Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 30

by Deila Longford

  “Now that is much better your beauty was hidden under that slap.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I say sarcastically as Adrian takes me by the hand. We walk out into the hallway and Emma is standing at the door of her room.

  “Hey, I was just coming to find you; I think that we are late for brunch.” She says as she approaches us.

  “No, we have plenty time,” Adrian reassures her.

  We walk briskly down the stairs and into the large dining room. I nervously scowl the table, as I am yet to see Zara in the flesh. However, I am still waiting, as she is not here and neither is Chad. Mr Jenkins sits at the head of the table with Tabatha next to him. Michael sits further along and he is next to an older woman who I am guessing is his grandma. There are many other people at the table, extended family and friends. A few of them I met yesterday and the others remain strangers to me. Adrian, Emma and I take our seats at the grand table and my seat is directly facing Michael. Adrian is next to me and Emma is next to him. The server rushes over to us and quickly pours us tea. Adrian takes a massive swig as he focuses his eyes on Mr Jenkins.

  “Are we expecting anyone else?” Adrian asks in a rough voice. Mr Jenkins quickly responds.

  “Chad, Zara and William will be down soon.”

  “Who is William?” Adrian asks firmly.

  “William is their son,” Adrian scowls at Michael as he tries to process this information.

  “I didn’t know that they had a child.” Adrian reassures Mr Jenkins.

  “You and me both, they he just showed up with the boy yesterday and surprised the life out of us.” Tabatha adds. I am sensing that Adrian is a little uncomfortable about this subject and I fear why.

  “How old is the child?” Adrian asks firmly.

  “William is almost five,” Adrian exhales and I watch as the colour drains from his face. I feel that something is wrong but I don’t know what. I stare at him, hoping that I can figure it out. My eyes instantly draw away from him as Chad and his family enter the room. My heart is pounding at the sight of them and at the sight of Zara. She walks in with her head in the air. Her grace is impeccable and her dress sense is magnificent. She is dressed in a tight black skirt and red blouse. Her dark blonde hair is perfectly draped down her back and her dark blue eyes have a sparkle to them. Her face looks stressed and she seems older than thirty-six. Chad is dressed in black and I gasp when I see the child. He is a small child with light brown hair, his little round face is plump and his clothes are extra smart. He is dressed in light brown chinos and a black Ralph Lauren sweater. However, it is not his hair or his clothes that made me gasp, it was his eyes. They are bright green and glowing. I stare deeply into the little boys eyes and then I gaze at Adrian. His face is white as he stares at the boy.

  “Welcome, please sit.” Mr Jenkins instructs his son and his wife. They sit and I try not to make eye contact. The servers begin to dish out the food and I carefully begin to eat. The table is silent but Mr Jenkins has the courage to break it.

  “Now, how is everyone?” Michael is the first to answer.

  “Well, I am doing great, don’t know about the rest of you.” I shoot him a little smile and he quickly returns my gesture.

  “I am also good, but may I ask who our guests are?” My heart races at the sound of Zara’s posh voice. Mr Jenkins nervously clears his throat as he tries to answer her question.

  “These are our American friends from New York, Alanna and Emma.”

  “Yes dear, the dark haired one is Adrian’s sister and the blonde is his girlfriend.” Chad quickly informs his wife. Zara smirks as she stares at us. She briefly smiles at Emma and then she focuses her eyes on me. She tilts her head to one side as she takes in my looks. She briefly gazes at Adrian and then back to me again. Her eyes are dark blue and have a sense of evil in them. She smirks deeply as if she knows some private joke that no one else does. I feel uneasy as her eyes fix on mine. I conclude that Zara might be trying to intimidate me so I desperately try to show her that I am strong so I break the silence between us.

  “I don’t believe we have met, I am Alanna and you must be Zara? I have heard so much about you.” Her smirk fades as she takes in my bittersweet words.

  “You have? That’s funny I haven’t heard a word about you.” She quickly fires back. I am stunned by her forwardness and now I am beginning to get angry with her.

