Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 22

by Deila Longford

  “Baby, I hate that you witnessed that side to me. However, no matter what I do rage is always there. It takes over me and seeing Alice brought it out in way that I could not control. I saw in your eyes that you were scared of me and that feeling will stay with me forever. I know that you were only trying to help because for some reason unknown to me, you actually care about me. You love me and now I believe even more that I do not deserve you.” I take in his words and I cannot hold back from him any longer. I rush from the bed and I now I am standing in front of him. I reach out my hand and I gently run my fingers through his tousled hair. I look down into a mesmerizing green eye and I melt. Adrian gently pulls me closer and then with one swift movement he slides me onto his lap. I wrap my legs around him and he grips my back firmly. I look into his eyes and I whisper.

  “I am sorry for interfering I won’t do it again. I love you and I could forgive anything you that do. You are my world and don’t ever think that you don’t deserve me.”


  Graduation day is finally here. I jump out of bed and I quickly shower. I make my over to my bed and I gaze at my graduation robe that lies before me. I smile at the sight of it but at the same time, I am sad that today is my last day of college. The last three years of my life have been leading up to this moment and now that it is finally here, I don’t know how I feel about it. My emotions are mixed as I think back on my time here. The long days of classes and the endless study sessions are flashing through my head. I gaze around the room and I remember all the wonderful moments Sophie and I have shared in this room. The parties and the movie marathons are what I will miss most. The long drama filled nights that we spent talking about Chace and his cheating. This room was filled with laughter and many happy occasions. From birthdays to parties and everything in between. I will miss college and I will miss my life here. I smile as I try to hold back a tear. I reassure myself that my life is just beginning and that I should be happy that my life is finally going to start - out there in the real world.

  I slip on my light blue robe and my graduation cap. I walk over to the mirror and I gaze at the girl staring back. I bask in my reflection until my phone disturbs me. I walk over to my bedside table and I quickly answer my phone.

  “Hello mom,” I say in a gentle voice.

  “Hey sweetie, are you excited about today?” She says in a very proud voice. I smile at her enthusiasm and I quickly reply.

  “I am excited but I feel a little sad that college is ending.”

  “That’s a natural reaction. You spent three years of your life at Columbia but now it’s time for the next chapter of your life to begin.” My mom gushes. I again smile at her words as my mind flashes to Adrian. I forgot to mention to my mom that I would be spending some in London. I feel that now is the time to tell her.

  “Speaking of my next chapter, I am going to London for two weeks.” The phone is silent as I await my mom’s reaction.

  “When are you going?” She asks in a firm but gentle voice. I nervously clear my throat as I respond.

  “Tonight after graduation,” the phone is again silent.

  “Well you are an adult and I cannot tell you what to do anymore. But sweetie, please be careful. Look after yourself and make sure that you are home before your birthday.” I gently laugh at my mom’s reaction and I am glad that she did not challenge me on my decision.

  “I don’t know if I will be home in time for my birthday.”

  “Alanna, do you know what I have been doing the last two months?” I lightly sigh as I have a feeling of what she is getting at.

  “Let me guess you have been planning some huge party?” I say in a sarcastic voice.

  “Yes that’s exactly what I have been doing. Therefore, you must be back in New York before then. Promise me Alanna?” I roll my eyes at her words and I know that I cannot challenge her on this. Every year my mom insists on throwing me a massive birthday party. She plans the night, months in advance, and it always has some elaborate theme. Last year it was a circus theme and I dread to think of what it will be this year.

  “Okay mom, I will make sure that I home in time for my birthday.”

  “Good and Alanna this year it’s going to be phenomenal.”

  The commencement ceremony concludes and now I am a college graduate. The cheers are loud as the president confirms our status. I gaze around and everyone is ecstatic. Sophie, Marco, Katharine, Leo and Chace are beaming and I cannot hold in my smile any longer. I rush over to my friends and I rejoice in this moment with them.

