him, “Get out of my club now, and don’t come back here again. If you do, I’ll see your ass thrown in jail for trespassing.”

  Chaz had no idea who this guy thought he was, but he wasn’t going without Nicole. He glared at the man standing before him, “I’m not leaving without my girlfriend.”

  “The lady said to leave her alone,” Nathan’s face hardened, even as his body relaxed, ready to react, “so that should be your first clue she wants nothing to do with you.”

  A tense silence passed before Chaz turned for the door. “I’ll be back, you can count on it.” He didn’t like what he sawin Nicole. The way she stood up to him would make it harder to get her to go along with his plans. Maybe if he got her back in his bed, she would get back in line. Yeah that’s the way to handle Nicole; give it to her rough, just the way she likes it.

  Nicole watched her so-called ex-boyfriend walk out of the club and wondered why she never noticed how much of a slime ball Chaz really was. She must have been out of her mind when she moved in with him. She hoped Chaz wouldn’t come back; she’d seen his temper before, and she feared he’d try to hurt Nathan.

  Her cheeks reddened thinking back to her dance lesson a mere ten minutes before when Nathan had blindfolded her. She could still feel his hands on her hips and his warm body pressed up against her back along with his erection.

  His musky scent lingered long after he’d left her side, her nipples hardened and her heart raced. If only she could find some way to get him inside her again, but how? Since she’d told him it wouldn’t happen again, he barely spoke to her, let alone touch her. My next lesson will be lap dancing and he won’t be able to control himself then.


  Nicole was excited because tonight would be her last lesson, the lap dances. Then she’d be able to start making the money to pay her own way, and pay Nathan back as well.

  She followed Ophelia to one of the special rooms that were used for lap dances, the private places the dancers took their customers. Within an hour, she’d learned four types of dances and she was pleased with herself; she learned them quickly, it was coming easier for her. But can I do it? For real?

  Earlier, Nathan had mentioned he’d wanted her to practice her routines on him, so Ophelia went to get him. Nicole couldn’t wait to see Nathan’s reaction, so she quickly stripped down to her new hot pink tassel bra and panty set.

  Nathan stared at her with obvious approval as he walked in to the room. She motioned for him to sit on the couch, and as the music began she stood close with her back to him. Slowly, she lowered herself onto his lap, tilted her head back, and rubbed her bottom against his groin with a circular motion. Her confiden
ce soared when she heard his groan of satisfaction, and she wiggled her way upright and turned to face him

  His eyes flickered rapidly with the movement of the tassels on her bra and she smiled to see him lick his lips in anticipation. Her dance continued as she hiked one leg over his shoulder and leaned back, the tassel on her thong inches from his mouth.

  Nicole gasped as she felt his mouth tug on the tassel, and he said, “Love the tassels sweetheart.” She’d barely heard what he mumbled when his tongue ran along the open slit of her thong. Oh, the wonderful things he can do with that tongue. As much as she needed and wanted what he was doing to her, she was sure that if she stayed too long on that solitary spike heel she would fall, so she lowered her leg.

  Her heart raced as he rose from the couch and pulled her into his arms.

  “Nicole, I can’t stand it anymore. I’ve tried to control myself but I need to be inside you right now.” He unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. His own knees hit the floor where he grasped hold of her thong with his teeth and pulled it slowly down. Her scent was intoxicating, which told him she needed him just as much as his need for her. He spread her legs further apart so he could run his tongue across the folds of her sex.

  It wasn’t very long before they were on the couch, in each other’s arms, lips touching lips, hands exploring each other. Moans filled the small room as they surrendered to the passion that had been building for days.

  Nicole’s hand brushed the fly of his slacks and he groaned. Soon his zipper was all the way down and her hand rubbed the length of his hard shaft through his boxers. One more touch from her and he would lose it.

  His eyes feasted on her breasts; he licked one nipple until it peaked in his mouth, then he turned his attention to the other. He stroked his hands over each of her breasts before moving lower to her smooth stomach and then further to the ultimate prize.


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