  “Really? Can’t think why, after all I am Adrian’s girlfriend and Michael’s close friend. Did your husband not tell you that we met yesterday?” I say harshly. She tries to search for something to say but she cannot. Chad is glaring at me and I feel Adrian’s hand on mine. The tension is building and Mr Jenkins tries desperately to clear it.

  “Now that we have all met, let’s talk about the party tonight.”

  The next half hour of my life consists of mindless chitchat between family members and, on my part, pure hatred of Zara. I can honestly say that I have never met anyone like her - and not in a good way. She is rude and obnoxious, she seems ultra-selfish and she does not even feed her son even though he asked her four times to help. She talks freely about her family and their trips. Her designer clothing and her sports car and it is obvious that she cares about no-one but herself. She never mentions her little boy when she talks about all the wonderful things that she is doing. One would think since she is a mother she would surely give her son a mention when she talks about her passions in life. However, she claims that Art is her main craving and she could not live without it. This woman sickens me to the core and I despise her. I gaze at William as he nibbles at his food. His huge green eyes are glowing like a little lost cat. His plump cheeks are rosy and have dimples on them. He smiles at me and I cannot take in this child’s beauty. I look at him again as I try to conclude who he looks more like – his mother or father. He has similar features to his mother but he does not share her eye colour. I quickly look at Chad and I try to see what features the child got from him. However, I cannot find one. His hair is so dark and his eyes are a darker shade of blue. Chad has very strong features - his nose is quite large and his lips are very full. But as I stare at him more I soon realise that the little boy does not resemble him in anyway.

  “Alanna are you finished eating?” Adrian says quietly. I finally manage to tear my eye from the child as I turn to Adrian.

  “Yes,” I all I can say. Adrian takes me by the hand as he gets up from his seat. Emma quickly follows us and so does Michael.

  “Charles, Tabatha thanks for a lovely brunch.” Adrian says smartly to his adoptive parents.

  “Wait, are you not joining us for shooting?” Charles asks in a firm voice. Adrian looks at me and he briefly shakes his head.

  “No sorry, I am spending the day with Alanna,”

  “Don’t be sorry you kids have fun and we will see you tonight at the party.”

  Adrian and I quickly walk out of the room and I make sure that I do not look at Zara. However, I can feel her eyes burning through us so I tightly hold onto Adrian until we are out of the room. We walk along the hallway, followed by Michael and Emma. Adrian notices them and he soon pauses.

  “What are you doing?” He asks rather bitterly and I feel that he is angry again. Michael rolls his eyes at him, as Emma stands motionless.

  “I don’t know where to go, I don’t know anyone.” Emma says in a weak voice. Adrian quickly smiles at his sister and then he looks at Michael.

  “Michael why don’t you show my sister around,” Michael eyes dart to Emma and she wrinkles her face at the idea.

  “I am sorry I haven’t introduced myself, I am Michael.” He says in a sexy voice. Emma narrows her eyes at him.

  “Yes, I know who you are,” she says in a harsh tone. Michael is surprised by her reaction and he quickly tries to respond.

  “Well that’s saved time, now would you like to accompany me today?” Emma looks at me and I give her a gentle look in the right direction. She sighs and then she gives in.

  “If I must,” Michael smiles
at her and then he tries to take her arm in his. However, Emma pulls away from him and flashes him an annoyed look. Adrian smirks at her reaction and then he leads me along the hallway once again. I look back at Emma and Michael and I smile.

  “Do you like horses?” Adrian asks as he walks me over to a beautiful black horse. I smile at him as I gently begin to stroke the animal.

  “Yes I do,” Adrian, laughs gently at me.

  “This is Diamond; she is my prize winning horse.” I move closer to the horse and Adrian moves closer to me. He stands behind me and he gently takes my hand and places it onto the black skin of Diamond.

  “Feel her coat, isn’t she wonderful?” I gaze at the animal and I agree. Her coat is so soft and shiny and her eyes are sparkling.