  “We finally did it,” Sophie gushes as she wraps her arms around me. I break free from her as I begin to congratulate the others.

  “Congratulations babe,” Leo says as he grips me. He moves swiftly and Marco takes his place.

  “Hey Alanna,” he pulls me towards him.

  “College is over, can you believe it?” He says as he smiles at me. I gaze at him and I remember the last time that we talked. He was hurting over his parents break up but now he seems happy. I am curious about him and I have to ask to him how he is.

  “I know it is surreal, Marco how have been?” He again smiles at me.

  “I have been good Alanna. I am spending the summer in Italy with my mom.” I beam at his words and I am glad that he has forgiven her.

  “That’s great I told you that everything would work out.”

  “Yes and it has. Portia will be keeping me company over the summer.” I widen my eyes at him.

  “When did that happen?”

  “About a month ago, my friend was having a party, Portia was there and we instantly clicked.”

  “Portia is a wonderful girl and I am so happy for you.” Marco takes me in his big, strong arms. I bask in his grip for a moment and then I pull back. He smiles at me as I walk away. I make my way through the overjoyed crowd. I walk freely past everyone and I know exactly who I am looking for. I gasp as I see him in his dark grey suit. He smirks at me and I begin to run towards him. I reach him and he lifts me up. I grab his head and I jerk it towards me. His eyes are sinful and I cannot resist his lips.

  “Adrian,” I say, as I lean in and kiss him. He holds me tight as he kisses back. I run my fingers through his light chocolate hair and I am in heaven. There are hundreds of people around us but I could not care. I do not see them, I do not even hear there loud cheers. All I am aware of is Adrian and his lips, his touch, his thick tousled hair and his strong cologne. He pulls back from me and whispers.

  “Baby I am so proud of you.” I cannot contain my smile and I kiss him again.

  I open my eyes and I see my family. My dad is walking towards me as he holds onto Penelope. My mom follows behind them, and I instantly jump from Adrian’s grasp. He looks at me as we await their arrival. My mom is wearing a bright blue skirt suit and my dad is in a black tuxedo. Penelope is dressed in pink and her hair is flowing as she walks.

  “Lanna,” she shouts, as she breaks free from my dad. She rushes towards me and I instantly hold my arms out to her. She flings herself into my arms as she grips me tightly.

  “Congratulations Lanna,” she says as I stroke her hair. She pulls back from me and she immediately stares at Adrian. He smiles at her as he kneels down to her level. He holds out his long hand to her and she places her tiny hand in his.

  “Hello beautiful, I am Adrian,” he says in a cool voice. Penelope cannot help but smile at him as her deep brown eyes stare at him. She gazes up at me.

  “Lanna, he is a prince.” I let out a giggle and so does Adrian.

  “It is nice to meet you Adrian, my name is Penelope.” She says in a soft tone.

  “I have heard a lot about you Penelope and I am glad that I have finally met you.”

  “Lanna, he talks funny.” I again giggle at my little sisters words.

  “He is from London that is why he talks different from us.” Penelope gasps and she rushes over to my mom.

  “Mom, Lanna’s boyfriend is from London and mom I think that he is a real prince.” My
mom laughs at Penelope’s reaction to Adrian and I watch as Penelope becomes frustrated with her.

  “Mom did you hear me?” She says as she tugs on her perfect blue skirt.

  “Yes sweetie, I heard you now please calm down.” Adrian lets out a husky laugh as Penelope frowns at my mom. I quickly shoot him a smile and he gently grabs onto my hand. My mom and dad walk closer to us and now they are standing right in front of Adrian and I. My mom is smiling at me as my dad glares at Adrian.

  “Sweetie, we are so proud of you.” My mom gushes as she lunges into my arms. She breaks free from me and she immediately grips onto Adrian. He is a little stunned from her force but he manages to give her a gentle hug. My dad remains quiet as he continues to glare at Adrian. I flash Adrian a worried look and he briefly rolls his eyes at me. Adrian stretches out his hand towards my dad.

