Best Laid Plans

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Best Laid Plans Page 14

by Tamie Dearen

  “Yes, you were right.” Olivia blew a curl off her face. “Okay, I’m going to trust you. But you have to help me.”

  “I will, Sister. Believe me, I will.”

  “You will what?” asked Brad, appearing behind Grace. “What are you two up to over here?”

  “Nothing,” Grace said, blinking innocent eyes.

  “Oh no,” said Brad. “When you’re up to nothing, that’s when you’re really up to something. What are you doing? Really?”

  “We’re only trying to make sure Josh and Olivia don’t end up in a shotgun wedding. You don’t think it’s a good idea, do you?”

  Brad shook his head. “I don’t know what to think about Josh anymore. I thought I knew the guy, but when he said he hadn’t been with a woman since falling for Charlie two years ago... I’m not sure I know him at all. Now I think he could be as faithful a husband as I am.”

  “But that’s not the point,” Grace argued. “Surely you don’t think it’s a good idea for Josh and Olivia to get married for a year.”

  Brad shrugged and asked Olivia, “Would it be so bad if you guys were married? Are you sure you couldn’t love each other?”

  Emily joined the group. “That’s right Olivia. Marriage is great when you have a great guy, like Josh.”

  Olivia rolled her eyes. “Puh-leeese! This marriage thing is a farce. Josh isn’t in love with me, and I’m not in love with him. And I’m not ready to be a mother.”

  “But Olivia,” Emily argued. “What if you’re wrong? What if Josh is in love with you?”

  “I’m not wrong.”

  “Grace,” said Emily. “Help me out here. You agree with me, don’t you?”

  “I absolutely agree. I think Josh is in love with my sister, and I think she loves him back, and doesn’t even realize it.” She turned her head to wink at Olivia. “And I think when they figure it out, they’ll live happily ever after.”

  “Grace,” Olivia’s voice was almost a snarl.

  “Don’t worry, Sister,” Grace said, rubbing her arm. “Just trust me.”

  JOSH TRIED TO KEEP his temper in check, but his heart hammered when he saw Derek kissing Charlie. She must have changed a lot in the last two years. Even a private kiss had earned him a slap on the face from Charlie. Now she was letting Derek paw her in public. Well, he wasn’t exactly pawing her, but he did kiss her. Her face was as red as a beet, and she didn’t seem to respond with any passion. Was it because she didn’t really feel anything for Derek, or simply because they were in public? Maybe when they were alone, she kissed Derek like she’d kissed him two years ago.

  He let his mind drift back to that night in the hallway. He played the scene over in his mind as he had for the past two years.

  “We’ll see, Josh. Seriously, let’s wait and see. Give yourself a week or two, and you’ll work me out of your system. I think I’m just an anomaly.”

  “It feels more like cancer to me. I think you’ve metastasized, and I’ll never be able to get rid of you, even if I wanted to try.”

  “Okay. Whatever you say. But don’t worry—I won’t get my feelings hurt when you realize this relationship is way more trouble than its worth.”

  “You’re definitely a lot of trouble.” He cupped her cheeks with his hands, tilting her head back. “But like I said before, you’re worth it.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers and touched their lips together, ever so lightly. Then he’d brushed his lips across hers and planted tiny kisses around her mouth. He continued to tease her lips until her mouth surged toward his, seeking his warmth. But he held her at bay, gently stroking her lips with his tongue until they parted and her own tongue slipped forward to tentatively touch his.

  When his tongue found hers, he groaned and pressed his mouth against hers, his hands tangling in her hair. She tasted so sweet. Ragged breaths emerged as her kiss raged against his senses. Time froze. There was no one else, nothing else in the universe. Only Charlie and the heady, overwhelming sensation of her lips against his. Her arms around his neck. Her heart pounding rapidly against his chest. As his embrace had tightened, she molded herself against him. For the first time in his life, he’d realized he didn’t just want this woman in his bed. He wanted her in his arms and in his life. He didn’t just want her body. He wanted her. He wanted Charlie Best.


  All of that from one kiss.

