Emma's Alpha

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Emma's Alpha Page 4

by Amanda Clark

  Mike whispered to her, “Shh, Em, no one is going to hurt you, I need you to trust me. Okay?”

  He passed her to Scott, who stood beside him. Scott stepped back with her in his arms, murmuring how everything was going to be fine. Even though Emma was terrified, she couldn’t take her eyes off Mike.

  Watching him facing off with Brian was scary for a different reason, she didn’t want him to get hurt.

  Mike was glaring at Brian. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing in my house, attacking a member of my pack?” Mike growled.

  Brian sniggered. “Oh, I see you want the little chew toy. Well, I’m willing to share. She got away from me in London before I got a piece of that tight little snatch.”

  Mike suddenly howled and dropped to hands and knees, but it wasn’t Mike on the floor, it was a huge black wolf. Then a big russet wolf landed in front of him and Emma screamed. The russet wolf was the one that had knocked her to the ground in London, a few nights after she told Brian she wouldn’t be seeing him anymore. At the time she had thought it was a large dog, now realisation hit her, werewolves were real! Oh fuck was her last thought as blackness overtook her.

  Emma heard voices shouting, one closer called her name. She opened her eyes to find Grams sitting beside her and the shouting was coming from outside the room. She realised she was laid on the couch in Mike’s office.

  “Just stay there, honey,” Grams said, watching through the doorway at what was happening in the hall. Emma looked around her to see the two wolves circling each other, and the men facing off.

  “Get the fuck out of my town and don’t ever come back,” Scott said with steel in his voice.

  Another man watched the proceedings beside Scott. He looked fierce and ready to jump on Brian’s friends at any moment. The wolves lunged at each other, Mike’s large wolf had the advantage in seconds and pinned Brian’s by the throat. Brian struggled for a few moments before lying still and bowing his head the best he could Mike released him and stepped back, next thing he was human again.

  “Leave and never step foot in my territory again,” he intoned with deadly intent.

  Brian got up from the floor and looked at Emma. “This isn’t the end, you will be mine,” he spat. Before turning and walking out the door, followed by his men.

  Scott and the other man followed them out and Mike turned to Emma, it was only then she realised Mike was naked. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, broad shoulders, amazing pecs, with dusty colored nipples and a light splattering of hair. Moving her gaze down, she took in a six-pack that made her mouth water, narrow waist and his cock. Which seemed to harden under her scrutiny, it was thick and long, she didn’t think her fingers would meet if wrapped around him, his sack hung heavy between muscular thighs. Moisture pooled in her knickers, she resigned herself to the fact she was going to fuck Mike and she would love every minute of it.

  “Go get some clothes on, Mike. I’m going to put the kettle on, I think we are all in need of a cuppa to go with this conversation,” Grams said before heading into the kitchen.

  “Please don’t run off, Em, let me get dressed and I will explain everything, okay?” Mike said.

  Emma just nodded her head before laying back down and trying to take in the fact werewolves were real, yeah her favourite books were about them, she and Craig always said if they could be any mystical creature it would be a werewolf, but holy shit, they were real! She then realised something else, she was totally cool with it and this made her laugh until tears ran down her face and her sides ached.

  Chapter Four

  Mike came back down the stairs dreading this conversation, he didn’t want Emma leaving him, which was a joke because they weren’t together. His wolf was restless because of the fight with Brian, he wasn’t happy he’d walked away, he’d threatened his mate and it should have been a death sentence. The sound of Emma’s laughter stopped him in his tracks, what the hell he thought and headed into the office. Emma lay on the sofa with tears running down her face from laughing.

  “Are you okay, Em?” Mike asked, going to sit beside her.

  Emma nodded her head and wiped her face on her ruined T-shirt.

  “Yes, I’m fine, I just realised I am totally cool with the knowledge of werewolves and it made me laugh, that’s all,” she said.

  Mike let out a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding.