  “Mr Hart, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He says in a firm voice. My dad glances at me and then he takes Adrian’s hand.

  “Likewise, I am sure.” My dad says in a strong tone. I sense a little tension between my dad and Adrian so I quickly let go of Adrian’s hand and I move closer to my dad.

  “Dad, I did it,” I say as I wrap my arms around him. He grips me tightly and he whispers.

  “I never doubted you for a second.” I let out a little giggle as my dad releases me. I quickly take my place next to Adrian and I again stare at my family.

  “Now that college is over what are you going to do with rest of your life?” My dad asks in a cool voice.

  “I have no idea but I will have fun figuring it out.” My dad frowns at me.

  “Sweetie, you have to think about your future and which career have you chosen to pursue?” I stare at my dad and the only future that I am sure of right now is that with Adrian. He is my world and all though he scared me last night I am still one hundred per cent sure that he is what I want. I could never be apart from him and I hope that I never will. However, I cannot let that be my answer to my dad’s question.

  “My passion is to help others and especially children. My dream is to own a private orphanage but I know that is just a dream right now.” Adrian glares down at me.

  Baby, I will help you make that dream a reality.” I instantly smile at him as my family watch. My mom breaks the silence as I continue to glare at Adrian.

  “What time is your flight?” I continue to stare at Adrian as I wait for him to respond to my mom’s question.

  “Our flight is at five.” He says in a soothing voice. My mom stares at him and she fights back her smile.

  “My daughter has promised me that she will return before her birthday. I am excepting you to let her keep that promise.”

  “Yes of course, baby why didn’t you tell me that your birthday was coming up?” He asks firmly.

  “I guess I would have let you know sooner the time. Anyway, birthdays are no big deal to me.” Adrian shakes his head at me and he turns to my mom.

  “Is she always like this?”

  “Yes, every year without fail I have to force her to celebrate her birthday.” My mom confesses. I roll my eyes at her words and Penelope feels that she needs to add something to the conversation.

  “Can Lanna have her party at your castle in London?” Adrian lets out an awkward laugh as he tries to respond to Penelope’s remarks.

  “I am no prince but Alanna is my princess. If I had a castle then, yes, Penelope she could have a party there.” Penelope narrows her huge brown eyes at Adrian.

  “I don’t believe you. You are a real prince I know you are.” We all let out giggles at Penelope’s gestures. She begins to get angry with us and she crosses her arms forcefully. Adrian feels compassion towards Penelope and he rushes over to her. He kneels at her feet and he gently pulls a white rose from his inside jacket pocket.

  “I was saving this for your sister,” he says as he hands Penelope the flower. He leans in towards my little sister.

  “Please Penelope can you keep my secret?” She gazes at him and a massive smile presses from her full lips. She nods at him and she reaches out and gives him a gentle kiss on the cheek. He smiles at her and my heart melts at the sight of them. I am stunned at how amazing Adrian is with my little sister and it is clear to see that she adores him. Penelope stares deeply into his eyes and she truly believes that he is a real prince. She holds the white rose close to her chest and she beams as she strokes its petals. Adrian rises up and he again stands beside me. I take his hand as he pushes back his hair.

  “Well sweetie, again, we are so proud of you. Please look after yourself in London and don’t forget to call.” My mom says as she shoots my dad a look of ‘it’s time to go’. My dad nods at her as he begins to say.

  “I am counting on you to look after my daughter.” Adrian quickly replies.

  “Absolutely, she will want for nothing.”

  “Good,” my dad says as he again gently hugs me.

  I watch as my family walk away and as soon as they are out of sight, I lunge into Adrian’s arms once again. He holds me firmly as he kisses me and I melt into his demeanour.