  “She is beautiful,”

  “Would you like to ride her?” I turn around to him and I smile.

  “Only if you do too,” he laughs at me and then he lifts me onto the horse. Adrian quickly climbs onto the horse and he gently wraps his arms around me. I lean down and gently stroke the coat of the animal as Adrian instructs her to move.

  Diamond slowly begins to walk and then her pace builds. We are now gently galloping through the trees of the country estate. The cool air is blowing through my hair and my cheeks are numb from the temperature. The view is amazing and with Adrian’s arms around me, this truly feels like magic.

  Adrian instructs Diamond to halt as we come to a small, stone built bridge. Adrian jumps from the horse and then he reaches out for me. I lunge into his arms as I get off the horse. I blush a little at his touch and then I compose myself. I stare at my surroundings and the beauty stuns me. The trees are light green and I can hear the birds singing. Over to my right is the bridge and I hear a steady stream of water. The sun breaks through the trees and Adrian is standing in light. His eyes and face is so beautiful that I almost lose my breath. He moves closer to me and he gently places his hand onto my neck. He peels back my hair and he kisses my skin softly. I close my eyes at his touch and I lose myself in him.

  “Baby I have something I want to give you,” I frown at him.

  “What is it?” He smiles as he takes out a rose from his jacket pocket. I smile at him as I take the flower. I lean in and kiss him and then he pulls back.

  “Come with me,” he says as he grabs me. He leads me over to soft patch of grass and I laugh when I see that he has planned a surprise. On the grass is a large green, tartan shawl. There are flowers spread across the surface and there is a bottle of champagne and a punnet of strawberries. Adrian sits me down onto the shawl and I cannot hold in my laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Adrian asks firmly. I straighten my face.

  “This is just so romantic.” I gush. Adrian rolls his eyes at me and then he begins to pour me a glass of champagne. He reaches over a lifts his water and he begins to sip. I look at him and I feel guilty that I am drinking and that he is not.

  “You know I don’t have to drink,” I say quietly.

  “What are you talking about?” Adrian says as he frowns at me. I place the glass down onto the ground and I lean over to Adrian.

  “I feel guilty that I am always drinking and you are not.”

  “Baby, don’t feel guilty about that, it really is not an issue.” He pulls me closer to him and he kisses me. I pull back from him.

  “Adrian, tell me about your childhood with Mr Jenkins.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Was it happy?” Adrian straightens his face as he begins to talk.

  “Yes and no,”

  “Can you be a little more specific?” I say as I move back further from him. He runs his fingers through his hair and he gently exhales as he begins to tell me about his childhood.

  “When Mr Jenkins adopted me I was a broken child. I was angry and disrespectful towards my elders. I had no manners and I had an acid tongue. But that didn’t put Charles off, if I ever lost control he would be there to help me regain it. He was the only one who could talk to me and make me believe in myself. I really do owe everything to him, without him, I would no doubt be dead. However, I found it hard to be around his friends so whenever there was a party or a polo match or just any type of event. I would stay away, I did not feel that I belonged with them and they scared the hell out of me. Everyone was so posh and put together and I was just an outcast.” I stare hopelessly at Adrian and I feel his pain. I don’t know what it feels like to be an outcast because I never was one. However, I look into his eyes and I feel the pain because I know how intimidating high society can be. They ridicule every aspect of their peers and leave nothing unsaid. They focus on the material things and status is everything. I was never an outcast but I was never fully comfortable with this life either.

  “Mr Jenkins is a wonderful man; I really admire him and everything that he did for you.”

  “Charles is an amazing bloke, he showed me business and he didn’t mind that I was damaged. He seemed to like that about me. I don’t know what he ever saw in me but I am glad that he took a chance.” I listen to his words and I cannot help but think of Adrian’s real father. I wonder if I should ask him again to find him.

  “Adrian don’t get mad at me but have you thought about meeting your father?” Adrian shakes his head at me.

  “No Alanna I haven’t and I don’t think that I ever will.”