  Josh was in anguish imagining Charlie responding like that to Derek. He wanted to pommel Derek’s face into the ground. But he had to tamp down his emotional response. Charlie wasn’t his. He was going to marry Olivia. Even though it would be platonic and temporary, he’d be faithful to her. There was little chance Charlie would still be available after they ended the marriage. Even if she weren’t in a relationship, she probably wouldn’t want to marry a divorced man with two children. And since he was admitting he still loved her, he reasoned her happiness was more important than his own. If Derek could make her happy, he wanted that for her. Josh had never quite forgiven himself for making her cry when he talked to her at the Emily’s wedding, and he never wanted her to be that unhappy again. He had to put Charlie first.

  As Derek moved to join them, Spencer accosted him. “What’s the story with you and my sister-in-law? You only met her a week ago.”

  “What’s the big deal? I only kissed her. It’s not like I’m sleeping with her... yet.”

  Josh’s hand flew forward and caught Derek by the shirt collar, jerking him forward. “She’s not that kind of girl. Charlie doesn’t sleep around.”

  “Cool off buddy,” he said, shaking himself loose from his hold. “I’ve never forced a girl to do anything, and I’m not about to start. I think it’s her decision when she wants to sleep with me.”

  Spencer pushed in front of him, and spoke in a low menacing tone. “Derek, I’m warning you one time, for your own good. Don’t let anyone hear you talking that way about Charlie. More people than Josh and I will be offended. My wife would slap you. My sisters would kick you where it counts. And Steven Gherring might just toss you off the plane.”

  He paled a bit. “Okay! Okay! I’m kidding. She’s already laid down the law for me. I know not to try anything.”

  Josh was so angry he could barely control himself. What did Charlie see in this guy? And Olivia had been flirting with him as well. He didn’t really have the right to say anything to Charlie, but surely he could talk some sense into Olivia. He stomped off to find her, but Emily intercepted him.

  “Hey Josh, I was wanting to ask you a medical question.”

  “Uhmm, okay. Did you need to talk to me now?”

  “Yes.” Her gaze darted about. “It’s kind of personal. Can I talk to you in private?”

  “Okay, sure.” He allowed Emily to guide him away from the lounge area to the front row seats. His concern grew at her agitated expression. “What is it? Is something wrong?”

  “No, I just need to talk to you. It’s about Olivia. I really need to know the truth. Do you love her?”

  “I do love Olivia, but...” Emily looked back at him with sympathetic eyes. Could he level with her? Could he explain how mixed up he was about Charlie?

  “What? What is it? Do you love her or not?”

  He knew he couldn’t tell Emily the truth because she would certainly tell Charlie. “I love Olivia, but I know she doesn’t love me. I thought I could convince her to marry me. Of course, that was before she started flirting with Derek.”

  “No worries. Charlie will take care of Derek. He’ll be too busy with her to pay any attention to Olivia.”

  Josh felt anything but relief at her assurance. “I don’t like him,” he muttered.

  “I think he’s pretty harmless.”

  “Harmless? He kissed Charlie twice, and she didn’t even slap him for it.”

  “Yes, but now Olivia will leave him alone. And I’m sure he won’t try to flirt with her anymore. Olivia’s safe from Derek.”

  “Maybe... but Charlie’s not safe from him.”

  “She can take care of herself. You only need to worry about Olivia. And I think you need a little advice about pursuing her.”

  “I’ve been talking to her. She won’t listen to reason.”

  “You need to do more than talk to her. You need to do things for her. You know... get coffee for her, carry her bag, thoughtful things. You’ve been around each other too much, so you treat her like a sister. You’ve got to treat her like a girlfriend.”

  “It’s hard when I spend so much time and energy on the kids.”

  “Charlie and I are both going to help you with the kids as much as possible. We’re going to help you find extra time for Olivia, but you’ve got to do your part. You know—turn on the old Josh charm. I think it’s gotten kind of rusty, but it’s still there.” Emily squeezed his arm.