  I sit on Adrian’s private jet with Sophie, Emma and, of course, Adrian. Michael and Katharine are also here and I beam as I look around at their happy faces. Sophie is ecstatic as she sips a glass of champagne. Emma is talking freely to Adrian all the while he is glaring at me. Michael and Katharine are kissing and I must say that the passion they are using is a little inappropriate. I try to look away from them as Michael catches me staring. He flashes me a wicked smile as he raises his dark eyebrows. I do not react to his gesture instead; I look out the window of the airplane. I gaze at the stars as I take in this moment. I am now a college graduate. I have the most amazing boyfriend and I am on my way to the most beautiful city in the world. Then there is Michael and without him, I would not be here. He saved my life and I owe all this to him. I close my eyes as I remember last night’s encounter with him. We almost kissed and I almost betrayed Adrian. My face flushes hot with shame as I think back on the feelings I had towards Michael. He stared at me with those ice blue eyes and I gave into his teasing. He stroked my hair and I felt safe. I quickly try to shake the thought of Michael out of my head, as I am suddenly aware of him standing next to me. He gently sits onto the chair next to me and I finally bring myself to look at him. He is stunning tonight and I cannot tear my eyes from him. He lightly smirks at me.

  “Are you glad that college is over?” He says as he leans over and gently pats my shoulder. I quickly nudge him away as I notice that Adrian is glaring over at us.

  “I am glad that I have graduated.”

  “Alanna, are you okay?” My heart races as I take in his words.

  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” Michael leans in closer towards me and now our faces are only inches apart. I lean back a little from him as he whispers.

  “You are still angry with yourself for what happened last night aren’t you?”

  “How can I not be I almost kissed you and I can never forgive myself.” I whisper firmly. Michael gazes around the airplane as he responds.

  “Something inside of you wanted that kiss. The reason that you are angry with yourself is because you know that you feel something for me. I wish that you would just admit it to yourself.” I am stunned by Michael’s honesty and my heart begins to pound. I am starting to believe what he is saying is true and guilt takes over my body at that feeling.

  “Even, if I did, I am with Adrian and I love him. Please Michael don’t make this harder than it is.”

  “You know how I feel about you. Alanna you cannot expect me to forget my feelings. I know that you feel the same way.”

  “Michael please don’t do this. I care about you so much but I will always love Adrian. If you have any sense, you will forget me and please focus on Katharine. She is good for you and she can make you happy.”

  “Alanna I don’t love Katharine and the truth is that… I never will. You are the only girl for me, please darling be with
me.” My heart stops as I hear Michael’s words. I close my eyes for a second and when I open them, I am surprised to see Adrian standing before me. I begin to panic, as I fear that he has heard my conversation with Michael.

  “Baby, are you okay?” He asks softly. I cannot respond but thankfully, Michael can.

  “Alanna was a little fearful a second ago. You know what she is like with airplanes. But you are all better now aren’t you, babe?” I nervously smile towards Adrian as Michael rises from the seat.

  “She’s all yours brother.” Michael walks away and Adrian instantly sits next to me. He takes me by the hand and he places a soft kiss onto my cheek. I begin to relax a little as I become aware that he did not over hear my conversation with Michael.

  “Are you feeling better now baby?” I sigh as I reply.

  “Yes, I am fine now. I just wish that we were in London now.”

  “Baby, it won’t be long now.” Adrian kisses me on the cheek again and then he pulls back. “There is something that I need to talk to you about.” My heart again begins to race but I compose myself.

  “Okay, go ahead.”

  “Baby when we arrive in London things will have to be a certain way. The threat of the Marshalls is still very much alive. I want to protect you from them so there will be security around you at all times. You will have a bulletproof car to drive you everywhere you go. We will stay at my suite at The Dorchester and you will attend all my events with me. Our weekends will be spent at the country estate and your days will be filled with shopping and going out to lunch with Sophie. Anything you want is just a fingertip away and I hope that you will accept my conditions?” I take a deep breath as I take in his words. I smile at him, because I know that what Adrian says goes.

  “It all sounds amazing to me. As long as I am with you then I will give into to any condition.”


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