  “Because he abandoned me when I was two years old and I can never forgive that. I cannot visit him because I could not face the rejection.” Adrian’s words are firm and his eyes are strong. I reach over and take his hand.

  “Adrian have you ever thought that he might not reject you?”

  “Alanna, I am twenty five years old, if he wanted to find me then he has had all these year to do so. He never did and he never will.”

  “Maybe he is scared of rejection?”

  “I know you are only trying to help but please baby let this go.” I briefly smile at him but I feel that I cannot let it go. I want to talk to him about his family and I want to try to explain to him about Alice. I take a deep breath as I begin to talk.

  “What about Alice?”

  “Alanna, you know how I feel about her,” Adrian says firmly.

  “Yes, I do know how you feel about her but I think that you need to listen to me for a moment. If you could just let me explain then maybe you could see what I have been trying to tell you.” Adrian rolls his eyes at me and I get a little annoyed. “You I know I hate it too when you roll your eyes,” Adrian laughs at my words.

  “Okay baby,” I smile that he has gave me a chance. My mind spins as I try to explain the Alice situation clearly. I do not want to ruin this moment by forgetting a major detail about Alice. I know that what she and David did was undeniably horrendous. However, I feel that she has changed and I want nothing more than for Adrian to have a relationship with her. I know that he will always have issues about his childhood but if he could just forgive her then that would be major step in right direction. Adrian would be free of guilt and hopefully we could move on and have the kind of relationship that I crave. One that is not filled with danger and control, but one that is loving and an equal partnership. My mind is rushing as I focus on Adrian.

  “I met Alice at the community centre in New York. I was angry and horrified to see her and at first, I was rude to her. But I changed when she asked me how you were and what type of man you had become.”

  “Alanna, don’t you see that she is fooling you?” Adrian says smugly. I shake my head at him.

  “No, she is not and you promised that you would listen to me!” Adrian quickly shuts up and signals me to continue.

  “Alice surprised me in so many ways. But what shocked me the most was her honesty. I was expecting her to play the victim but she never did. Alice takes full responsibility for what she did. She told me that her addictions were caused by Edward leaving her. She loved him more than anything and she loved you.”

  “Please Alanna you expect me to believ
e that?” Adrian says very firmly.

  “Yes, you should believe me because it is true. For the first two years of your life, she adored you. She took you everywhere with her and you had two parents that loved you. Things changed when Edward left because Alice could not cope without him. Your father consumed her and as hard as it is, to say this, Alice resented you because you reminded her of Edward. She told me that when she picked you up she saw him in your eyes. She turned to alcohol to numb the pain and she regrets every moment of it now. She wants to get to know you and deep down I know that you want that too.”

  “No Alanna I don’t. She will have some other motive for wanting to know me.”

  “Like what?” I protest.

  “Money, I don’t know but there has to be a reason.”

  “Adrian she is married to a rich stockbroker from Wall Street so I highly doubt that she needs money.” Adrian wrinkles his face at my words and I can see that he shocked.

  “She is married?”

  “Yes and he has brought out a different side to her. He is also a recovering alcoholic and I guess they help each other.”

  “I don’t know what to say but I haven’t changed my mind about seeing her.” I shake my head at him and he gets frustrated.

  “Alanna don’t shake your head at me. You don’t understand how difficult it is to talk about her. If you understood then you would not push this on me. Baby I know that you only want to help and I am delighted that you care but please I need you to let this go.”

  “Adrian I can’t let it go because I want you to have a relationship with her. You need to have a balance in your life and you need to know how to act around her.”

  “Alanna, what do you mean by that?” I sense that I have hurt his feelings so I quickly take his hand.

  “Adrian until you know how to act around your mother, then you don’t know how to react around me. You have this need to control everything and that is terrifying to me. You say that we have to be together and that we have to live a certain way but why. I feel that you don’t even understand it yourself so you can’t explain it to me. But I think that some of your issues will disappear once you regain a sense of love from your mother.”


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