  Something caught Emily’s eyes, and she smiled toward the back of the plane. Josh followed her line of sight, and spied Charlie emerging from the back of the plane with Chloe in one arm and the other around Jace’s shoulder. Chloe’s arms were wrapped so tightly around Charlie’s neck she was almost being strangled. And Jace was talking in an unending stream.

  “You see,” said Emily. “Charlie’s totally got the kids under control. You can go charm Olivia right now.”

  Josh continued to gaze at Charlie and the kids. Chloe had obviously been eating something chocolate, because she kissed Charlie’s cheek, leaving a brown smudge. Charlie laughed as she used a wet-wipe to clean Chloe’s hands and face before she wiped her own. It was so sweet. He wanted to pull all three of them into his arms. And then later, when the kids were asleep and he had Charlie all to himself, he’d show her just how sexy a mom could be. If only...

  “Charlie might need some help,” he suggested.

  “No, she’s got it. This is your big chance. You looked pretty mad when you were on your way to talk to Olivia a minute ago. She’s not going to respond well to being fussed at. You can do this, Josh.” Emily patted his arm.

  “Okay, I’ll do it.” He put more enthusiasm in his voice than he felt in his heart.

  “Listen Josh. Grace just told me she thinks Olivia loves you and doesn’t know it.”

  “She said that?”

  “Yes. So you need to give her a reason to believe you.”

  “Okay.” He drew up his courage. He’d never considered Olivia might actually love him. Maybe he could learn to love her as well. Maybe instead of a short-term marriage, they could have the real thing. A real marriage. He walked with measured steps to join Olivia, who was standing with Grace and Brad. He refused to allow himself to watch Charlie with the kids. There was no use thinking about what could never be. He had to concentrate on the real possibilities.

  When he reached her, he placed a casual arm around her shoulder, giving her an honest appraisal. She was really a beautiful girl. She deserved better than a loveless marriage. Maybe Emily was right. Maybe they could love each other. He could start by being nice to her, making her feel appreciated. “You smell really nice.” He gave her an earnest smile.

  She assessed him through knitted brows. “What’s the game, here?”

  “No game. You just smell good. And you look good, too. Is that a new sweater?”

  “No, I borrowed it from Hannah. And since when do you notice how I look or how I smell.”

  “Since I decided to make you my wife.” He noticed Grace observing their interchange with rounded eyes, but chose to ignore her.

  “I’m not going to be your real wife,” Olivia objected. “You don’t need to flatter me.”

  “I’m not flattering you. I’m only being truthful. And besides, I wanted you to know how I plan to treat you after we’re married.”

  “I didn’t say I would marry you.” She attempted to slip out from under his arm.

  “You as much as admitted it when you said you weren’t going to be my real wife. That implies that you’re going to be my fake wife. And I wanted you to know I’ll treat you with utmost respect and appreciation. I’ll cook and clean for you and buy you nice clothes. You won’t want for anything.”

  “I will want for something, Josh. I’ll want to be in a real marriage with a man who loves me.”

  “If that’s what you want, I can do that. I love you, Olivia. You know I do.”

  Grace’s eyes were wide as grapefruits, but Olivia’s eyes narrowed. She spoke between tight lips. “Stop it, Josh. I liked you better when you were being honest.”

  “But I am being honest. Don’t you love me too? Even a little bit?”

  “Yes. I love you the same way you love me. We’re good friends. Or we were good friends before—you’re ruining it now.”

  “Love’s not an emotion, Olivia. Love’s a choice. It’s a decision. A commitment.”

  “I’m sorry Josh, but that’s not enough for me. I don’t want someone’s commitment unless I have the passion behind it.”

  “Didn’t you see Fiddler on the Roof? The passion, the feelings... they can come later.”

  Brad chuckled. “Can’t believe we pay good money for cable. This is better than any reality TV show.”

  “Shut up, Brad!” Josh and Olivia said in unison.