  “Well that will make explanations easier. You probably have loads of questions, and I will tell you anything, Emma, there is no point in secrets now,” Mike said.

  Grams came in carrying a tray of mugs and placed them on the desk, she picked two up passing one to Emma and the other to Mike, before disappearing again. Mike watched as Emma cradled the mug in her hands and she suddenly spluttered.

  “Is it true you have mates? One person that’s destined to spend their life with you and you don’t mate with huma ns? Do you have a mate?”

  “Yes, we do have mates, no we don’t mate with humans and no, I’m not mated,” he answered.

  Mike watched her face as what he could only describe as disappointment flashed across it. Before he could ask about it, Grams walked back in carrying a T-shirt.

  “Here you go, hun, the boys won’t come back in till your covered up,” she said.

  Emma looked down and blushed, she had forgotten her top was ripped. She pulled the T-shirt over her head.

  Mike felt a moment of regret seeing her luscious breasts disappearing.

  Scott and the other man came into the office, the man sat in a chair across from Emma and Scott came and sat beside her.

  “Hey, Em, how you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m surprisingly okay.” Emma smiled at him.

  Mike moved to sit behind his desk and gestured to the man in the chair. “This is Paul, our cousin, and also the pack Enforcer,” he said.

  “Enforcer?” Emma asked.

  “This is the Derwent pack and we have lived in this area for hundreds of years, we are one of the oldest packs in England. Every pack has certain roles. There is the alpha, that’s me. I’m the boss man so to speak. Then there is a Beta, that’s Scott, he is my right hand man and if anything happens to me before an heir is born or the heir is not old enough to lead, he will step up, he also can represent me in my absence. Then we have an Enforcer, Paul, he is like a police officer for the pack, he has guards he works with, but he is in charge of all pack security and dealing with any law breakers.

  Luckily, we have a good pack and most of our problems stem from kids being bored. We also have elders, there are three in our pack, Mary or Grams as we all call her, my Uncle Shane, Paul’s dad, and Patrick. Patrick was my grandfather’s beta. The elders make sure the history of the pack is passed down through the generations. Any questions so far?”

  Emma appeared to be listening, deep in thought.

  “I know about this stuff, thanks to my books. Its sounds mad, but everything you have told me so far I know about thanks to books that Craig introduced me to. So the only question is, what are you going to do with me?

  I’m human and I know you don’t want to be discovered, not that I’d ever tell anyone. Can I carry on living here or will I have to leave?” she said.

  “You don’t have to go anywhere, unless you want to and we trust you with our secret. There are humans in town that know about us and we treat them like part of the pack, they live by the pack laws and everything is fine,” Mike said.

  “What are the pack’s rules?” Emma replied.

  Paul spoke for the first time.

  “Firstly, I’d like to say welcome and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  He then went over to Emma took her and placed a kiss on it, Mike growled at him, not liking his flirty attitude.

  Paul just smirked, returned to his seat and carried on talking.

  “There are only three rules. Number one, keep the secret. Number two, mates are sacred, no one can come between them or harm a mate, it’s death to anyone who harms a mate. Number three is
respect other packs and help out when needed. If you can live by these rules then everyone is happy.”

  “I’m really coming to like it here and I have no concerns about your rules. So yes, I’d like to stay,” Emma replied whilst looking at Mike.

  Mike looked at her and smiled.

  “No problem, Em, you are now officially a member of the Derwent pack, I would like to know about your history with Brian, not just for me, but for the pack’s safety.”

  Emma took a deep breath and began her tale.

  “Two years ago I meet Brian for the first time, he came into the clinic where I was working. From that day on, he flirted and asked me out. I always said no, then about six months ago, I finally agreed, because I thought I’d go out with him and then he would leave me alone. We went for a meal, when he was walking me home he started talking about being together forever and how I was his. I realised then, he was a nut job, by this time we were outside my apartment and all of a sudden he had me pinned to the wall and his hands were everywhere. I was telling him no, but he just carried on ‘till I managed to knee him between the legs. After that, he still pestered me and everywhere I went, either him or his men were there. I got countless phone calls. He also sniffed me every time I saw him and was constantly asking who I’d been with. It was just creepy and until today, I didn’t know he was behind me getting attacked. A few days after the date and telling him I wouldn’t be going out with him ever again, a big dog knocked me down and tried to bite me. A gang of kids chased it away before it could. It was him, I know it after seeing him change today.”