  Chapter Nine

  THE HOUSE WAS HUGE. Three of the bedrooms had king-size beds to accommodate the married couples. Two of the bedrooms had a pair of twin beds, so they moved one twin bed so all three two-year-olds could sleep in the same room. With the addition of a third bed, the room was wall-to-wall beds, a situation that was enormously pleasing to the toddlers who jumped and flounced on the beds while squealing and giggling with delight. Jace had a room to himself with the remaining twin bed. The other three rooms had two double beds in each, so Hannah and Claire were in one, Olivia and Charlie in another, and Josh and Derek in the third. Anne was fretting about the tall men sleeping on full-size beds, but they assured her they would be fine sleeping diagonally.

  Charlie was more concerned Josh might murder Derek in his sleep, based on the dark looks he kept shooting his direction. He must have been more upset about Olivia’s flirting than she realized, even though it had only lasted for about ten minutes. After Derek kissed her on the plane, Olivia had been more reserved in her interactions with Derek. She might not need to kiss him again, since she’d made her point, so-to-speak.

  They arrived early enough to rent ski equipment for those who didn’t own their own. Brad and Derek were boarding, but Josh elected to start Jace off on skis because of the shorter learning curve. So Josh and Charlie opted for skis as well, since both of them would be teaching him. All the other girls decided to ski, except for Grace, who chose to join the boarders.

  After a hot breakfast, Anne, Steven, and Josh drove to the ski base area with the toddlers to get them set up with the private childcare, which included some play time on skis as well. The others gathered their equipment for the short walk to the tram.

  Charlie trudged toward the beginner hill with Jace, while Hannah and Claire started off in lessons, and the others skied together.

  “Are we gonna get to ski with Uncle Josh?” asked Jace.

  “Sure we are. He’s going to be amazed at how good you are,” said Charlie. “We’ll do lessons together in the mornings and then you can ski with your Uncle Josh in the afternoon.”

  “Just me and Uncle Josh? You won’t ski with us?”

  “Sometimes I will, if he wants me to. But I want to ski with my sister, too.”

  “Aunt Emily, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  “I think she looks like you a lot.”

  “I think you look a lot like your Uncle Josh.”

  He was quiet for a bit as he struggled to walk in his ski boots. “People used to say I looked like my mom.” Charlie’s heart broke for the pain in his voice.

  “Did she have pretty blond hair and green eyes like you?” asked Charlie.

  He nodded.

  “What was she like?”

  Jace opened his eyes wide. “You want to talk about her? Nobody ever want
s to talk about her or my dad either.”

  “Oh Jace, that’s because they’re afraid they’ll make you sad if they talk about your parents. Does it make you sad to talk about them?”

  He shook his head and blinked hard at his watery eyes. “No, I want to talk about them. I’m afraid if I don’t, that... that I’ll forget them.” He sniffed a few times.

  “That’s not going to happen. We’ll make sure of it. Do you have pictures?”

  He nodded again. “I even have some with me on my phone.”

  “Then tonight you can show me your pictures and tell me all about them. Okay?”

  “Okay,” he said with a quakey smile. “My mom wanted to take me skiing. She said we were gonna go next year.”

  “I bet she’s so happy you get to go now.”

  His mouth trembled. “You think she’s still alive? In heaven?”

  “I do. Do you?”

  His voice dropped. “Sometimes at night, I think I can hear her voice. But when I open my eyes, she’s never there. Do you think I’m crazy? My friend, Davis, says I’m making it up.”

  “I believe you.” She leaned down to speak in his ear. “Don’t tell him, but I think your friend, Davis, is crazy. If you were my little boy, and I died, I would absolutely try to talk to you if I got the chance. She loves you. And your dad loves you, too. I bet both of them are excited you’re having so much fun. I bet they want you to be happy.”

  “Maybe so. I kind of felt guilty to have fun after they died. It’s like... like it would hurt their feelings if I could be happy without them. But maybe you’re right. Maybe they want me to be happy.”

  “I know they do.” While they plodded on in silence Charlie threw occasional glances at Jace. His brows were creased in concentration. Had she said the right things? He’d been through so much pain, and she wanted so badly to fix everything for him.

  “Hey Aunt Charlie?”

  “Yes, Jace?” She braced herself for his next question.

  “Isn’t Charlie a boy’s name?”

  She laughed with relief. “I’ll tell you a secret.”


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