  “What, he tried to mark you?” Mike almost shouted.

  Mike had been biting his tongue throughout Emma’s story, not happy with what he was hearing. His wolf wasn’t happy either. Mike wanted to go and pull her into his lap and chase away her fears.

  “Marking, is that real too? Does it mean I would have been his if he had managed to bite me? ” Emma replied.

  Scott answered her this time.

  “Unfortunately some of our kind believe humans are there for their amusement and have been known to mark them so other wolves know who they belong to. It seems Brian is one of them. The only time we mark someone is if they are our mate, it’s something we consider sacred. Have you been bitten?”

  “No,” Emma replied.

  * * * *

  Emma sat quietly for a few moments thinking about everything they had talked about and the only thing that bothered her was the thought of Mike mated to someone else. The very thought brought an ache to her chest, which was really stupid. She barely knew him, yeah she fancied the pants off him and he was in nearly all her thoughts, but it was crazy.

  “Well I’m going for a shower before dinner, thanks for explaining everything and I will see you all later,” she said and walked out of the office and up the stairs.

  Once in her room, Emma sat on the bed and contemplated what she now knew. It still amazed her that she wasn’t freaking out and that the books Craig got her into were real. Could Craig be a werewolf too? Were the books his way of introducing her without telling her, but also making it easier for her if she did find out by accident? She was also wondering how much longer she could stay in this house with Mike, because she knew it would kill her to see him with anyone else. This pull she had to him was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Looking at her phone, she saw it was almost time for dinner, so she quickly showered.

  After showering, Emma pulled on some comfy jeans and a sweat shirt, before towel drying her hair and pulling it up into a ponytail. She slipped on her trainers and headed downstairs. As she closed her bedroom door, she heard a door close behind her, she turned to see Mike.

  “How are you doing, Em? Not feeling too freaked out I hope,” Mike said.

  “No, I’m fine, I am curious though, maybe you know or could help me, is my friend Craig a were? He introduced me to the werewolf books and I just wondered if it was his way of preparing me in case I found out by accident. It’s obvious now, I was surrounded by them in London. Is there any way you could find out for me? I don’t want to say anything if he is human like me,” Emma said.

  “I can make a phone call to your old boss and ask. I expect you could do with a friend to talk to about all this with. There is also something else I need to talk to you about later,” Mike replied.

  “Err, if it’s about earlier in the car, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again,” Emma spluttered.

  Emma started for the stairs, but Mike stopped her by snaking his arm round her waist. She felt his breath on her ear as he pulled her back tight to his chest.

  “I intend to make sure it happens again without the interruptions, many times, Em. I’ve had a constant hard on since I laid eyes on you and I plan on putting it to good use, every hole in your hot little body is going to know my cock very well. Does that scare you or does it make you wet?” Mike whispered to her.

  Emma whimpered and realised she was grinding her backside onto Mike’s cock. She was so wet she thought she’d have to go shower again. Mike chuckled in her ear before releasing his hold on her waist and taking her hand. He obviously had his answer.

  “Come on, let’s get you fed, you’re gonna need your strength.”

  Emma tried to sort out her racing hormones, whilst Mike led her downstairs. Did he really just say he was going to be getting to know all my holes? Oh my, her pussy clenched at the very thought of him sliding his big cock in her, anywhere in her. Shaking her head to clear the dirty thoughts, she composed herself. Mike had led her into the kitchen, around the table sat Scott and Paul, whilst Mary was pulling food out of the oven and placing it on the table. They all turned to look at Emma and sniffed. Paul coughed into his hands and Scott smirked, Mary just smiled and told them to sit.

  Mike sat at the top of the table with Scott and Paul on his right. He placed Emma in the seat to his left, still not releasing her hand. She pulled her hand away, feeling herself blush, she didn’t want to look around the table, it would be even more embarrassing. They could most likely smell her lust, hanging around with werewolves was going to take some getting used to. She started to calm down after removing her hand from Mike’s and reali satio n hit her. She couldn’t sleep with Mike, it would hurt too much when he moved on, she would have to leave, she couldn’t bear to witness his mating with someone else. Those thoughts sent a stabbing pain to her chest and she gasped.

  “What’s wrong, Em? I can smell your pain, are you hurt?” Mike asked.

  “I’m fine, just still thinking everything through. Knowing what Brian is, I wonder if I will ever be free of him,”

  Emma lied.

  Mike looked at her, but didn’t say anything. Emma wondered if they could smell lies as well.

  “Nobody will hurt you, Emma, you are under the protection of the pack. You also live in the alpha’s house, they would have to be extremely stupid to try anything,” Paul said.

  “I know, thanks for the reassurance, it’s just that I’d started to relax and he turned up. Who would have thought one day out of London he would find me?” Emma replied.

  It dawned on Emma she wasn’t totally lying, these were things to worry about. Maybe leaving wasn’t an option right now. Even though Brian had found her, she wasn’t scared because she knew Mike would protect her, but how could she protect her heart from Mike?

  The others began eating and for the first time since sitting down Emma noticed they were having roasted chicken and there were three chickens on the table with four different vegetables and roasted potatoes. Wow, she thought, these guys really do eat loads. Emma helped herself to some chicken breast, a few veggies and a couple of roasted potatoes. It wasn’t until her first mouth full that she realised just how hungry she was. She soon cleared her plate and sat back in her chair, watching the men devour what was left on the table. Scott was slipping titbits to Jack under the table, wasn’t that sweet? She noticed Mike doing the same and it made her smile to think these big bad wolves were trying to make friends wit
h her little dog.

  When everyone had finished, Emma helped Grams clean up and then made coffee for the men, she carried it throu gh to Mike’s office. Mike was speaking on the phone, whilst Scott and Paul spoke quietly between themselves.

  Mike thanked her with a breath-taking grin and a wink, continuing with his conversation. Emma’s heart rate tripled at that grin and she staggered back into the kitchen. Mary had disappeared, so Emma grabbed her coffee and decided to head upstairs to read for a while. When she passed Mike’s office he called out to her. Scott and Paul had disappeared.

  “Em, come in here please.”

  “Do you need something before I head upstairs?” she asked.

  “I’m good thanks. I just wanted to tell you I spoke to Tony, your old boss, and he told me Craig is full were. So yes, he does know about everything. I hope it helps to know you can talk to him,” Mike told her.

  “Thanks, it does. Even though a part of me wants to be mad at him for not telling me, I understand why he couldn’t. I will ring him tomorrow,” Emma said.

  “I also wanted to ask you about the man you saw down at the lake, you said you had seen him before in London.

  Do you have any idea who he is?” Mike asked

  “I don’t know him, he has never spoken to me, just watches me sometimes. I never feel scared, I always feel safe when he is around. Today, when I first saw him I started to panic and this wave of security seemed to wrap around me, which has never happened before,” Emma replied.

  Mike sat back in his chair watching Emma, he seemed to be thinking something through before he spoke. Emma started to squirm under his scrutiny.

  “Em, I have reason to suspect you maybe a half-were, as in, you won’t shift, but you will have the longevity we have. I believe your father is a were. It couldn’t have been your mother if she died giving birth to you. If your father is alive, I believe he is an alpha, because we can sense when someone is born into the pack, and pick up on strong emotions sometimes, even if they don’t live within the pack. Have you a way of accessing money when you needed it? Like when you went to college or moved into your flat?” Mike said.


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